Beispiel #1
        public override nfloat GetSizeToFitColumnWidth(NSOutlineView outlineView, nint column)
            var columns     = outlineView.TableColumns();
            var col         = columns[column];
            var columnWidth = col.MinWidth;

            for (nint row = 0; row < outlineView.RowCount; row++)
                var rowView    = outlineView.GetRowView(row, true);
                var columnView = rowView.ViewAtColumn(column);
                var width      = columnView.Frame.Width;

                if (column == 0)
                    width += columnView.Frame.X;

                if (width > columnWidth)
                    columnWidth = NMath.Min(width, col.MaxWidth);

            /// <inheritdoc />
            public override string ToolTipForCell(NSOutlineView outlineView, NSCell cell, ref CGRect rect, NSTableColumn tableColumn, NSObject item, CGPoint mouseLocation)
                var toolTip         = string.Empty;
                var treeNode        = item as NSTreeNode;
                var mouseOverObject = treeNode.RepresentedObject as FileNodeViewModel;
                var whichColumn     = outlineView.TableColumns().ToList().IndexOf(tableColumn);

                switch (whichColumn)
                case 0:
                    if ((mouseOverObject != null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(mouseOverObject.IconTipStrip))
                        toolTip = mouseOverObject.IconTipStrip;
Beispiel #3
        // the table is looking for this method, picks it up automagically
        public override NSView GetView(NSOutlineView outlineView, NSTableColumn tableColumn, NSObject item)
            var    facade         = (NSObjectFacade)item;
            var    vm             = facade.Target as PropertyViewModel;
            var    group          = facade.Target as IGroupingList <string, EditorViewModel>;
            string cellIdentifier = (group == null) ? vm.GetType().Name : group.Key;

            // Let's make the columns look pretty
            if (!goldenRatioApplied)
                int    middleColumnWidth = 5;
                nfloat rightColumnWidth  = (outlineView.Frame.Width - middleColumnWidth) / 1.618f;
                nfloat leftColumnWidth   = outlineView.Frame.Width - rightColumnWidth - middleColumnWidth;
                outlineView.TableColumns()[0].Width = leftColumnWidth;
                outlineView.TableColumns()[1].Width = rightColumnWidth;
                goldenRatioApplied = true;

            // Setup view based on the column
            switch (tableColumn.Identifier)
            case PropertyEditorPanel.PropertyListColId:
                var view = (UnfocusableTextField)outlineView.MakeView("label", this);
                if (view == null)
                    view = new UnfocusableTextField {
                        Identifier = "label",
                        Alignment  = NSTextAlignment.Right,

                view.StringValue = ((group == null) ? vm.Property.Name + ":" : group.Key) ?? String.Empty;

                // Set tooltips only for truncated strings
                var stringWidth = view.AttributedStringValue.Size.Width + 30;
                if (stringWidth > tableColumn.Width)
                    view.ToolTip = vm.Property.Name;


            case PropertyEditorPanel.PropertyEditorColId:
                if (vm == null)

                var editor = (PropertyEditorControl)outlineView.MakeView(cellIdentifier + "edits", this);
                if (editor == null)
                    editor = GetEditor(vm, outlineView);
                    // If still null we have no editor yet.
                    if (editor == null)
                        return(new NSView());

                // we must reset these every time, as the view may have been reused
                editor.TableRow = outlineView.RowForItem(item);

                // Force a row update due to new height, but only when we are non-default
                if (editor.TriggerRowChange)
                    outlineView.NoteHeightOfRowsWithIndexesChanged(new NSIndexSet(editor.TableRow));


            throw new Exception("Unknown column identifier: " + tableColumn.Identifier);
            /// <inheritdoc />
            public override bool ShouldEditTableColumn(NSOutlineView outlineView, NSTableColumn tableColumn, NSObject item)
                DebugDelegatePrint("***************** SHOULD EDIT CALLED");
                var canEdit = MenuLayoutCommandGroup.EditLongNameCommand.CanExecute(ViewModel.HostPCMenuLayout);

                if (canEdit)
                    var treeNode = item as NSTreeNode;
                    EditingColumn = (EditableOutlineViewColumn)outlineView.TableColumns().ToList().IndexOf(tableColumn);
                    var    editingObject = treeNode.RepresentedObject as FileNodeViewModel;
                    string initialValue  = null;
                    int    maxLength     = -1;
                    switch (EditingColumn)
                    case EditableOutlineViewColumn.LongName:
                        canEdit      = true;
                        initialValue = editingObject.LongName;
                        maxLength    = INTV.LtoFlash.Model.FileSystemConstants.MaxLongNameLength;

                    case EditableOutlineViewColumn.ShortName:
                        canEdit      = true;
                        initialValue = editingObject.ShortName;
                        maxLength    = INTV.LtoFlash.Model.FileSystemConstants.MaxShortNameLength;

                        ErrorReporting.ReportError("Unsupported edit column");
                    if (InPlaceEditor == null)
                        InPlaceEditor = new TextCellInPlaceEditor(outlineView);
                    InPlaceEditor.EditingObject    = editingObject;
                    InPlaceEditor.InitialValue     = initialValue;
                    InPlaceEditor.MaxLength        = maxLength;
                    InPlaceEditor.IsValidCharacter = (c) => INTV.Core.Model.Grom.Characters.Contains(c);
                    InPlaceEditor.EditorClosed    += InPlaceEditor_EditorClosed;
                else if ((SingleInstanceApplication.Current.LastKeyPressed == TextCellInPlaceEditor.ReturnKey) && (SingleInstanceApplication.Current.LastKeyPressedTimestamp != ReturnKeyTimestamp))
                    // return was pressed -- do we need to check for <enter> vs. <return> (on laptops, Fn+return)?
                    ReturnKeyTimestamp = SingleInstanceApplication.Current.LastKeyPressedTimestamp;
                    if (!outlineView.IsExpandable(item) && DownloadCommandGroup.DownloadAndPlayCommand.CanExecute(ViewModel))
                        var program = ViewModel.HostPCMenuLayout.CurrentSelection as ProgramViewModel;
                        if ((program != null) && DownloadCommandGroup.DownloadAndPlayCommand.CanExecute(ViewModel))
                            DownloadCommandGroup.DownloadAndPlay(ViewModel.ActiveLtoFlashDevice.Device, program.ProgramDescription);
                        // On a directory. If so, toggle state.
                        if (outlineView.IsItemExpanded(item))