Beispiel #1
        private void UpdateNelsoftDb()
            NelsoftDbRepository nelsoftDb = new NelsoftDbRepository();

            if (nelsoftDb._isSuccessful)
                TerminalLogger.Instance.Write("[TERMINALUPDATE] ClientTerminalDetails on Port82 successfully updated!");
                TerminalLogger.Instance.Write("[TERMINALUPDATE] ClientTerminalDetails on Port82 update failed!");
Beispiel #2
        static bool RunCheckers()
            MainForm form = new MainForm();

            // check if mysql is running
            if (!form.checkMySQLService())
                MessageBox.Show("Terminal Manager will now exit. Please start the MySQL service and start autosync again.", "TerminalManager Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                ErrorLogger.Instance.Write("[RunCheckers] Terminal Manager will now exit. Please start the MySQL service and start again.");
            // check if Settings.xml exist
            if (!File.Exists(Settings._xmlFilePath))
                MessageBox.Show("Settings file is either missing or corrupted. Application is now closing.");
                ErrorLogger.Instance.Write("[RunCheckers] Settings file is either missing or corrupted. Application is now closing.");
            // check if terminal type is valid
            if (Settings.Instance.Type < 0 && Settings.Instance.Type > 3)
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid TerminalType on Settings file!");
                ErrorLogger.Instance.Write("[RunCheckers] Invalid Type on Settings file.");
            // check if clientid exist on port82
            NelsoftDbRepository nelsoftDb = new NelsoftDbRepository();

            if (!nelsoftDb._clientExist)
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid ClientNetworkID on Settings file!");
                ErrorLogger.Instance.Write("[RunCheckers] Invalid ClientNetworkID on Settings file! ClientId does not exist on clienthead table.");
            // check if branch exist for client on port82
            if (!nelsoftDb._branchExist)
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid BranchID for ClientNetworkID in Settings file!");
                ErrorLogger.Instance.Write("[RunCheckers] Invalid BranchID for ClientNetworkID in Settings file! BranchId does not exist for ClientNetworkId on clientdetails table.");
            // check if clientid match config
            if (DatabaseRepository.GetDbClientId() != 0 && Settings.Instance.ClientId != DatabaseRepository.GetDbClientId())
                MessageBox.Show("ClientId in settings and in config does not match!");
                ErrorLogger.Instance.Write("[RunCheckers] ClientId in settings and in config does not match!");
            // check if branchid match config
            if (Settings.Instance.BranchId != DatabaseRepository.GetDbBranchId())
                MessageBox.Show("BranchId in settings and in config does not match!");
                ErrorLogger.Instance.Write("[RunCheckers] BranchId in settings and in config does not match!");
            // check if terminalno match config, if terminaltype is POS or Server
            if (Settings.Instance.Type != 2 && Settings.Instance.TerminalNo != DatabaseRepository.GetDbTerminalNo())
                MessageBox.Show("TerminalNo in settings and in config does not match!");
                ErrorLogger.Instance.Write("[RunCheckers] TerminalNo in settings and in config does not match!");
            // check if terminal exist
            if (Settings.Instance.TerminalNo != 0 && !TerminalRepository.PosTerminals.Where(t => t.Wid.Equals(Settings.Instance.TerminalNo)).Select(t => t).Any())
                MessageBox.Show("TerminalNo in settings does not exist on terminal table.");
                ErrorLogger.Instance.Write("[RunCheckers] TerminalNo in settings does not exist on terminal table.");
            // check ftp address, username, and password
            if (Settings.Instance.FtpUsername == "" ||
                Settings.Instance.FtpPassword == "" ||
                Settings.Instance.FtpAddress == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Incomplete FTP Credentials on Settings File. Application is now closing.");
                ErrorLogger.Instance.Write("[RunCheckers] Incomplete FTP Credentials on Settings File.");
            // check folder paths
            if (Settings.Instance.Type != 3) // for PosType 1,2 only
                if (Settings.Instance.ServerFolderPath == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("ServerFolderPath in settings is empty. Application is now closing.");
                    ErrorLogger.Instance.Write("[RunCheckers] ServerFolderPath in settings is blank!");
            if (Settings.Instance.Type != 1) // for PosType 2,3 only
                if (Settings.Instance.POSFolderPath == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("POSFolderPath in settings is empty. Application is now closing.");
                    ErrorLogger.Instance.Write("[RunCheckers] POSFolderPath in settings is blank!");