public ServerConnectionAdapter(IOStream ios, ServerNetworkTableEntryStore sntes, IncomingEntryReceiver ier, ServerAdapterManager sam, NetworkTableEntryTypeManager ntetm, NTThreadManager nttm) { base.\u002Ector(); ServerConnectionAdapter connectionAdapter = this; this.__\u003C\u003Econnection = new NetworkTableConnection(ios, ntetm); this.entryStore = sntes; this.transactionReceiver = ier; this.adapterListener = sam; this.gotoState(ServerConnectionState.__\u003C\u003EGOT_CONNECTION_FROM_CLIENT); this.readThread = nttm.newBlockingPeriodicThread((PeriodicRunnable) new ConnectionMonitorThread((ConnectionAdapter) this, this.__\u003C\u003Econnection), "Server Connection Reader Thread"); }
public virtual void close(ClientConnectionState ccs) { lock (this.connectionLock) { this.gotoState(ccs); if (this.readThread != null) { this.readThread.stop(); this.readThread = (NTThread) null; } if (this.connection != null) { this.connection.close(); this.connection = (NetworkTableConnection) null; } this.entryStore.clearIds(); } }
public virtual void reconnect() { object obj; Monitor.Enter(obj = this.connectionLock); // ISSUE: fault handler try { this.close(); IOStream stream; try { stream = this.streamFactory.createStream(); if (stream != null) goto label_6; } catch (Exception ex) { int num = 2; if (ByteCodeHelper.MapException<Exception>(ex, (ByteCodeHelper.MapFlags) num) == null) throw; else goto label_10; } Monitor.Exit(obj); return; label_6: try { this.connection = new NetworkTableConnection(stream, this.typeManager); this.readThread = this.threadManager.newBlockingPeriodicThread((PeriodicRunnable) new ConnectionMonitorThread((ConnectionAdapter) this, this.connection), "Client Connection Reader Thread"); this.connection.sendClientHello(); this.gotoState(ClientConnectionState.__\u003C\u003ECONNECTED_TO_SERVER); goto label_15; } catch (Exception ex) { int num = 2; if (ByteCodeHelper.MapException<Exception>(ex, (ByteCodeHelper.MapFlags) num) == null) throw; else goto label_11; } } __fault { Monitor.Exit(obj); } label_10: // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null local = null; goto label_12; label_11: local = null; label_12: // ISSUE: fault handler try { this.close(); } __fault { Monitor.Exit(obj); } label_15: // ISSUE: fault handler try { Monitor.Exit(obj); } __fault { Monitor.Exit(obj); } }
public virtual void start() { if (this.monitorThread != null) this.stop(); this.monitorThread = this.threadManager.newBlockingPeriodicThread((PeriodicRunnable) this, "Server Incoming Stream Monitor Thread"); }
public virtual void start() { if (this.thread != null) this.stop(); this.lastWrite = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.thread = this.threadManager.newBlockingPeriodicThread((PeriodicRunnable) this, "Write Manager Thread"); }