Beispiel #1
            public void Start(string url)
                #region NanoSetup

                var exitEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

                Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender, eventArgs) =>
                    eventArgs.Cancel = true;

                var validatedUrls = ValidateUrls(url);

                var config = new NanoConfiguration();


                config.AddDirectory("/", Debugger.IsAttached ? "../../www" : "www",
                                    returnHttp404WhenFileWasNotFound: true);


                //you will need to provide a connection string in your app.config for this to produce any events.
                //constructor will set default hardcoded values, you can then override any of those values here ( below values listed are the default values )
                var spokeConfig = new Spoke.SpokeConfiguration
                    DefaultAbortAfterMinutes                = 60,
                    LiveRetryAbortAfterMinutes              = 60,
                    EventProcessingMutexTimeToLiveMinutes   = 2,
                    EventSubscriptionMutexTimeToLiveMinutes = 2,
                    FailedEventsLookbackMinutes             = 1440,
                    FailedEventsThresholdMinutes            = 60,
                    FailedNotificationsThresholdMinutes     = 60,
                    MutexAcquisitionWaitTime                = 1,
                    ClockBackfillTotalMinutes               = 10,
                    ClockBackfillOffsetMinutes              = 2,
                    ClockBackfillMutexTimeToLiveMinutes     = 2,
                    ClockSleepMilliseconds = 10000,
                    SendClockMessages      = true,
                    AppName   = $"{Environment.MachineName}-{AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName}",
                    UserName  = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent()?.Name,
                    GetApiUri = x => x.Uri,
                    WasApiCallSuccessfulHandlers =
                        new Dictionary <string, Func <Spoke.Models.WasApiCallSuccessfulInput, bool> >
                            response => response.HttpResponse.Exception == null &&
                            response.HttpResponse.Response != null &&
                            response.HttpResponse.Response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK
                    JsonSerializer           = new Spoke.Utils.JsonSerializer(),
                    Database                 = () => new Spoke.DatabaseIO.SpokeSqlDatabase(),
                    DatabaseConnectionString = () => ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["spoke"].ConnectionString,
                    SchemaName               = "Spoke"

                //you can add support for "service types" by adding WasApiCallSuccessfulHandlers instead of the default.
                    "OTHER_SERVICE_TYPE",                               //the key for the new service type
                    response => response.HttpResponse.Exception == null //func to evaluate if the service call was successful or not.

                var spoke = new Spoke(spokeConfig);

                config.AddMethods <Spoke.ExternalApi>("/Api/Events");
                config.AddMethods <Spoke.InternalApi>("/Api/Events/Internal");

                #region NanoSetup
                config.AddBackgroundTask("GCCollect", 30000, () =>

                config.GlobalEventHandler.UnhandledExceptionHandlers.Add((exception, context) =>
                        if (!EventLog.SourceExists(_applicationName))
                            EventLog.CreateEventSource(_applicationName, "Application");

                        var msg = new StringBuilder()
                                  .AppendLine("Nano Error:")
                                  .AppendLine("URL: " + context.Request.Url).AppendLine()
                                  .AppendLine("Message: " + exception.Message).AppendLine()

                        EventLog.WriteEntry(_applicationName, msg, EventLogEntryType.Error);
                    catch (Exception)
                        // Gulp: Never throw an exception in the unhandled exception handler

                _server = HttpListenerNanoServer.Start(config, validatedUrls);

                if (Debugger.IsAttached)
                    Process.Start(_server.HttpListenerConfiguration.GetFirstUrlBeingListenedOn().TrimEnd('/') +

                Console.WriteLine("Nano Server is running on: " +