Beispiel #1
        async void Save_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var name = "";

                name = NameEntry.GetValue(Entry.TextProperty).ToString();
            catch (Exception)

            if (name != "")
                //Make API call to get other properties
                var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get,
                                                            "" + name);
                requestMessage.Headers.Add("X-RapidAPI-Key", "72794103f3msh9286887e36e342cp123283jsn367004de6ea2");
                var response = await HttpClient.SendAsync(requestMessage);

                if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    var data = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    data = data.Trim('[');
                    data = data.Trim(']');
                    var idx = data.IndexOf("},{", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                    if (idx != -1)
                        data = data.Substring(0, idx + 1);

                    //Serialize the json
                    var json       = JObject.Parse(data);
                    var dictionary = json.ToObject <Dictionary <string, object> >();

                    //Get the values
                    Country = new Country
                        Name       = dictionary["name"].ToString(),
                        Capital    = dictionary["capital"].ToString(),
                        Region     = dictionary["region"].ToString(),
                        SubRegion  = dictionary["subregion"].ToString(),
                        Population = int.Parse(dictionary["population"].ToString())

                    MessagingCenter.Send(this, "AddItem", Country);

            await Navigation.PopModalAsync();