Beispiel #1
        public double threadSafeEvaluateNetwork(INetwork network, Semaphore sem)
            double   fitness = 0;
            INetwork tempNet = null;

            NeatGenome.NeatGenome tempGenome = null;
            int count = network.InputNeuronCount;

            if (!SkirmishExperiment.multiple)
                tempGenome = substrate.GenerateGenome(network);
                tempGenome = substrate.generateMultiGenomeModulus(network, numAgents);

            //Currently decoding genomes is NOT thread safe, so we have to do that single file
            tempNet = tempGenome.Decode(null);

            if (!SkirmishExperiment.multiple)
                fitness += doEvaluation(tempNet);
                fitness += doEvaluationMulti(tempNet);
Beispiel #2
        private void loadNetworkToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string         filename;
            OpenFileDialog oDialog = new OpenFileDialog();

            oDialog.AddExtension     = true;
            oDialog.DefaultExt       = "xml";
            oDialog.Title            = "Load Seed Genome";
            oDialog.RestoreDirectory = true;

            // Show Open Dialog and Respond to OK
            if (oDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                filename = oDialog.FileName;

            NeatGenome.NeatGenome seedGenome = null;
                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                seedGenome = XmlNeatGenomeReaderStatic.Read(doc);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Problem loading genome. \n" + ex.Message);
            currentBest = GenomeDecoder.DecodeToFloatFastConcurrentNetwork(seedGenome, null);
Beispiel #3
        static public INetwork DecodeToConcurrentNetwork(NeatGenome.NeatGenome g, IActivationFunction activationFn)
            //----- Loop the neuronGenes. Create Neuron for each one.
            // Store a table of neurons keyed by their id.
            Hashtable  neuronTable = new Hashtable(g.NeuronGeneList.Count);
            NeuronList neuronList  = new NeuronList();

            foreach (NeuronGene neuronGene in g.NeuronGeneList)
                Neuron newNeuron = new Neuron(activationFn, neuronGene.NeuronType, neuronGene.InnovationId);
                neuronTable.Add(newNeuron.Id, newNeuron);

            //----- Loop the connection genes. Create a Connection for each one and bind them to the relevant Neurons.
            foreach (ConnectionGene connectionGene in g.ConnectionGeneList)
                Connection newConnection = new Connection(connectionGene.SourceNeuronId, connectionGene.TargetNeuronId, connectionGene.Weight);

                // Bind the connection to it's source neuron.

                // Store the new connection against it's target neuron.

            return(new ConcurrentNetwork(neuronList));
        //function to check whether genome x dominates genome y, usually defined as being no worse on all
        //objectives, and better at at least one
        public bool dominates(NeatGenome.NeatGenome x, NeatGenome.NeatGenome y)
            bool better = false;

            double[] objx = x.objectives, objy = y.objectives;
            int      sz   = objx.Length;

            //if x is ever worse than y, it cannot dominate y
            //also check if x is better on at least one
            for (int i = 0; i < sz - 1; i++)
                if (objx[i] < objy[i])
                if (objx[i] > objy[i])
                    better = true;

            //genomic novelty check, disabled for now
            double thresh = 0.1;

            if ((objx[sz - 1] + thresh) < (objy[sz - 1]))
            if ((objx[sz - 1] > (objy[sz - 1] + thresh)))
                better = true;

Beispiel #5
        public bool measureAgainstArchive(NeatGenome.NeatGenome neatgenome, bool addToPending)
            foreach (IGenome genome in archive)
                double dist = BehaviorDistance.Distance(neatgenome.Behavior, ((NeatGenome.NeatGenome)genome).Behavior);

                if (dist > maxDistSeen)
                    maxDistSeen = dist;
                    Console.WriteLine("Most novel distance: " + maxDistSeen);

                if (dist < archive_threshold)

            if (addToPending)

 //add an existing population from hypersharpNEAT to the multiobjective population maintained in
 //this class, step taken before evaluating multiobjective population through the rank function
 public void addPopulation(Population p)
     for (int i = 0; i < p.GenomeList.Count; i++)
         bool blacklist = false;
         for (int j = 0; j < population.Count; j++)
             if (distance(p.GenomeList[i].objectives, population[j].objectives) < 0.0001)
             {                     //JUSTIN: Changed from 0.001 (doesn't seem to help)
                 blacklist = true; //reject a genome if it is very similar to existing genomes in pop
                 //Console.Write("Blacklisting: ");
                 //foreach (double bla in p.GenomeList[i].objectives) Console.Write(bla + " ");
                 //Console.Write("vs ");
                 //foreach (double bla in population[j].objectives) Console.Write(bla + " ");
         if (!blacklist)                  //add genome if it is unique
         //we might not need to make copies
             NeatGenome.NeatGenome copy = new NeatGenome.NeatGenome((NeatGenome.NeatGenome)p.GenomeList[i], 0);
             //copy.objectives = (double[])p.GenomeList[i].objectives.Clone(); //JUSTIN: Moved this to the NeatGenome copy constructor...
Beispiel #7
        public void addGenome(NeatGenome.NeatGenome genome)
            if (quickReferenceIntervals.ContainsKey(genome))

                long date = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                //we'll note when we added this genome object
                Interval <NeatGenome.NeatGenome, long> genomeInterval = new Interval <NeatGenome.NeatGenome, long>(date, date, genome);

                //genomes for this particular fitness
                List <NeatGenome.NeatGenome> genomesForFitness;

                if (!sortedGenomes.TryGetValue(genome.Fitness, out genomesForFitness))
                    genomesForFitness = new List <NeatGenome.NeatGenome>();
                    sortedGenomes.Add(genome.Fitness, genomesForFitness);
                if (!genomesForFitness.Contains(genome))

                quickReferenceIntervals.Add(genome, genomeInterval);
            catch (Exception e)
        //public static void Write(XmlNode parentNode, ModularNetwork network, IActivationFunction activationFn)
        //    //----- Start writing. Create document root node.
        //    XmlElement xmlNetwork = XmlUtilities.AddElement(parentNode, "network");
        //    if (activationFn != null)
        //    {
        //        XmlUtilities.AddAttribute(xmlNetwork, "activation-fn-id", activationFn.FunctionId);
        //    }
        //    //----- Write neurons.
        //    XmlElement xmlNeurons = XmlUtilities.AddElement(xmlNetwork, "neurons");
        //    foreach (NeuronGene neuronGene in genome.NeuronGeneList)
        //        WriteNeuron(xmlNeurons, neuronGene);
        //    //----- Write Connections.
        //    XmlElement xmlConnections = XmlUtilities.AddElement(xmlNetwork, "connections");
        //    foreach (FloatFastConnection connectionGene in network.connections)
        //        WriteConnection(xmlConnections, connectionGene);
        public static void Write(XmlNode parentNode, NeatGenome.NeatGenome genome, IActivationFunction activationFn)
            //----- Start writing. Create document root node.
            XmlElement xmlNetwork = XmlUtilities.AddElement(parentNode, "network");

            if (activationFn != null)
                XmlUtilities.AddAttribute(xmlNetwork, "activation-fn-id", activationFn.FunctionId);
                XmlUtilities.AddAttribute(xmlNetwork, "adaptable", "false");
            //----- Write neurons.
            XmlElement xmlNeurons = XmlUtilities.AddElement(xmlNetwork, "neurons");

            foreach (NeuronGene neuronGene in genome.NeuronGeneList)
                WriteNeuron(xmlNeurons, neuronGene);

            //----- Write Connections.
            XmlElement xmlConnections = XmlUtilities.AddElement(xmlNetwork, "connections");

            foreach (ConnectionGene connectionGene in genome.ConnectionGeneList)
                WriteConnection(xmlConnections, connectionGene);
Beispiel #9
        public int Compare(IGenome x, IGenome y)
            NeatGenome.NeatGenome X = (NeatGenome.NeatGenome)x;
            NeatGenome.NeatGenome Y = (NeatGenome.NeatGenome)y;

            double fitnessDelta = Y.Fitness - X.Fitness;

            if (fitnessDelta < 0.0D)
            else if (fitnessDelta > 0.0D)

            long sizeDelta = (X.NeuronGeneList.Count + X.ConnectionGeneList.Count) - (Y.NeuronGeneList.Count + Y.ConnectionGeneList.Count);

            // Convert result to an int.
            if (sizeDelta < 0)
            else if (sizeDelta == 0)
Beispiel #10
        static public NetworkModel DecodeToNetworkModel(NeatGenome.NeatGenome g)
            ModelNeuronList masterNeuronList = new ModelNeuronList();

            // loop all neurons and build a table keyed on id.
            HybridDictionary neuronTable = new HybridDictionary(g.NeuronGeneList.Count);

            foreach (NeuronGene neuronGene in g.NeuronGeneList)
                ModelNeuron modelNeuron = new ModelNeuron(neuronGene.NeuronType, neuronGene.InnovationId, neuronGene.ActivationFunction);
                neuronTable.Add(modelNeuron.Id, modelNeuron);

            // Loop through all of the connections.
            // Now we have a neuron table keyed on id we can attach the connections
            // to their source and target neurons.
            foreach (ConnectionGene connectionGene in g.ConnectionGeneList)
                ModelConnection modelConnection = new ModelConnection();
                modelConnection.Weight       = connectionGene.Weight;
                modelConnection.SourceNeuron = (ModelNeuron)neuronTable[connectionGene.SourceNeuronId];
                modelConnection.TargetNeuron = (ModelNeuron)neuronTable[connectionGene.TargetNeuronId];


            return(new NetworkModel(masterNeuronList));
 //if genome x dominates y, increment y's dominated count, add y to x's dominated list
 public void update_domination(NeatGenome.NeatGenome x, NeatGenome.NeatGenome y, RankInformation r1, RankInformation r2)
     if (dominates(x, y))
Beispiel #12
        public void loadSeed(string seedGenomeFile)
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            officialSeedGenome = XmlNeatGenomeReaderStatic.Read(doc);
            //since idgen is still in control of genomeIDs, we have to increment it
            //for now... soon win will be in charge. You'll see, things will be different.
Beispiel #13
        public void removeGenome(NeatGenome.NeatGenome genome)
            //got to go through our intervalgenomes and delete that genomes information
            var gInterval = quickReferenceIntervals[genome];

            //will handle deleting the interval

            //will remove from our quick refernce list
        /// <summary>
        /// Speciates the genomes in genomeList into the provided specieList. It is assumed that
        /// the genomeList represents all of the required genomes and that the species are currently empty.
        /// This method can be used for initialization or completely respeciating an existing genome population.
        /// </summary>
        public void SpeciateGenomes(List <IGenome> genomeList, List <Species> specieList)
            Debug.Assert(genomeList.Count >= specieList.Count, string.Format("SpeciateGenomes(IList<TGenome>,IList<Species<TGenome>>). Species count [{0}] is greater than genome count [{1}].", specieList.Count, genomeList.Count));

            // Randomly allocate the first k genomes to their own specie. Because there is only one genome in these
            // species each genome effectively represents a specie centroid. This is necessary to ensure we get k species.
            // If we randomly assign all genomes to species from the outset and then calculate centroids then typically some
            // of the species become empty.
            // This approach ensures that each species will have at least one genome - because that genome is the specie
            // centroid and therefore has distance of zero from the centroid (itself).
            int specieCount = specieList.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < specieCount; i++)
                Species specie = specieList[i];
                genomeList[i].SpeciesId = specie.SpeciesId;

                // Just set the specie centroid directly.

                // The centroid is a dictionary keyed on connection innovation IDs containing the weights as values
                NeatGenome.NeatGenome g = genomeList[i] as NeatGenome.NeatGenome;
                foreach (ConnectionGene cg in g.ConnectionGeneList)
                    if (specie.Centroid.ContainsKey(cg.InnovationId))
                        Console.WriteLine("[!] Duplicate Innovation ID detected within same genome!");                                               // JUSTIN: DEBUG: This shouldn't happen, so remove it once we are sure that it doesn't.
                    specie.Centroid[cg.InnovationId] = cg.Weight;

            // Now allocate the remaining genomes based on their distance from the centroids.
            int genomeCount = genomeList.Count;

            for (int i = specieCount; i < genomeCount; i++)
                IGenome genome        = genomeList[i];
                Species closestSpecie = FindClosestSpecie(genome, specieList);
                genome.SpeciesId = closestSpecie.SpeciesId;

            // Recalculate each specie's centroid.
            foreach (Species specie in specieList)
                specie.Centroid = CalculateSpecieCentroid(specie);

            // Perform the main k-means loop until convergence.
            SpeciateUntilConvergence(genomeList, specieList);
Beispiel #15
        public double EvaluateNetwork(INetwork network)
            INetwork tempNet = null;

            NeatGenome.NeatGenome tempGenome = null;

            tempGenome = substrate.generateGenome(network);

            tempNet = tempGenome.Decode(null);
            SharpNeatExperiments.Pacman.MyForm1.neatGenome = tempGenome;
      = tempNet;

            double retries      = 5;
            double totalFitness = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < retries; i++)
                var pacman = new PacmanAINeural.NeuralPacmanSUPG();
                pacman.SetBrain(tempNet, true, tempGenome, network, substrate.getSUPGMap());

                var simplePacmanController = new PacmanAINeural.SimplePacmanController();
                simplePacmanController.SetBrain(tempNet, true, tempGenome, network, substrate.getSUPGMap());

                Visualizer visualizer = null;
                SharpNeatExperiments.Pacman.SimplePacman simplePacman = null;
                Thread visualizerThread;

                visualizerThread = new System.Threading.Thread(delegate()
                    bool fastNoDraw = false;
                    simplePacman    = new SharpNeatExperiments.Pacman.SimplePacman(simplePacmanController, fastNoDraw);
                    if (!fastNoDraw)

                    //visualizer = new Visualizer(pacman);

                totalFitness += simplePacman.returnGameScore;// visualizer.returnGameState;
            double avgFitness = totalFitness / retries;


            /*int time = visualizer.returnGameState;
             * return (double)time;//fitness;*/
Beispiel #16
        private void adHocAnalysisToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string       filename;
            StreamWriter sw;

            NeatGenome.NeatGenome seedGenome = null;

            Stats currentStats = new Stats();

            for (FoodGatherParams.resolution = 8; FoodGatherParams.resolution <= 128; FoodGatherParams.resolution *= 2)
                sw = new StreamWriter("logfile" + FoodGatherParams.resolution.ToString() + ".txt");
                for (int run = 1; run <= 20; run++)
                    for (int generation = 1; generation <= 500; generation++)
                        filename = "run" + run.ToString() + @"\genome_" + generation.ToString() + ".xml";

                            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                            doc.Load("run" + run.ToString() + "\\genome_" + generation.ToString() + ".xml");
                            seedGenome = XmlNeatGenomeReaderStatic.Read(doc);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            currentStats.generation = generation;
                          = run;
                            writeStats(sw, currentStats);
                            //do some output

                        currentStats = FoodGathererNetworkEvaluator.postHocAnalyzer(seedGenome);
                        currentStats.CPPNconnections = seedGenome.ConnectionGeneList.Count;
                        currentStats.CPPNneurons     = seedGenome.NeuronGeneList.Count;

                        currentStats.generation = generation;
                      = run;
                        writeStats(sw, currentStats);
                    // sw.Flush();
Beispiel #17
        public double[] EvaluateNetworkMultipleObjective(INetwork network)
            INetwork tempNet = null;

            NeatGenome.NeatGenome tempGenome = null;

            tempGenome = substrate.generateGenome(network);

            tempNet = tempGenome.Decode(null);
            SharpNeatExperiments.Pacman.MyForm1.neatGenome = tempGenome;
      = tempNet;

            double retries        = 1;
            double totalFitness   = 0;
            double totalEatScore  = 0;
            double totalLifeScore = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < retries; i++)
                var pacman = new PacmanAINeural.NeuralPacmanSUPG();
                pacman.SetBrain(tempNet, true, tempGenome, network, substrate.getSUPGMap());

                var simplePacmanController = new PacmanAINeural.SimplePacmanController();
                simplePacmanController.SetBrain(tempNet, true, tempGenome, network, substrate.getSUPGMap());

                Visualizer visualizer = null;
                SharpNeatExperiments.Pacman.SimplePacman simplePacman = null;
                Thread visualizerThread;

                visualizerThread = new System.Threading.Thread(delegate()
                    simplePacman = new SharpNeatExperiments.Pacman.SimplePacman(simplePacmanController, false);

                    //visualizer = new Visualizer(pacman);

                totalFitness   += simplePacman.returnGameScore;
                totalEatScore  += simplePacman.returnEatScore;
                totalLifeScore += simplePacman.returnLifeScore;
            double avgFitness   = totalFitness / retries;
            double avgEatScore  = totalEatScore / retries;
            double avgLifeScore = totalLifeScore / retries;

            return(new double[] { avgFitness, avgEatScore, avgLifeScore });
Beispiel #18
        public NeatGenome.NeatGenome generatePerceptronCircle(INetwork network, bool distance)
            ConnectionGeneList connections = new ConnectionGeneList((int)(inputCount * outputCount));

            double[] inputs;
            if (distance)//|| angle)
                inputs = new double[5];
                inputs = new double[4];
            double output;
            uint   counter          = 0;
            double inputAngleDelta  = (2 * Math.PI) / inputCount;
            double outputAngleDelta = (2 * Math.PI) / outputCount;

            double angleFrom = -3 * Math.PI / 4;

            for (uint neuronFrom = 0; neuronFrom < inputCount; neuronFrom++, angleFrom += inputAngleDelta)
                inputs[0] = .5 * Math.Cos(angleFrom + (inputAngleDelta / 2.0));
                inputs[1] = .5 * Math.Sin(angleFrom + (inputAngleDelta / 2.0));
                double angleTo = -3 * Math.PI / 4;
                for (uint neuronTo = 0; neuronTo < outputCount; neuronTo++, angleTo += outputAngleDelta)
                    inputs[2] = Math.Cos(angleTo + (outputAngleDelta / 2.0));
                    inputs[3] = Math.Sin(angleTo + (outputAngleDelta / 2.0));
                    //inputs[4] = Math.Abs(angleFrom - angleTo);
                    if (distance)
                        inputs[4] = ((Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(inputs[0] - inputs[2], 2) + Math.Pow(inputs[1] - inputs[3], 2)) / (2 * sqrt2)));
                    output = network.GetOutputSignal(0);
                    if (Math.Abs(output) > threshold)
                        float weight = (float)(((Math.Abs(output) - (threshold)) / (1 - threshold)) * weightRange * Math.Sign(output));
                        connections.Add(new ConnectionGene(counter++, neuronFrom, neuronTo + inputCount, weight));
            NeatGenome.NeatGenome g = new NeatGenome.NeatGenome(0, neurons, connections, (int)inputCount, (int)outputCount);
Beispiel #19
        public bool measureAgainstArchive(NeatGenome.NeatGenome neatgenome, bool addToPending)
            foreach (IGenome genome in archive)
                if (BehaviorDistance.Distance(neatgenome.Behavior, ((NeatGenome.NeatGenome)genome).Behavior) < archive_threshold)

            if (addToPending)

Beispiel #20
        public bool probabalisticMeasureAgainstArchive(NeatGenome.NeatGenome neatgenome)
            double roll = archiveAddingRNG.NextDouble();
            double prob = archiveAddingProbability;

            if (probTournament)
                prob = prob * 2;                 // Double the chance of adding to pending_addition if there is a tournament (because half of them won't actually be added)
            if (roll < prob)

        //measure the novelty of an organism against the fixed population
        public double measureNovelty(NeatGenome.NeatGenome neatgenome)
            double sum = 0.0;

            if (!initialized)

            List <Pair <double, NeatGenome.NeatGenome> > noveltyList = new List <Pair <double, NeatGenome.NeatGenome> >();

            foreach (IGenome genome in measure_against)
                noveltyList.Add(new Pair <double, NeatGenome.NeatGenome>(BehaviorDistance.Distance(((NeatGenome.NeatGenome)genome).Behavior, neatgenome.Behavior), ((NeatGenome.NeatGenome)genome)));
            foreach (IGenome genome in archive)
                noveltyList.Add(new Pair <double, NeatGenome.NeatGenome>(BehaviorDistance.Distance(((NeatGenome.NeatGenome)genome).Behavior, neatgenome.Behavior), ((NeatGenome.NeatGenome)genome)));
//				noveltyList.Add(BehaviorDistance.Distance(((NeatGenome.NeatGenome)genome).Behavior,neatgenome.Behavior));

            //see if we should add this genome to the archive
            measureAgainstArchive(neatgenome, true);

            int nn = nearest_neighbors;

            if (noveltyList.Count < nearest_neighbors)
                nn = noveltyList.Count;
            for (int x = 0; x < nn; x++)
                sum += noveltyList[x].First;
                if (neatgenome.RealFitness > noveltyList[x].Second.RealFitness)
                    neatgenome.competition += 1;
                noveltyList[x].Second.locality += 1;
                // sum+=10000.0; //was 100
            return(Math.Max(sum, EvolutionAlgorithm.MIN_GENOME_FITNESS));
        //currently not used, calculates genomic novelty objective for protecting innovation
        //uses a rough characterization of topology, i.e. number of connections in the genome
        public void calculateGenomicNovelty(GenomeList measureUs)
            double sum      = 0.0;
            int    max_conn = 0;

            foreach (IGenome x in measureUs)
                double minDist = 10000000.0;

                NeatGenome.NeatGenome xx = (NeatGenome.NeatGenome)x;
                double        difference = 0.0;
                double        delta      = 0.0;
                List <double> distances  = new List <double>();
                if (xx.ConnectionGeneList.Count > max_conn)
                    max_conn = xx.ConnectionGeneList.Count;
                //int ccount=xx.ConnectionGeneList.Count;
                foreach (IGenome y in measureUs)
                    if (x == y)
                    NeatGenome.NeatGenome yy = (NeatGenome.NeatGenome)y;
                    double d = xx.compat(yy, np);
                    //	minDist=d;
                int    sz        = Math.Min(distances.Count, 10);
                double diversity = 0.0;
                for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++)
                    diversity += distances[i];
                //xx.objectives[xx.objectives.Length-1] = diversity;
                xx.geneticDiversity = diversity;
                sum += diversity;
            //Console.WriteLine("Diversity: " + sum/population.Count + " " + max_conn);
Beispiel #23
 //add an existing population from hypersharpNEAT to the multiobjective population maintained in
 //this class, step taken before evaluating multiobjective population through the rank function
 public void addPopulation(Population p)
     for (int i = 0; i < p.GenomeList.Count; i++)
         bool blacklist = false;
         for (int j = 0; j < population.Count; j++)
             if (distance(p.GenomeList[i].Behavior.objectives, population[j].objectives) < 0.01)
                 blacklist = true;                        //reject a genome if it is very similar to existing genomes in pop
         if (!blacklist)                  //add genome if it is unique
         //we might not need to make copies
             NeatGenome.NeatGenome copy = new NeatGenome.NeatGenome((NeatGenome.NeatGenome)p.GenomeList[i], 0);
             copy.objectives = (double[])p.GenomeList[i].Behavior.objectives.Clone();
Beispiel #24
        public static Stats postHocAnalyzer(NeatGenome.NeatGenome genome)
            Stats stats = new Stats();
            FloatFastConcurrentNetwork ffcn = GenomeDecoder.DecodeToFloatFastConcurrentNetwork(genome, null);
            INetwork network;

            network             = substrate.generateNetwork(ffcn);
            stats.NNconnections = ((FloatFastConcurrentNetwork)network).connectionArray.Length;

            double avgSpeed  = 0;
            double totalTime = 0;
            int    numFood   = 0;
            double timetaken = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < FoodGatherParams.foodLocations.Length; i++)
                Board testingArena = new Board(0, 500);
                Robot tester       = new Robot(new PointF(testingArena.Size.Width / 2.0F, testingArena.Size.Height / 2.0F), (int)FoodGatherParams.resolution, network);

                timetaken =;
                if (timetaken < 1000)
                totalTime += timetaken;
            avgSpeed = totalTime / FoodGatherParams.foodLocations.Length;

            stats.numFoods = numFood;
            stats.avgSpeed = avgSpeed;

		//add an existing population from hypersharpNEAT to the multiobjective population maintained in
		//this class, step taken before evaluating multiobjective population through the rank function
		public void addPopulation(Population p) {
			for(int i=0;i<p.GenomeList.Count;i++)
		        bool blacklist=false;
				for(int j=0;j<population.Count;j++)
				 if(distance(p.GenomeList[i].Behavior.objectives,population[j].objectives) < 0.01)
						blacklist=true;  //reject a genome if it is very similar to existing genomes in pop
				if(!blacklist) { //add genome if it is unique
				//we might not need to make copies
				NeatGenome.NeatGenome copy=new NeatGenome.NeatGenome((NeatGenome.NeatGenome)p.GenomeList[i],0);
				copy.objectives = (double[])p.GenomeList[i].Behavior.objectives.Clone();
Beispiel #26
 public void loadSeed(string seedGenomeFile)
     XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
     officialSeedGenome = XmlNeatGenomeReaderStatic.Read(doc);
     //since idgen is still in control of genomeIDs, we have to increment it
     //for now... soon win will be in charge. You'll see, things will be different.
		public NewConnectionGeneStruct(NeatGenome.NeatGenome owningGenome, ConnectionGene newConnectionGene)
			this.OwningGenome = owningGenome;
			this.NewConnectionGene = newConnectionGene;
		//add an existing population from hypersharpNEAT to the multiobjective population maintained in
		//this class, step taken before evaluating multiobjective population through the rank function
		public void addPopulation(Population p) {
			for(int i=0;i<p.GenomeList.Count;i++)
		        bool blacklist=false;
				for(int j=0;j<population.Count;j++)
                    if (distance(p.GenomeList[i].objectives, population[j].objectives) < 0.0001)
                    {//JUSTIN: Changed from 0.001 (doesn't seem to help)
                        blacklist = true;  //reject a genome if it is very similar to existing genomes in pop
                        //Console.Write("Blacklisting: ");
                        //foreach (double bla in p.GenomeList[i].objectives) Console.Write(bla + " ");
                        //Console.Write("vs ");
                        //foreach (double bla in population[j].objectives) Console.Write(bla + " ");
				if(!blacklist) { //add genome if it is unique
				    //we might not need to make copies
				    NeatGenome.NeatGenome copy=new NeatGenome.NeatGenome((NeatGenome.NeatGenome)p.GenomeList[i],0);
				    //copy.objectives = (double[])p.GenomeList[i].objectives.Clone(); //JUSTIN: Moved this to the NeatGenome copy constructor...
 public NewConnectionGeneStruct(NeatGenome.NeatGenome owningGenome, ConnectionGene newConnectionGene)
     this.OwningGenome      = owningGenome;
     this.NewConnectionGene = newConnectionGene;
Beispiel #30
        static public FastConcurrentMultiplicativeNetwork DecodeToFastConcurrentMultiplicativeNetwork(NeatGenome.NeatGenome g, IActivationFunction activationFn)
            int outputNeuronCount = g.OutputNeuronCount;
            int neuronGeneCount   = g.NeuronGeneList.Count;

            // Slightly inefficient - determine the number of bias nodes. Fortunately there is not actually
            // any reason to ever have more than one bias node - although there may be 0.
            int neuronGeneIdx = 0;

            for (; neuronGeneIdx < neuronGeneCount; neuronGeneIdx++)
                if (g.NeuronGeneList[neuronGeneIdx].NeuronType != NeuronType.Bias)
            int biasNodeCount    = neuronGeneIdx;
            int inputNeuronCount = g.InputNeuronCount;

            // ConnectionGenes point to a neuron ID. We need to map this ID to a 0 based index for
            // efficiency. To do this we build a table of indexes (ints) keyed on neuron ID.
            // TODO: An alternative here would be to forgo the building of a table and do a binary
            // search directly on the NeuronGeneList - probably a good idea to use a heuristic based upon
            // neuroncount*connectioncount that decides on which technique to use. Small networks will
            // likely be faster to decode using the binary search.

            // Actually we can partly achieve the above optimzation by using HybridDictionary instead of Hashtable.
            // Although creating a table is a bit expensive.
            HybridDictionary neuronIndexTable = new HybridDictionary(neuronGeneCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < neuronGeneCount; i++)
                neuronIndexTable.Add(g.NeuronGeneList[i].InnovationId, i);

            // Count how many of the connections are actually enabled. TODO: make faster - store disable count?
            int connectionGeneCount = g.ConnectionGeneList.Count;
            int connectionCount     = connectionGeneCount;

            //			for(int i=0; i<connectionGeneCount; i++)
            //			{
            //				if(g.ConnectionGeneList[i].Enabled)
            //					connectionCount++;
            //			}

            // Now we can build the connection array(s).
            FloatFastConnection[] connectionArray = new FloatFastConnection[connectionCount];
            int connectionIdx = 0;

            for (int connectionGeneIdx = 0; connectionGeneIdx < connectionCount; connectionGeneIdx++)
                ConnectionGene connectionGene = g.ConnectionGeneList[connectionIdx];
                connectionArray[connectionIdx].sourceNeuronIdx = (int)neuronIndexTable[connectionGene.SourceNeuronId];
                connectionArray[connectionIdx].targetNeuronIdx = (int)neuronIndexTable[connectionGene.TargetNeuronId];
                connectionArray[connectionIdx].weight          = (float)connectionGene.Weight;

            // Now sort the connection array on sourceNeuronIdx, secondary sort on targetNeuronIdx.
            // TODO: custom sort routine to prevent boxing/unboxing required by Array.Sort(ValueType[])
            //Array.Sort(connectionArray, fastConnectionComparer);
            QuickSortFastConnections(0, fastConnectionArray.Length - 1);

            return(new FastConcurrentMultiplicativeNetwork(
                       biasNodeCount, inputNeuronCount,
                       outputNeuronCount, neuronGeneCount,
                       connectionArray, activationFn));
Beispiel #31
        public double EvaluateNetwork(INetwork network)
            INetwork tempNet = null;

            NeatGenome.NeatGenome tempGenome = null;

            tempGenome = substrate.generateGenome(network);

            tempNet = tempGenome.Decode(null);
            SharpNeatExperiments.Pacman.MyForm1.neatGenome = tempGenome;
      = tempNet;

            double retries      = 1;
            double totalFitness = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < retries; i++)
                var pacman = new PacmanAINeural.NeuralPacmanSUPG();
                pacman.SetBrain(tempNet, true, tempGenome, network, substrate.getSUPGMap());

                var supgonlyController = new PacmanAINeural.SUPGONLYController();
                supgonlyController.SetBrain(tempNet, true, tempGenome, network, substrate.getSUPGMap());

                Thread visualizerThread;

                visualizerThread = new System.Threading.Thread(delegate()
                    int tmpCounter = 0;
                    while (tmpCounter < 200)
                        //supgonlyController.dummyMasterFreqValue = (float)Math.Sin(tmpCounter*0.1f);
                        if (tmpCounter % 50 == 0)
                        if (tmpCounter == 80)

                        /*simplePacman = new SharpNeatExperiments.Pacman.SimplePacman(simplePacmanController);
                         * System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(simplePacman);*/

                        //visualizer = new Visualizer(pacman);

                totalFitness += supgonlyController.dummyFitness;//simplePacman.returnGameScore;// visualizer.returnGameState;
            double avgFitness = totalFitness / retries;

            //Console.WriteLine("newEvaluation" + avgFitness);

            /*int time = visualizer.returnGameState;
             * return (double)time;//fitness;*/
Beispiel #32
        static public FloatFastConcurrentNetwork DecodeToFloatFastConcurrentNetwork(NeatGenome.NeatGenome g, IActivationFunction activationFn)
            int outputNeuronCount = g.OutputNeuronCount;
            int neuronGeneCount   = g.NeuronGeneList.Count;

            // Slightly inefficient - determine the number of bias nodes. Fortunately there is not actually
            // any reason to ever have more than one bias node - although there may be 0.

            activationFunctionArray = new IActivationFunction[neuronGeneCount];

            int neuronGeneIdx = 0;

            for (; neuronGeneIdx < neuronGeneCount; neuronGeneIdx++)
                activationFunctionArray[neuronGeneIdx] = g.NeuronGeneList[neuronGeneIdx].ActivationFunction;
                if (g.NeuronGeneList[neuronGeneIdx].NeuronType != NeuronType.Bias)
            int biasNodeCount    = neuronGeneIdx;
            int inputNeuronCount = g.InputNeuronCount;

            for (; neuronGeneIdx < neuronGeneCount; neuronGeneIdx++)
                activationFunctionArray[neuronGeneIdx] = g.NeuronGeneList[neuronGeneIdx].ActivationFunction;

            // ConnectionGenes point to a neuron ID. We need to map this ID to a 0 based index for
            // efficiency.

            // Use a quick heuristic to determine which will be the fastest technique for mapping the connection end points
            // to neuron indexes. This is heuristic is not 100% perfect but has been found to be very good in in real word
            // tests. Feel free to perform your own calculation and create a more intelligent heuristic!
            int connectionCount = g.ConnectionGeneList.Count;

            if (neuronGeneCount * connectionCount < 45000)
                fastConnectionArray = new FloatFastConnection[connectionCount];
                int connectionIdx = 0;
                for (int connectionGeneIdx = 0; connectionGeneIdx < connectionCount; connectionGeneIdx++)
                    //fastConnectionArray[connectionIdx] = new FloatFastConnection();
                    //Note. Binary search algorithm assume that neurons are ordered by their innovation Id.
                    ConnectionGene connectionGene = g.ConnectionGeneList[connectionIdx];
                    fastConnectionArray[connectionIdx].sourceNeuronIdx = (int)g.NeuronGeneList.BinarySearch(connectionGene.SourceNeuronId);
                    fastConnectionArray[connectionIdx].targetNeuronIdx = (int)g.NeuronGeneList.BinarySearch(connectionGene.TargetNeuronId);

                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(fastConnectionArray[connectionIdx].sourceNeuronIdx >= 0 && fastConnectionArray[connectionIdx].targetNeuronIdx >= 0, "invalid idx");

                    fastConnectionArray[connectionIdx].weight       = (float)connectionGene.Weight;
                    fastConnectionArray[connectionIdx].learningRate = connectionGene.learningRate;
                    fastConnectionArray[connectionIdx].A            = connectionGene.A;
                    fastConnectionArray[connectionIdx].B            = connectionGene.B;
                    fastConnectionArray[connectionIdx].C            = connectionGene.C;

                // Build a table of indexes (ints) keyed on neuron ID. This approach is faster when dealing with large numbers
                // of lookups.
                Hashtable neuronIndexTable = new Hashtable(neuronGeneCount);
                for (int i = 0; i < neuronGeneCount; i++)
                    neuronIndexTable.Add(g.NeuronGeneList[i].InnovationId, i);

                // Now we can build the connection array(s).
                //int connectionCount=g.ConnectionGeneList.Count;
                //FastConnection[] connectionArray = new FastConnection[connectionCount];
                fastConnectionArray = new FloatFastConnection[connectionCount];
                int connectionIdx = 0;
                for (int connectionGeneIdx = 0; connectionGeneIdx < connectionCount; connectionGeneIdx++)
                    ConnectionGene connectionGene = g.ConnectionGeneList[connectionIdx];
                    fastConnectionArray[connectionIdx].sourceNeuronIdx = (int)neuronIndexTable[connectionGene.SourceNeuronId];
                    fastConnectionArray[connectionIdx].targetNeuronIdx = (int)neuronIndexTable[connectionGene.TargetNeuronId];
                    fastConnectionArray[connectionIdx].weight          = (float)connectionGene.Weight;
                    fastConnectionArray[connectionIdx].learningRate    = connectionGene.learningRate;
                    fastConnectionArray[connectionIdx].A = connectionGene.A;
                    fastConnectionArray[connectionIdx].B = connectionGene.B;
                    fastConnectionArray[connectionIdx].C = connectionGene.C;
            // Now sort the connection array on sourceNeuronIdx, secondary sort on targetNeuronIdx.
            // Using Array.Sort is 10 times slower than the hand-coded sorting routine. See notes on that routine for more
            // information. Also note that in tests that this sorting did no t actually improve the speed of the network!
            // However, it may have a benefit for CPUs with small caches or when networks are very large, and since the new
            // sort takes up hardly any time for even large networks, it seems reasonable to leave in the sort.
            //Array.Sort(fastConnectionArray, fastConnectionComparer);
            //	QuickSortFastConnections(0, fastConnectionArray.Length-1);

            return(new FloatFastConcurrentNetwork(biasNodeCount, inputNeuronCount,
                                                  outputNeuronCount, neuronGeneCount,
                                                  fastConnectionArray, activationFunctionArray));
Beispiel #33
        static public ModularNetwork DecodeToModularNetwork(NeatGenome.NeatGenome g)
            int inputCount  = g.InputNeuronCount;
            int outputCount = g.OutputNeuronCount;
            int neuronCount = g.NeuronGeneList.Count;

            IActivationFunction[] activationFunctions = new IActivationFunction[neuronCount];
            float[] biasList = new float[neuronCount];

            Dictionary <long, int> neuronLookup = new Dictionary <long, int>(neuronCount);

            // Create an array of the activation functions for each non-module node node in the genome.
            // Start with a bias node if there is one in the genome.
            // The genome's neuron list is assumed to be ordered by type, with the bias node appearing first.
            int neuronGeneIndex = 0;

            for (; neuronGeneIndex < neuronCount; neuronGeneIndex++)
                if (g.NeuronGeneList[neuronGeneIndex].NeuronType != NeuronType.Bias)
                activationFunctions[neuronGeneIndex] = g.NeuronGeneList[neuronGeneIndex].ActivationFunction;
                neuronLookup.Add(g.NeuronGeneList[neuronGeneIndex].InnovationId, neuronGeneIndex);
            int biasCount = neuronGeneIndex;

            for (; neuronGeneIndex < neuronCount; neuronGeneIndex++)
                activationFunctions[neuronGeneIndex] = g.NeuronGeneList[neuronGeneIndex].ActivationFunction;
                neuronLookup.Add(g.NeuronGeneList[neuronGeneIndex].InnovationId, neuronGeneIndex);
                biasList[neuronGeneIndex] = g.NeuronGeneList[neuronGeneIndex].Bias;

            // Create an array of the activation functions, inputs, and outputs for each module in the genome.
            ModulePacket[] modules = new ModulePacket[g.ModuleGeneList.Count];
            for (int i = g.ModuleGeneList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                modules[i].function = g.ModuleGeneList[i].Function;
                // Must translate input and output IDs to array locations.
                modules[i].inputLocations = new int[g.ModuleGeneList[i].InputIds.Count];
                for (int j = g.ModuleGeneList[i].InputIds.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                    modules[i].inputLocations[j] = neuronLookup[g.ModuleGeneList[i].InputIds[j]];
                modules[i].outputLocations = new int[g.ModuleGeneList[i].OutputIds.Count];
                for (int j = g.ModuleGeneList[i].OutputIds.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                    modules[i].outputLocations[j] = neuronLookup[g.ModuleGeneList[i].OutputIds[j]];

            // ConnectionGenes point to a neuron's innovation ID. Translate this ID to the neuron's index in the neuron array.
            FloatFastConnection[] connections = new FloatFastConnection[g.ConnectionGeneList.Count];
            for (int connectionGeneIndex = g.ConnectionGeneList.Count - 1; connectionGeneIndex >= 0; connectionGeneIndex--)
                ConnectionGene connectionGene = g.ConnectionGeneList[connectionGeneIndex];
                connections[connectionGeneIndex].sourceNeuronIdx = neuronLookup[connectionGene.SourceNeuronId];
                connections[connectionGeneIndex].targetNeuronIdx = neuronLookup[connectionGene.TargetNeuronId];
                connections[connectionGeneIndex].weight          = (float)connectionGene.Weight;

                connections[connectionGeneIndex].learningRate  = connectionGene.learningRate;
                connections[connectionGeneIndex].A             = connectionGene.A;
                connections[connectionGeneIndex].B             = connectionGene.B;
                connections[connectionGeneIndex].C             = connectionGene.C;
                connections[connectionGeneIndex].D             = connectionGene.D;
                connections[connectionGeneIndex].modConnection = connectionGene.modConnection;

            ModularNetwork mn = new ModularNetwork(biasCount, inputCount, outputCount, neuronCount, connections, biasList, activationFunctions, modules);

            if (g.networkAdaptable)
                mn.adaptable = true;
            if (g.networkModulatory)
                mn.modulatory = true;

            mn.genome = g;
Beispiel #34
        //measure the novelty of an organism against the fixed population
        public double measureNovelty(NeatGenome.NeatGenome neatgenome)
            double sum = 0.0;

            if (!initialized)
                //Console.WriteLine("NOVELTY NOT INITIALIZED"); //JUSTIN: Debug, Remove this!

            List <Pair <double, NeatGenome.NeatGenome> > noveltyList = new List <Pair <double, NeatGenome.NeatGenome> >();

            foreach (IGenome genome in measure_against)
                noveltyList.Add(new Pair <double, NeatGenome.NeatGenome>(BehaviorDistance.Distance(((NeatGenome.NeatGenome)genome).Behavior, neatgenome.Behavior), ((NeatGenome.NeatGenome)genome)));

            /*foreach(IGenome genome in archive) //JUSTIN: Deciding not to use the archive in the neighborhood. Hope this helps?
             * {
             *  noveltyList.Add(new Pair<double,NeatGenome.NeatGenome>(BehaviorDistance.Distance(((NeatGenome.NeatGenome)genome).Behavior,neatgenome.Behavior),((NeatGenome.NeatGenome)genome)));
             * //				noveltyList.Add(BehaviorDistance.Distance(((NeatGenome.NeatGenome)genome).Behavior,neatgenome.Behavior));
             * }//*/
            //Console.WriteLine("NOVELTYLIST SIZE: " + noveltyList.Count + " m_a: " + measure_against.Count + " archive: " + archive.Count);

            //see if we should add this genome to the archive
            if (usingProbabilisticArchive)
                measureAgainstArchive(neatgenome, true);

            int nn = nearest_neighbors;

            if (noveltyList.Count < nearest_neighbors)
                nn = noveltyList.Count;
            for (int x = 0; x < nn; x++)
                sum += noveltyList[x].First;
                if (neatgenome.RealFitness == 0 || noveltyList[x].Second.RealFitness == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("WARNING! SOMEBODY IS ZERO!");
                if (neatgenome.RealFitness > noveltyList[x].Second.RealFitness)
                    neatgenome.competition += 1;
                    //Console.WriteLine(neatgenome.RealFitness + " > " + (noveltyList[x].Second).RealFitness + " so incrementing competition");
                //if (neatgenome.objectives[neatgenome.objectives.Length - 1] > noveltyList[x].Second.objectives[neatgenome.objectives.Length - 1])
                //neatgenome.localGenomeNovelty += 1;
                if (neatgenome.geneticDiversity > noveltyList[x].Second.geneticDiversity)
                    neatgenome.localGenomeNovelty += 1;
                    //Console.WriteLine("localGenomeNovelty: " + neatgenome.geneticDiversity + " > " + noveltyList[x].Second.geneticDiversity);
                noveltyList[x].Second.locality += 1;
                // sum+=10000.0; //was 100
            return(Math.Max(sum, EvolutionAlgorithm.MIN_GENOME_FITNESS));