Beispiel #1
 public void OnContentAdLoaded(NativeContentAd ad)
         // Show the content ad.
     catch (Exception exception)
        public void OnContentAdLoaded(NativeContentAd ad)
            //Inflate and store it in a public dicctionary
            int ad_id = activity.dic_nativeAds.Count;

            LayoutInflater      inflater = Application.Context.GetSystemService(Context.LayoutInflaterService) as LayoutInflater;
            NativeContentAdView ad_view  = (NativeContentAdView)inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.NativeAdTemplate, null);

            activity.dic_nativeAds.Add(ad_id, ad_view);

            ad_view.AdChoicesView = new AdChoicesView(activity);
            activity.PopulateContentAdView(ad, ad_view);
            LinearLayout layout = activity.FindViewById <LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.ad_fake_placeholder);


            //Prepare Image to temp file to load it from webview
            string ad_imageFile = "";
            IList <NativeAd.Image> ad_images = ad.Images;

            if (ad_images.Count > 0)
                Java.IO.File tempFile = Java.IO.File.CreateTempFile("adimg", ".jpg", activity.ApplicationContext.CacheDir);
                Bitmap       bitmap   = ((BitmapDrawable)ad_images[0].Drawable).Bitmap;
                MemoryStream stream   = new MemoryStream();
                bitmap.Compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.Jpeg, 100, stream);
                File.WriteAllBytes(tempFile.AbsolutePath, stream.ToArray());
                ad_imageFile = tempFile.AbsolutePath;

            //Pass ad information to webview
            string script = "ad_show("
                            + ad_id + ", "
                            + "'" + ad.Headline.Replace("'", "\\'") + "', "
                            + "'" + ad_imageFile.Replace("'", "\\'") + "', "
                            + "'" + ad.Body.Replace("'", "\\'") + "', "
                            + "'" + ad.CallToAction.Replace("'", "\\'") + "', "
                            + "'" + ad.Advertiser.Replace("'", "\\'") + "'"
                            + ");";

            webView.EvaluateJavascript(script, null);
        public void PopulateContentAdView(NativeContentAd ad, NativeContentAdView adView)
            adView.HeadlineView     = adView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.nativead_headline);
            adView.ImageView        = adView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.nativead_image);
            adView.BodyView         = adView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.nativead_body);
            adView.CallToActionView = adView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.nativead_callToAction);
            adView.LogoView         = adView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.nativead_logo);
            adView.AdvertiserView   = adView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.nativead_advertiser);

            // Some assets are guaranteed to be in every NativeContentAd.
            ((TextView)adView.HeadlineView).Text     = ad.Headline;
            ((TextView)adView.BodyView).Text         = ad.Body;
            ((TextView)adView.CallToActionView).Text = ad.CallToAction;
            ((TextView)adView.AdvertiserView).Text   = ad.Advertiser;

            IList <NativeAd.Image> images = ad.Images;

            if (images.Count > 0)

            // Some aren't guaranteed, however, and should be checked.
            NativeAd.Image logoImage = ad.Logo;

            if (logoImage == null)
                adView.LogoView.Visibility = ViewStates.Invisible;
                adView.LogoView.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;

            // Assign native ad object to the native view.
Beispiel #4
 private void HandleNativeContentAdLoaded(object sender, NativeContentAdEventArgs args)
     MonoBehaviour.print("Content ad loaded." + Screen.width + " " + Screen.height + " " + Screen.orientation.ToString());
     this.contentAd = args.nativeAd;