public void Copy(RULE R) { ID = R.ID; Name = R.Name; Node.Copy(R.Node); }
public static string CreateSELECTString(RULE Rule) { byte check = 0; NODE Node = new NODE(); Node.Copy(Rule.Node); string Str = Properties.Resources.SelectAllString + '\n'; while (true) { if (Node.SostoanieZdorovia.FF != 0) { Str += $" WHRERE (SZ.FF={Node.SostoanieZdorovia.FF} OR SZ.FS={Node.SostoanieZdorovia.FF} OR SZ.FT={Node.SostoanieZdorovia.FF}) AND ( "; ++check; break; } if (Node.SostoanieZdorovia.FS != 0) { Str += $" WHRERE (SZ.FS={Node.SostoanieZdorovia.FF} OR SZ.FT={Node.SostoanieZdorovia.FF}) AND ( "; ++check; break; } if (Node.SostoanieZdorovia.FT != 0) { Str += " WHRERE SZ.FT=" + Node.SostoanieZdorovia.FT + " AND ( "; ++check; } break; } if (Node.AktivniiOtdih.FF != 0) { Str += " OR AO.FF=" + Node.AktivniiOtdih.FF; ++check; } if (Node.AktivniiOtdih.FS != 0) { Str += " OR AO.FS=" + Node.AktivniiOtdih.FS; ++check; } if (Node.AktivniiOtdih.FT != 0) { Str += " OR AO.FT=" + Node.AktivniiOtdih.FT; ++check; } if (Node.OtdihVKompanii.FF != 0) { Str += " OR OvK.FF=" + Node.OtdihVKompanii.FF; ++check; } if (Node.OtdihVKompanii.FS != 0) { Str += " OR OvK.FS=" + Node.OtdihVKompanii.FS; ++check; } if (Node.Prirodu != 0) { Str += " OR R.Priroda=" + Node.Prirodu; ++check; } if (Node.OtdihNaPrirode != 0) { Str += " OR R.OtdihNaPrirode=" + Node.OtdihNaPrirode; ++check; } if (Node.Arhitectura.FF != 0) { Str += " OR A.FF=" + Node.Arhitectura.FF; ++check; } if (Node.Arhitectura.FS != 0) { Str += " OR A.FS=" + Node.Arhitectura.FS; ++check; } if (Node.BolshieGoroda.FF != 0) { Str += " OR BG.FF=" + Node.BolshieGoroda.FF; ++check; } if (Node.BolshieGoroda.FS != 0) { Str += " OR BG.FS=" + Node.BolshieGoroda.FS; ++check; } if (Node.BolshieGoroda.FT != 0) { Str += " OR BG.FT=" + Node.BolshieGoroda.FT; ++check; } if (Node.MalenkieGoroda.FF != 0) { Str += " OR MG.FF=" + Node.MalenkieGoroda.FF; ++check; } if (Node.MalenkieGoroda.FS != 0) { Str += " OR MG.FS=" + Node.MalenkieGoroda.FS; ++check; } if (Node.Dostoprimechatelnosti != 0) { Str += " OR R.Dostoprimech=" + Node.Dostoprimechatelnosti; ++check; } if (Node.VoennaaTematika.FF != 0) { Str += " OR VT.FF=" + Node.VoennaaTematika.FF; ++check; } if (Node.VoennaaTematika.FS != 0) { Str += " OR VT.FS=" + Node.VoennaaTematika.FS; ++check; } if (Node.Reki.FF != 0) { Str += " OR Re.FF=" + Node.Reki.FF; ++check; } if (Node.Reki.FS != 0) { Str += " OR Re.FS=" + Node.Reki.FS; ++check; } if (Node.Reki.FT != 0) { Str += " OR Re.FT=" + Node.Reki.FT; ++check; } if (Node.Gori.FF != 0) { Str += " OR G.FF=" + Node.Gori.FF; ++check; } if (Node.Gori.FS != 0) { Str += " OR G.FS=" + Node.Gori.FS; ++check; } if (Node.Gori.FT != 0) { Str += " OR G.FT=" + Node.Gori.FT; ++check; } if (Node.Temp_Hight.FF != 0) { Str += " OR TH.FF=" + Node.Temp_Hight.FF; ++check; } if (Node.Temp_Hight.FS != 0) { Str += " OR TH.FS=" + Node.Temp_Hight.FS; ++check; } if (Node.Temp_Low.FF != 0) { Str += " OR TL.FF=" + Node.Temp_Low.FF; ++check; } if (Node.Temp_Low.FS != 0) { Str += " OR TL.FS=" + Node.Temp_Low.FS; ++check; } if (Node.Temp_Srednaa != 0) { Str += " OR R.TempSred=" + Node.Temp_Srednaa; ++check; } if (check == 0) { Str = Properties.Resources.SelectAllString; } else { Str += " );"; } return(Str); }