public ActionResult CustomRun(int customTime, string matchIdList) { ResponesJson jsonResp = new ResponesJson(); try { var matches = InitMatchList(); //指定賽事資料 string[] matchArray = matchIdList.Split(','); List <long> checklist = new List <long>(); foreach (var id in matchArray) { checklist.Add(long.Parse(id)); } //checklist.Add(13854605); //checklist.Add(13649001); List <long> mlist = new List <long>(); foreach (var matchid in checklist) { if (matches.Contains(matchid)) { mlist.Add(matchid); } } if (mlist.Count == 0) { Log.Info($"無賽事走地與賠率資料"); jsonResp.Success = false; jsonResp.ResultData = "無賽事走地與賠率資料"; return(Content(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonResp))); } Nami.Delay(1).Seconds().Do(() => { foreach (var matchid in mlist) { if (!CacheTool.ThreadExist(matchid) && CacheTool.MatchList.Count < 5) { Log.Info($"即將重播 {matchid} 場的賽事走地與賠率資料"); new MatchV1(matchid, customTime).BetRadarStart(); } } }); jsonResp.Success = true; jsonResp.ResultData = RefreshList(); } catch (Exception ex) { jsonResp.ResultData = ex.Message; jsonResp.Success = false; } return(Content(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonResp))); }
public void RegistConsumerByTopic(bool durable, string exchange, string routingKey, EventHandler <BasicDeliverEventArgs> eventHandler) { try { if (_channel.IsClosed) { Connect(); } lock (_lockObj) { _channel.ExchangeDeclare(exchange, ExchangeType.Topic, durable); var queueName = _channel.QueueDeclare().QueueName; _channel.QueueBind(queueName, exchange, routingKey); var consumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(_channel); consumer.Received += eventHandler; _channel.BasicConsume(queueName, true, consumer); _topic.Add(new MqEnevt { Durable = durable, Exchange = exchange, RoutingKey = routingKey, EventHandler = eventHandler }); } } catch (Exception e) { Nami.Delay(5).Seconds() .Do(() => { RegistConsumerByTopic(durable, exchange, routingKey, eventHandler); }); } }
private static void Loop(int index, int count) { Log.Info($"{index} loop {count} now {DateTime.Now:HH:mm:ss.fff}"); var ss = index; Nami.Delay(2000).Do(() => { Loop(ss, ++count); }); }
public void Connect() { //連線到 RabbitMQ if (_mqConnection != null) { if (_mqConnection.IsOpen) { Log.Info($"{HostName} _mqConnection.IsOpen=>{_mqConnection.IsOpen} return;"); return; } _mqConnection.ConnectionShutdown -= MqConnectionShutdown; _mqConnection.Close(); _mqConnection.Dispose(); _mqConnection = null; } Log.Info($"try to connect {HostName}"); var rebind = _topic.ToArray(); _topic.Clear(); try { lock (_lockObj) { _factory = new ConnectionFactory { HostName = HostName, Port = Port, UserName = UserName, Password = Password }; _mqConnection = _factory.CreateConnection(); _mqConnection.ConnectionShutdown += MqConnectionShutdown; _channel = _mqConnection.CreateModel(); foreach (var mqEnevt in rebind) { RegistConsumerByTopic(mqEnevt.Durable, mqEnevt.Exchange, mqEnevt.RoutingKey, mqEnevt.EventHandler); } } Log.Info($"RabbitMQ Connection to {HostName} is open => {_mqConnection.IsOpen}"); } catch (Exception e) { _topic.Clear(); _topic.AddRange(rebind); Log.Error($"{HostName} {e.StackTrace ?? "No StackTrace Info"}\n{e.Message ?? "No Message Info"}\n"); Nami.Delay(5).Seconds().Do(Connect); } }
private void RunTask(object param) { lock (locker) { var jobParam = (JobParam)param; Nami.Delay(1).Seconds().Do(() => { Log.Info($"即將重播 {jobParam.MatchID} 場的賽事走地與賠率資料"); new Match(jobParam.MatchID, jobParam.Time).RiskmanStart(); }); } }
private void PushOddstToSportServer(int index) { try { if (index + 1 > Odds.Length) { Log.Info($"賽事編號:{MatchId},第{index + 1}次賠率資料送完"); DataSave.SwitchOddsActive(MatchId); CacheTool.MatchRemove(MatchId); return; } Odds[index].Status = 1; var ot = new OperationRequest { OperationCode = (int)OperationCode.MainService, ActionCode = (int)MainServiceActionCode.BroadcastOdds, Parameters = new Dictionary <byte, object> { { 1, Odds[index] } } }; var lodData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Odds[index]); Log.Info($"賽事編號:{MatchId},第{index + 1}次發送賠率資料:{lodData}"); var pevMsgNr = (index == 0) ? 0 : Odds[index - 1].MsgNr; if (Odds[index].MsgNr > pevMsgNr || pevMsgNr == 0) { DataSave.SwitchOddsActive(Odds[index].MatchId, /*Odds[index].OddsId,*/ Odds[index].MsgNr); DataSave.UpdateMatchCurrentPeriodStart(Odds[index].MatchId); } int timer = 0; if (index <= Odds.Length - 1) { timer = avgTimeForOdds; } else { timer = modTimeForOdds; } Nami.Delay(timer).Do(() => { PushOddstToSportServer(index + 1); }); } catch (Exception ex) { var lodData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Odds[index]); Log.Info($"賽事編號:{MatchId},第{index + 1}次失敗,失敗原因:{ex.Message},失敗原因:{ex.StackTrace}"); } }
private void Awake() { Akali akali = new Akali(); Nami nami = new Nami(); Hero hero = new Hero(); List <Hero> heros = new List <Hero>(); heros.Add(akali); heros.Add(nami); heros.Add(hero); DisplayHero(heros); }
public void Connect() { //連線到 RabbitMQ if (_mqConnection != null) { if (_mqConnection.IsOpen) { return; } _mqConnection.ConnectionShutdown -= MqConnectionShutdown; _mqConnection.Close(); _mqConnection.Dispose(); _mqConnection = null; } var rebind = _topic.ToArray(); _topic.Clear(); try { lock (_lockObj) { _factory = new ConnectionFactory { HostName = HostName, Port = Port, UserName = UserName, Password = Password }; _mqConnection = _factory.CreateConnection(); _mqConnection.ConnectionShutdown += MqConnectionShutdown; _channel = _mqConnection.CreateModel(); foreach (var mqEnevt in rebind) { RegistConsumerByTopic(mqEnevt.Durable, mqEnevt.Exchange, mqEnevt.RoutingKey, mqEnevt.EventHandler); } } } catch (Exception e) { _topic.Clear(); _topic.AddRange(rebind); Nami.Delay(5).Seconds().Do(Connect); } }
public static void DoOddsBatch(string message, string JsonData, int excuteTimes = 0) { try { var url = $"{ServerSite}/integration/batch-odd-change/"; var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); request.Method = "POST"; // 方法 request.KeepAlive = true; //是否保持連線 request.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"; var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append($"{JsonData}"); var param = sb.ToString(); var bs = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(param); Log.Debug($"SendOddsBatchToRiskMan => message:{message}\n apiurl:{url}\n parame:{sb}\n"); using (var reqStream = request.GetRequestStream()) { reqStream.Write(bs, 0, bs.Length); } using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) { using (var sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())) { var result = sr.ReadToEnd(); sr.Close(); Log.Debug($"SendOddsBatchToRiskMan => message:{message}\n apiurl:{url}\n parame:{sb}\n result:{(int)response.StatusCode}"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, $"SendOddsBatchToRiskMan => message:{message}\n {ex.StackTrace}\n{ex.Message}\n"); Nami.Delay(1).Seconds().Do(() => { DoOddsBatch(JsonData, excuteTimes++); }); } if (excuteTimes >= 10) { Log.Error($"SendOddsBatchToRiskManData=> message:{message}\n {JsonData}\n"); } }
public void Connect() { //連線到 RabbitMQ if (_mqConnection != null) { if (_mqConnection.IsOpen) { Log.Info($"{HostName} _mqConnection.IsOpen=>{_mqConnection.IsOpen} return;"); return; } _mqConnection.ConnectionShutdown -= MqConnectionShutdown; _mqConnection.Close(); _mqConnection.Dispose(); _mqConnection = null; } Log.Info($"try to connect {HostName}"); _factory = new ConnectionFactory { HostName = HostName, Port = Port, UserName = UserName, Password = Password }; try { lock (_lockObj) { _mqConnection = _factory.CreateConnection(); _mqConnection.ConnectionShutdown += MqConnectionShutdown; _channel = _mqConnection.CreateModel(); } Log.Info($"RabbitMQ Connection to {HostName} is open => {_mqConnection.IsOpen}"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(e, $"{HostName} Connect Exception:{e.StackTrace} {e.Message}"); Nami.Delay(5).Seconds().Do(Connect); } }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); Xamarin.Essentials.Platform.Init(this, savedInstanceState); global::Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(this, savedInstanceState); LoadApplication(new App()); NamiConfiguration.Builder builder = new NamiConfiguration.Builder(this, NamiAppPlatformId); builder.InvokeBypassStore(true); builder.InvokeDevelopmentMode(true); #if DEBUG builder.InvokeLogLevel(NamiLogLevel.Debug); #endif Nami.Configure(builder.Build()); //NamiPaywallManager.RegisterPaywallRaiseListener(new KtFunc4<Context, NamiPaywall, IJavaObject, Java.Lang.String>((context, paywall, skus, text) => Debugger.Break())); }
public void NamiSetup() { // This is the appID for a Nami test application with already configured products and paywalls, contact Nami to obtain an Application ID for your own application. var namiConfig = NamiConfiguration.ConfigurationForAppPlatformID(NAMI_APP_PLATFORM_ID); // Makes sure when the app is re-run that any stored bypass purchases are cleared out so we can retry purchases // Note this cannot clear out StoreKit sandbox or regular purchases, which Apple controls. // This only clears out purchases made when bypassStoreKit is enabled. NamiPurchaseManager.ClearBypassStorePurchases(); // For testing we'll bypass StoreKit, so you don't have to run the app on a device to test purchases. // You may want to include some ability to toggle this on for testers of your application. namiConfig.BypassStore = true; //Nami recommends setting the log level to Warn for apps on the store. Info may be helpful during development to better understand what is going on. Debug level has a lot of information and is likely only helpful to the Nami support team. namiConfig.LogLevel = NamiLogLevel.Info; Nami.ConfigureWithNamiConfig(namiConfig); //sign in handler not currently being used but could be needed in the future NamiPaywallManager.RegisterSignInHandler((viewController, message, paywall) => { var okAlertController = UIAlertController.Create("Sign In", message, UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert); //Add Action okAlertController.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("OK", UIAlertActionStyle.Default, null)); // Present Alert UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow.RootViewController.PresentedViewController.PresentViewController(okAlertController, true, null); }); //Nami triggers a callback any time there is a change to the state of an entitlement. //In the callback the full list of currently active entitlements is provided. //You can use this to store the state of whether a user has access to premium features locally in your app. NamiPurchaseManager.RegisterPurchasesChangedHandler(changeHandler: (purchases, purchaseState, error) => { foreach (NamiPurchase purchase in purchases) { var expires = purchase.Expires; } }); NamiPaywallManager.RegisterAllowAutoRaisePaywallHandler(() => { return(true); }); }
/// <summary> /// This method is overriden to provide our own setup for when the page is rendered. This method is called when the page or control is created. /// </summary> /// <param name="e"></param> protected override void OnElementChanged(VisualElementChangedEventArgs e) { base.OnElementChanged(e); try { //call the method to setup the user interface and create the controls needed SetupUserInterface(); //run the Nami setup NamiSetup(); //call to provide the customer identifier Nami.SetExternalIdentifier(EXTERNAL_IDENTIFIER, NamiExternalIdentifierType.Uuid); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(@" ERROR: ", ex.Message); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { //Gets and setsinitial character objects m_izanagi = Movement.Get(); m_izanami = Nami.Get(); cam = CameraFollow.Get(); poss = false; mainChar = m_izanagi.gameObject; sideChar = m_izanami.gameObject; anim = sideChar.GetComponent <Animator>(); //Find safe spot safeSpots(); inCombat = false; s_RigidBody = sideChar.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); grounded = true; startingMusic = GameObject.Find("StartingMusic").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); combatMusic = GameObject.Find("CombatMusic").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); dead = false; follow = false; }
private void PushOddsToRiskMan(int index) { try { if (index + 1 > RiskOddsDataList.Count) { Log.Info($"賽事編號:{MatchId},第{index + 1}次賠率資料送完"); //賠率送完即結算 DataSave.DoSettle(MatchId, 1); //全場 DataSave.DoSettle(MatchId, 2); //半場 //DataSave.SwitchOddsActive(MatchId); CacheTool.MatchRemove(MatchId); return; } var message = $"賽事編號:{MatchId},第{index + 1}次賠率資料傳送"; SendRisk.DoOddsBatch(message, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(RiskOddsDataList[index])); Log.Info(message + $", Data => {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(RiskOddsDataList[index])}"); int timer = 0; if (index <= RiskOddsDataList.Count - 1) { timer = avgTimeForOddsRisk; } else { timer = modTimeForOddsRisk; } Nami.Delay(timer).Do(() => { PushOddsToRiskMan(index + 1); }); } catch (Exception ex) { var lodData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Odds[index]); Log.Info($"賽事編號:{MatchId},第{index + 1}次失敗,失敗原因:{ex.Message},失敗原因:{ex.StackTrace}"); } }
private void NamiSetup() { // Makes sure when the app is re-run that any stored bypass purchases are cleared out so we can retry purchases // Note this cannot clear out StoreKit sandbox or regular purchases, which Apple controls. // This only clears out purchases made when bypassStoreKit is enabled. NamiPurchaseManager.ClearBypassStorePurchases(); // This is the appID for a Nami test application with already configured products and paywalls, contact Nami to obtain an Application ID for your own application. var namiConfig = NamiConfiguration.ConfigurationForAppPlatformID("002e2c49-7f66-4d22-a05c-1dc9f2b7f2af"); // For testing we'll bypass StoreKit, so you don't have to run the app on a device to test purchases. // You may want to include some ability to toggle this on for testers of your application. namiConfig.BypassStore = true; namiConfig.LogLevel = NamiLogLevel.Warn; Nami.ConfigureWithNamiConfig(namiConfig); NamiPaywallManager.RegisterSignInHandler((viewController, message, paywall) => { var okAlertController = UIAlertController.Create("Sign In", message, UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert); //Add Action okAlertController.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("OK", UIAlertActionStyle.Default, null)); // Present Alert UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow.RootViewController.PresentedViewController.PresentViewController(okAlertController, true, null); Nami.SetExternalIdentifier(TEST_EXTERNAL_IDENTIFIER, NamiExternalIdentifierType.Uuid); }); NamiPurchaseManager.RegisterPurchasesChangedHandler(changeHandler: (purchases, purchaseState, error) => { foreach (NamiPurchase purchase in purchases) { var expires = purchase.Expires; } }); NamiPurchaseManager.IsSKUIDPurchased("nami_monthly"); NamiPaywallManager.RegisterAllowAutoRaisePaywallHandler(() => { return(true); }); }
public ActionResult RadomRun(int randomTime, int randomCnt) { ResponesJson jsonResp = new ResponesJson(); try { List <long> mlist = new List <long>(); var matches = InitMatchList(); Random rand = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()); List <int> listLinq = new List <int>(Enumerable.Range(0, matches.Count() - 1)); listLinq = listLinq.OrderBy(num => rand.Next()).ToList <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < randomCnt; i++) { mlist.Add(matches[listLinq[i]]); } Nami.Delay(1).Seconds().Do(() => { foreach (var matchid in mlist) { if (!CacheTool.ThreadExist(matchid) && CacheTool.MatchList.Count < 5) { Log.Info($"即將重播 {matchid} 場的賽事走地與賠率資料"); new Match(matchid, randomTime).BetRadarStart(); } } }); jsonResp.Success = true; jsonResp.ResultData = RefreshList(); } catch (Exception ex) { jsonResp.ResultData = ex.Message; jsonResp.Success = false; } return(Content(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonResp))); }
public void RegistConsumerByTopic(bool durable, string exchange, string routingKey, EventHandler <BasicDeliverEventArgs> eventHandler) { try { if (_channel.IsClosed) { Connect(); } lock (_lockObj) { _channel.ExchangeDeclare(exchange, ExchangeType.Topic, durable); var queueName = _channel.QueueDeclare().QueueName; _channel.QueueBind(queueName, exchange, routingKey); var consumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(_channel); consumer.Received += eventHandler; _channel.BasicConsume(queueName, true, consumer); _topic.Add(new MqEnevt { Durable = durable, Exchange = exchange, RoutingKey = routingKey, EventHandler = eventHandler }); } Log.Info($"{HostName} RegistConsumerByTopic exchange:{exchange} routingKey:{routingKey} success"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error($"{HostName} {e.StackTrace ?? "No StackTrace Info"}\n{e.Message ?? "No Message Info"}\n"); Nami.Delay(5).Seconds() .Do(() => { RegistConsumerByTopic(durable, exchange, routingKey, eventHandler); }); } }
private void PushOddsToIntegration(int index) { try { if (index + 1 > OddsDt.Rows.Count) { Log.Info($"賽事編號:{MatchId},第{index + 1}次賠率資料送完"); CacheTool.MatchRemove(MatchId); return; } var lodData = OddsDt.Rows[index]["JsonData"].ToString(); ToMq("odds", "odds.replaylive", EntityTool.Serialize(lodData)); Log.Info($"賽事編號:{MatchId},第{index + 1}次發送賠率資料:{lodData}"); int timer = 0; if (index <= Odds.Length - 1) { timer = avgTimeForOdds; } else { timer = modTimeForOdds; } Nami.Delay(timer).Do(() => { PushOddstToSportServer(index + 1); }); } catch (Exception ex) { var lodData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Odds[index]); Log.Info($"賽事編號:{MatchId},第{index + 1}次失敗,失敗原因:{ex.Message},失敗原因:{ex.StackTrace}"); } }
Nami() { s_izanami = this; }
private void PushScoutToMq(int index) { try { if (index + 1 > Scout.Length) { Log.Info($"賽事編號:{MatchId} 第{index + 1}次走地資料送完"); return; } Scout[index].Type = Scout[index].TypeId; if (Scout[index].Type == 1013 && (Scout[index].ExtraInfo == 6 || Scout[index].ExtraInfo == 7 || Scout[index].ExtraInfo == 31 || Scout[index].ExtraInfo == 100)) { DataSave.UpdateMatchCurrentPeriodStart(MatchId); DataSave.UpdateMatchStatus(MatchId, Scout[index].ExtraInfo); } if (index > 1 && Scout[index].MatchScore != Scout[index - 1].MatchScore) { DataSave.UpdateMatcScore(MatchId, Scout[index].MatchScore); } var tj = new TransJson { Success = true, Code = "1.0", Message = null, Key = "RMQ_LiveCompetition", Result = Scout[index] }; //走地動畫 ToMq("livescout", Scout[index].MatchId.ToString(), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tj)); //通知 Clinet 狀態 var tSportServer = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Scout[index]); ToMq("livescout", "sport.server", tSportServer); Log.Info($"賽事編號:{MatchId} 第{index + 1}次走地動畫&通知推送 {tSportServer}"); int timer = 0; if (index <= Odds.Length - 1) { timer = avgTimeForScout; } else { timer = modTimeForScout; } Nami.Delay(timer).Do(() => { PushScoutToMq(index + 1); }); } catch (Exception ex) { var tSportServer = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Scout[index]); Log.Info($"賽事編號:{MatchId},第{index + 1}次失敗,失敗原因:{ex.Message}, 失敗原因:{ex.StackTrace}"); } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var now = DateTime.Now; Log.Info($"Start at {now:HH:mm:ss}"); /*Nami.Delay(20000).Do(() => * { * foreach (var s in new[] {1, 2, 3}) * { * var ss = s; * Nami.Delay(2000).Do(() => * { * Loop(ss, 0); * }); * } * });*/ Nami.Every(450).Milliseconds().Times(2).Do(() => { PrintData("Every 450 Milliseconds", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.Every(1).Seconds().Times(3).Do(() => { PrintData("Every 1 Seconds Times 3", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.Every(10).Minutes().Do(() => { PrintData("Every 10 Minutes", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.Every(10).Minutes().AfterExecuteTask().Do(() => { PrintData("Every 10 Minutes and AfterExecuteTask(didn't work)", DateTime.Now); Thread.Sleep(4 * 60 * 1000); }); Nami.Every(600).Seconds().AfterExecuteTask().Do(() => { PrintData("Every 600 Seconds and sleep 4 Minutes", DateTime.Now); Thread.Sleep(4 * 60 * 1000); }); Nami.Delay(4000).Times(4).Do(() => { PrintData("Delay 4000 ms Times 4", DateTime.Now); }); now = now.AddSeconds(17).AddMilliseconds(100); Nami.EveryMonday().At(now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second).Do(() => { PrintData("Monday", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.EveryTuesday().At(now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second).Do(() => { PrintData("Tuesday", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.EveryWednesday().At(now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second) .Do(() => { PrintData("Wednesday", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.EveryThursday().At(now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second) .Do(() => { PrintData("Thursday", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.EveryFriday().At(now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second).Do(() => { PrintData("Friday", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.EverySaturday().At(now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second) .Do(() => { PrintData("Saturday", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.EverySunday().At(now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second).Do(() => { PrintData("Sunday", DateTime.Now); }); now = now.AddSeconds(1); Nami.Every(1).Hours().At(now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second).Do(() => { PrintData("Every 1 Hours", DateTime.Now); }); now = now.AddSeconds(1); Nami.Every(1).Days().At(now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second) .Do(() => { PrintData("Every 1 Days", DateTime.Now); }); now = now.AddSeconds(1); Nami.Everyday().At(now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second).Do(() => { PrintData("Everyday", DateTime.Now); }); Console.ReadKey(); Nami.EverySunday().At(6, 0, 0).Do(() => { PrintData("EverySunday().Days().At(6,0,0) ", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.EveryMonday().At(6, 0, 0).Do(() => { PrintData("EveryMonday().Days().At(6,0,0) ", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.EveryMonday().At(12, 0, 0).Do(() => { PrintData("EveryMonday().Days().At(12,0,0) ", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.EveryTuesday().At(6, 0, 0).Do(() => { PrintData("EveryMonday().Days().At(6,0,0) ", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.EveryTuesday().At(12, 0, 0) .Do(() => { PrintData("EveryMonday().Days().At(12,0,0) ", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.Everyday().At(6, 0, 0).Do(() => { PrintData("Everyday().At(6,0,0) ", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.Every(1).Days().Do(() => { PrintData("Every(1).Days() ", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.Every(1).Days().At(DateTime.Now.Hour, DateTime.Now.Minute, DateTime.Now.Second + 2).Do(() => { PrintData("Every(1).Days().At ", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.Every(2).Days().At(DateTime.Now.Hour, DateTime.Now.Minute, DateTime.Now.Second + 2).Do(() => { PrintData("Every(2).Days().At ", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.Every(1).Hours().At(DateTime.Now.Hour, DateTime.Now.Minute, DateTime.Now.Second + 2).Do(() => { PrintData("Every Hours ", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.Every(2).Hours().At(DateTime.Now.Hour, DateTime.Now.Minute, DateTime.Now.Second + 2).Do(() => { PrintData("Every 2 Hours ", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.Every(1).Minutes().Do(() => { PrintData("Every(1).Minutes()", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.Every(2).Minutes().Do(() => { PrintData("Every(2).Minutes()", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.Delay(1).Seconds().Times(5).Do(() => { Log.Info($"Nami.Delay(1).Seconds() {DateTime.Now:HH:mm:ss}"); }); var d = Nami.Delay(1).Seconds().Times(5).Do(() => { PrintData(" Dispose ", DateTime.Now); }); d.Dispose(); Nami.Delay(30).Seconds().Times(5).Do(() => { PrintData("Delay(30) 5 times", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.RightNow().Times(3).Do(() => { PrintData("RightNow 3 times", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.RightNow().Do(() => { PrintData("Just RightNow ", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.Delay(1000).Milliseconds().Do(() => { PrintData($"Just Delay(1000) execute:{DateTime.Now:HH:mm:ss.fff}", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.Every(60000).Milliseconds().Do(() => { PrintData("Just Every(60000).Milliseconds() ", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.Everyday().At(DateTime.Now.Hour, DateTime.Now.Minute, DateTime.Now.Second + 5) .Do(() => { PrintData("Everyday ", DateTime.Now); }); Console.ReadKey(); IFiber pool = new PoolFiber(); IFiber thread = new ThreadFiber(); pool.Start(); thread.Start(); pool.ScheduleOnInterval(() => { PrintData("pool ", DateTime.Now); }, 0, 150000); var td = thread.ScheduleOnInterval(() => { PrintData("thread", DateTime.Now); }, 0, 100000); thread.ScheduleOnInterval(() => { PrintData("thread ten second", DateTime.Now); }, 0, 100000); for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var i1 = i; thread.Enqueue(() => { PrintData($"thread {i1}", DateTime.Now); }); } pool.Schedule(() => { Console.WriteLine($"td Dispose"); td.Dispose(); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { thread.Enqueue(() => { PrintData("Schedule start thread ", DateTime.Now); }); } }, 20000); Nami.Every(10).Seconds().AfterExecuteTask().Do(() => { RunSleepCron("Af", 10, 600); }); Nami.Every(10).Seconds().AfterExecuteTask().Do(() => { RunSleepCron("Af", 10, 600); }); Nami.Every(10).Seconds().BeforeExecuteTask().Do(() => { RunSleepCron("Be", 10, 0); }); Nami.Every(10).Seconds().BeforeExecuteTask().Do(() => { RunSleepCron("Be", 10, 0); }); Nami.Every(100).Seconds().Do(() => { thread.Enqueue(() => { PrintData(" Nami.Every(1).Seconds().Do ", DateTime.Now); }); }); Nami.Every(150).Seconds().Do(() => { PrintData("Nami ", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.Every(1).Hours().At(0, 02, 0).Do(() => { PrintData("Hours 2", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.Delay(1500).Do(() => { PrintData("Delay ", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.EveryTuesday().At(14, 13, 40).Do(() => { PrintData("Nami.EveryTuesday().At(n, n, n) ", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.Every(1).Minutes().Do(() => { PrintData("Nami.Every(1).Minutes()", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.Every(2).Minutes().At(0, 0, 15).Do(() => { PrintData("Nami.Every(2).Minutes().At(0,0,15)", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.Delay(1000).Do(() => { PrintData("Delay ", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.Delay(2500).Do(() => { PrintData("Delay ", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.Delay(3500).Do(() => { PrintData("Delay ", DateTime.Now); }); Nami.Delay(4500).Do(() => { PrintData("Delay ", DateTime.Now); }); //thread.Dispose(); Console.ReadKey(); }
void Start() { c = SideChar.Get(); m_izanagi = Movement.Get().gameObject; m_izanami = Nami.Get(); }