Beispiel #1
        public static List <Joined> Testing(IEnumerable <int> years, List <InvoiceFull> invoices, List <RootRecord> sie,
                                            List <SBC.Invoice> sbcInvoices, List <SBC.Receipt> receipts, List <SBC.BankTransaction> transactions)
            var(invoiceSummaries, sieVouchers) = PrepareFiltered(years, invoices, sie);

            // 1. Join SLR with SBC Invoices - the SBC always have an SLR Id
            // 2. Join LB with above result (they have the same Date as SBC PaymentDate and same SupplierId).
            // 3. Join MediusFlow with above result, using Date, Amount and (normalized) Company
            // 4.

            // 1. Join SLR -> SBC
            var mainTransactionAccount = 24400;
            var slrs = sieVouchers.Where(voucher => voucher.VoucherType == VoucherType.SLR || voucher.VoucherType == VoucherType.TaxAndExpense);
            // Note: VoucherType.TaxAndExpense are always without other references
                var missingMainAccount = slrs.Where(o => !o.Transactions.Any(p => p.AccountId == mainTransactionAccount));
                if (missingMainAccount.Any())
                    throw new Exception($"Algorithm requires all SLR/LRs having {mainTransactionAccount}");

            var tmp = slrs.Select(o => new { Item = o, Names = o.Transactions.Select(p => $"{p.CompanyId}{p.CompanyName}").Distinct().ToList() })
                      .Where(o => o.Names.Count > 1).ToList();

            //var aaa = CreateSet(new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5 }, new[] { 0, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7 }, k => k, k => k);
            //var set = CreateSet(new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5 }, new[] { 0, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7 }, k => k, k => k);
            var slrToSbc = CreateSet(slrs, sbcInvoices, slr => slr.Id, sbc => sbc.IdSLR);

            if (slrToSbc.ManyA_To_ManyBs.Any(o => o.Item1.Count > 1))
                throw new Exception("SLR/SBC Multimatch");

            if (slrToSbc.OnlyInB.Any())
                throw new Exception("SBC without SLR");

            var result = slrToSbc.OneA_To_NoneOrAnyBs
                         .Select(o => new Joined {
                SLR = o.A, SBC = o.Bs

            // 2. Join LB -> above result
            var lbs        = sieVouchers.Where(voucher => voucher.VoucherType == VoucherType.LB).ToList();
            var lbToResult = CreateSet(lbs, result.Where(o => o.SBC.Any()),
                                       lb => new InvoiceKey {
                Amount = lb.GetAmountTransactionAccount(mainTransactionAccount), Company = lb.Transactions.First().CompanyId, Date = lb.Date
                                       sbc => new InvoiceKey {
                Amount = sbc.SBC.First().Amount, Company = sbc.SBC.First().LevNr, Date = sbc.SBC.FirstOrDefault(o => o.PaymentDate != null)?.PaymentDate.Value.ToLocalDate() ?? LocalDate.MaxIsoValue

            if (lbToResult.OneA_To_ManyBs.Any())
                throw new Exception("SBC/LB Multimatch");

            lbToResult.OneA_To_OneB.ForEach(o => o.B.LB = o.A);
            lbToResult.OnlyInA.ForEach(o => result.Add(new Joined {
                LB = o

            if (lbToResult.ManyA_To_ManyBs.Any())
                if (lbToResult.ManyA_To_ManyBs.Any(o => o.As.Count != o.Bs.Count))
                    throw new Exception("Unsalvageble ManyA_To_ManyBs");
                foreach (var item in lbToResult.ManyA_To_ManyBs)
                    for (int i = 0; i < item.As.Count; i++)
                        item.Bs[i].LB = item.As[i];

            var replacer = new NameNormalizer();

            // Join MediusFlow -> above result
            var mfToResult = CreateSet(invoiceSummaries, result.Where(o => o.SLR != null),
                                       inv => new InvoiceKey {
                Date = inv.InvoiceDate.ToLocalDate().Value, Amount = inv.GrossAmount, Company = replacer.Normalize(inv.Supplier)
                                       r => new InvoiceKey {
                Date = r.SLR.Date, Amount = -r.SLR.GetAmountTransactionAccount(mainTransactionAccount), Company = replacer.Normalize(r.SLR.CompanyName)

            if (mfToResult.OneA_To_ManyBs.Any())
                throw new Exception("OneA_To_ManyBs");

            mfToResult.OneA_To_OneB.ForEach(o => o.B.MF = o.A);
            mfToResult.OnlyInA.ForEach(o => result.Add(new Joined {
                MF = o

            if (mfToResult.ManyA_To_ManyBs.Any())
                if (mfToResult.ManyA_To_ManyBs.Any(o => o.As.Count != o.Bs.Count))
                    throw new Exception("Unsalvageble ManyA_To_ManyBs");
                // separate into pairs
                foreach (var item in mfToResult.ManyA_To_ManyBs)
                    for (int i = 0; i < item.As.Count; i++)
                        item.Bs[i].MF = item.As[i];

            // Try to pair unmatched LB/SLR (no SBCInvoice was found that could provide link between them)
            // TODO: If there's a MediusFlow, we could use that to get Payment/Invoice dates which should match LB/SLR records
            // Ignore before/after plausible period
            var earliestSLR         = result.Where(o => o.SLR != null).Min(o => o.SortDate);
            var latestLB            = result.Where(o => o.LB != null).Max(o => o.SortDate);
            var fuzzyMatchSelection = result.Where(o => o.SortDate > earliestSLR && o.SortDate < latestLB).ToList();
            var noSLR = fuzzyMatchSelection.Where(o => o.SLR == null && o.LB != null).ToList();
            var noLB  = fuzzyMatchSelection.Where(o => o.SLR != null && o.LB == null).ToList();

            var byAmountAndName = noSLR.Concat(noLB)
                                  .GroupBy(o => $"{replacer.Normalize(o.CompanyName)}/{o.Amount}")
                                  .Where(o => o.Count() >= 2)
                                  .ToDictionary(o => o.Key, o => o.ToList());

            foreach (var kv in byAmountAndName)
                var withLb  = kv.Value.Where(o => o.LB != null).ToList();
                var withSlr = kv.Value.Where(o => o.SLR != null).ToList();

                while (withLb.Any() && withSlr.Any())
                    var diffs = withLb.Select(o => new
                        WithLB = o,
                        Diffs  = withSlr.Select(p => new
                            WithSLR = p,
                            Diff    = Math.Abs(Period.Between(
                                                   p.PaymentDate ?? p.InvoiceDate.Value.PlusDays(30), o.PaymentDate.Value, PeriodUnits.Days)
                        }).OrderBy(p => p.Diff).ToList()
                    var withMinDiff = diffs.OrderBy(o => o.Diffs.Select(p => p.Diff).Min()).First();
                    var other       = withMinDiff.Diffs.First().WithSLR;

            result = result.Where(o => !o.IsEmpty()).ToList();

                // Join with Receipts - very strange data from SBC though, same transaction may have MANY rows with different names?!
                var withLB  = result.Where(o => o.LB != null).ToList();
                var keyToLB = withLB.GroupBy(o => new { CompanyId = o.LB.Transactions.First().CompanyId, Amount = o.LB.GetTransactionsMaxAmount() })
                              .ToDictionary(o => o.Key, o => o.ToList());
                var groupedReceipts = receipts.GroupBy(o => new { Amount = o.Amount, Date = o.Date, SupplierId = o.SupplierId }).ToDictionary(o => o.Key, o => o.ToList());
                foreach (var groupedItem in groupedReceipts)
                    // SBC Admins often have strange chars in them, also numbers - probably not the name we want
                    var rxBad1 = new Regex(@"[\/!\""]");
                    var rxBad2 = new Regex(@"\d");
                    var sorted = groupedItem.Value.OrderBy(o => (rxBad1.IsMatch(o.Supplier) ? 2 : 0) + (rxBad2.IsMatch(o.Supplier) ? 1 : 0)).ToList();
                    var item   = sorted.First();
                    // seems LB CompanyId starts with some variation of BRF id (e.g. 0xxxx02 where xxxx is SIE CompanyIdRecord)
                    var found = keyToLB.Where(o => o.Key.Amount == item.Amount && o.Key.CompanyId.EndsWith(item.SupplierId))
                                .SelectMany(o => o.Value)
                                .Where(o => !o.IsEmpty())                 // we might have rendered it empty (below)
                    if (found.Count() > 1)
                        found = found.Select(o => new { Item = o, DateDiff = Math.Abs(Period.Between(o.LB.Date, item.Date.ToLocalDate()).Days) })
                                .OrderBy(o => o.DateDiff).Select(o => o.Item).Take(1).ToList();
                    if (found.Any())
                        var first = found.First();
                        first.Receipt = item;
                        var potential = result.Where(r => r.Amount == item.Amount && r.SLR != null && r.LB == null && (r.SBC == null || !r.SBC.Any())).ToList();
                        if (potential.Count == 1)
            result = result.Where(o => !o.IsEmpty()).ToList();

                // match BankTransactions
                var byLbDate = result.Where(o => o.LB != null).GroupBy(o => o.LB.Date).ToDictionary(o => o.Key, o => o.ToList());
                for (int i = transactions.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    var row = transactions[i];
                    if (byLbDate.TryGetValue(row.AccountingDate.ToLocalDate(), out var onDate))
                        var combo = FindCombo(onDate, -row.Amount, mainTransactionAccount);
                        if (combo != null)
                            combo.ForEach(o => o.BankTransactionReference = row);
                            combo.ForEach(o => onDate.Remove(o));
                // TODO: we can probably match some more
                var tmpXX = result.Where(o => o.LB == null).ToList();

                // Split items with multiple SLR transactions into separate rows
                var withMultiSLRTransactions = result.Where(o => o.SLR != null && o.SLR.TransactionsNonAdminOrCorrections.Count() > 1).ToList();
                foreach (var item in withMultiSLRTransactions)
                    var trans = item.SLR.TransactionsNonAdminOrCorrections.ToList();
                    for (int i = 0; i < trans.Count; i++)
                        //var foundSBC = item.SBC?.Where(o => o.Amount == row.Amount).ToList();
                        var copy = item.Copy();
                        copy.SLRTransactionRow = trans[i];

            result = result.OrderByDescending(o => o.SortDate)
                     .ThenBy(o => o.CompanyName)
                     .ThenBy(o => o.Amount).ToList();

Beispiel #2
        public static void seed(this IApplicationBuilder app)
            INormalizer <string> norm           = new NameNormalizer();
            IAuthManager         authRepository = (IAuthManager)GetAppService <IAuthManager>(app);
            var orgs = new Collection <Organization>();
            var acts = new Collection <Activity>();
            var A    = new Activity
                Name       = "A",
                EarlyStart = DateTime.Parse("2019-05-12T08:00:00"),
                Duration   = 10

            var B = new Activity
                Name     = "B",
                Duration = 12

            var C = new Activity
                Name     = "C",
                Duration = 9

            var D = new Activity
                Name     = "D",
                Duration = 16

            var E = new Activity
                Name     = "E",
                Duration = 11

            var F = new Activity
                Name     = "F",
                Duration = 4

            var G = new Activity
                Name     = "G",
                Duration = 14,

            var H = new Activity
                Name     = "H",
                Duration = 16

            var AC = new Arrow
                FromActivity = A,
                ToActivity   = C,
                Value        = 3,
                Type         = ArrowType.START_TO_START

            var AB = new Arrow
                FromActivity = A,
                ToActivity   = B,
                Value        = 4,
                Type         = ArrowType.FINISH_TO_START

            var BF = new Arrow
                FromActivity = B,
                ToActivity   = F,
                Value        = 8,
                Type         = ArrowType.FINISH_TO_FINISH

            var CE = new Arrow
                FromActivity = C,
                ToActivity   = E,
                Value        = 17,
                Type         = ArrowType.START_TO_START

            var CD = new Arrow
                FromActivity = C,
                ToActivity   = D,
                Value        = 0,
                Type         = ArrowType.FINISH_TO_START

            var EF = new Arrow
                FromActivity = E,
                ToActivity   = F,
                Value        = 3,
                Type         = ArrowType.START_TO_START

            var FH = new Arrow
                FromActivity = F,
                ToActivity   = H,
                Value        = 0,
                Type         = ArrowType.FINISH_TO_START

            var DG = new Arrow
                FromActivity = D,
                ToActivity   = G,
                Value        = 0,
                Type         = ArrowType.FINISH_TO_START


            var GH = new Arrow
                FromActivity = G,
                ToActivity   = H,
                Value        = 3,
                Type         = ArrowType.FINISH_TO_FINISH


            var projects = new Collection <Project>();
            var project  = new Project
                Name           = "Dating App",
                NormalizedName = norm.Normalize("Dating App"),
                Activities     = acts

            var teams = new Collection <Team>();

            teams.Add(new Team
                NormalizedName = "developers",
                Name           = norm.Normalize("developers")
            var org = new Organization
                Name           = "phoenix",
                NormalizedName = norm.Normalize("phoenix"),
                Projects       = projects,
                Teams          = teams


            var noti = new Notification {
                Title = "run"
            var notis = new Collection <Notification>();


            User user = new User
                UserName      = "******",
                Country       = "Syria",
                City          = "Homs",
                Email         = "*****@*****.**",
                PhoneNumber   = "0993456585",
                Notifications = notis

            user.Members.Add(new Member {
                Type = @short.OWNER, Organiztion = org

            authRepository.Register(user, "P@$$w0rd");

            var user2 = new User
                UserName    = "******",
                Country     = "Syria",
                City        = "Homs",
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                PhoneNumber = "0993456585",

            // var access = new Access{}
Beispiel #3
 public void ReturnsEmptyStringWhenEmpty()
     Assert.Equal("", normalizer.Normalize(""));