Beispiel #1
        public void ApplyEffects(NWCreature user, NWItem item, NWObject target, Location targetLocation, CustomData customData)
            NWPlayer player           = user.Object;
            int      ability          = item.GetLocalInt("ABILITY_TYPE");
            int      amount           = item.GetLocalInt("AMOUNT") + item.MedicineBonus;
            int      rank             = player.IsPlayer ? _skill.GetPCSkillRank(player, SkillType.Medicine) : 0;
            int      recommendedLevel = item.RecommendedLevel;
            float    duration         = 30.0f;
            int      perkLevel        = player.IsPlayer ? _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.StimFiend) : 0;
            float    percentIncrease  = perkLevel * 0.25f;

            duration = duration + (duration * percentIncrease);
            Effect effect = _.EffectAbilityIncrease(ability, amount);

            effect = _.TagEffect(effect, "STIM_PACK_EFFECT");

            _.ApplyEffectToObject(NWScript.DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, effect, target, duration);

            user.SendMessage("You inject " + target.Name + " with a stim pack. The stim pack will expire in " + duration + " seconds.");

            _.DelayCommand(duration + 0.5f, () => { player.SendMessage("The stim pack that you applied to " + target.Name + " has expired."); });

            if (!Equals(user, target))
                NWCreature targetCreature = target.Object;
                targetCreature.SendMessage(user.Name + " injects you with a stim pack.");

            int xp = (int)_skill.CalculateRegisteredSkillLevelAdjustedXP(300, item.RecommendedLevel, rank);

            _skill.GiveSkillXP(player, SkillType.Medicine, xp);
Beispiel #2
        public void ApplyEffects(NWCreature user, NWItem item, NWObject target, Location targetLocation, CustomData customData)
            int  amount    = item.GetLocalInt("HUNGER_RESTORE");
            bool isTainted = item.GetLocalInt("HUNGER_TAINTED") == 1;

            _food.IncreaseHungerLevel((NWPlayer)user, amount, isTainted);
Beispiel #3
        private SkillType GetSkillType(NWItem item)
            CustomItemType repairItemType = (CustomItemType)item.GetLocalInt("REPAIR_CUSTOM_ITEM_TYPE_ID");

            switch (repairItemType)
            case CustomItemType.LightArmor:
            case CustomItemType.HeavyArmor:
            case CustomItemType.ForceArmor:
            case CustomItemType.Shield:

            case CustomItemType.Vibroblade:
            case CustomItemType.FinesseVibroblade:
            case CustomItemType.Baton:
            case CustomItemType.HeavyVibroblade:
            case CustomItemType.Polearm:
            case CustomItemType.TwinBlade:
            case CustomItemType.MartialArtWeapon:

            case CustomItemType.Lightsaber:
            case CustomItemType.BlasterPistol:
            case CustomItemType.BlasterRifle:
            case CustomItemType.Saberstaff:

            if (item.GetLocalInt("LIGHTSABER") == TRUE)

Beispiel #4
        public string IsValidTarget(NWCreature user, NWItem item, NWObject target, Location targetLocation)
            NWItem targetItem    = target.Object;
            float  maxDurability = _durability.GetMaxDurability(targetItem);
            float  durability    = _durability.GetDurability(targetItem);

            if (target.ObjectType != NWScript.OBJECT_TYPE_ITEM)
                return("Only items may be targeted by repair kits.");

            if (targetItem.CustomItemType != (CustomItemType)item.GetLocalInt("REPAIR_CUSTOM_ITEM_TYPE_ID"))
                return("You cannot repair that item with this repair kit.");

            if (maxDurability <= 0.0f ||
                durability >= maxDurability)
                return("That item does not need to be repaired.");

            if (durability <= 0.0f)
                return("That item is broken and cannot be repaired.");

            if (maxDurability <= 0.1f)
                return("You cannot repair that item any more.");

            SkillType skillType = GetSkillType(item);
            int       techLevel = item.GetLocalInt("TECH_LEVEL");

            if (skillType == SkillType.Armorsmith)
                if (_perk.GetPCPerkLevel(user.Object, PerkType.ArmorRepair) < techLevel)
                    return("Your level in the 'Armor Repair' perk is too low to use this repair kit.");
            else if (skillType == SkillType.Weaponsmith)
                if (_perk.GetPCPerkLevel(user.Object, PerkType.WeaponRepair) < techLevel)
                    return("Your level in the 'Weapon Repair' perk is too low to use this repair kit.");
            else if (skillType == SkillType.Engineering)
                if (_perk.GetPCPerkLevel(user.Object, PerkType.ElectronicRepair) < techLevel)
                    return("Your level in the 'Electronic Repair' perk is too low to use this repair kit.");

Beispiel #5
        public void ApplyEffects(NWCreature user, NWItem item, NWObject target, Location targetLocation, CustomData customData)
            string type   = item.GetLocalString("BONUS_TYPE");
            int    length = item.GetLocalInt("BONUS_LENGTH") * 60;
            int    amount = item.GetLocalInt("BONUS_AMOUNT");

            string data = $"{type},{amount}";

            _customEffect.ApplyCustomEffect(user, target.Object, CustomEffectType.FoodEffect, length, item.RecommendedLevel, data);
Beispiel #6
        public float GetMaxDurability(NWItem item)
            if (item == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(item));

            if (!IsValidDurabilityType(item))
            return(item.GetLocalInt("DURABILITY_MAX") <= 0 ? DefaultDurability : item.GetLocalInt("DURABILITY_MAX"));
        public string IsValidTarget(NWCreature user, NWItem item, NWObject target, Location targetLocation)
            if (!target.IsCreature || target.IsDM)
                return("Only creatures may be targeted with this item.");

            if (target.CurrentHP > -11)
                return("Your target is not dead.");

            if (user.IsInCombat)
                return("You are in combat.");

            int perkLevel     = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(user.Object, PerkType.ResuscitationDevices);
            int requiredLevel = item.GetLocalInt("RANK");

            if (perkLevel < requiredLevel)
                return("You must have the Resuscitation Devices perk at level " + requiredLevel + " to use this item.");

        public void ApplyEffects(NWCreature user, NWItem item, NWObject target, Location targetLocation, CustomData customData)
            NWPlayer player         = user.Object;
            var      effectiveStats = _playerStat.GetPlayerItemEffectiveStats(player);
            int      skillRank      = _skill.GetPCSkillRank(player, SkillType.Medicine);
            int      perkLevel      = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.ResuscitationDevices);
            int      rank           = item.GetLocalInt("RANK");
            int      baseHeal;

            switch (rank)
            case 1:
                baseHeal = 1;

            case 2:
                baseHeal = 11;

            case 3:
                baseHeal = 31;

            case 4:
                baseHeal = 51;

            default: return;

            baseHeal += perkLevel * 2;
            baseHeal += effectiveStats.Medicine / 2;
            baseHeal += item.MedicineBonus / 2;

            int   delta = item.RecommendedLevel - skillRank;
            float effectivenessPercent = 1.0f;

            if (delta > 0)
                effectivenessPercent = effectivenessPercent - (delta * 0.1f);

            baseHeal = (int)(baseHeal * effectivenessPercent);

            Player dbPlayer  = _data.Single <Player>(x => x.ID == user.GlobalID);
            int    hpRecover = (int)(target.MaxHP * (0.01f * baseHeal));
            int    fpRecover = (int)(dbPlayer.MaxFP * (0.01f * baseHeal));

            _.ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, _.EffectResurrection(), target);
            _.ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, _.EffectHeal(hpRecover), target);
            dbPlayer.CurrentFP = fpRecover;
            _data.SubmitDataChange(dbPlayer, DatabaseActionType.Update);
            player.SendMessage("You successfully resuscitate " + target.Name + "!");

            if (target.IsPlayer)
                int xp = (int)_skill.CalculateRegisteredSkillLevelAdjustedXP(600, item.RecommendedLevel, skillRank);
                _skill.GiveSkillXP(player, SkillType.Medicine, xp);
        private void HandleWeaponStatBonuses()
            DamageData data = _nwnxDamage.GetDamageEventData();

            if (data.Total <= 0)

            NWPlayer player = data.Damager.Object;
            NWItem   weapon = _.GetLastWeaponUsed(player);

            if (weapon.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.BlasterPistol ||
                weapon.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.BlasterRifle)
                int statBonus = (int)(player.DexterityModifier * 0.5f);
                data.Base += statBonus;
            else if (weapon.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.Lightsaber ||
                     weapon.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.Saberstaff ||
                     weapon.GetLocalInt("LIGHTSABER") == TRUE)
                int statBonus = (int)(player.CharismaModifier * 0.25f);
                data.Base += statBonus;

Beispiel #10
        public void ApplyEffects(NWCreature user, NWItem item, NWObject target, Location targetLocation, CustomData customData)
            NWPlayer player = (user.Object);

            int starcharts = item.GetLocalInt("Starcharts");

            if (starcharts == 0)
                player.SendMessage("This disk is empty.");

            // Get the base.
            string          starshipID     = _.GetLocalString(_.GetArea(target), "PC_BASE_STRUCTURE_ID");
            Guid            starshipGuid   = new Guid(starshipID);
            PCBaseStructure starship       = DataService.PCBaseStructure.GetByID(starshipGuid);
            PCBase          starkillerBase = DataService.PCBase.GetByID(starship.PCBaseID);

            starkillerBase.Starcharts |= starcharts;
            DataService.SubmitDataChange(starkillerBase, DatabaseActionType.Update);

            _.ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, _.EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_CONFUSION_S), target);
            _.FloatingTextStringOnCreature("Starcharts loaded!", player);
Beispiel #11
        public void ApplyEffects(NWCreature user, NWItem item, NWObject target, Location targetLocation, CustomData customData)
            NWPlayer player = NWPlayer.Wrap(user.Object);

            PCSkill skill             = _skill.GetPCSkill(player, SkillType.FirstAid);
            int     luck              = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.Lucky);
            int     perkDurationBonus = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.HealingKitExpert) * 6 + (luck * 2);
            float   duration          = 30.0f + (skill.Rank * 0.4f) + perkDurationBonus;
            int     restoreAmount     = 1 + item.GetLocalInt("HEALING_BONUS") + player.EffectiveFirstAidBonus;

            int perkBlastBonus = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.ImmediateImprovement);

            if (perkBlastBonus > 0)
                int blastHeal = restoreAmount * perkBlastBonus;
                if (_random.Random(100) + 1 <= luck / 2)
                    blastHeal *= 2;
                _.ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, _.EffectHeal(blastHeal), target.Object);

            Effect regeneration = _.EffectRegenerate(restoreAmount, 6.0f);

            _.ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, regeneration, target.Object, duration);
            player.SendMessage("You successfully treat " + target.Name + "'s wounds.");

            int xp = (int)_skill.CalculateRegisteredSkillLevelAdjustedXP(100, item.RecommendedLevel, skill.Rank);

            _skill.GiveSkillXP(player, SkillType.FirstAid, xp);
Beispiel #12
        public bool Run(params object[] args)
            NWPlaceable container = NWPlaceable.Wrap(Object.OBJECT_SELF);
            NWPlayer    oPC       = NWPlayer.Wrap(_.GetLastDisturbed());
            NWItem      oItem     = NWItem.Wrap(_.GetInventoryDisturbItem());
            int         type      = _.GetInventoryDisturbType();

            if (type == INVENTORY_DISTURB_TYPE_ADDED)
                container.AssignCommand(() => _.ActionGiveItem(oItem.Object, oPC.Object));

            int            overflowItemID = oItem.GetLocalInt("TEMP_OVERFLOW_ITEM_ID");
            PCOverflowItem overflowItem   = _db.PCOverflowItems.Single(x => x.PCOverflowItemID == overflowItemID);



            if (container.InventoryItems.Count <= 0)
Beispiel #13
        public SkillType GetSkillTypeForItem(NWItem item)
            using (new Profiler("ItemService::GetSkillTypeForItem"))
                int type = item.BaseItemType;

                // Armor has to specifically be set on the item in order to count.
                // Look for an item type property first.
                if (item.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.LightArmor)
                else if (item.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.HeavyArmor)
                else if (item.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.ForceArmor)

                // Training lightsabers are katana weapons with special local variables.
                if (item.GetLocalInt("LIGHTSABER") == TRUE)

                if (!_skillTypeMappings.TryGetValue(type, out var result))
Beispiel #14
        private static void InitializeDurability(NWItem item)
            if (item == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(item));

            SetLocalBool(item, "DURABILITY_OVERRIDE", true);
            if (item.GetLocalInt("DURABILITY_INITIALIZE") <= 0 &&
                item.GetLocalFloat("DURABILITY_CURRENT") <= 0.0f)
                float durability = GetMaxDurability(item) <= 0 ? DefaultDurability : GetMaxDurability(item);
                item.SetLocalFloat("DURABILITY_CURRENT", durability);
                if (item.GetLocalFloat("DURABILITY_MAX") <= 0.0f)
                    float maxDurability = DefaultDurability;
                    foreach (var ip in item.ItemProperties)
                        if (GetItemPropertyType(ip) == ItemPropertyType.MaxDurability)
                            maxDurability = GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ip);

                    item.SetLocalFloat("DURABILITY_MAX", maxDurability);
            item.SetLocalInt("DURABILITY_INITIALIZED", 1);
Beispiel #15
        public bool Run(params object[] args)
            NWPlaceable container = (Object.OBJECT_SELF);
            NWPlayer    oPC       = (_.GetLastDisturbed());
            NWItem      oItem     = (_.GetInventoryDisturbItem());
            int         type      = _.GetInventoryDisturbType();

            if (type == NWScript.INVENTORY_DISTURB_TYPE_ADDED)
                container.AssignCommand(() => _.ActionGiveItem(oItem.Object, oPC.Object));

            int            overflowItemID = oItem.GetLocalInt("TEMP_OVERFLOW_ITEM_ID");
            PCOverflowItem overflowItem   = _data.Get <PCOverflowItem>(overflowItemID);

            _data.SubmitDataChange(overflowItem, DatabaseActionType.Delete);

            if (!container.InventoryItems.Any())
Beispiel #16
        public string IsValidTarget(NWCreature user, NWItem item, NWObject target, Location targetLocation)
            int structureID = item.GetLocalInt("BASE_STRUCTURE_ID");

            return(target.IsValid ?
                   "You must select an empty location to use that item." :
                   _base.CanPlaceStructure(user, item, targetLocation, structureID));
Beispiel #17
        public void OnItemUnequipped(NWCreature creature, NWItem oItem)
            if (oItem.CustomItemType != CustomItemType.Lightsaber &&
                oItem.GetLocalInt("LIGHTSABER") == FALSE)

            ApplyFeatChanges(creature, oItem);
Beispiel #18
        public void OnItemEquipped(NWPlayer oPC, NWItem oItem)
            if (oItem.CustomItemType != CustomItemType.Lightsaber &&
                oItem.GetLocalInt("LIGHTSABER") == FALSE)

            ApplyFeatChanges(oPC, null);
Beispiel #19
        public void ApplyEffects(NWCreature user, NWItem item, NWObject target, Location targetLocation, CustomData customData)
            NWPlayer player         = (user.Object);
            var      effectiveStats = PlayerStatService.GetPlayerItemEffectiveStats(player);

            int   rank = SkillService.GetPCSkillRank(player, SkillType.Medicine);
            int   luck = PerkService.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.Lucky);
            int   perkDurationBonus    = PerkService.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.HealingKitExpert) * 6 + (luck * 2);
            float duration             = 30.0f + (rank * 0.4f) + perkDurationBonus;
            int   restoreAmount        = 1 + item.GetLocalInt("HEALING_BONUS") + effectiveStats.Medicine + item.MedicineBonus;
            int   delta                = item.RecommendedLevel - rank;
            float effectivenessPercent = 1.0f;

            if (delta > 0)
                effectivenessPercent = effectivenessPercent - (delta * 0.1f);

            restoreAmount = (int)(restoreAmount * effectivenessPercent);

            int perkBlastBonus = PerkService.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.ImmediateImprovement);

            if (perkBlastBonus > 0)
                int blastHeal = restoreAmount * perkBlastBonus;
                if (RandomService.Random(100) + 1 <= luck / 2)
                    blastHeal *= 2;
                _.ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, _.EffectHeal(blastHeal), target.Object);

            float          interval   = 6.0f;
            BackgroundType background = (BackgroundType)player.Class1;

            if (background == BackgroundType.Medic)
                interval *= 0.5f;

            Effect regeneration = _.EffectRegenerate(restoreAmount, interval);

            _.ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, regeneration, target.Object, duration);
            player.SendMessage("You successfully treat " + target.Name + "'s wounds. The healing kit will expire in " + duration + " seconds.");

            _.DelayCommand(duration + 0.5f, () => { player.SendMessage("The healing kit that you applied to " + target.Name + " has expired."); });

            if (target.IsPlayer)
                int xp = (int)SkillService.CalculateRegisteredSkillLevelAdjustedXP(300, item.RecommendedLevel, rank);
                SkillService.GiveSkillXP(player, SkillType.Medicine, xp);
Beispiel #20
        public string IsValidTarget(NWCreature user, NWItem item, NWObject target, Location targetLocation)
            string type   = item.GetLocalString("BONUS_TYPE");
            int    length = item.GetLocalInt("BONUS_LENGTH");
            int    amount = item.GetLocalInt("BONUS_AMOUNT");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type) || length <= 0 || amount <= 0)
                return("ERROR: This food isn't set up properly. Please inform an admin. Resref: " + item.Resref);

            bool hasFoodEffect = _customEffect.DoesPCHaveCustomEffectByCategory(user.Object, CustomEffectCategoryType.FoodEffect);

            if (hasFoodEffect)
                return("You are not hungry right now.");

Beispiel #21
        public void ApplyEffects(NWCreature user, NWItem item, NWObject target, Location targetLocation, CustomData customData)
            NWPlayer player               = (user.Object);
            var      effectiveStats       = _playerStat.GetPlayerItemEffectiveStats(player);
            int      rank                 = _skill.GetPCSkillRank(player, SkillType.Medicine);
            int      luck                 = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.Lucky);
            int      perkDurationBonus    = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.HealingKitExpert) * 6 + (luck * 2);
            float    duration             = 30.0f + (rank * 0.4f) + perkDurationBonus;
            int      restoreAmount        = 1 + item.GetLocalInt("HEALING_BONUS") + effectiveStats.Medicine + item.MedicineBonus;
            int      delta                = item.RecommendedLevel - rank;
            float    effectivenessPercent = 1.0f;

            if (delta > 0)
                effectivenessPercent = effectivenessPercent - (delta * 0.1f);

            restoreAmount = (int)(restoreAmount * effectivenessPercent);

            int perkBlastBonus = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.ImmediateForcePack);

            if (perkBlastBonus > 0)
                int blastHeal = restoreAmount * perkBlastBonus;
                if (_random.Random(100) + 1 <= luck / 2)
                    blastHeal *= 2;

                _ability.RestoreFP(target.Object, blastHeal);

            float          interval   = 6.0f;
            BackgroundType background = (BackgroundType)player.Class1;

            if (background == BackgroundType.Medic)
                interval *= 0.5f;

            string data = (int)interval + ", " + restoreAmount;

            _customEffect.ApplyCustomEffect(user, target.Object, CustomEffectType.ForcePack, (int)duration, restoreAmount, data);

            player.SendMessage("You successfully apply a force pack to " + target.Name + ". The force pack will expire in " + duration + " seconds.");

            _.DelayCommand(duration + 0.5f, () => { player.SendMessage("The force pack that you applied to " + target.Name + " has expired."); });

            int xp = (int)_skill.CalculateRegisteredSkillLevelAdjustedXP(300, item.RecommendedLevel, rank);

            _skill.GiveSkillXP(player, SkillType.Medicine, xp);
Beispiel #22
        public static void RemoveCardFromCollection(int index, NWItem collection)
            // removes the card at index card, creating a card object with the right variable in the player's inventory.
            // First check that the card is not in the deck.
            for (int ii = 1; ii <= 10; ii++)
                int cardInDeck = collection.GetLocalInt("DECK_" + ii);
                if (cardInDeck == index)
                    _.SendMessageToPC(_.GetItemPossessor(collection), "You cannot remove a card that's in your play deck.");

            // All good - extract it.
            NWItem card = _.CreateItemOnObject("pazaakcard", _.GetItemPossessor(collection));

            card.SetLocalInt("PAZAAK_CARD_TYPE", collection.GetLocalInt("CARD_" + index));
            card.Name = "Pazaak Card (" + Display(collection.GetLocalInt("CARD_" + index)) + ")";
            collection.DeleteLocalInt("CARD_" + index);
Beispiel #23
        public void ApplyEffects(NWCreature user, NWItem item, NWObject target, Location targetLocation, CustomData customData)
            if (target.ObjectType != ObjectType.Creature)
                user.SendMessage("You may only use stim packs on creatures!");

            NWPlayer player           = user.Object;
            var      ability          = (AbilityType)item.GetLocalInt("ABILITY_TYPE");
            int      amount           = item.GetLocalInt("AMOUNT") + (item.MedicineBonus * 2);
            int      rank             = player.IsPlayer ? SkillService.GetPCSkillRank(player, SkillType.Medicine) : 0;
            int      recommendedLevel = item.RecommendedLevel;
            float    duration         = 30.0f * (rank / 10);
            int      perkLevel        = player.IsPlayer ? PerkService.GetCreaturePerkLevel(player, PerkType.StimFiend) : 0;
            float    percentIncrease  = perkLevel * 0.25f;

            duration = duration + (duration * percentIncrease);
            Effect effect = _.EffectAbilityIncrease(ability, amount);

            effect = _.TagEffect(effect, "STIM_PACK_EFFECT");

            _.ApplyEffectToObject(DurationType.Temporary, effect, target, duration);

            user.SendMessage("You inject " + target.Name + " with a stim pack. The stim pack will expire in " + duration + " seconds.");

            _.DelayCommand(duration + 0.5f, () => { player.SendMessage("The stim pack that you applied to " + target.Name + " has expired."); });

            if (!Equals(user, target))
                NWCreature targetCreature = target.Object;
                targetCreature.SendMessage(user.Name + " injects you with a stim pack.");

            int xp = (int)SkillService.CalculateRegisteredSkillLevelAdjustedXP(300, item.RecommendedLevel, rank);

            SkillService.GiveSkillXP(player, SkillType.Medicine, xp);
        public void DurabilityService_GetMaxDurability_ShouldReturn4()
            INWScript          script  = Substitute.For <INWScript>();
            IColorTokenService color   = Substitute.For <IColorTokenService>();
            DurabilityService  service = new DurabilityService(script, color);
            NWItem             item    = Substitute.For <NWItem>(script, service);

            item.BaseItemType.Returns(x => BASE_ITEM_LONGSWORD);
            item.GetLocalInt(Arg.Any <string>()).Returns(4);

            float result = service.GetMaxDurability(item);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, result);
Beispiel #25
        public string IsValidTarget(NWCreature user, NWItem item, NWObject target, Location targetLocation)
            NWItem targetItem    = target.Object;
            float  maxDurability = DurabilityService.GetMaxDurability(targetItem);
            float  durability    = DurabilityService.GetDurability(targetItem);

            if (target.ObjectType != OBJECT_TYPE_ITEM)
                return("Only items may be targeted by repair kits.");

            if (targetItem.CustomItemType != (CustomItemType)item.GetLocalInt("REPAIR_CUSTOM_ITEM_TYPE_ID"))
                return("You cannot repair that item with this repair kit.");

            if (maxDurability <= 0.0f ||
                durability >= maxDurability)
                return("That item does not need to be repaired.");

            if (durability <= 0.0f)
                return("That item is broken and cannot be repaired.");

            if (maxDurability <= 0.1f)
                return("You cannot repair that item any more.");

            SkillType skillType = GetSkillType(item);
            int       techLevel = item.GetLocalInt("TECH_LEVEL");

Beispiel #26
        public void ApplyEffects(NWCreature user, NWItem item, NWObject target, Location targetLocation, CustomData customData)
            NWPlayer player            = (user.Object);
            NWArea   area              = (_.GetAreaFromLocation(targetLocation));
            string   parentStructureID = area.GetLocalString("PC_BASE_STRUCTURE_ID");
            string   pcBaseID          = area.GetLocalString("PC_BASE_ID");
            var      data              = BaseService.GetPlayerTempData(player);

            data.TargetLocation  = targetLocation;
            data.TargetArea      = area;
            data.BaseStructureID = item.GetLocalInt("BASE_STRUCTURE_ID");
            data.StructureItem   = item;

            // Structure is being placed inside an apartment.
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pcBaseID))
                data.PCBaseID          = new Guid(pcBaseID);
                data.ParentStructureID = null;
                data.BuildingType      = BuildingType.Apartment;
            // Structure is being placed inside a building or starship.
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parentStructureID))
                var parentStructureGuid = new Guid(parentStructureID);
                var parentStructure     = DataService.Get <PCBaseStructure>(parentStructureGuid);
                data.PCBaseID          = parentStructure.PCBaseID;
                data.ParentStructureID = parentStructureGuid;

                if (area.GetLocalInt("BUILDING_TYPE") == (int)BuildingType.Starship)
                    data.BuildingType = BuildingType.Starship;
                    data.BuildingType = BuildingType.Interior;
            // Structure is being placed outside of a building.
                string sector = BaseService.GetSectorOfLocation(targetLocation);
                PCBase pcBase = DataService.Single <PCBase>(x => x.AreaResref == area.Resref && x.Sector == sector);
                data.PCBaseID          = pcBase.ID;
                data.ParentStructureID = null;
                data.BuildingType      = BuildingType.Exterior;

            DialogService.StartConversation(user, user, "PlaceStructure");
Beispiel #27
        public static void AddCardToDeck(int collectionIndex, NWItem collection, int deckIndex)
            // Adds the card at position card in collection to slot in the collection's active deck.
            // First check that the card is not in the deck.
            for (int ii = 1; ii <= 10; ii++)
                int cardInDeck = collection.GetLocalInt("DECK_" + ii);
                if (cardInDeck == collectionIndex)
                    _.SendMessageToPC(_.GetItemPossessor(collection), "You cannot add a card that's already in your play deck.");

            collection.SetLocalInt("DECK_" + deckIndex, collectionIndex);
        private bool IsMainValid()
            NWPlayer player = GetPC();
            NWItem   main   = player.RightHand;

            bool canModifyMain = main.IsValid && !main.IsPlot && !main.IsCursed &&
                                 main.CustomItemType != CustomItemType.Lightsaber && main.GetLocalInt("LIGHTSABER") == FALSE;

            if (canModifyMain)
                int mainModelTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(_.Get2DAString("baseitems", "ModelType", main.BaseItemType));
                canModifyMain = mainModelTypeID == ITEM_APPR_TYPE_WEAPON_MODEL;

Beispiel #29
        private static void OnModuleItemAcquired()
            NWPlayer oPC   = (_.GetModuleItemAcquiredBy());
            NWItem   oItem = (_.GetModuleItemAcquired());

            if (!oPC.IsPlayer)

            int questID = oItem.GetLocalInt("QUEST_ID");

            if (questID <= 0)
            oItem.IsCursed = true;
Beispiel #30
        public static int AddCardToCollection(NWItem card, NWObject collection)
            // Adds the card represented by card to collection, destroying the card item and returning its new index in the collection.
            int CardType = card.GetLocalInt("PAZAAK_CARD_TYPE");

            // Find the first available slot in the collection.
            int index = 1;

            while (collection.GetLocalInt("CARD_" + index) != 0)

            collection.SetLocalInt("CARD_" + index, CardType);
