public void DeletePerson(NSWindow window) {

			// Anything to process?
			if (SelectedPerson == null) {
				var alert = new NSAlert () {
					AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Critical,
					InformativeText = "Please select the person to remove from the collection of people.",
					MessageText = "Delete Person",
				alert.BeginSheet (window);
			} else {
				// Confirm delete
				var alert = new NSAlert () {
					AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Critical,
					InformativeText = string.Format ("Are you sure you want to delete person `{0}` from the collection?", SelectedPerson.Name),
					MessageText = "Delete Person",
				alert.AddButton ("Ok");
				alert.AddButton ("Cancel");
				alert.BeginSheetForResponse (window, (result) => {
					// Delete?
					if (result == 1000) {
						RemovePerson (View.SelectionIndex);
Beispiel #2
        public new void addWindowsItem_title_filename(NSWindow window, NSString title, bool isFileName)
            Unused.Value = SuperCall(NSApplication.Class, "addWindowsItem:title:filename:", window, title, isFileName);

            // Make directory windows bold.
            NSObject controller = window.windowController();
            if (controller.class_().Name == "DirectoryController")
                NSMenuItem item = DoGetMenuItem(window);
                if (item != null)
                    var dict = NSMutableDictionary.Create();
                    dict.setObject_forKey(NSFont.menuBarFontOfSize(0.0f), Externs.NSFontAttributeName);
                    dict.setObject_forKey(NSNumber.Create(-5.0f), Externs.NSStrokeWidthAttributeName);

                    var str = NSAttributedString.Alloc().initWithString_attributes(title, dict);

            // I tried making the path component of reversed paths gray, but it didn't always work and,
            // when it did, it was only for the first window name. Cocoa does adjust the attributes for
            // the menu item when it does things like underline dirty documents and I think that this
            // is resetting the foreground color.
		public override void DidFinishLaunching (NSNotification notification)
			var menu = new NSMenu ();

			var menuItem = new NSMenuItem ();
			menu.AddItem (menuItem);

			var appMenu = new NSMenu ();
			var quitItem = new NSMenuItem ("Quit", "q", (s, e) => NSApplication.SharedApplication.Terminate (menu));
			appMenu.AddItem (quitItem);

			menuItem.Submenu = appMenu;
			NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainMenu = menu;

			m_window = new NSWindow (
				new CGRect (0, 0, 1024, 720),
				NSWindowStyle.Closable | NSWindowStyle.Miniaturizable | NSWindowStyle.Titled | NSWindowStyle.Resizable | NSWindowStyle.TexturedBackground,
				false) {
				Title = "Bluebird WkBrowser",
				ReleasedWhenClosed = false,
				ContentMinSize = new CGSize (1024, 600),
				CollectionBehavior = NSWindowCollectionBehavior.FullScreenPrimary
			m_window.Center ();
			m_window.MakeKeyAndOrderFront (null);

			var viewController = new ViewController ();
			m_window.ContentView = viewController.View;
			m_window.ContentViewController = viewController;
			viewController.View.Frame = m_window.ContentView.Bounds;
Beispiel #4
        public WarningWindow()
            // Interface Builder won't allow us to create a window with no title bar
            // so we have to create it manually. But we could use IB if we display
            // the window with a sheet...
            NSRect rect = new NSRect(0, 0, 460, 105);
            m_window = NSWindow.Alloc().initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer(rect, 0, Enums.NSBackingStoreBuffered, false);


            // Initialize the text attributes.
            var dict = NSMutableDictionary.Create();

            NSFont font = NSFont.fontWithName_size(NSString.Create("Georgia"), 64.0f);
            dict.setObject_forKey(font, Externs.NSFontAttributeName);

            NSMutableParagraphStyle style = NSMutableParagraphStyle.Create();
            dict.setObject_forKey(style, Externs.NSParagraphStyleAttributeName);

            m_attrs = dict.Retain();

            // Initialize the background bezier.
            m_background = NSBezierPath.Create().Retain();
            m_background.appendBezierPathWithRoundedRect_xRadius_yRadius(m_window.contentView().bounds(), 20.0f, 20.0f);

            m_color = NSColor.colorWithDeviceRed_green_blue_alpha(250/255.0f, 128/255.0f, 114/255.0f, 1.0f).Retain();

		public bool promptForLogin(NSWindow aParentwindow)
			done = false;
			parentWindow = aParentwindow;
			if (aParentwindow.isVisible())
				NSApp.beginSheet(this.window()) modalForWindow(aParentwindow) modalDelegate(this) didEndSelector(__selector(didEndSheet:returnCode:contextInfo:)) contextInfo(null);
				NSModalSession s = NSApp.beginModalSessionForWindow(this.window());
			return done;
Beispiel #6
        public static void NSBeginInformationalAlertSheet(NSString title, NSString defaultButton, NSString alternateButton, NSString otherButton, NSWindow docWindow, NSObject modalDelegate, string didEndSelector, string didDismissSelector, IntPtr contextInfo, NSString message)
            Selector endSelector = didEndSelector != null ? new Selector(didEndSelector) : null;
            Selector dismissSelector = didDismissSelector != null ? new Selector(didDismissSelector) : null;

            NativeMethods.NSBeginInformationalAlertSheet(title, defaultButton, alternateButton, otherButton, docWindow, modalDelegate, endSelector, dismissSelector, contextInfo, message);
		public void DeletePerson(NSWindow window) {
			if (Table.SelectedRow == -1) {
				var alert = new NSAlert () {
					AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Critical,
					InformativeText = "Please select the person to remove from the list of people.",
					MessageText = "Delete Person",
				alert.BeginSheet (window);
			} else {
				// Grab person
				SelectedPerson = _people.GetItem<PersonModel> ((nuint)Table.SelectedRow);

				// Confirm delete
				var alert = new NSAlert () {
					AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Critical,
					InformativeText = string.Format("Are you sure you want to delete person `{0}` from the table?",SelectedPerson.Name),
					MessageText = "Delete Person",
				alert.AddButton ("Ok");
				alert.AddButton ("Cancel");
				alert.BeginSheetForResponse (window, (result) => {
					// Delete?
					if (result == 1000) {
		public void showSheetForWindow(NSWindow aWindow) withMessage(NSString aMessage) allowCancel(bool aAllowCancel)
			window = aWindow;
			messageText = aMessage;
			allowCancel = aAllowCancel;
			NSApp.beginSheet(window) modalForWindow(window) modalDelegate(this) didEndSelector(__selector(didEndSheet:returnCode:contextInfo:)) contextInfo(null);
Beispiel #9
        /// <exclude/>
        public BlockCookie beginSheetModalForWindow_completionHandler(NSWindow window, Action<int> callback)
            Action<IntPtr, int> thunk = (IntPtr context, int result) => callback(result);

            var cookie = new BlockCookie("beginSheetModalForWindow_completionHandler", thunk);
            Call("beginSheetModalForWindow:completionHandler:", window, cookie.Block);
            return cookie;
Beispiel #10
		public static Gtk.Window GetGtkWindow (NSWindow window)
			if (window == null)
				return null;

			var toplevels = Gtk.Window.ListToplevels ();
			return toplevels.FirstOrDefault (w => w.IsRealized && (gdk_quartz_window_get_nswindow (w.GdkWindow.Handle) == window.Handle));
Beispiel #11
        public static void ShowGenericWindowAsSheet (string content, string title, NSWindow parentWindow)
            UIErrorHelper.CheckedExec (delegate () {
                GenericTextViewWindowController gwc = new GenericTextViewWindowController (content);
                gwc.Window.Title = title;
                NSApplication.SharedApplication.BeginSheet (gwc.Window, parentWindow, () => {

                NSApplication.SharedApplication.RunModalForWindow (gwc.Window);
                parentWindow.EndSheet (gwc.Window);
                gwc.Dispose ();
        public override void DidFinishLaunching(NSNotification notification)
            _window = new NSWindow(new CGRect(200, 200, 400, 700), NSWindowStyle.Closable | NSWindowStyle.Resizable | NSWindowStyle.Titled,
                                   NSBackingStore.Buffered, false, NSScreen.MainScreen);

            var setup = new Setup(this, _window);

            var startup = Mvx.Resolve<IMvxAppStart>();

		partial void goFullScreen (NSObject sender)
			isInFullScreenMode = true;
			// Pause the non-fullscreen view
			openGLView.StopAnimation ();
			CGRect mainDisplayRect;
			CGRect viewRect;
			// Create a screen-sized window on the display you want to take over
			// Note, mainDisplayRect has a non-zero origin if the key window is on a secondary display
			mainDisplayRect = NSScreen.MainScreen.Frame;
			fullScreenWindow = new NSWindow (mainDisplayRect, NSWindowStyle.Borderless, NSBackingStore.Buffered, true);
			// Set the window level to be above the menu bar
			fullScreenWindow.Level = NSWindowLevel.MainMenu + 1;
			// Perform any other window configuration you desire
			fullScreenWindow.IsOpaque = true;
			fullScreenWindow.HidesOnDeactivate = true;
			// Create a view with a double-buffered OpenGL context and attach it to the window
			// By specifying the non-fullscreen context as the shareContext, we automatically inherit the 
			// OpenGL objects (textures, etc) it has defined
			viewRect = new CGRect (0, 0, mainDisplayRect.Size.Width, mainDisplayRect.Size.Height);
			fullScreenView = new MyOpenGLView (viewRect, openGLView.OpenGLContext);
			fullScreenWindow.ContentView = fullScreenView;
			// Show the window
			fullScreenWindow.MakeKeyAndOrderFront (this);
			// Set the scene with the full-screen viewport and viewing transformation
			Scene.ResizeGLScene (viewRect);
			// Assign the view's MainController to self
			fullScreenView.MainController = this;
			if (!isAnimating) {
				// Mark the view as needing drawing to initalize its contents
				fullScreenView.NeedsDisplay = true;
			} else {
				// Start playing the animation
				fullScreenView.StartAnimation ();
		public void EditPerson(NSWindow window) {
			if (SelectedPerson == null) {
				var alert = new NSAlert () {
					AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Informational,
					InformativeText = "Please select the person to edit from the collection of people.",
					MessageText = "Edit Person",
				alert.BeginSheet (window);
			} else {
				// Grab person
				SelectedPerson = _people.GetItem<PersonModel> ((nuint)View.SelectionIndex);

				var sheet = new PersonEditorSheetController(SelectedPerson, false);

				// Display sheet
Beispiel #15
		public void TableViewDoubleClick(NSObject sender)
//			NSTableView tv = (NSTableView)sender;
//			Console.WriteLine("TableView: {0}", tv);
			ScheduledClass c = scheduleFetcher.ScheduledClasses[(int)tableView.ClickedRow];

//			webPanel = new NSPanel();
			webPanel = new NSWindow();
			webPanel.StyleMask = NSWindowStyle.Resizable | webPanel.StyleMask;
			webPanel.SetContentSize(new CGSize(Window.ContentView.Frame.Size.Width, 500.0f));
			webView = new WebView(new CGRect(0.0f, 50.0f, Window.ContentView.Frame.Size.Width, 450.0f), "", "");
			webView.AutoresizingMask = NSViewResizingMask.HeightSizable | NSViewResizingMask.WidthSizable;

			webView.WeakResourceLoadDelegate = this;
			webView.WeakFrameLoadDelegate = this;

			progressBar = new NSProgressIndicator(new CGRect(25.0f, 12.0f, Window.ContentView.Frame.Size.Width-175.0f, 25.0f));
			progressBar.Style = NSProgressIndicatorStyle.Bar;
			progressBar.Indeterminate = false;
			progressBar.AutoresizingMask = NSViewResizingMask.WidthSizable;
			progressBar.MinValue = 0;
			progressBar.MaxValue = 100;
			progressBar.DoubleValue = progress;

			NSButton closebutton = new NSButton(new CGRect(webPanel.Frame.Width - 125.0f, 12.0f, 100.0f, 25.0f));
			closebutton.Title = "Close";
			closebutton.BezelStyle = NSBezelStyle.Rounded;
			closebutton.Target = this;
			closebutton.Action = new Selector("closePanel:");
			closebutton.AutoresizingMask = NSViewResizingMask.MinXMargin;
			webPanel.DefaultButtonCell = closebutton.Cell;

			webView.MainFrameUrl = c.Href;
//			Window.BeginSheet(webPanel, (nint) => {
//			});
			NSApplication.SharedApplication.BeginSheet(webPanel, Window);

			//NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace.OpenUrl(new NSUrl(c.Href));
		public override void DidFinishLaunching(NSNotification notification)
			Window = new NSWindow(new CGRect(0, 0, 400, 300),
					  NSWindowStyle.Titled | NSWindowStyle.Resizable | NSWindowStyle.Closable,
					  NSBackingStore.Buffered, false, NSScreen.MainScreen);        // how big?
			Window.Title = "TipCalc";
			Window.WillClose += (sender, e) =>

			var presenter = new MvxMacViewPresenter(this, Window);

			var setup = new Setup(this, presenter);

			var startup = Mvx.Resolve<IMvxAppStart>();

        protected virtual void UpdateWindow(MvxWindowPresentationAttribute attribute, NSWindow window)
            var positionX = attribute.PositionX != MvxWindowPresentationAttribute.InitialPositionX ? attribute.PositionX : (float)window.Frame.X;
            var positionY = attribute.PositionY != MvxWindowPresentationAttribute.InitialPositionY ? attribute.PositionY : (float)window.Frame.Y;
            var width     = attribute.Width != MvxWindowPresentationAttribute.InitialWidth ? attribute.Width : (float)window.Frame.Width;
            var height    = attribute.Height != MvxWindowPresentationAttribute.InitialHeight ? attribute.Height : (float)window.Frame.Height;

            var newFrame = new CGRect(positionX, positionY, width, height);

            window.SetFrame(newFrame, false);

            window.StyleMask       = attribute.WindowStyle ?? window.StyleMask;
            window.BackingType     = attribute.BufferingType ?? window.BackingType;
            window.TitleVisibility = attribute.TitleVisibility ?? window.TitleVisibility;
Beispiel #18
 public void CreatePanelDidEnd(NSWindow w, int returnCode, IntPtr context)
        public void Run(NSWindow callerWindow)
            _callerWindow = callerWindow;

Beispiel #20
 public CoreWindow(NSWindow window)
     _window = window;
Beispiel #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Wraps the specified Cocoa <paramref name="window"/> in an Eto control so it can be used as a parent when showing dialogs, etc.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>The eto window wrapper around the native Cocoa window.</returns>
 /// <param name="window">Cocoa Window to wrap.</param>
 public static Window ToEtoWindow(this NSWindow window)
     return(new Form(new NativeFormHandler(window)));
Beispiel #22
 private void didEndSheet(NSWindow sheet) returnCode(int returnCode) contextInfo(id info)
Beispiel #23
 public WindowDelegate(NSWindow window)
     _window = window;
Beispiel #24
 public WindowFrameBackend(NSWindow window)
     Window = window;
 public MvxMacViewPresenter(NSApplicationDelegate applicationDelegate, NSWindow window)
     _applicationDelegate = applicationDelegate;
     _window = window;
 public static void Run(NSWindow mainForm)
     NSApplication.Main(new string[] {});
Beispiel #27
 protected MvxMacSetup(IMvxApplicationDelegate applicationDelegate, NSWindow window) : this(applicationDelegate)
     _window = window;
Beispiel #28
 public Setup(MvxApplicationDelegate applicationDelegate, NSWindow window)
     : base(applicationDelegate, window)
Beispiel #29
        private void CreateNativeWindow(WindowOptions options)
            var rect = new CGRect(0, 0, options.ClientSize.X, options.ClientSize.Y);

            View = new NSGameView(Application.Input, rect, Platform.GraphicsMode.Default);
            NSWindowStyle style;

            if (options.Style == WindowStyle.Borderless)
                style = NSWindowStyle.Borderless;
            else if (options.Style == WindowStyle.Dialog)
                style = NSWindowStyle.Titled | NSWindowStyle.Closable;
                style = NSWindowStyle.Titled | NSWindowStyle.Closable | NSWindowStyle.Miniaturizable;
            if (!options.FixedSize)
                style |= NSWindowStyle.Resizable;
            window             = new NSWindow(rect, style, NSBackingStore.Buffered, false);
            window.TabbingMode = (NSWindowTabbingMode)options.MacWindowTabbingMode;
            if (options.Style == WindowStyle.Dialog)
                window.StandardWindowButton(NSWindowButton.MiniaturizeButton).Hidden = true;
                window.StandardWindowButton(NSWindowButton.ZoomButton).Hidden        = true;

            var contentRect = window.ContentRectFor(rect);

            titleBarHeight = ((RectangleF)rect).Height - (float)contentRect.Height;

            if (options.MinimumDecoratedSize != Vector2.Zero)
                MinimumDecoratedSize = options.MinimumDecoratedSize;
            if (options.MaximumDecoratedSize != Vector2.Zero)
                MaximumDecoratedSize = options.MaximumDecoratedSize;
            window.Title              = options.Title;
            window.WindowShouldClose += OnShouldClose;
            window.WillClose         += OnWillClose;
            window.DidResize         += (s, e) => {
                needUpdateGLContext = true;
                HandleResize(s, e);
            window.WillEnterFullScreen += (sender, e) => {
                shouldFixFullscreen = !window.StyleMask.HasFlag(NSWindowStyle.Resizable);
                if (shouldFixFullscreen)
                    window.StyleMask |= NSWindowStyle.Resizable;
                windowedClientSize = ClientSize;
            window.WillExitFullScreen += (sender, e) => {
                ClientSize = windowedClientSize;
            window.DidExitFullScreen += (sender, e) => {
                if (shouldFixFullscreen)
                    window.StyleMask &= ~NSWindowStyle.Resizable;
            window.DidBecomeKey += (sender, e) => {
            window.DidResignKey += (sender, e) => {
                // Clearing key state on deactivate is required so no keys will get stuck.
                // If, for some reason, you need to transfer key state between windows use InputSimulator to hack it. See docking implementation in Tangerine.
            window.DidMove += HandleMove;
            NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.AddObserver(NSWindow.WillStartLiveResizeNotification, OnWillStartLiveResize);
            NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.AddObserver(NSWindow.DidEndLiveResizeNotification, OnDidEndLiveResize);
            window.CollectionBehavior = NSWindowCollectionBehavior.FullScreenPrimary;
            window.ContentView        = View;
            View.Update        += Update;
            View.RenderFrame   += HandleRenderFrame;
            View.FilesDropped  += RaiseFilesDropped;
            View.DidMouseEnter += () => {
                Application.WindowUnderMouse = this;
            View.DidMouseExit += () => {
                if (Application.WindowUnderMouse == this)
                    Application.WindowUnderMouse = null;
 public WindowFrameBackend(NSWindow window)
     Window = window;
     // don't replace existing delegates
     hasExternalDelegate = Window.Delegate != null || Window.WeakDelegate != null;
Beispiel #31
        static void Main(string[] args)
            NSApplication.SharedApplication.ActivationPolicy = NSApplicationActivationPolicy.Regular;

            var xPos       = NSScreen.MainScreen.Frame.Width / 2;  // NSWidth([[window screen] frame])/ 2 - NSWidth([window frame])/ 2;
            var yPos       = NSScreen.MainScreen.Frame.Height / 2; // NSHeight([[window screen] frame])/ 2 - NSHeight([window frame])/ 2;
            var mainWindow = new MacAccInspectorWindow(new CGRect(xPos, yPos, 300, 368), NSWindowStyle.Titled | NSWindowStyle.Resizable | NSWindowStyle.Closable, NSBackingStore.Buffered, false);

            var stackView = new NSStackView()
                Orientation = NSUserInterfaceLayoutOrientation.Vertical

            mainWindow.ContentView = stackView;
            stackView.AddArrangedSubview(new NSTextField {
                StringValue = "123"

            stackView.AddArrangedSubview(new NSTextField {
                StringValue = "45"
            stackView.AddArrangedSubview(new NSTextField {
                StringValue = "345"
            var button = new NSButton {
                Title = "Press to show a message"


            var hotizontalView = new NSStackView()
                Orientation = NSUserInterfaceLayoutOrientation.Horizontal

            hotizontalView.AddArrangedSubview(new NSTextField()
                StringValue = "test"


            button.Activated += (sender, e) => {
                var alert = new NSAlert();
                alert.MessageText     = "You clicked the button!!!";
                alert.InformativeText = "Are you sure!?";

            var button2 = new NSButton {
                Title = "Opens Localized text"

            button2.Activated += (sender, e) => {
                var window = new NSWindow()
                    StyleMask = NSWindowStyle.Titled | NSWindowStyle.Resizable | NSWindowStyle.Closable
                var stack = NativeViewHelper.CreateHorizontalStackView();
                var label = NativeViewHelper.CreateLabel(Strings.HelloText);
                window.ContentView = stack;
                window.WillClose  += (sender1, e1) =>
            button2.HeightAnchor.ConstraintEqualToConstant(100).Active = true;;

            mainWindow.Title = "Example Debug Xamarin.Mac";

		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SourceWriter.EditorWidowDelegate"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="window">The <c>NSWindow</c> being managed by the <c>NSWindowController</c> this delegate
		/// is attached to.</param>
		public EditorWidowDelegate (NSWindow window)
			// Initialize
			this.Window = window;

 public override bool ShouldZoom(NSWindow window, RectangleF newFrame)
		public static void Run (NSWindow mainForm)
			NSApplication.Main (new string[]{});
 public MvxWindowController(NSWindow window) : base(window)
Beispiel #36
        public static Gtk.Window GetGtkWindow(NSWindow window)
            var toplevels = Gtk.Window.ListToplevels();

            return(toplevels.FirstOrDefault(w => gdk_quartz_window_get_nswindow(w.GdkWindow.Handle) == window.Handle));
Beispiel #37
        public void Close()
            if (m_range != null)
                m_range.Changed -= this.DoRangeChanged;

            if (m_attrs != null)
                if (m_parent != null)
                        this, Externs.NSWindowWillCloseNotification, m_parent);

                        this, Externs.NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification, m_text.superview());

                        this, Externs.NSViewBoundsDidChangeNotification, m_text.superview());

                    if (Visible)
                        Visible = false;
                    m_parent = null;

                m_attrs = null;
Beispiel #38
 protected MvxMacSetup(MvxApplicationDelegate applicationDelegate, NSWindow window)
     this._window = window;
     this._applicationDelegate = applicationDelegate;
        //largely ported from azure-activedirectory-library-for-objc
        public override void LoadWindow()
            var parentWindow = _callerWindow ?? NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainWindow;

            CGRect windowRect;

            if (parentWindow != null)
                windowRect = parentWindow.Frame;
                // If we didn't get a parent window then center it in the screen
                windowRect = NSScreen.MainScreen.Frame;

            // Calculate the center of the current main window so we can position our window in the center of it
            CGRect centerRect = CenterRect(windowRect, new CGRect(0, 0, DEFAULT_WINDOW_WIDTH, DEFAULT_WINDOW_HEIGHT));

            var window = new NSWindow(centerRect, NSWindowStyle.Titled | NSWindowStyle.Closable, NSBackingStore.Buffered, true)
                BackgroundColor         = NSColor.WindowBackground,
                WeakDelegate            = this,
                AccessibilityIdentifier = "SIGN_IN_WINDOW"

            var contentView = window.ContentView;

            contentView.AutoresizesSubviews = true;

            _webView = new WebView(contentView.Frame, null, null)
                FrameLoadDelegate       = this,
                PolicyDelegate          = this,
                AutoresizingMask        = NSViewResizingMask.HeightSizable | NSViewResizingMask.WidthSizable,
                AccessibilityIdentifier = "SIGN_IN_WEBVIEW"


            // On macOS there's a noticeable lag between the window showing and the page loading, so starting with the spinner
            // at least make it looks like something is happening.
            _progressIndicator = new NSProgressIndicator(
                new CGRect(
                    (DEFAULT_WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - 16,
                    (DEFAULT_WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) - 16,
                Style = NSProgressIndicatorStyle.Spinning,
                // Keep the item centered in the window even if it's resized.
                AutoresizingMask = NSViewResizingMask.MinXMargin | NSViewResizingMask.MaxXMargin | NSViewResizingMask.MinYMargin | NSViewResizingMask.MaxYMargin

            _progressIndicator.Hidden = false;


            Window = window;

            _webView.MainFrameUrl = _url;
Beispiel #40
		// Used to reload a document for which the file changed.
		public void reloadSheetDidEnd_returnCode_contextInfo(NSWindow sheet, int returnCode, IntPtr context)
			if (returnCode == Enums.NSAlertDefaultReturn )
Beispiel #41
 public EditorWindowDelegate(NSWindow window)
     // Initialize
     this.Window = window;
Beispiel #42
		public static void ApplyTheme (NSWindow window)
			if (!nsWindows.ContainsKey(window)) {
				nsWindows [window] = NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.AddObserver (NSWindow.WillCloseNotification, OnClose, window);
				SetTheme (window);
Beispiel #43
        public OptionDialogMonobjc(IList <IOptionPage> aOptionPages)
            // create a list of option pages
            iPages = new List <OptionPageMonobjc>();

            NSRect windowRect     = new NSRect(0, 0, kWidth, kHeight);
            float  division       = kWidth / 4;
            NSRect scrollViewRect = new NSRect(kPadding, kPadding, division - (kPadding * 2), kHeight - (kPadding * 2));
            NSRect pageRect       = new NSRect(division + kPadding, kPadding, kWidth - division - (kPadding * 2), kHeight - (kPadding * 2));

            foreach (IOptionPage page in aOptionPages)
                iPages.Add(new OptionPageMonobjc(page, pageRect));

            // create main window for the dialog
            iWindow = new NSWindow(windowRect,
                                   NSWindowStyleMasks.NSClosableWindowMask |
            iWindow.Title = NSString.StringWithUTF8String("User Options");
            iWindow.SetDelegate(d =>
                d.WindowShouldClose += delegate(Id aSender) { return(true); };
                d.WindowWillClose   += delegate(NSNotification aNotification) { NSApplication.NSApp.AbortModal(); };
            iWindow.IsReleasedWhenClosed = false;

            // create a view for the window content
            NSView view = new NSView();

            iWindow.ContentView = view;

            NSScrollView scrollView = new NSScrollView();

            scrollView.HasVerticalScroller   = true;
            scrollView.HasHorizontalScroller = true;
            scrollView.AutohidesScrollers    = true;

            NSTableColumn tableColumn = new NSTableColumn();

            tableColumn.ResizingMask = NSTableColumnResizingMasks.NSTableColumnAutoresizingMask | NSTableColumnResizingMasks.NSTableColumnUserResizingMask;
            tableColumn.IsEditable   = false;

            iTableDelegate   = new OptionDialogMonobjcDelegate(iPages);
            iTableDataSource = new OptionDialogMonobjcDataSource(iPages);

            iTableDelegate.EventSelectedPage += EventSelectedPageHandler;

            iTableView            = new NSTableView();
            iTableView.DataSource = iTableDataSource;
            iTableView.HeaderView = null;
            iTableView.UsesAlternatingRowBackgroundColors = true;
            iTableView.Delegate                = iTableDelegate;
            iTableView.AllowsEmptySelection    = false;
            iTableView.AllowsMultipleSelection = false;

            scrollView.Frame  = scrollViewRect;
            iTableView.Frame  = scrollView.ContentView.Bounds;
            tableColumn.Width = iTableView.Bounds.Width - 3;

            scrollView.DocumentView = iTableView;



            // view have been added to the window so they can be released
Beispiel #44
        public MainToolbar(Gtk.Window window)
            gtkWindow = window;
            widget    = new NSToolbar(MainToolbarId)
                DisplayMode = NSToolbarDisplayMode.Icon,

            awesomeBar = new AwesomeBar();
            awesomeBar.RunButton.Activated += (o, e) => {
                RunButtonClicked?.Invoke(o, e);

            awesomeBar.RunButton.UnfocusToolbar += (o, e) => {

            // Remove the focus from the Gtk system when Cocoa has focus
            // Fixes BXC #29601
            awesomeBar.SearchBar.GainedFocus += (o, e) => IdeApp.Workbench.RootWindow.Focus = null;


            selectorView.ConfigurationChanged += (sender, e) => {
                if (ConfigurationChanged != null)
                    ConfigurationChanged(sender, e);

            selectorView.RunConfigurationChanged += (sender, e) => {
                if (RunConfigurationChanged != null)
                    RunConfigurationChanged(sender, e);

            selectorView.RuntimeChanged += (sender, ea) => {
                if (RuntimeChanged != null)
                    RuntimeChanged(sender, ea);

            widget.WillInsertItem = (tool, id, send) => {
                switch (id)
                case AwesomeBarId:
                    return(new NSToolbarItem(AwesomeBarId)
                        View = awesomeBar,
                        MinSize = new CGSize(MacSystemInformation.OsVersion < MacSystemInformation.Mojave ? 1024: 600, AwesomeBar.ToolbarWidgetHeight),
                        MaxSize = new CGSize(float.PositiveInfinity, AwesomeBar.ToolbarWidgetHeight)

                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            // We can't use the events that Xamarin.Mac adds for delegate methods as they will overwrite
            // the delegate that Gtk has added
            NSWindow nswin = GtkMacInterop.GetNSWindow(window);

            // The way how sizing of the NSToolbar is implemented seems to have changen in Mojave.
            // Previously we had to track the window size and update our MinSize to prevent NSToolbar
            // from removing the item automatically. Now the same logic has the opposite effect on Mojave.
            // Additionally AwesomeBar has no active window, after being removed from the NSToolbar, making
            // the required size calculation much more complex. However letting NSToolbar do the magic
            // internally works on Mojave correctly.
            if (MacSystemInformation.OsVersion < MacSystemInformation.Mojave)
                Action <NSNotification> resizeAction = notif => Runtime.RunInMainThread(() => {
                    var win = awesomeBar.Window;
                    if (win == null)

                    var item = widget.Items [0];

                    var abFrameInWindow  = awesomeBar.ConvertRectToView(awesomeBar.Frame, null);
                    var awesomebarHeight = AwesomeBar.ToolbarWidgetHeight;
                    var size             = new CGSize(win.Frame.Width - abFrameInWindow.X - 4, awesomebarHeight);

                    if (item.MinSize != size)
                        item.MinSize = size;
                NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.AddObserver(NSWindow.DidResizeNotification, resizeAction, nswin);
                NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.AddObserver(NSWindow.DidEndLiveResizeNotification, resizeAction, nswin);

            NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.AddObserver(NSWindow.WillEnterFullScreenNotification, (note) => IsFullscreen = true, nswin);
            NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.AddObserver(NSWindow.WillExitFullScreenNotification, (note) => IsFullscreen  = false, nswin);
		public static void ShowWebivew(WebAuthenticator webview)
			var app = NSApplication.SharedApplication;
			var rect = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(0,0,400,600);
			webview.Frame = rect;
			window = new NSWindow(rect, NSWindowStyle.Closable | NSWindowStyle.Titled, NSBackingStore.Buffered, false);
			window.ContentView = webview;
			window.IsVisible = false;
			window.Title = webview.Authenticator.Title;

 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes an instance for a provided caller window.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="callerWindow">Caller window. OPTIONAL.</param>
 public CoreUIParent(NSWindow callerWindow)
     CallerWindow = callerWindow;
 public void CreatePanelDidEnd (NSWindow w, int returnCode, IntPtr context)
        // Shared initialization code
        void Initialize()
            window           = new NSWindow(new RectangleF(0, 0, 470, 250), NSWindowStyle.Titled, NSBackingStore.Buffered, false);
            window.HasShadow = true;
            NSView content = window.ContentView;

            window.WindowController = this;

            NSTextField signInLabel = new NSTextField(new RectangleF(17, 190, 109, 17));

            signInLabel.StringValue     = "Sign In:";
            signInLabel.Editable        = false;
            signInLabel.Bordered        = false;
            signInLabel.BackgroundColor = NSColor.Control;


            // Create our select button
            selectButton       = new NSButton(new RectangleF(358, 12, 96, 32));
            selectButton.Title = "Select";
            selectButton.BezelStyle = NSBezelStyle.Rounded;

            selectButton.Activated += delegate {

            selectButton.Enabled = false;


            // Setup our table view
            NSScrollView tableContainer = new NSScrollView(new RectangleF(20, 60, 428, 123));

            tableContainer.BorderType          = NSBorderType.BezelBorder;
            tableContainer.AutohidesScrollers  = true;
            tableContainer.HasVerticalScroller = true;

            tableView = new NSTableView(new RectangleF(0, 0, 420, 123));
            tableView.UsesAlternatingRowBackgroundColors = true;

            NSTableColumn colGamerTag = new NSTableColumn(new NSString("Gamer"));


            colGamerTag.Width            = 420;
            colGamerTag.HeaderCell.Title = "Gamer Profile";
            tableContainer.DocumentView  = tableView;


            // Create our add button
            NSButton addButton = new NSButton(new RectangleF(20, 27, 25, 25));

            addButton.Image = NSImage.ImageNamed("NSAddTemplate");
            addButton.BezelStyle = NSBezelStyle.SmallSquare;

            addButton.Activated += delegate {

            // Create our remove button
            NSButton removeButton = new NSButton(new RectangleF(44, 27, 25, 25));

            removeButton.Image = NSImage.ImageNamed("NSRemoveTemplate");
            removeButton.BezelStyle = NSBezelStyle.SmallSquare;

            removeButton.Activated += delegate {

            gamerList = MonoGameGamerServicesHelper.DeserializeProfiles();

//			for (int x= 1; x< 25; x++) {
//				gamerList.Add("Player " + x);
//			}
            tableView.DataSource = new GamersDataSource(this);
            tableView.Delegate   = new GamersTableDelegate(this);
		public void goWindow ()
			isInFullScreenMode = false;
			// use OrderOut here instead of Close or nasty things will happen with Garbage Collection and a double free
			fullScreenWindow.OrderOut (this);
			fullScreenView.DeAllocate ();
			fullScreenWindow.Dispose ();
			fullScreenWindow = null;
			// Switch to the non-fullscreen context
			openGLView.OpenGLContext.MakeCurrentContext ();
			if (!isAnimating) {
				// Mark the view as needing drawing
				// The animation has advanced while we were in full-screen mode, so its current contents are stale
				openGLView.NeedsDisplay = true;
			} else {
				// continue playing the animation
				openGLView.StartAnimation ();
 public override SizeF WillResize(NSWindow sender, SizeF to_frame_size)
 public void ShowSheet(NSWindow inWindow)
     NSApplication.SharedApplication.BeginSheet (Window, inWindow);
Beispiel #52
        public MainToolbar(Gtk.Window window)
            gtkWindow = window;
            widget    = new NSToolbar(MainToolbarId)
                DisplayMode = NSToolbarDisplayMode.Icon,

            awesomeBar = new AwesomeBar();
            awesomeBar.RunButton.Activated += (o, e) => {
                if (RunButtonClicked != null)
                    RunButtonClicked(o, e);

            // Remove the focus from the Gtk system when Cocoa has focus
            // Fixes BXC #29601
            awesomeBar.SearchBar.GainedFocus += (o, e) => IdeApp.Workbench.RootWindow.Focus = null;


            selectorView.ConfigurationChanged += (sender, e) => {
                if (ConfigurationChanged != null)
                    ConfigurationChanged(sender, e);

            selectorView.RunConfigurationChanged += (sender, e) => {
                if (RunConfigurationChanged != null)
                    RunConfigurationChanged(sender, e);

            selectorView.RuntimeChanged += (sender, ea) => {
                if (RuntimeChanged != null)
                    RuntimeChanged(sender, ea);

            widget.WillInsertItem = (tool, id, send) => {
                switch (id)
                case AwesomeBarId:
                    return(new NSToolbarItem(AwesomeBarId)
                        View = awesomeBar,
                        MinSize = new CGSize(1024, AwesomeBar.ToolbarWidgetHeight),
                        MaxSize = new CGSize(1024, AwesomeBar.ToolbarWidgetHeight)

                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            Action <NSNotification> resizeAction = notif => Runtime.RunInMainThread(() => {
                var win = awesomeBar.Window;
                if (win == null)

                var item = widget.Items[0];

                var abFrameInWindow  = awesomeBar.ConvertRectToView(awesomeBar.Frame, null);
                var awesomebarHeight = AwesomeBar.ToolbarWidgetHeight;
                var size             = new CGSize(win.Frame.Width - abFrameInWindow.X - 4, awesomebarHeight);

                item.MinSize = size;
                item.MaxSize = size;

            // We can't use the events that Xamarin.Mac adds for delegate methods as they will overwrite
            // the delegate that Gtk has added
            NSWindow nswin = GtkMacInterop.GetNSWindow(window);

            NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.AddObserver(NSWindow.DidResizeNotification, resizeAction, nswin);
            NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.AddObserver(NSWindow.DidEndLiveResizeNotification, resizeAction, nswin);

            NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.AddObserver(NSWindow.WillEnterFullScreenNotification, (note) => IsFullscreen = true, nswin);
            NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.AddObserver(NSWindow.WillExitFullScreenNotification, (note) => IsFullscreen  = false, nswin);
Beispiel #53
        public void Init(ITextEditor editor, NSTextView text, LiveRange range, AnnotationAlignment alignment)
            m_editor = editor;
            m_text = text;
            m_range = range;
            m_view = this["view"].To<AnnotateView>();
            m_alignment = alignment;

            m_parent = m_text.window();

                this, "parentWillClose:", Externs.NSWindowWillCloseNotification, m_parent);

                this, "parentBoundsChanged:", Externs.NSViewBoundsDidChangeNotification, m_text.superview());

            m_range.Changed += this.DoRangeChanged;
Beispiel #54
 public void PlatformInitialize(IMvxApplicationDelegate applicationDelegate, NSWindow window)
     _window = window;
 public MvxMacViewPresenter(NSApplicationDelegate applicationDelegate, NSWindow window)
     _applicationDelegate = applicationDelegate;
     _window = window;
        public override Id InitConnectionType(RoyalConnection data, NSTabViewItem tabViewItem, NSWindow parentWindow)
            Data        = data;
            TabViewItem = tabViewItem;

		async Task SaveExportedData (NSWindow window, nint panelResult, NSUrl url)
			if (panelResult != 1 || syncController?.SyncState != SyncState.Finished)

			string error = null;

			try {
				if (url == null || url.FilePathUrl == null) {
					error = url?.ToString () ?? "Invalid file URL";

				statusTextField.StringValue = "saving with sadness…";
				saveButton.Enabled = false;
				actionButton.Enabled = false;
				indeterminateProgressIndicator.Hidden = false;

				await syncController.CreateExporter ().ExportAsync (url.FilePathUrl.Path);

				statusTextField.StringValue = "saved your tedious music curation work!";
				actionButton.Enabled = true;
				indeterminateProgressIndicator.Hidden = true;

				savedExportedDataUrl = url;
				saveButton.Enabled = true;
				saveButton.Title = "Reveal in Finder…";
			} catch (Exception e) {
				Console.Error.WriteLine (e);
				error = e.Message;
			} finally {
				if (error != null)
					new NSAlert {
						AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Critical,
						MessageText = "Unable to save exported data to file",
						InformativeText = error
					}.RunSheetModal (window, NSApplication.SharedApplication);
 protected virtual MvxWindowController CreateWindowController(NSWindow window)
     return(new MvxWindowController(window));
Beispiel #59
		static void SetTheme (NSWindow window)
			if (IdeApp.Preferences.UserInterfaceSkin == Skin.Light)
				window.Appearance = NSAppearance.GetAppearance (NSAppearance.NameAqua);
				window.Appearance = NSAppearance.GetAppearance (NSAppearance.NameVibrantDark);

			if (IdeApp.Preferences.UserInterfaceSkin == Skin.Light) {
				window.StyleMask &= ~NSWindowStyle.TexturedBackground;

			if (window is NSPanel || window.ContentView.Class.Name != "GdkQuartzView")
				window.BackgroundColor = MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Styles.BackgroundColor.ToNSColor ();
			else {
				object[] platforms = Mono.Addins.AddinManager.GetExtensionObjects ("/MonoDevelop/Core/PlatformService");
				if (platforms.Length > 0) {
					var platformService = (MonoDevelop.Ide.Desktop.PlatformService)platforms [0];
					var image = Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromResource (platformService.GetType().Assembly, "maintoolbarbg.png");

					window.IsOpaque = false;
					window.BackgroundColor = NSColor.FromPatternImage (image.ToBitmap().ToNSImage());
			window.StyleMask |= NSWindowStyle.TexturedBackground;
Beispiel #60
 protected ReactiveWindowController(NSWindow window) : base(window)