Beispiel #1
        private void Mstep()
            double mu    = param.Mu;
            double theta = param.Theta;

            param.Mu = -theta *NMath.Log(en2 / en1);

            param.Theta = theta * (en3 / en1);
            param.Omega = en1;
        void OnTreeViewResized(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var height    = (treeView.RowHeight + treeView.IntercellSpacing.Height) * treeView.RowCount;
            var maxHeight = GetMaxHeight(treeView.Window);

            height = NMath.Min(height, maxHeight);

            widthConstraint.Constant  = treeView.OptimalTooltipWidth;
            heightConstraint.Constant = height;
Beispiel #3
        public ExpectedValue(Stat.SDist dist,
                             int divide, double eps)
            this.dist = dist;
//            inte_divide = divide;
            inte_eps = eps;
            gx       = new double[divide];
            gw       = new double[divide];
            NMath.GaussWeights(gx, gw, inte_eps);
        private static NGraphicsPath CreateCircleSegment(double w, double h)
            double radius = 0.4 * NMath.Min(w, h);
            NPoint center = new NPoint(0.5 * w, 0.5 * h);

            NGraphicsPath path = new NGraphicsPath();

            path.AddCircleSegment(center, radius, 0.25 * NMath.PI, 1.5 * NMath.PI);
        void UpdateButtomLayoutConstraint(UIKeyboardEventArgs e)
            UIViewAnimationCurve curve = e.AnimationCurve;

            UIView.Animate(e.AnimationDuration, 0, ConvertToAnimationOptions(e.AnimationCurve), () => {
                nfloat offsetFromBottom = tableView.Frame.GetMaxY() - e.FrameEnd.GetMinY();
                offsetFromBottom        = NMath.Max(0, offsetFromBottom);
            }, null);
Beispiel #6
        private void EventSinkService_TransformationsChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            float zoomFactor = (view.ScaleX + view.ScaleY) / 2;
            int   value      = (int)NMath.Round(zoomFactor * 100);

            if (value != zoomScrollbar.Value)
                zoomScrollbar.Value = value;
Beispiel #7
        private void Mstep()
            double mu    = param.Mu;
            double theta = param.Theta;

            param.Mu = -theta *NMath.Log(en2 / en1);

            param.Theta = theta * (en3 / en1);
            param.Omega = -en1 *NMath.Expm1(-NMath.Exp(param.Mu / param.Theta));
Beispiel #8
        private void DrawFourWinged(CGRect rect)
            //// Rectangle 2 Drawing
            UIBezierPath rectangle2Path = new UIBezierPath();

            rectangle2Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 36.0f, rect.GetMinY() + 35.0f));
            rectangle2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 51.0f, rect.GetMinY() + 22.0f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 35.55f, rect.GetMinY() + 30.32f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 38.68f, rect.GetMinY() + 22.0f));
            rectangle2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 65.0f, rect.GetMinY() + 33.0f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 62.87f, rect.GetMinY() + 22.0f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 64.9f, rect.GetMinY() + 28.88f));
            rectangle2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.60000f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.44000f * rect.Height), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 65.14f, rect.GetMinY() + 38.95f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.59613f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.42938f * rect.Height));
            rectangle2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.60000f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.48344f * rect.Height), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.60712f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.46251f * rect.Height), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.60000f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.44163f * rect.Height));
            rectangle2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.60000f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.69242f * rect.Height));
            rectangle2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.59378f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.76814f * rect.Height), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.60000f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.72837f * rect.Height), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.60000f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.74928f * rect.Height));
            rectangle2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.59288f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.77179f * rect.Height));
            rectangle2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.50975f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.83000f * rect.Height), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.58016f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.80674f * rect.Height), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.54694f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.83000f * rect.Height));
            rectangle2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.50500f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.83000f * rect.Height), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.50500f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.83000f * rect.Height), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.50500f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.83000f * rect.Height));
            rectangle2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.50500f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.83000f * rect.Height));
            rectangle2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.50500f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.83000f * rect.Height));
            rectangle2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.50025f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.83000f * rect.Height));
            rectangle2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.41712f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.77179f * rect.Height), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.46306f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.83000f * rect.Height), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.42984f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.80674f * rect.Height));
            rectangle2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.41000f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.68656f * rect.Height), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.41000f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.74928f * rect.Height), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.41000f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.72837f * rect.Height));
            rectangle2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.41000f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.69242f * rect.Height));
            rectangle2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.42000f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.44000f * rect.Height), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.41000f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.44163f * rect.Height), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.42000f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.44000f * rect.Height));
            rectangle2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 36.0f, rect.GetMinY() + 35.0f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 0.42340f * rect.Width, rect.GetMinY() + 0.43067f * rect.Height), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 36.55f, rect.GetMinY() + 40.72f));

            //// Oval 2 Drawing
            var oval2Path = UIBezierPath.FromOval(new CGRect(rect.GetMinX() + NMath.Floor(rect.Width * 0.12000f + 0.5f), rect.GetMinY() + NMath.Floor(rect.Height * 0.40000f + 0.5f), NMath.Floor(rect.Width * 0.45000f + 0.5f) - NMath.Floor(rect.Width * 0.12000f + 0.5f), NMath.Floor(rect.Height * 0.61000f + 0.5f) - NMath.Floor(rect.Height * 0.40000f + 0.5f)));


            //// Oval 3 Drawing
            var oval3Path = UIBezierPath.FromOval(new CGRect(rect.GetMinX() + NMath.Floor(rect.Width * 0.21000f + 0.5f), rect.GetMinY() + NMath.Floor(rect.Height * 0.55000f + 0.5f), NMath.Floor(rect.Width * 0.45000f + 0.5f) - NMath.Floor(rect.Width * 0.21000f + 0.5f), NMath.Floor(rect.Height * 0.73000f + 0.5f) - NMath.Floor(rect.Height * 0.55000f + 0.5f)));


            //// Oval 4 Drawing
            var oval4Path = UIBezierPath.FromOval(new CGRect(rect.GetMinX() + NMath.Floor(rect.Width * 0.55000f + 0.5f), rect.GetMinY() + NMath.Floor(rect.Height * 0.40000f + 0.5f), NMath.Floor(rect.Width * 0.88000f + 0.5f) - NMath.Floor(rect.Width * 0.55000f + 0.5f), NMath.Floor(rect.Height * 0.61000f + 0.5f) - NMath.Floor(rect.Height * 0.40000f + 0.5f)));


            //// Oval 5 Drawing
            var oval5Path = UIBezierPath.FromOval(new CGRect(rect.GetMinX() + NMath.Floor(rect.Width * 0.55000f + 0.5f), rect.GetMinY() + NMath.Floor(rect.Height * 0.55000f + 0.5f), NMath.Floor(rect.Width * 0.79000f + 0.5f) - NMath.Floor(rect.Width * 0.55000f + 0.5f), NMath.Floor(rect.Height * 0.73000f + 0.5f) - NMath.Floor(rect.Height * 0.55000f + 0.5f)));

        public Stream GetFilledCircleWithCenteredText(int imgSize, string rgbCircleColor, string txt, string rgbTextColor, string fontFamilyName, int fontSize)
            Stream result = null;

            using (UIImage image = new UIImage())
                UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(new SizeF(imgSize, imgSize));

                CGRect rect = new CGRect(0, 0, imgSize, imgSize);


                using (CGContext g = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext())
                    float x = (float)(rect.X + (rect.Width / 2));
                    float y = (float)(rect.Y + (rect.Height / 2));

                    // Draws the circle
                    UIColor background = FromHexString(rgbCircleColor);

                    CGPath path = new CGPath();
                    path.AddArc(x, y, NMath.Min(rect.Width, rect.Height) / 2 - 1f, 0, 2.0f * (float)Math.PI, true);

                    // Draws the text

                    var attributedString = new NSAttributedString(txt, new CoreText.CTStringAttributes {
                        ForegroundColorFromContext = true, Font = new CoreText.CTFont(fontFamilyName, fontSize * 2)

                    using (var textLine = new CoreText.CTLine(attributedString))
                        g.TranslateCTM(x - (textLine.GetBounds(CoreText.CTLineBoundsOptions.UseGlyphPathBounds).Width / 2), y + (textLine.GetBounds(CoreText.CTLineBoundsOptions.UseGlyphPathBounds).Height / 2));
                        g.ScaleCTM(1, -1);

                var resultImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext();


                NSData data = resultImage.AsPNG();

                result = data.AsStream();

Beispiel #10
            public override void LayoutSubviews()
                var width   = this.Bounds.Width / (Sliders.Count + 1);
                var padding = width / 2;
                var right   = Bounds.Width - sidePadding;

                var leftPadding = this.GetSafeArea().Left;
                var frame       = onSwitch.Frame;

                frame.X        = right - frame.Width;
                frame.Y        = this.Parent.NavigationController.NavigationBar.Frame.Bottom + topItemsPadding;
                onSwitch.Frame = frame;

                active.Center = new CGPoint(active.Frame.Width / 2 + sidePadding / 2 + leftPadding, onSwitch.Center.Y);

                var fullwidth = Bounds.Width;

                line1.Frame = new CGRect(0, frame.Bottom + topItemsPadding / 2, fullwidth, 1);

                frame          = combobox.Frame;
                frame.X        = right - frame.Width;
                frame.Y        = onSwitch.Frame.Bottom + topItemsPadding;
                combobox.Frame = frame;

                preset.Center = new CGPoint(preset.Frame.Width / 2 + sidePadding / 2 + leftPadding, combobox.Center.Y);

                line2.Frame = new CGRect(0, frame.Bottom + topItemsPadding / 2, fullwidth, 1);

                const float BottomBarHeight = 34;

                toolbar.Frame = new CGRect(0, Bounds.Height - NowPlayingViewController.Current.GetCurrentTopHeight() - BottomBarHeight, Bounds.Width,

                var sliderTop = line2.Frame.Bottom;
                var available = toolbar.Frame.Top - sliderTop - (topItemsPadding * 2) - 25;

                nfloat height = 0;

                //if (Util.IsIphone)
                height = NMath.Min(available, EqSliderMaxHeight);
                //	height = this.Bounds.Height - 65;
                sliderH = sliderTop + ((available - height) / 2) + topItemsPadding;
                for (int i = 0; i < Sliders.Count; i++)
                    var x      = width * i + padding;
                    var slider = Sliders[i];
                    var label  = labels[i];
                    slider.Frame = new CGRect(x, sliderH, width, height);
                    label.Frame  = new CGRect(x, slider.Frame.Bottom, width, 25);

                //combobox.Frame = combobox.Frame.SetLocation (xOffset + padding, height + 75);
        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs <CircleView> e)

            if (e.NewElement != null)
                Layer.MasksToBounds = true;
                Layer.CornerRadius  = NMath.Min((float)e.NewElement.WidthRequest,
                                                (float)e.NewElement.HeightRequest) / 2.0f;
 public virtual nint ClampedPageValue(nint page)
     if (IsWrappedEnabled)
         return(_numberOfPages != 0 ? (page + _numberOfPages) % _numberOfPages : 0);
         return(NMath.Min(NMath.Max(0, page), _numberOfPages - 1));
Beispiel #13
        public void TestCorrelation()
            var factory = new NArrayFactory(StorageLocation.Host);

            var a = factory.CreateNArray(new double[] { 0.32, 0.91, -0.32, -0.25 });
            var b = factory.CreateNArray(new double[] { 0.49, 0.75, -0.39, -0.20 });

            var correlation = NMath.Correlation(a, b);

            Assert.AreEqual(Math.Round(correlation, 12), Math.Round(0.96831734966276, 12));
Beispiel #14
        nfloat CalcContentOverlap()
            var onScreenHeight = CalcOnScreenContentHeight();                   // >= 0

            // chat's input view with or without keyboard
            var obstacleHeight = tableView.ContentInset.Bottom;             // >= 0

            var overlap = NMath.Max(onScreenHeight + obstacleHeight - tableView.Frame.Height, 0);

 private static NArray <T> Slice <T>(NArray <T> array, int chunkIndex, int startIndex, int length)
     if (array is ILocalNArray)
         return(NMath.CreateNArray <T>((array.Storage as ChunkyStorage <T>).Slice(chunkIndex)));
         return(array.Slice(startIndex, length));
Beispiel #16
        void Pan(UIPanGestureRecognizer pan)
            var location = pan.LocationInView(View);

            switch (pan.State)
            case UIGestureRecognizerState.Began:
                // Capture the initial touch offset from the itemView's center.
                var center = itemView.Center;
                offset.X = location.X - center.X;
                offset.Y = location.Y - center.Y;

                // Disable the behavior while the item is manipulated by the pan recognizer.
                stickyBehavior.Enabled = false;

            case UIGestureRecognizerState.Changed:
                // Get reference bounds.
                var referenceBounds = View.Bounds;
                var referenceWidth  = referenceBounds.Width;
                var referenceHeight = referenceBounds.Height;

                // Get item bounds.
                var itemBounds     = itemView.Bounds;
                var itemHalfWidth  = itemBounds.Width / 2f;
                var itemHalfHeight = itemBounds.Height / 2f;

                // Apply the initial offset.
                location.X -= offset.X;
                location.Y -= offset.Y;

                // Bound the item position inside the reference view.
                location.X = NMath.Max(itemHalfWidth, location.X);
                location.X = NMath.Min(referenceWidth - itemHalfWidth, location.X);
                location.Y = NMath.Max(itemHalfHeight, location.Y);
                location.Y = NMath.Min(referenceHeight - itemHalfHeight, location.Y);

                // Apply the resulting item center.
                itemView.Center = location;

            case UIGestureRecognizerState.Ended:
            case UIGestureRecognizerState.Cancelled:
                // Get the current velocity of the item from the pan gesture recognizer.
                var velocity = pan.VelocityInView(View);

                // Re-enable the stickyCornersBehavior.
                stickyBehavior.Enabled = true;

                // Add the current velocity to the sticky corners behavior.
        private static void SoftmaxExample()
            var matA = new NMatrix(1, 3,
                                   new double[] { 0.3, 2.9, 4.0 });

            Console.WriteLine($"A: {matA.ToString()}");

            var matResult = NMath.Softmax(matA);

            Console.WriteLine($"Softmax(A): {matResult.ToString()}");
        void UpdateCachedAssets()
            bool isViewVisible = IsViewLoaded && View.Window != null;

            if (!isViewVisible)

            // The preheat window is twice the height of the visible rect.
            CGRect preheatRect = CollectionView.Bounds;

            preheatRect = preheatRect.Inset(0f, -.5f * preheatRect.Height);

            nfloat delta = NMath.Abs(preheatRect.GetMidY() - previousPreheatRect.GetMidY());

            if (delta > CollectionView.Bounds.Height / 3.0f)
                // Compute the assets to start caching and to stop caching.
                var addedIndexPaths   = new List <NSIndexPath> ();
                var removedIndexPaths = new List <NSIndexPath> ();

                ComputeDifferenceBetweenRect(previousPreheatRect, preheatRect, removedRect => {
                    var indexPaths = CollectionView.GetIndexPaths(removedRect);
                    if (indexPaths != null)
                }, addedRect => {
                    var indexPaths = CollectionView.GetIndexPaths(addedRect);
                    if (indexPaths != null)

                var assetsToStartCaching = AssetsAtIndexPaths(addedIndexPaths.ToArray());
                var assetsToStopCaching  = AssetsAtIndexPaths(removedIndexPaths.ToArray());

                // Update the assets the PHCachingImageManager is caching.
                if (assetsToStartCaching != null)
                    imageManager.StartCaching(assetsToStartCaching, assetGridThumbnailSize, PHImageContentMode.AspectFill, null);
                if (assetsToStopCaching != null)
                    imageManager.StopCaching(assetsToStopCaching, assetGridThumbnailSize, PHImageContentMode.AspectFill, null);

                // Store the preheat rect to compare against in the future.
                previousPreheatRect = preheatRect;
Beispiel #19
        CGPoint ProcessTouch(CGPoint touchPoint)
            nfloat x = NMath.Max(0, touchPoint.X);

            x = NMath.Min(x, graphLayer.Frame.Width + leftMargin);

            nfloat y = NMath.Max(0, touchPoint.Y);

            y = NMath.Min(y, graphLayer.Frame.Height + bottomMargin);

            return(new CGPoint(x, y));
Beispiel #20
        public override void LayoutSubviews()
            var bounds = ContentView.Bounds;

            var padding     = bounds.Height * .11f;
            var frameHeight = bounds.Height * .8f;

            CellView.Frame = Bounds;
            if (AccessoryView != null)
                AccessoryView.Frame = new CGRect(0, 0, frameHeight, frameHeight);
            nfloat aLeft = 0;

            //Fix the accessoryview so its covers the whole right of the cell
            if (AccessoryView != null)
                DisclosureButton.Image = Images.GetDisclosureImage(frameHeight / 2, frameHeight / 2);
                var aFrame     = AccessoryView.Frame;
                var extraWidth = Bounds.Right - aFrame.Right;
                aFrame.Width       += extraWidth;
                AccessoryView.Frame = aFrame;
                aLeft        = aFrame.Left;
                bounds.Width = aLeft;

            var leftPadding = this.GetSafeArea().Left;
            var frame       = bounds;

            frame.Width     = frame.Height = frameHeight;
            frame.Y         = (bounds.Height - frame.Height) / 2;
            frame.X         = padding + leftPadding;
            ImageView.Frame = frame;

            var x = frame.Right + padding + TextOffset;

            var offIconW = NMath.Min(offlineIconWidth, OfflineImageView.Frame.Width);
            var right    = bounds.Right;
            var width    = right - x - offIconW;

            frame.Width    = width;
            frame.X        = x;
            TextView.Frame = frame;

            x           = frame.Right;
            frame.Width = bounds.Width - frame.Right;
            frame.X     = x;

            OfflineImageView.Center = frame.GetCenter();

            MediaTypeImage.Frame = new CGRect(aLeft + Padding, bounds.Height - offlineIconWidth - Padding, offlineIconWidth, offlineIconWidth);
Beispiel #21
        public void CUDA()
            var location = StorageLocation.Host;
            var normal   = new Normal(new RandomNumberStream(location), 0, 1);
            var input    = NArray.CreateRandom(1000, normal);
            var result   = NArray.CreateLike(input);

            NArray.Evaluate(() =>
                return(NMath.Exp(input * 0.2 + 6));
Beispiel #22
        public static void DrawArrow(Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, float arrowAngle = 25.0f)
            float arrowLength = NMath.Gap(origin, origin + direction) / 7;

            Gizmos.color = Color;
            Gizmos.DrawRay(origin, direction);
            Vector3 right = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction) * Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, arrowAngle) * new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
            Vector3 left  = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction) * Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, -arrowAngle) * new Vector3(1, 0, 0);

            Gizmos.DrawRay(origin + direction, right * arrowLength);
            Gizmos.DrawRay(origin + direction, left * arrowLength);
Beispiel #23
 private double Q_normal(double x)
     if (x >= 0.0)
         return(0.5 * NMath.Q_gamma(0.5, 0.5 * x * x, LOG_PI / 2));
         return(0.5 * (1 + NMath.P_gamma(0.5, 0.5 * x * x, LOG_PI / 2)));
     //    return 0.5 * (1.0 + erf(-x/sqrt(2.0)));
Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the progress bar to the given value with the optional properties
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="progress">The progress to update to, pinned between <c>0</c> and <c>1</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="animated">Whether or not the update should be animated (defaults to <c>true</c>).</param>
        /// <param name="initialDelay">Sets an initial delay before the animation begins.</param>
        /// <param name="duration">Sets the overal duration that the animation should complete within.</param>
        public void UpdateProgress(nfloat progress, bool animated = true, double initialDelay = 0, double?duration = null)
            var pinnedProgress = pin(progress, 0.0f, 1.0f);

            var indeterminate = progressLayer.AnimationForKey(CircularProgressAnimationKeys.indeterminate);

            if (indeterminate != null && pinnedProgress > 0)

            if (animated)
                // Get duration
                double animationDuration = 0;

                if (duration.HasValue && Math.Abs(duration.Value) > double.Epsilon)
                    animationDuration = duration.Value;
                    // Same duration as UIProgressView animation
                    animationDuration = NMath.Abs(Progress - pinnedProgress);

                // Get current progress (to avoid jumpy behavior)
                // Basic animations have their value reset to the original once the animation is finished
                // since only the presentation layer is animating
                nfloat currentProgress = 0;

                var presentationLayer = progressLayer.PresentationLayer as CircularProgressLayer;

                if (presentationLayer != null)
                    currentProgress = presentationLayer.Progress;

                progressLayer.Progress = currentProgress;


                animate(progress, currentProgress, initialDelay, animationDuration);

                progressLayer.Progress = pinnedProgress;

        // Compute projection from object interface to virtual screen on the range [-1, 1].
        CGPoint ScreenProjection(CGPoint location, CGRect bounds)
            var w = bounds.Width;
            var h = bounds.Height;
            var aspectRatioCorrection = (h - w) / 2;
            var screenCoord           = new CGPoint(location.X / w * 2 - 1,
                                                    (h - location.Y - aspectRatioCorrection) / w * 2 - 1);

            screenCoord.X = NMath.Min(1, NMath.Max(-1, screenCoord.X));
            screenCoord.Y = NMath.Min(1, NMath.Max(-1, screenCoord.Y));
Beispiel #26
        public override void ResizeSubviewsWithOldSize(CoreGraphics.CGSize oldSize)
            var bounds = Bounds;

            blur.Frame = bounds;
            var sliderCount = sliders.Count;
            var width       = this.Bounds.Width / (sliderCount + 1);

            var padding = width / 2;
            var right   = Bounds.Width - sidePadding;

            var sliderTop = 100;
            var available = bounds.Bottom - sliderTop - (topItemsPadding * 2) - 25;

            nfloat height = 0;

            //if (Util.IsIphone)
            height = NMath.Min(available, EqSliderMaxHeight);
            //	height = this.Bounds.Height - 65;
            var    sliderH = sliderTop + ((available - height) / 2) + topItemsPadding;
            nfloat x;

//			var offset = width * 2;
//			preAmp.Frame = new CGRect (padding, sliderH, width, height);
//			preampLabel.Frame = new CGRect(padding, preAmp.Frame.Bottom, width, 25);
            for (int i = 0; i < sliders.Count; i++)
                x = width * i + padding;
                var slider = sliders[i];
                var label  = sliderLabels[i];
                slider.Frame = new CGRect(x, sliderH, width, height);

                label.Frame = new CGRect(x, slider.Frame.Bottom, width, 25);

            var frame = enabledSwitch.Frame;

            frame.X             = padding + (frame.Width - width) / 2;
            frame.Y             = sliderH - topItemsPadding - frame.Height;
            enabledSwitch.Frame = frame;

            x = frame.Right + padding;
            frame          = comboBox.Frame;
            frame.Width    = 300;
            frame.X        = x;
            frame.Y        = sliderH - topItemsPadding - frame.Height;
            comboBox.Frame = frame;
Beispiel #27
        public override void DrawInContext(CGContext context)
            nfloat size = NMath.Min(Bounds.Size.Width, Bounds.Size.Height);

            CGAffineTransform transform = AffineTransform;

            nfloat xTranslate = 0;
            nfloat yTranslate = 0;

            if (Bounds.Size.Width < Bounds.Size.Height)
                yTranslate = (Bounds.Size.Height - size) / 2f;
                xTranslate = (Bounds.Size.Width - size) / 2f;

            transform.Translate(xTranslate, yTranslate);

            nfloat strokeWidth   = StrokeFactor * size;
            nfloat checkBoxInset = InsetFactor * size;

            // Create the outer border for the check box.
            nfloat outerDimension = size - 2 * checkBoxInset;
            var    checkBoxRect   = new CGRect(checkBoxInset, checkBoxInset, outerDimension, outerDimension);

            checkBoxRect = transform.TransformRect(checkBoxRect);

            // Make the desired width of the outer box.

            // Set the tint color of the outer box.

            // Draw the outer box.

            // Draw the inner box if it's checked.
            if (Checked)
                nfloat markInset = MarkInsetFactor * size;

                nfloat markDimension = size - 2 * markInset;
                var    markRect      = new CGRect(markInset, markInset, markDimension, markDimension);
                markRect = transform.TransformRect(markRect);

Beispiel #28
        public static float GetLineHeight(this CTFont font)
            //var ascent = (double)font.AscentMetric;
            //var descent = (double)font.DescentMetric;
            //var leading = (double)font.LeadingMetric;
            //leading = leading < 0 ? 0.0 : Math.Floor(leading + 0.5);
            //var lineHeight = Math.Floor(ascent + 0.5) + Math.Floor(descent + 0.5) + leading;
            //var ascenderDelta = leading > 0 ? 0.0 : Math.Floor(0.2 * lineHeight + 0.5);
            //return (float)(lineHeight + ascenderDelta);

            return((float)NMath.Ceiling(font.AscentMetric + font.DescentMetric + font.LeadingMetric + 1));
Beispiel #29
        private void DrawStopRecordButton(CGRect frame)
            var color    = UIColor.Red;
            var RectPath = UIBezierPath.FromRect(new CGRect(NMath.Floor((frame.Width * 0.5f) - 24),
                                                            NMath.Floor((frame.Height * 0.5f) - 24),
                                                            48, 48));

            RectPath.LineWidth = 1.0f;
Beispiel #30
        public override void TouchesMoved(NSSet touches, UIEvent @event)

            var first    = touches.ToArray <UITouch>()[0];
            var x        = first.LocationInNode(this).X - this.background.Position.X;
            var position = Math.Max(NMath.Min(x, this.Width), 0f);

            this.slider.Position = new CGPoint(this.background.Position.X + position, 0f);
            this.Value           = (float)(position / this.Width);
