Beispiel #1
        private void ViewReport()
            litWarning.Text = string.Empty;

            DateTime aggStartDate = ppAgg.SelectedPeriod;
            DateTime repDate      = ppRep.SelectedPeriod;

            //first thing check if repDate is more than one year after aggStartDate - this causes errors in MakeReport (useCol will be zero because 12 is hard-coded)
            if ((repDate - aggStartDate).TotalDays >= 365)
                litWarning.Text = @"<div class=""warning"">The report date must be within one year of the aggregation start date.</div>";

            //simple checks
            if (aggStartDate > repDate)
                litWarning.Text = @"<div class=""warning"">The aggregation start date must precede the report date.</div>";

            DateTime maxRepDate = GetReportDateBasedOnGeneratedReports(aggStartDate);

            if (repDate > maxRepDate)
                litWarning.Text = string.Format(@"<div class=""warning"">The report is too far in the future. The maximum allowed period is {0:MMMM yyyy}.</div>", maxRepDate);

            //find out if today is within 4 business days of beginning of month
            var      sd          = repDate.AddMonths(1);
            var      ed          = sd.AddMonths(1);
            DateTime businessDay = Utility.NextBusinessDay(sd, Utility.GetHolidays(sd, ed));

            if (DateTime.Now.Date < businessDay)
                litWarning.Text = @"<div class=""warning"">It's not the fourth business day of the reporting period. You should know the risk of using premature NNIN report</div>";

            bool makeAggData = chkForceRefresh.Checked || NNINDA.CumulativeUserExists(repDate);

            string xlsReportName = string.Format("AS{0:yyyyMM}_Report{1:yyyyMM}_{2}.xls", aggStartDate, repDate, litCurrentThreshold.Text);

            string newfilepath = MakeReport(aggStartDate, repDate, makeAggData, xlsReportName);

Beispiel #2
        private string MakeReport(DateTime aggStartDate, DateTime repDate, bool makeAggData, string xlsReportName)
            //if the month is the aggStart use the blank template. Otherwise, use last months
            string xlsBaseFileName;

            if (aggStartDate == repDate)
                xlsBaseFileName = "NNIN Data Blank.xls";
                xlsBaseFileName = string.Format("AS{0:yyyyMM}_Report{1:yyyyMM}_{2}.xls", aggStartDate, repDate.AddMonths(-1), litCurrentThreshold.Text);

            string xlsBaseFilePath = XlsFilePath + xlsBaseFileName;
            string xlsReportPath   = XlsFilePath + xlsReportName;

            DateTime period = repDate;
            DateTime sDate  = period;
            DateTime eDate  = sDate.AddMonths(1);

            DataSet ds = NNINDA.GetTablesWithMinimumMinutes(period, (int)ClientPrivilege.LabUser, makeAggData, Convert.ToDouble(litCurrentThreshold.Text) / 60);

            ds.Tables[0].TableName = "TechnicalInterest_Hours";
            ds.Tables[1].TableName = "OrgType_Hours";
            ds.Tables[2].TableName = "TechnicalInterest_Users";
            ds.Tables[3].TableName = "OrgType_Users";
            ds.Tables[4].TableName = "TechnicalInterest_Fees";
            ds.Tables[5].TableName = "OrgType_Fees";

            DataColumn[] pk;

            pk = new DataColumn[] { ds.Tables["TechnicalInterest_Fees"].Columns["TechnicalInterestID"] };
            ds.Tables["TechnicalInterest_Fees"].PrimaryKey = pk;

            pk = new DataColumn[] { ds.Tables["OrgType_Fees"].Columns["OrgTypeID"] };
            ds.Tables["OrgType_Fees"].PrimaryKey = pk;

            //get raw cumulative user data
            DataTable dtCumUser = NNINDA.GetCumulativeUserAggregateData(aggStartDate, repDate);

            DataTable dtReport = new DataTable();

            dtReport.Columns.Add("BaseRow", typeof(int));
            dtReport.Columns.Add("TotalRow", typeof(int));
            dtReport.Columns.Add("RepType", typeof(string)); //fees, hours, cum,
            dtReport.Columns.Add("ByType", typeof(string));  //orgtype, techid, none
            dtReport.Columns.Add("DateOnly", typeof(bool));  //orgtype, techid, none

            AddReportRow(dtReport, 10, 0, string.Empty, string.Empty, true);
            AddReportRow(dtReport, 24, 43, "Hours", "TechnicalInterest", false);
            AddReportRow(dtReport, 11, 43, "Hours", "OrgType", false);
            AddReportRow(dtReport, 40, 0, string.Empty, string.Empty, true);
            AddReportRow(dtReport, 69, 88, "Users", "TechnicalInterest", false);
            AddReportRow(dtReport, 55, 88, "Users", "OrgType", false);
            AddReportRow(dtReport, 85, 0, string.Empty, string.Empty, true);
            AddReportRow(dtReport, 161, 180, "Fees", "TechnicalInterest", false);
            AddReportRow(dtReport, 146, 180, "Fees", "OrgType", false);
            AddReportRow(dtReport, 177, 0, string.Empty, string.Empty, true);
            AddReportRow(dtReport, 116, 136, "CumUser", "TechnicalInterest", false);
            AddReportRow(dtReport, 101, 136, "CumUser", "OrgType", false);
            AddReportRow(dtReport, 133, 0, string.Empty, string.Empty, true);
            AddReportRow(dtReport, 226, 0, "CumUser", "DemGender", false);
            AddReportRow(dtReport, 232, 0, "CumUser", "DemEthnic", false);
            AddReportRow(dtReport, 238, 0, "CumUser", "DemRace", false);
            AddReportRow(dtReport, 247, 0, "CumUser", "DemDisability", false);

            ExcelFile SpreadSheet = new ExcelFile();

            ExcelWorksheet ws = SpreadSheet.Worksheets["UM SSEL"];

            DataRow[] fdr;
            int       lastVal, useCol = 0, useRow;
            double    hardTotals; //for recording internal time without formula

            foreach (DataRow drReport in dtReport.Rows)
                //write dates
                for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++)
                    ws.Cells[Convert.ToInt32(drReport["BaseRow"]), j + 1].Value = aggStartDate.AddMonths(j);
                    if (aggStartDate.AddMonths(j) == repDate)
                        useCol = j + 1;

                if (!Convert.ToBoolean(drReport["DateOnly"]))
                    hardTotals = 0;
                    if (drReport["RepType"].ToString() == "CumUser")
                        fdr = dtCumUser.Select(string.Format("TableName = '{0}'", drReport["ByType"]));
                        for (int j = 0; j < fdr.Length; j++)
                            useRow = drReport.Field <int>("BaseRow") + fdr[j].Field <int>("Value");
                            if (aggStartDate == repDate)
                                ws.Cells[useRow, useCol].Value = fdr[j]["Count"];
                                lastVal = Convert.ToInt32(ws.Cells[useRow, 1].Value);
                                for (int i = 2; i < useCol; i++)
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ws.Cells[useRow, i].Formula))
                                        string form = ws.Cells[useRow, i].Formula;
                                        lastVal += Convert.ToInt32(form.Substring(form.IndexOf("+") + 1));
                                string formula = "=" + Convert.ToChar(64 + useCol) + (useRow + 1).ToString() + "+" + (Convert.ToInt32(fdr[j]["Count"]) - lastVal).ToString();
                                ws.Cells[useRow, useCol].Formula = formula;
                            hardTotals += Convert.ToDouble(fdr[j]["Count"]);
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(drReport["TotalRow"]) != 0)
                            ws.Cells[Convert.ToInt32(drReport["TotalRow"]), useCol].Value = hardTotals;
                        foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[string.Format("{0}_{1}", drReport["ByType"], drReport["RepType"])].Rows)
                            useRow = drReport.Field <int>("BaseRow") + dr.Field <int>(drReport["ByType"].ToString() + "ID");
                            double val = Convert.ToDouble(dr[drReport["RepType"].ToString()]); //must use Convert.ToDouble here because dr[...] may be different types depending on the rep type (e.g. double or int)
                            ws.Cells[useRow, useCol].Value = val;
                            hardTotals += val;
                        ws.Cells[Convert.ToInt32(drReport["TotalRow"]), useCol].Value = hardTotals;

            SpreadSheet = null;

        private string MakeReport(DateTime aggStartDate, DateTime repDate, bool makeAggData, string xlsReportName)
            //if the month is the aggStart use the blank template. Otherwise, use last months
            string xlsBaseFileName;

            if (aggStartDate == repDate)
                xlsBaseFileName = "NNIN Data Blank.xls";
                xlsBaseFileName = "AS" + aggStartDate.ToString("yyyyMM") + "_Report" + repDate.AddMonths(-1).ToString("yyyyMM") + ".xls";

            string xlsBaseFilePath = xlsFilePath + xlsBaseFileName;
            string xlsReportPath   = xlsFilePath + xlsReportName;

            DateTime period  = repDate;
            DateTime sDate   = period;
            DateTime eDate   = sDate.AddMonths(1);
            Compile  compile = new Compile();

            //this gets the aggregated costs for rooms and tools
            DataSet   dsCostTables = NNINDA.GetCostTables(period);
            DataTable dtRoomCost   = dsCostTables.Tables[0];
            DataTable dtToolCost   = dsCostTables.Tables[1];

            //get Client info
            DataSet ds = DataCommand()
                         .Param("Action", "GetAllTables")
                         .Param("Period", period)
                         .Param("Privs", (int)ClientPrivilege.LabUser)
                         .Param("MakeCumUser", makeAggData)

            ds.Tables[0].TableName = "ClientTechInt";
            ds.Tables[1].TableName = "AcctOrgType";
            ds.Tables[2].TableName = "TechnicalInterest_Hours";
            ds.Tables[3].TableName = "OrgType_Hours";
            ds.Tables[4].TableName = "TechnicalInterest_Users";
            ds.Tables[5].TableName = "OrgType_Users";
            ds.Tables[6].TableName = "TechnicalInterest_Fees";
            ds.Tables[7].TableName = "OrgType_Fees";

            DataColumn[] pk;

            pk = new DataColumn[] { ds.Tables["TechnicalInterest_Fees"].Columns["TechnicalInterestID"] };
            ds.Tables["TechnicalInterest_Fees"].PrimaryKey = pk;

            pk = new DataColumn[] { ds.Tables["OrgType_Fees"].Columns["OrgTypeID"] };
            ds.Tables["OrgType_Fees"].PrimaryKey = pk;

            //calc fees by tech interest and orgtype
            DataRow drTI, drOT;

            DataRow[] fdr;
            foreach (DataTable dt in dsCostTables.Tables)
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    fdr = ds.Tables["ClientTechInt"].Select(string.Format("ClientID = {0}", dr["ClientID"]));
                    if (fdr.Length > 0)
                        drTI = ds.Tables["TechnicalInterest_Fees"].Rows.Find(fdr[0]["TechnicalInterestID"]);

                        drTI["Fees"] = drTI.Field <double>("Fees") + dr.Field <double>("TotalCalcCost");
                        fdr          = ds.Tables["AcctOrgType"].Select(string.Format("AccountID = {0}", dr["AccountID"]));
                        if (fdr.Length > 0)
                            drOT         = ds.Tables["OrgType_Fees"].Rows.Find(fdr[0]["OrgTypeID"]);
                            drOT["Fees"] = drOT.Field <double>("Fees") + dr.Field <double>("TotalCalcCost");

            //get raw cumulative user data
            .Param("Action", "Aggregate")
            .Param("sDate", aggStartDate)
            .Param("eDate", repDate)
            .FillDataSet(ds, "dbo.CumUser_Select", "CumUser");

            DataTable dtReport = new DataTable();

            dtReport.Columns.Add("BaseRow", typeof(int));
            dtReport.Columns.Add("TotalRow", typeof(int));
            dtReport.Columns.Add("RepType", typeof(string)); //fees, hours, cum
            dtReport.Columns.Add("ByType", typeof(string));  //orgtype, techid, none
            dtReport.Columns.Add("DateOnly", typeof(bool));  //orgtype, techid, none

            AddReportRow(dtReport, new object[] { 10, 0, string.Empty, string.Empty, true });
            AddReportRow(dtReport, new object[] { 24, 43, "Hours", "TechnicalInterest", false });
            AddReportRow(dtReport, new object[] { 11, 43, "Hours", "OrgType", false });
            AddReportRow(dtReport, new object[] { 40, 0, string.Empty, string.Empty, true });
            AddReportRow(dtReport, new object[] { 69, 88, "Users", "TechnicalInterest", false });
            AddReportRow(dtReport, new object[] { 55, 88, "Users", "OrgType", false });
            AddReportRow(dtReport, new object[] { 85, 0, string.Empty, string.Empty, true });
            AddReportRow(dtReport, new object[] { 161, 180, "Fees", "TechnicalInterest", false });
            AddReportRow(dtReport, new object[] { 146, 180, "Fees", "OrgType", false });
            AddReportRow(dtReport, new object[] { 177, 0, string.Empty, string.Empty, true });
            AddReportRow(dtReport, new object[] { 116, 136, "CumUser", "TechnicalInterest", false });
            AddReportRow(dtReport, new object[] { 101, 136, "CumUser", "OrgType", false });
            AddReportRow(dtReport, new object[] { 133, 0, string.Empty, string.Empty, true });
            AddReportRow(dtReport, new object[] { 226, 0, "CumUser", "DemGender", false });
            AddReportRow(dtReport, new object[] { 232, 0, "CumUser", "DemEthnic", false });
            AddReportRow(dtReport, new object[] { 238, 0, "CumUser", "DemRace", false });
            AddReportRow(dtReport, new object[] { 247, 0, "CumUser", "DemDisability", false });

            ExcelFile SpreadSheet = new ExcelFile();

            ExcelWorksheet ws = SpreadSheet.Worksheets["UM SSEL"];

            int    lastVal, useCol = 0, useRow;
            double hardTotals; //for recording internal time without formula

            foreach (DataRow drReport in dtReport.Rows)
                //write dates
                for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++)
                    ws.Cells[Convert.ToInt32(drReport["BaseRow"]), j + 1].Value = aggStartDate.AddMonths(j);
                    if (aggStartDate.AddMonths(j) == repDate)
                        useCol = j + 1;

                if (!Convert.ToBoolean(drReport["DateOnly"]))
                    hardTotals = 0;
                    if (drReport["RepType"].ToString() == "CumUser")
                        fdr = ds.Tables["CumUser"].Select(string.Format("TableName = '{0}'", drReport["ByType"]));
                        for (int j = 0; j < fdr.Length; j++)
                            useRow = drReport.Field <int>("BaseRow") + fdr[j].Field <int>("Value");
                            if (aggStartDate == repDate)
                                ws.Cells[useRow, useCol].Value = fdr[j]["Count"];
                                lastVal = Convert.ToInt32(ws.Cells[useRow, 1].Value);
                                for (int i = 2; i < useCol; i++)
                                    string form = ws.Cells[useRow, i].Formula;
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(form))
                                        lastVal += Convert.ToInt32(form.Substring(form.IndexOf("+") + 1));
                                ws.Cells[useRow, useCol].Formula = "=" + Convert.ToChar(64 + useCol) + (useRow + 1).ToString() + "+" + (Convert.ToInt32(fdr[j]["Count"]) - lastVal).ToString();

                            hardTotals += fdr[j].Field <double>("Count");

                        if (Convert.ToInt32(drReport["TotalRow"]) != 0)
                            ws.Cells[Convert.ToInt32(drReport["TotalRow"]), useCol].Value = hardTotals;
                        foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[string.Format("{0}_{1}", drReport["ByType"], drReport["RepType"])].Rows)
                            useRow = drReport.Field <int>("BaseRow") + dr.Field <int>(string.Format("{0}ID", drReport["ByType"]));
                            ws.Cells[useRow, useCol].Value = dr[drReport["RepType"].ToString()];
                            hardTotals += Convert.ToDouble(dr[drReport["RepType"].ToString()]);

                        ws.Cells[Convert.ToInt32(drReport["TotalRow"]), useCol].Value = hardTotals;

            SpreadSheet = null;
