protected override void FireWeapon( UnitWeaponSystem _weaponSys ,
							  			NamedObject _TargetUnit )
        if( true == GlobalSingleton.GetGlobalSingletonObj().GetComponent<AutoPlayMachine>().m_Active )
            return ;

        string weaponComponent = "" ;
        // check phaser
        weaponComponent = _weaponSys.FindAbleWeaponComponent( RandomAWeaponKeyword() ,
                                                             _TargetUnit.Name ) ;

        if( 0 == weaponComponent.Length )
            // Debug.Log( "FireWeapon() no available weapon" ) ;
            this.SetState( AI_Fire_State.MoveToTarget ) ;
            return ;

        // fire
        if( true == _weaponSys.ActiveWeapon( weaponComponent ,
                                             _TargetUnit ,
                                             ConstName.UnitDataComponentUnitIntagraty ) )
            this.SetState( AI_Fire_State.WaitForReload ) ;
Beispiel #2
        public Object FindAsset(ClassIDType classID, string name)
            foreach (Object asset in FetchAssets())
                if (asset.ClassID == classID)
                    NamedObject namedAsset = (NamedObject)asset;
                    if (namedAsset.ValidName == name)

            foreach (FileIdentifier identifier in Metadata.Dependencies)
                ISerializedFile file = Collection.FindSerializedFile(identifier.GetFilePath());
                if (file == null)
                foreach (Object asset in file.FetchAssets())
                    if (asset.ClassID == classID)
                        NamedObject namedAsset = (NamedObject)asset;
                        if (namedAsset.Name == name)
Beispiel #3
        public void CanGetName()
            var obj  = new NamedObject("Name 1");
            var name = obj.Name;

            Assert.Equal("Name 1", name);
Beispiel #4
        virtual protected bool Update(NamedObject ndo_changes, out NamedObject to_change)
            string idProperty_Name = null;

            to_change = ResolveNDO(ndo_changes, out idProperty_Name);

            if (to_change != null)
                foreach (PropertyInfo pi in ndo_changes.GetType().GetProperties())
                    if (pi.Name == idProperty_Name)
                        continue;   // do not update Primary Property
                    object v_changes = pi.GetValue(ndo_changes, null);
                    if (v_changes != null && (pi.CanWrite || v_changes.GetType().IsGenericType))
                        SetProperty(to_change, pi, v_changes);
Beispiel #5
		public void SetsReturnValueOfInvocation()
			object result = new NamedObject("result");
			ReturnAction action = new ReturnAction(result);

			Assert.AreSame(result, ResultOfAction(action), "result");
Beispiel #6
        private async void LoadTagsAsync()
                var tags = await _siService.GetTagsAsync();

                Tags = new[] { All, new NamedObject {
                                   ID = -1, Name = null
                               } }.Concat(tags).ToArray();
                if (_tags.Length > 0)
                    // Без асинхронной загрузки пакетов
                    if (DefaultTag != null)
                        _currentTag = _tags.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == DefaultTag) ?? _tags[0];
                        _currentTag = _tags[0];


            catch (Exception exc)
                IsLoading = false;
Beispiel #7
		public void HasAReadableDescription()
			object result = new NamedObject("result");
			ReturnAction action = new ReturnAction(result);

			AssertDescription.IsEqual(action, "return <result>(NMockTests.NamedObject)");
Beispiel #8
        public void TestThatConstructorInitializeNamedObjectWithDescription()
            var fixture     = new Fixture();
            var nameSource  = fixture.CreateAnonymous <string>();
            var nameTarget  = fixture.CreateAnonymous <string>();
            var description = fixture.CreateAnonymous <string>();

            var namedObject = new NamedObject(nameSource, nameTarget, description);

            Assert.That(namedObject, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(namedObject.NameSource, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(namedObject.NameSource, Is.Not.Empty);
            Assert.That(namedObject.NameSource, Is.EqualTo(nameSource));
            Assert.That(namedObject.NameTarget, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(namedObject.NameTarget, Is.Not.Empty);
            Assert.That(namedObject.NameTarget, Is.EqualTo(nameTarget));
            Assert.That(namedObject.Description, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(namedObject.Description, Is.Not.Empty);
            Assert.That(namedObject.Description, Is.EqualTo(description));
            Assert.That(namedObject.ExceptionInfo, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(namedObject.ExceptionInfo, Is.Not.Empty);
            Assert.That(namedObject.ExceptionInfo, Is.EqualTo(string.Format("{0}, NameSource={1}, NameTarget={2}, Description={3}", namedObject.GetType().Name, namedObject.NameSource, namedObject.NameTarget, namedObject.Description)));
            Assert.That(namedObject.MetadataObject, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(namedObject.MetadataObject, Is.EqualTo(namedObject));
Beispiel #9
        static protected void DumpCDOObject(object dump_obj)
            Type t_res = dump_obj.GetType();

            Console.WriteLine("Class: {0}", t_res.Name);
            PropertyInfo[] propertyInfos = t_res.GetProperties();
            foreach (PropertyInfo pi in propertyInfos)
                object v = pi.GetValue(dump_obj, null);
                if (v != null)
                    Type t_v = v.GetType();
                    Console.WriteLine("{0,-20}: {1,10}", t_v.Name, v.ToString());
                    if (t_v.IsGenericType == true)
                        PropertyInfo             pi_item  = t_v.GetProperty("Item");
                        System.Collections.IList i_v_list = v as System.Collections.IList;
                        Console.WriteLine(pi_item.Name + " has " + i_v_list.Count + " element.");
                        for (int i = 0; i < i_v_list.Count; i++)
                            object[]    indexArgs     = { i };
                            object      pi_item_value = pi_item.GetValue(v, indexArgs);
                            NamedObject pi_item_name  = pi_item_value as NamedObject;
                            Console.WriteLine("   Value: {0}, Name: {1}", pi_item_value, pi_item_name.Name);
Beispiel #10
        public void TestThatDescriptionSetterRaisePropertyChangedIfValueIsChanged()
            var fixture = new Fixture();

            var namedObject = new NamedObject(fixture.CreateAnonymous <string>(), fixture.CreateAnonymous <string>(), fixture.CreateAnonymous <string>());

            Assert.That(namedObject, Is.Not.Null);

            var eventCalled = false;

            namedObject.PropertyChanged += ((s, e) =>
                Assert.That(s, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(e, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(e.PropertyName, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(e.PropertyName, Is.Not.Empty);
                if (e.PropertyName.CompareTo("Description") == 0)
                    eventCalled = true;

            namedObject.Description = namedObject.Description;
            Assert.That(eventCalled, Is.False);

            var newValue = fixture.CreateAnonymous <string>();

            namedObject.Description = newValue;
            Assert.That(namedObject.Description, Is.EqualTo(newValue));
            Assert.That(eventCalled, Is.True);
Beispiel #11
        virtual public bool Add(NamedObject ndo_insert)
            string idProperty_Name = null;
            object check_exist     = ResolveNDO(ndo_insert, out idProperty_Name);

            if (check_exist == null)
                foreach (PropertyInfo pi in ndo_insert.GetType().GetProperties())
                    if (pi.Name == idProperty_Name)
                        continue;   // do not update Primary Property
                    object v_changes = pi.GetValue(ndo_insert, null);
                    if (v_changes != null && (pi.CanWrite || v_changes.GetType().IsGenericType))
                        SetProperty(ndo_insert, pi, v_changes);
Beispiel #12
        static void ExportFiles(string _AssetBundlePath, string _ExportFileList, string _OutputDir)
            if (File.Exists(_AssetBundlePath))
                Console.WriteLine("Loading assetbundle: " + '"' + _AssetBundlePath + '"');

                string          pat     = @"([^;]+)";
                MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(_ExportFileList, pat);
                Match[]         arr     = new Match[matches.Count];
                matches.CopyTo(arr, 0);
                HashSet <string> export_name_set = new HashSet <string>();
                foreach (var item in arr)
                Console.WriteLine("Export files: ");
                foreach (var serifile in assetsManager.assetsFileList)
                    foreach (var assetobj in serifile.Objects)
                        NamedObject n_obj = assetobj as NamedObject;
                        if (n_obj != null)
                            if (export_name_set.Contains(n_obj.m_Name))
                                ExportAsset(n_obj, _OutputDir);
        private void ExportAsset(ProjectAssetContainer container, NamedObject asset, string path)
            NativeFormatImporter importer = new NativeFormatImporter(container.ExportLayout);

            importer.MainObjectFileID = GetExportID(asset);
            ExportAsset(container, importer, asset, path, asset.Name);
Beispiel #14
        protected string GetUniqueFileName(Object @object, string dirPath)
            string      fileName;
            NamedObject named = @object as NamedObject;

            if (named == null)
                Prefab prefab = @object as Prefab;
                if (prefab != null)
                    fileName = prefab.Name;
                    fileName = @object.GetType().Name;
                fileName = named.Name;

            fileName = DirectoryUtils.GetMaxIndexName(dirPath, fileName);
            fileName = $"{fileName}.{@object.ExportExtension}";
        public void SetsReturnValueOfInvocation()
            object result = new NamedObject("result");
            var action = new ReturnAction(result);

            Assert.AreSame(result, ResultOfAction(action), "result");
        public void HasAReadableDescription()
            object result = new NamedObject("result");
            var action = new ReturnAction(result);

            AssertDescription.IsEqual(action, "return <result>");
        public void CanSpecifyResultForOtherType()
            var synth = new ResultSynthesizer();
            var value = new NamedObject("value");
            synth.SetResult(typeof (NamedObject), value);

            AssertReturnsValue(synth, typeof (NamedObject), value);
 public SubSection(string name, NamedObject source = null, NamedObject target = null, string tsName = null, double maxFlow = 10000.0)
     Name   = name;
     Source = source;
     Target = target;
     TechnologicalSectionName = tsName;
     MaxFlows = maxFlow;
Beispiel #19
        static bool ExportRawFile(NamedObject obj, string exportPath)
            var exportFullName = Path.Combine(exportPath, obj.m_Name + ".dat");

            File.WriteAllBytes(exportFullName, obj.GetRawData());
 internal void SetNamedObject(string name, object value, bool fullyInitialized)
     if (value == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
     objects [name] = new NamedObject(name, value, fullyInitialized);
        public void HasReadableDescription()
            int index = 1;
            object value = new NamedObject("value");

            var action = new SetIndexedParameterAction(index, value);

            AssertDescription.IsEqual(action, "set arg 1=<value>");
        public void HasReadableDescription()
            int    index = 1;
            object value = new NamedObject("value");

            SetIndexedParameterAction action = new SetIndexedParameterAction(index, value);

            AssertDescription.IsEqual(action, "set arg 1=<value>(NMockTests.NamedObject)");
        public void HasReadableDescription()
            string name = "param";
            object value = new NamedObject("value");

            var action = new SetNamedParameterAction(name, value);

            AssertDescription.IsEqual(action, "set param=<value>");
Beispiel #24
        public void HasReadableDescription()
            string name  = "param";
            object value = new NamedObject("value");

            SetNamedParameterAction action = new SetNamedParameterAction(name, value);

            AssertDescription.IsEqual(action, "set param=<value>(NMockTests.NamedObject)");
Beispiel #25
        public void CanSpecifyResultForOtherType()
            var synth = new ResultSynthesizer();
            var value = new NamedObject("value");

            synth.SetResult(typeof(NamedObject), value);

            AssertReturnsValue(synth, typeof(NamedObject), value);
Beispiel #26
        public void TestThatNameTargetSetterThrowsArgumentNullExceptionIfValueIsNull()
            var fixture = new Fixture();

            var namedObject = new NamedObject(fixture.CreateAnonymous <string>(), fixture.CreateAnonymous <string>());

            Assert.That(namedObject, Is.Not.Null);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => namedObject.NameTarget = null);
Beispiel #27
        public void TestThatDescriptionSetterThrowsArgumentNullExceptionIfValueIsEmpty()
            var fixture = new Fixture();

            var namedObject = new NamedObject(fixture.CreateAnonymous <string>(), fixture.CreateAnonymous <string>());

            Assert.That(namedObject, Is.Not.Null);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => namedObject.Description = string.Empty);
Beispiel #28
        private static void TestNameOf()
            NamedObject namedObject = new NamedObject("Nazwa");

            string propertyName  = namedObject.GetNameOf(x => x.Name);
            string propertyName2 = namedObject.Name.GetName(() => namedObject.Name);

            ConsoleUtils.WriteResult("Nazwa zmiennej Name z poziomu obiektu", propertyName);
            ConsoleUtils.WriteResult("Nazwa zmiennej Name bezpośrednio", propertyName2);
Beispiel #29
		public static object ResultOfAction(IAction action)
			object receiver = new NamedObject("receiver");
			MethodInfoStub methodInfo = new MethodInfoStub("method");
			Invocation invocation = new Invocation(receiver, methodInfo, new object[0]);


			return invocation.Result;
Beispiel #30
        public override bool Add(NamedObject ndo_obj)
            bool success = base.Add(ndo_obj);

            if (true == success)
                success = RecordHistory(ndo_obj, ActionType.Insert);
Beispiel #31
        static bool ExportTextAsset(NamedObject obj, string exportPath)
            var    m_TextAsset    = (TextAsset)(obj);
            string extension      = ".txt";
            var    exportFullName = Path.Combine(exportPath, obj.m_Name + extension);

            File.WriteAllBytes(exportFullName, m_TextAsset.m_Script);
            public override bool Equals(object obj)
                NamedObject other = obj as NamedObject;

                if (other == null)
                return(StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals(Name, other.Name));
        public static object ResultOfAction(IAction action)
            object receiver = new NamedObject("receiver");
            var methodInfo = new MethodInfoStub("method");
            var invocation = new Invocation(receiver, methodInfo, new object[0]);


            return invocation.Result;
Beispiel #34
        protected override bool Update(NamedObject ndo_changes, out NamedObject to_change)
            bool success = base.Update(ndo_changes, out to_change);

            if (true == success)
                success = RecordHistory(to_change, ActionType.Update);
Beispiel #35
        public override bool Remove(NamedObject ndo_obj)
            bool success = base.Remove(ndo_obj);

            if (true == success)
                success = RecordHistory(ndo_obj, ActionType.Delete);
    private void FetchUnitDataGUIBackgroundObject()
        GUIUpdate guiUpdate = GlobalSingleton.GetGUIUpdateComponent() ;
        if( null == guiUpdate )
            return ;

        if( true == m_IsMainCharacterUnitDataGUI )
            m_UnitDataGUIBackgroundObject = guiUpdate.m_MainCharacterGUIBackground ;
            m_UnitDataGUIBackgroundObject = guiUpdate.m_SelectTargetGUIBackground ;
Beispiel #37
 internal Size GetFoundation(NamedObject v)
     if (_buildingTypes.HasObject(v))
        public void DoesNotMatchObjectIfPropertyMatcherDoesNotMatch()
            var o = new ObjectWithProperties();
            object aValue = new NamedObject("aValue");
            object otherValue = new NamedObject("otherValue");
            o.A = aValue;

            Matcher m = new PropertyMatcher("A", new SameMatcher(otherValue));

            Assert.IsFalse(m.Matches(o), "should not match o");
        public void MatchesObjectWithNamedPropertyAndMatchingPropertyValue()
            ObjectWithProperties o = new ObjectWithProperties();
            object aValue          = new NamedObject("aValue");

            o.A = aValue;

            Matcher m = new PropertyMatcher("A", Is.EqualTo(aValue));

            Assert.IsTrue(m.Matches(o), "should match o");
Beispiel #40
 public void Constructor2()
     NamedObject namedObject = new NamedObject("Name");
     MergeableNode<NamedObject> node = new MergeableNode<NamedObject>(namedObject);
     Assert.AreSame(namedObject, node.Content);
     Assert.That(node.Children, Is.Null.Or.Empty);
     Assert.That(node.MergePoints.Count(), Is.EqualTo(1));
     Assert.That(node.MergePoints.First(), Is.EqualTo(new MergePoint(MergeOperation.Append, null)));
Beispiel #41
        public void GetRelativeNodeInGroup()
            var namedObject = new NamedObject("Node");
            var children = new[]
                new MergeableNode<NamedObject>(new NamedObject("ChildA")),
                new MergeableNode<NamedObject>(new NamedObject("ChildB")),
                new MergeableNode<NamedObject>(new NamedObject("ChildC")),
            MergeableNode<NamedObject> node = new MergeableNode<NamedObject>(namedObject, children);

            Assert.AreSame(children[0], node.Children[1].Previous);
            Assert.AreSame(children[1], node.Children[2].Previous);
            Assert.AreSame(children[1], node.Children[0].Next);
            Assert.AreSame(children[2], node.Children[1].Next);
Beispiel #42
 public void Constructor3()
     var namedObject = new NamedObject("Node");
     var children = new[]
         new MergeableNode<NamedObject>(new NamedObject("ChildA")),
         new MergeableNode<NamedObject>(new NamedObject("ChildB")),
         new MergeableNode<NamedObject>(new NamedObject("ChildC")),
     MergeableNode<NamedObject> node = new MergeableNode<NamedObject>(namedObject, children);
     Assert.AreSame(namedObject, node.Content);
     Assert.AreEqual(3, node.Children.Count);
     Assert.AreSame(children[0], node.Children[0]);
     Assert.AreSame(children[1], node.Children[1]);
     Assert.AreSame(children[2], node.Children[2]);
     Assert.That(node.MergePoints.Count(), Is.EqualTo(1));
     Assert.That(node.MergePoints.First(), Is.EqualTo(new MergePoint(MergeOperation.Append, null)));
    // 發射武器
    protected override void FireWeapon( UnitWeaponSystem _weaponSys ,
							   		   NamedObject _TargetObject )
        string weaponComponent = "" ;
        // check phaser
        weaponComponent = _weaponSys.FindAbleWeaponComponent( RandomAWeaponKeyword() ,
                                                              _TargetObject.Name ) ;
        if( 0 == weaponComponent.Length )
            // no available weapon
            this.SetState( AI_Fire_State.MoveToTarget ) ;
            return ;

        // fire
        if( true == _weaponSys.ActiveWeapon( weaponComponent ,
                                             _TargetObject ,
                                             ConstName.UnitDataComponentUnitIntagraty ) )
            this.SetState( AI_Fire_State.WaitForReload ) ;
		internal void SetNamedObject (string name, object value, bool fullyInitialized)
			if (value == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("value");
			objects [name] = new NamedObject (name, value, fullyInitialized);
 public NamedObject( NamedObject _src )
     m_Name = _src.m_Name ;
     m_GameObject = _src.m_GameObject ;
 private void SetupShuffleSpawnPosEvent()
     #if DEBUG
     Debug.Log( "SetupShuffleSpawnPosEvent()" ) ;
     for( int i = 0 ; i < 9 ; ++i )
         if( 4 == i )
             continue ;
         string Key = string.Format( "SpawnPosition{0:00}" , i ) ;
         NamedObject spawnObj = new NamedObject( Key ) ;
         m_SpawnPosition.Add( spawnObj.Obj ) ;
    private void SpawnBossDoEvent()
        EnemyGenerator enemyGenerator = GlobalSingleton.GetEnemyGeneratorComponent() ;
        if( null == enemyGenerator )
            return ;
        #if DEBUG
        Debug.Log( "SpawnBossDoEvent()" ) ;

        UnitGenerationData addGenData = ChooseBySequence( m_BossTemplates ) ;
        addGenData.unitName = addGenData.unitName + ConstName.GenerateIterateString() ;
        addGenData.time = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad ;

        if( 0 < m_SpawnPosition.Count )
            int index = Random.Range( 0 , m_SpawnPosition.Count ) ;
            addGenData.initPosition.Setup( m_SpawnPosition[ index ].transform.position ) ;
            addGenData.initOrientation = m_SpawnPosition[ index ].transform.rotation ;
        #if DEBUG
            Debug.Log( m_SpawnPosition[ index ].name + " " + addGenData.initPosition ) ;

            // 計算destination  (相對面的spawnposition)
            index = m_SpawnPosition.Count - index - 1 ;
            m_BossDestination = new NamedObject( m_SpawnPosition[ index ] ) ;
        #if DEBUG
            Debug.Log( m_SpawnPosition[ index ].name + " " + m_BossDestination ) ;
            Vector3 pos = m_BossDestination.Obj.transform.position ;
            addGenData.supplementalVec[ "RoutePosition0" ] =
                string.Format( "{0},{1},{2}" , pos.x , pos.y , pos.z ) ;

        m_BossNow = new UnitObject( addGenData.unitName ) ;

        enemyGenerator.InsertEnemyGenerationTable( addGenData ) ;

        m_BossIsAlive = true ;

        PlayeAudio() ;
 public void SetUp()
     arg = new NamedObject("arg");
     stringMatcher = new MockMatcher();
     matcher = new ToStringMatcher(stringMatcher);
    private void ShowBattleScore( bool _IsWin )
        BattleScoreManager manager = GlobalSingleton.GetBattleScoreManager() ;
        if( null != manager )
            manager.AddScore( ScoreType.ElapsedSec , Time.timeSinceLevelLoad ) ;
            manager.Active() ;

        NamedObject battleScoreParentObj = new NamedObject( "GUI_BattleScore" ) ;
        if( null == battleScoreParentObj )
            return ;

        ShowGUITexture.Show( battleScoreParentObj.Obj , true , true , true ) ;

        if( true == _IsWin )
            // 關閉 lose gui object
            ShowGUITexture.Show( "MessageCard_Lose" , false , true , true ) ;
            ShowGUITexture.Show( "MessageCard_End" , false , true , true ) ;
            // 關閉 win gui object
            ShowGUITexture.Show( "MessageCard_Win" , false , true , true ) ;
            ShowGUITexture.Show( "Seven and the Doctor sing Klingon War Song Object" , false , true , true ) ;

            if( true == m_RealLose )
                ShowGUITexture.Show( "MessageCard_End" , false , true , true ) ;
                ShowGUITexture.Show( "MessageCard_Lose" , false , true , true ) ;
 public void SetUp()
     receiver = new NamedObject("receiver");
     identityProvider = new NamedObject("identityProvider");
     next = new MockInvokable();
     id = new ProxiedObjectIdentity(identityProvider, next);
    private void TryActiveBattleEventCamera( GameObject _TargetObj )
        BattleEventCameraManager battleEventManager = GlobalSingleton.GetBattleEventCameraManager() ;
        GameObject mainChar = GlobalSingleton.GetMainCharacterObj() ;
        if( null != _TargetObj &&
            null != mainChar &&
            null != battleEventManager &&
            false == battleEventManager.IsActive() )
            if( true == MathmaticFunc.IsInScreen( _TargetObj ) )
                return ;

            Vector3 distVec = _TargetObj.transform.position - mainChar.transform.position ;
            int viewportindex = 0 ;
            if( Mathf.Abs( distVec.z ) >= Mathf.Abs( distVec.x ) )
                if( distVec.z >= 0 )
                    viewportindex = 0 ;
                else if( distVec.z < 0 )
                    viewportindex = 1 ;
                if( distVec.x >= 0 )
                    viewportindex = 3 ;
                else if( distVec.x < 0 )
                    viewportindex = 2 ;

            NamedObject obj = new NamedObject( _TargetObj ) ;
            battleEventManager.SetupByTime( obj , viewportindex ,
                BaseDefine.BATTLE_EVENT_CAMERA_ELAPSED_SEC ) ;
 public void GetFieldWithOutAttributes()
     NamedObject n = new NamedObject();
     FieldInfoCollection fi = ReflectionUtil.GetFieldsWithOutAttributes(n.GetType(), typeof(XmlElementAttribute), typeof(XmlIgnoreAttribute));
     Assert.AreEqual(0, fi.Count, "Get fields without attributes found attributes even though they are marked!");
     fi = ReflectionUtil.GetFieldsWithOutAttributes(n.GetType(), typeof(AssemblyFlagsAttribute), typeof(AssemblyKeyNameAttribute));
     Assert.AreEqual(2, fi.Count, "Getfields without attributes didn't find all the fields, even though they are marked with other attribute");
     fi = ReflectionUtil.GetFieldsWithOutAttributes(n.GetType(), typeof(XmlIgnoreAttribute));
     Assert.AreEqual(1, fi.Count, "GetFields without attributes didn't filter correctly");
        public void ImplementsEqualsByComparingInvocationReceiversForIdentity()

            var equalInvocation = new Invocation(receiver, EQUALS_METHOD, new[] {receiver});
            Assert.IsTrue((bool) equalInvocation.Result, "should have returned true");

            object other = new NamedObject("other");
            var notEqualInvocation = new Invocation(receiver, EQUALS_METHOD, new[] {other});
            Assert.IsFalse((bool) notEqualInvocation.Result, "should not have returned true");
        public void MatchesObjectWithNamedPropertyAndMatchingPropertyValue()
            var o = new ObjectWithProperties();
            object aValue = new NamedObject("aValue");
            o.A = aValue;

            Matcher m = new PropertyMatcher("A", Is.Same(aValue));

            Assert.IsTrue(m.Matches(o), "should match o");
        public void SetName()
            NamedObject n = new NamedObject();
            ReflectionUtil.SetName(n, "New Name");
            Assert.AreEqual("New Name",, "Can't set the name when it's a field");
            TestForReflection t = new TestForReflection();
            ReflectionUtil.SetName(t, "New Name (2)");
            Assert.AreEqual("New Name (2)", t.Name, "Can't set the name when it's a property");

            //This to check that we don't have an exception on fields without names
            ReflectionUtil.SetName(new object(), "object's name");
    public NamedObjectPair( NamedObject _UnitObj , 
							NamedObject _MiniMapObj )
        UnitObj = _UnitObj ;
        MiniMapObj = _MiniMapObj ;
    private string FindMostCloestWeaponComponent( UnitData _unitData ,
												  UnitWeaponSystem _weaponSys ,
												  NamedObject _possibleUnit ,
												  List<string> _possibleWeaponList ,													
												  ref Dictionary<string , SelectInformation> _fireList )
        string ret = "" ;

        Dictionary<string,float> angleMap = new Dictionary<string, float>() ;
        foreach( string weaponComponentName in _possibleWeaponList )
            // Debug.Log( "weaponComponentName=" + weaponComponentName ) ;
            if( false == _weaponSys.m_WeaponDataMap.ContainsKey( weaponComponentName ) )
                continue ;

            // no trackor beam
            if( -1 != weaponComponentName.IndexOf( ConstName.UnitDataComponentWeaponTrackorBeamPrefix ) )
                continue ;
            if( true == _fireList.ContainsKey( weaponComponentName ) )
                // 如果已經用掉了就跳過不作
                continue ;

            if( 0 !=
                ( _weaponSys.FindAbleWeaponComponent( weaponComponentName , _possibleUnit.Obj ) ).Length

                WeaponDataSet weapenDataSet = _weaponSys.m_WeaponDataMap[ weaponComponentName ] ;
                Vector3 toTargetVec = _possibleUnit.Obj.transform.position - this.gameObject.transform.position ;
                Vector3 toComponentVec = weapenDataSet.Component3DObject.transform.position - this.gameObject.transform.position ;
                float angle = Vector3.Angle( toComponentVec , toTargetVec ) ;
                angleMap[ weaponComponentName ] = angle ;
                // Debug.Log( "toComponentVec=" + toComponentVec ) ;
                // Debug.Log( "toTargetVec=" + toTargetVec ) ;
                // Debug.Log( "angleMap[ weaponComponentName ]=" + angle ) ;

        // 尋找angle值最小的
        float angleMin = 361.0f ;
        Dictionary<string,float>.Enumerator e = angleMap.GetEnumerator() ;
        while( e.MoveNext() )
            if( e.Current.Value < angleMin )
                angleMin = e.Current.Value ;
                ret = e.Current.Key ;
        // Debug.Log( "FindMostCloestWeaponComponent() ret=" + ret ) ;
        return ret ;
 public SelectInformation( SelectInformation _src )
     isValid = _src.isValid ;
     clickActiveTime = _src.clickActiveTime ;
     screenPosition = _src.screenPosition ;
     m_TargetComponentName = _src.m_TargetComponentName ;
     m_TargetUnit = new NamedObject( _src.m_TargetUnit ) ;
	// 發射武器 
	public bool ActiveWeapon( string _WeaponComponentName , 
					   		  NamedObject _TargetUnit , 
							  string _TargetComponentName )
		Debug.Log( "ActiveWeapon()" + + " " + 
				   _WeaponComponentName + " " + 
				   _TargetUnit.Name + " "+ 
					_TargetComponentName ) ;
		SystemLogManager.AddLog( SystemLogManager.SysLogType.FireWeapon , + ":" + _WeaponComponentName + ":" + _TargetUnit.Name + ":" + _TargetComponentName ) ;
		// get weapon data
		UnitData unitData = this.gameObject.GetComponent<UnitData>() ;
		if( null == unitData )
			Debug.Log( "ActiveWeapon() null == unitData" ) ;
			return false ;
		if( false == unitData.componentMap.ContainsKey( _WeaponComponentName ) )
			Debug.Log( "ActiveWeapon() no such component:" + _WeaponComponentName + ".") ;
			return false ;
		UnitComponentData weaponComponent = unitData.componentMap[ _WeaponComponentName ] ;
		WeaponDataSet weaponSet = null ;
		if( false == this.m_WeaponDataMap.ContainsKey( _WeaponComponentName ) )
			Debug.Log( "false == this.m_WeaponDataMap.ContainsKey( _WeaponComponentName ):" + _WeaponComponentName ) ;
			return false ;
		weaponSet = this.m_WeaponDataMap[ _WeaponComponentName ] ;
		WeaponParam weaponParam = weaponComponent.m_WeaponParam ;
		// weapon data
		float weapenDamage = weaponComponent.TotalEffect() ;
		// Debug.Log( "weapenDamage" + weapenDamage ) ;
		float weapenAccuracy = weaponParam.m_Accuracy ;// 0~1
		// Debug.Log( "weapenAccuracy" + weapenAccuracy ) ;
		float weaponMissRage = 1.0f - weapenAccuracy ;
		float sceneMaximumMissDistance = 1.0f ;	
		// check able to fire
		if( WeaponFireState.Ready != weaponSet.m_FireState )
			// Debug.Log( "WeaponFireState.Ready != weaponSet.m_FireState"  ) ;
			return false ;
		// get Target Unit Object : the unit contains data.
		if( null == _TargetUnit.Obj )
			Debug.Log( "null == weaponSet.TargetUnitObject"  ) ;
			return false ;
		// find out hit component name
		UnitDamageSystem unitDamageSys = _TargetUnit.Obj.GetComponent< UnitDamageSystem >() ;
		if( null == unitDamageSys )
			Debug.Log( "ActiveWeapon() : null == unitDamageSys" ) ;			
			return false ;
		// 取得被擊中的部件
		string realUnitName = "" ;
		string realComponentObjectName = "" ;
		if( false == unitDamageSys.RetrieveRealTargetComponent( this.gameObject , 
														 		_TargetComponentName ,
																ref realUnitName ,
																ref realComponentObjectName ) )
			Debug.Log( "unitDamageSys.RetrieveRealTargetComponent fail" ) ;
			return false ;
		if( _TargetUnit.Name != realUnitName )
			NamedObject unit = new NamedObject( realUnitName ) ;
			unitDamageSys = unit.Obj.GetComponent< UnitDamageSystem >() ;
			if( null == unitDamageSys )
				Debug.Log( "ActiveWeapon() : null == unitDamageSys realUnitName=" + realUnitName ) ;			
				return false ;
		weaponSet.SetupTarget( realUnitName , realComponentObjectName ) ;
		// true Hit Component Object , it may the same with target unit object.
		// Debug.Log( "weaponSet.TargetUnitName=" + weaponSet.TargetUnitName ) ;
		// Debug.Log( "weaponSet.TargetComponentObjectName=" + weaponSet.TargetComponentObjectName ) ;
		unitDamageSys = weaponSet.TargetUnitObject.GetComponent< UnitDamageSystem >() ;
		if( null == unitDamageSys )
			// Debug.Log( "ActiveWeapon() : null == unitDamageSys" ) ;
			return false ;
		// Debug.Log( "ActiveWeapon() TargetComponentName" + realTargetComponentName ) ;
		// create corresponding weapong effect object
		if( null == weaponSet.Effect3DObject )
			Debug.Log( "null == weaponSet.Effect3DObject:" + weaponSet.Effect3DObjectName ) ;
			return false ;
		float damageCause = 0.0f ;
		// calculate displacement 
			int randomMax = 100 ;
			int randomValue = Random.Range( 0 , randomMax ) ;
			int halfRandomValue = randomMax / 2 ;			
			float randomRatio = (randomMax - randomValue) / (float) randomMax ;
			damageCause = weapenDamage * ( weapenAccuracy + randomRatio * weaponMissRage ) ;
			float halfValue = (float)( randomValue - halfRandomValue ) / (float) ( randomMax );
			float randomDisplacement = 0.0f ;
			randomDisplacement = sceneMaximumMissDistance * halfValue ;
			float positiveInX = 1.0f;
			if( 1 == Random.Range( 0 , 1 ) )
				positiveInX = -1.0f ;
			float positiveInZ = 1.0f;
			if( 1 == Random.Range( 0 , 1 ) )
				positiveInZ = -1.0f ;
			weaponSet.m_Displacement = new Vector3( randomDisplacement * positiveInX , 
												  0 , 
												  randomDisplacement * positiveInZ ) ;
		weaponSet.m_CauseDamage = damageCause ; 
		if( weaponSet.m_WeaponType == WeaponType.Phaser )
			weaponSet.m_FireTotalTime = 2.1f ;// 造成兩次觸發
			weaponSet.m_FireStartTime = Time.time ;
			WeaponPhaserEffect phaserEffect = weaponSet.Effect3DObject.GetComponent< WeaponPhaserEffect >() ;
			if( null != phaserEffect )
				phaserEffect.Setup( weaponSet ) ;

			// cause damage effect imidiatly
			if( null != unitDamageSys )
				string damageEffectName = unitDamageSys.ActiveDamageEffect( this.gameObject , 
																			weaponSet.TargetComponentObjectName ) ;
				if( 0 != damageEffectName.Length )
					RelativeDamageEffect relativeDamageEffect = new RelativeDamageEffect() ;
					relativeDamageEffect.m_TargetUnit = weaponSet.TargetUnitObject ;
					relativeDamageEffect.m_DamageEffectName = damageEffectName ;
					weaponSet.m_RelativeDamageEffectNames.Add( relativeDamageEffect ) ;
		else if( weaponSet.m_WeaponType == WeaponType.TrakorBeam )
			WeaponTrackorBeamEffect trackorBeamEffect = weaponSet.Effect3DObject.GetComponent< WeaponTrackorBeamEffect >() ;
			if( null != trackorBeamEffect )
				weaponSet.m_CauseDamage = weaponComponent.TotalEffect() ;
				trackorBeamEffect.Setup( weaponSet ) ;

			weaponSet.m_FireTotalTime = 999.0f ;
			weaponSet.m_FireStartTime = Time.time ;
		else if( weaponSet.m_WeaponType == WeaponType.Torpedo )
			weaponSet.Effect3DObject.transform.position = weaponSet.Component3DObject.transform.position ;
			weaponSet.m_TargetDirection = weaponSet.TargetComponentObject.transform.position - weaponSet.Effect3DObject.transform.position ;
			weaponSet.m_TargetDirection.Normalize() ;
			WeaponPhotonTorpedoEffect torpedoEffect = weaponSet.Effect3DObject.GetComponent< WeaponPhotonTorpedoEffect >() ;
			if( null != torpedoEffect )
				torpedoEffect.Setup( weaponSet ) ;

			weaponSet.m_FireTotalTime = 10.0f ;
			weaponSet.m_FireStartTime = Time.time ;				
		else if( weaponSet.m_WeaponType == WeaponType.Cannon )
			weaponSet.Effect3DObject.transform.position = weaponSet.Component3DObject.transform.position ;
			weaponSet.m_TargetDirection = weaponSet.TargetComponentObject.transform.position - weaponSet.Effect3DObject.transform.position ;
			weaponSet.m_TargetDirection.Normalize() ;
			WeaponCannonEffect cannonEffect = weaponSet.Effect3DObject.GetComponent< WeaponCannonEffect >() ;
			if( null != cannonEffect )
				cannonEffect.Setup( weaponSet ) ;

			weaponSet.m_FireTotalTime = 10.0f ;
			weaponSet.m_FireStartTime = Time.time ;				
			Debug.Log( "weaponSet.m_WeaponType=" + weaponSet.m_WeaponType ) ;
		ActiveEffect( weaponSet ) ;

		weaponSet.m_FireState = WeaponFireState.FireAnimating ;
		// weapn fire, clear the reload energy		
		weaponComponent.m_ReloadEnergy.Clear() ;
		return true ;
 public void AddObject( NamedObject _Obj )
     m_Objects.Add( _Obj ) ;