public override IEnumerator RunTest()

            Log.Debug("TestNaturalLanguageUnderstanding", "Attempting to list environments");
            if (!m_NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.GetModels((ListModelsResults resp, string data) =>
                Test(resp != null);
                m_ListModelsTested = true;
                Log.Debug("TestNaturalLanguageUnderstanding", "Failed to list models");

            while (!m_ListModelsTested)
                yield return(null);

            Log.Debug("TestNaturalLanguageUnderstanding", "Attempting to analyze");
            Parameters parameters = new Parameters()
                text = "Analyze various features of text content at scale. Provide text, raw HTML, or a public URL, and IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding will give you results for the features you request. The service cleans HTML content before analysis by default, so the results can ignore most advertisements and other unwanted content.",
                return_analyzed_text = true,
                language             = "en",
                features             = new Features()
                    entities = new EntitiesOptions()
                        limit     = 50,
                        sentiment = true,
                        emotion   = true,
                    keywords = new KeywordsOptions()
                        limit     = 50,
                        sentiment = true,
                        emotion   = true

            if (!m_NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.Analyze((AnalysisResults resp, string data) =>
                Test(resp != null);
                m_AnalyzeTested = true;
            }, parameters))
                Log.Debug("TestNaturalLanguageUnderstanding", "Failed to analyze");

            while (!m_AnalyzeTested)
                yield return(null);

            yield break;
Beispiel #2
    public static void nluSpeech()

        Log.Debug("ExampleNaturalLanguageUnderstandingV1", "attempting to get models...");
        if (!m_NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.GetModels(OnGetModels))
            Log.Debug("ExampleNaturalLanguageUnderstandingV1", "Failed to get models.");

        Parameters parameters = new Parameters()
            //text = "I am so mad right now, this demon is devouring me with the utmost perseverence. I am bound as a man of honor and valor to respect and commend his fastidiousness but in reality, I am not amused at all. Frankly, this whole ordeal has made me realize how power is a mere illusion.",
            text = RecordSpeech.speechText,
            return_analyzed_text = true,
            language             = "en",
            features             = new Features()
                entities = new EntitiesOptions()
                    limit     = 100,
                    sentiment = true,
                    emotion   = true
                keywords = new KeywordsOptions()
                    limit     = 50,
                    sentiment = true,
                    emotion   = true
                concepts = new ConceptsOptions()
                    limit = 50,

        AnalysisResults analysisResults = new AnalysisResults()
            analyzed_text = parameters.text,
            language      = "en",
            sentiment     = new SentimentResult()
                document = new DocumentSentimentResults()

        Log.Debug("ExampleNaturalLanguageUnderstandingV1", "attempting to analyze...");
        if (!m_NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.Analyze(OnAnalyze, parameters))
            Log.Debug("ExampleNaturalLanguageUnderstandingV1", "Failed to get models.");
        //Log.Debug ("NLU", "Nicole: " + analysisResults.sentiment.document.score);
//			Log.Debug ("NLU", "NicoleFuck: " + analysisResults.keywords [0]);
Beispiel #3
    private IEnumerator Examples()
        Log.Debug("ExampleNaturalLanguageUnderstanding.Examples()", "attempting to get models...");
        if (!_service.GetModels(OnGetModels, OnFail))
            Log.Debug("ExampleNaturalLanguageUnderstanding.GetModels()", "Failed to get models.");
        while (!_getModelsTested)
            yield return(null);

        Parameters parameters = new Parameters()
            text = "Analyze various features of text content at scale. Provide text, raw HTML, or a public URL, and IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding will give you results for the features you request. The service cleans HTML content before analysis by default, so the results can ignore most advertisements and other unwanted content.",
            return_analyzed_text = true,
            language             = "en",
            features             = new Features()
                entities = new EntitiesOptions()
                    limit     = 50,
                    sentiment = true,
                    emotion   = true,
                keywords = new KeywordsOptions()
                    limit     = 50,
                    sentiment = true,
                    emotion   = true

        Log.Debug("ExampleNaturalLanguageUnderstanding.Examples()", "attempting to analyze...");
        if (!_service.Analyze(OnAnalyze, OnFail, parameters))
            Log.Debug("ExampleNaturalLanguageUnderstanding.Analyze()", "Failed to get models.");
        while (!_analyzeTested)
            yield return(null);

        Log.Debug("ExampleNaturalLanguageUnderstanding.Examples()", "Natural language understanding examples complete.");
Beispiel #4
    void Start()

        Log.Debug("ExampleNaturalLanguageUnderstandingV1", "attempting to get models...");
        if (!m_NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.GetModels(OnGetModels))
            Log.Debug("ExampleNaturalLanguageUnderstandingV1", "Failed to get models.");

        Parameters parameters = new Parameters()
            text = "Analyze various features of text content at scale. Provide text, raw HTML, or a public URL, and IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding will give you results for the features you request. The service cleans HTML content before analysis by default, so the results can ignore most advertisements and other unwanted content.",
            return_analyzed_text = true,
            language             = "en",
            features             = new Features()
                entities = new EntitiesOptions()
                    limit     = 50,
                    sentiment = true,
                    emotion   = true,
                keywords = new KeywordsOptions()
                    limit     = 50,
                    sentiment = true,
                    emotion   = true

        Log.Debug("ExampleNaturalLanguageUnderstandingV1", "attempting to analyze...");
        if (!m_NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.Analyze(OnAnalyze, parameters))
            Log.Debug("ExampleNaturalLanguageUnderstandingV1", "Failed to get models.");
        public override IEnumerator RunTest()

            VcapCredentials vcapCredentials = new VcapCredentials();
            fsData          data            = null;

            string result = null;

            var vcapUrl      = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VCAP_URL");
            var vcapUsername = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VCAP_USERNAME");
            var vcapPassword = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VCAP_PASSWORD");

            using (SimpleGet simpleGet = new SimpleGet(vcapUrl, vcapUsername, vcapPassword))
                while (!simpleGet.IsComplete)
                    yield return(null);

                result = simpleGet.Result;

            //  Add in a parent object because Unity does not like to deserialize root level collection types.
            result = Utility.AddTopLevelObjectToJson(result, "VCAP_SERVICES");

            //  Convert json to fsResult
            fsResult r = fsJsonParser.Parse(result, out data);

            if (!r.Succeeded)
                throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages);

            //  Convert fsResult to VcapCredentials
            object obj = vcapCredentials;

            r = _serializer.TryDeserialize(data, obj.GetType(), ref obj);
            if (!r.Succeeded)
                throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages);

            //  Set credentials from imported credntials
            Credential credential = vcapCredentials.VCAP_SERVICES["natural_language_understanding"];

            _username = credential.Username.ToString();
            _password = credential.Password.ToString();
            _url      = credential.Url.ToString();

            //  Create credential and instantiate service
            Credentials credentials = new Credentials(_username, _password, _url);

            //  Or authenticate using token
            //Credentials credentials = new Credentials(_url)
            //    AuthenticationToken = _token

            _naturalLanguageUnderstanding = new NaturalLanguageUnderstanding(credentials);

            Log.Debug("TestNaturalLanguageUnderstanding.RunTests()", "attempting to get models...");
            if (!_naturalLanguageUnderstanding.GetModels(OnGetModels, OnFail))
                Log.Debug("TestNaturalLanguageUnderstanding.GetModels()", "Failed to get models.");
            while (!_getModelsTested)
                yield return(null);

            Parameters parameters = new Parameters()
                text = "Analyze various features of text content at scale. Provide text, raw HTML, or a public URL, and IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding will give you results for the features you request. The service cleans HTML content before analysis by default, so the results can ignore most advertisements and other unwanted content.",
                return_analyzed_text = true,
                language             = "en",
                features             = new Features()
                    entities = new EntitiesOptions()
                        limit     = 50,
                        sentiment = true,
                        emotion   = true,
                    keywords = new KeywordsOptions()
                        limit     = 50,
                        sentiment = true,
                        emotion   = true

            Log.Debug("TestNaturalLanguageUnderstanding.RunTests()", "attempting to analyze...");
            if (!_naturalLanguageUnderstanding.Analyze(OnAnalyze, OnFail, parameters))
                Log.Debug("TestNaturalLanguageUnderstanding.Analyze()", "Failed to get models.");
            while (!_analyzeTested)
                yield return(null);

            Log.Debug("TestNaturalLanguageUnderstanding.RunTests()", "Natural language understanding examples complete.");

            yield break;
        public override IEnumerator RunTest()

            VcapCredentials vcapCredentials = new VcapCredentials();
            fsData          data            = null;

            string result = null;
            string credentialsFilepath = "../sdk-credentials/credentials.json";

            //  Load credentials file if it exists. If it doesn't exist, don't run the tests.
            if (File.Exists(credentialsFilepath))
                result = File.ReadAllText(credentialsFilepath);
                yield break;

            //  Add in a parent object because Unity does not like to deserialize root level collection types.
            result = Utility.AddTopLevelObjectToJson(result, "VCAP_SERVICES");

            //  Convert json to fsResult
            fsResult r = fsJsonParser.Parse(result, out data);

            if (!r.Succeeded)
                throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages);

            //  Convert fsResult to VcapCredentials
            object obj = vcapCredentials;

            r = _serializer.TryDeserialize(data, obj.GetType(), ref obj);
            if (!r.Succeeded)
                throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages);

            //  Set credentials from imported credntials
            Credential credential = vcapCredentials.GetCredentialByname("natural-language-understanding-sdk")[0].Credentials;

            _username = credential.Username.ToString();
            _password = credential.Password.ToString();
            _url      = credential.Url.ToString();

            //  Create credential and instantiate service
            Credentials credentials = new Credentials(_username, _password, _url);

            //  Or authenticate using token
            //Credentials credentials = new Credentials(_url)
            //    AuthenticationToken = _token

            _naturalLanguageUnderstanding             = new NaturalLanguageUnderstanding(credentials);
            _naturalLanguageUnderstanding.VersionDate = _versionDate;

            Log.Debug("TestNaturalLanguageUnderstanding.RunTests()", "attempting to get models...");
            if (!_naturalLanguageUnderstanding.GetModels(OnGetModels, OnFail))
                Log.Debug("TestNaturalLanguageUnderstanding.GetModels()", "Failed to get models.");
            while (!_getModelsTested)
                yield return(null);

            Parameters parameters = new Parameters()
                text = "Analyze various features of text content at scale. Provide text, raw HTML, or a public URL, and IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding will give you results for the features you request. The service cleans HTML content before analysis by default, so the results can ignore most advertisements and other unwanted content.",
                return_analyzed_text = true,
                language             = "en",
                features             = new Features()
                    entities = new EntitiesOptions()
                        limit     = 50,
                        sentiment = true,
                        emotion   = true,
                    keywords = new KeywordsOptions()
                        limit     = 50,
                        sentiment = true,
                        emotion   = true

            Log.Debug("TestNaturalLanguageUnderstanding.RunTests()", "attempting to analyze...");
            if (!_naturalLanguageUnderstanding.Analyze(OnAnalyze, OnFail, parameters))
                Log.Debug("TestNaturalLanguageUnderstanding.Analyze()", "Failed to get models.");
            while (!_analyzeTested)
                yield return(null);

            Log.Debug("TestNaturalLanguageUnderstanding.RunTests()", "Natural language understanding examples complete.");

            yield break;
        public override IEnumerator RunTest()

                VcapCredentials vcapCredentials = new VcapCredentials();
                fsData          data            = null;

                //  Get credentials from a credential file defined in environmental variables in the VCAP_SERVICES format.
                //  See
                var environmentalVariable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VCAP_SERVICES");
                var fileContent           = File.ReadAllText(environmentalVariable);

                //  Add in a parent object because Unity does not like to deserialize root level collection types.
                fileContent = Utility.AddTopLevelObjectToJson(fileContent, "VCAP_SERVICES");

                //  Convert json to fsResult
                fsResult r = fsJsonParser.Parse(fileContent, out data);
                if (!r.Succeeded)
                    throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages);

                //  Convert fsResult to VcapCredentials
                object obj = vcapCredentials;
                r = _serializer.TryDeserialize(data, obj.GetType(), ref obj);
                if (!r.Succeeded)
                    throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages);

                //  Set credentials from imported credntials
                Credential credential = vcapCredentials.VCAP_SERVICES["natural_language_understanding"][TestCredentialIndex].Credentials;
                _username = credential.Username.ToString();
                _password = credential.Password.ToString();
                _url      = credential.Url.ToString();
                Log.Debug("TestNaturalLanguageUnderstanding.RunTest()", "Failed to get credentials from VCAP_SERVICES file. Please configure credentials to run this test. For more information, see:");

            //  Create credential and instantiate service
            Credentials credentials = new Credentials(_username, _password, _url);

            //  Or authenticate using token
            //Credentials credentials = new Credentials(_url)
            //    AuthenticationToken = _token

            _naturalLanguageUnderstanding = new NaturalLanguageUnderstanding(credentials);

            Log.Debug("TestNaturalLanguageUnderstanding.RunTests()", "attempting to get models...");
            if (!_naturalLanguageUnderstanding.GetModels(OnGetModels, OnFail))
                Log.Debug("TestNaturalLanguageUnderstanding.GetModels()", "Failed to get models.");
            while (!_getModelsTested)
                yield return(null);

            Parameters parameters = new Parameters()
                text = "Analyze various features of text content at scale. Provide text, raw HTML, or a public URL, and IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding will give you results for the features you request. The service cleans HTML content before analysis by default, so the results can ignore most advertisements and other unwanted content.",
                return_analyzed_text = true,
                language             = "en",
                features             = new Features()
                    entities = new EntitiesOptions()
                        limit     = 50,
                        sentiment = true,
                        emotion   = true,
                    keywords = new KeywordsOptions()
                        limit     = 50,
                        sentiment = true,
                        emotion   = true

            Log.Debug("TestNaturalLanguageUnderstanding.RunTests()", "attempting to analyze...");
            if (!_naturalLanguageUnderstanding.Analyze(OnAnalyze, OnFail, parameters))
                Log.Debug("TestNaturalLanguageUnderstanding.Analyze()", "Failed to get models.");
            while (!_analyzeTested)
                yield return(null);

            Log.Debug("TestNaturalLanguageUnderstanding.RunTests()", "Natural language understanding examples complete.");

            yield break;