Beispiel #1
        protected void nChartControl1_AsyncRefresh(object sender, EventArgs e)
            NLineSeries line = (NLineSeries)nChartControl1.Charts[0].Series[0];

            if (line == null)

            if (line.Values.Count == 0)

            double dPrev = (double)line.Values[line.Values.Count - 1];

            double value;

            GenerateDataPoint(dPrev, new NRange1DD(50, 350), out value);


            int nLast = (line.XValues.Count > 0 ? line.XValues.Count - 1 : 0);

            double dLastValue = (double)line.XValues[nLast];

Beispiel #2
        protected static void UpdateIndicators(NDocument document)
            NLineSeries line = (NLineSeries)document.RootPanel.Charts[0].Series[0];

            double min = (double)line.Values[line.Values.FindMinValue()];
            double max = (double)line.Values[line.Values.FindMaxValue()];

            NGaugePanel panel1 = document.RootPanel.ChildPanels[2] as NGaugePanel;
            NGaugePanel panel2 = document.RootPanel.ChildPanels[3] as NGaugePanel;
            NGaugePanel panel3 = document.RootPanel.ChildPanels[4] as NGaugePanel;

            NNeedleValueIndicator minIndicator = panel1.Indicators[1] as NNeedleValueIndicator;
            NNeedleValueIndicator maxIndicator = panel2.Indicators[1] as NNeedleValueIndicator;
            NNeedleValueIndicator avgIndicator = panel3.Indicators[1] as NNeedleValueIndicator;

            minIndicator.Value = min;
            maxIndicator.Value = max;

            int    count = line.Values.Count;
            double sum   = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                sum += (double)line.Values[i];

            if (count > 0)
                avgIndicator.Value = sum / count;
                avgIndicator.Value = 0;
Beispiel #3
        private void LineDepthScroll_Scroll(object sender, Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls.ScrollBarEventArgs e)
            NLineSeries line = (NLineSeries)nChartControl1.Charts[0].Series[0];

            line.DepthPercent = LineDepthScroll.Value;
Beispiel #4
        private void LineSizeScroll_ValueChanged(object sender, Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls.ScrollBarEventArgs e)
            NLineSeries line = (NLineSeries)nChartControl1.Charts[0].Series[0];

            line.LineSize = new NLength(LineSizeScroll.Value / 40.0f, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage);
Beispiel #5
        private void LineStyleComboBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            NLineSeries line = (NLineSeries)nChartControl1.Charts[0].Series[0];

            switch (LineStyleComboBox.SelectedIndex)
            case 0:                     // simple line
                line.LineSegmentShape = LineSegmentShape.Line;
                line.DepthPercent     = 0;

            case 1:                     // tape
                line.LineSegmentShape = LineSegmentShape.Tape;
                line.DepthPercent     = 50;

            case 2:                     // tube
                line.LineSegmentShape = LineSegmentShape.Tube;
                line.DepthPercent     = 10;

            case 3:                     // ellipsoid
                line.LineSegmentShape = LineSegmentShape.Ellipsoid;
                line.DepthPercent     = 10;

        private void UpdateFunctions(NStockSeries stock, NLineSeries lineDIPos, NLineSeries lineDINeg, NLineSeries lineADX, NFunctionCalculator calc)
            StringBuilder sb      = new StringBuilder();
            int           nPeriod = PeriodDropDownList.SelectedIndex * 10;

            sb.AppendFormat("DI_POS(close; high; low; {0})", nPeriod);
            calc.Expression      = sb.ToString();
            lineDIPos.Values     = calc.Calculate();
            lineDIPos.XValues    = (NDataSeriesDouble)stock.XValues.Clone();
            lineDIPos.UseXValues = true;
            PosDITextBox.Text    = calc.Expression;

            sb.Remove(0, sb.Length);
            sb.AppendFormat("DI_NEG(close; high; low; {0})", nPeriod);
            calc.Expression      = sb.ToString();
            lineDINeg.Values     = calc.Calculate();
            lineDINeg.XValues    = (NDataSeriesDouble)stock.XValues.Clone();
            lineDINeg.UseXValues = true;
            NegDITextBox.Text    = calc.Expression;

            sb.Remove(0, sb.Length);
            sb.AppendFormat("MMA(DMI(close; high; low; {0}); {0})", nPeriod);
            calc.Expression    = sb.ToString();
            lineADX.Values     = calc.Calculate();
            lineADX.XValues    = (NDataSeriesDouble)stock.XValues.Clone();
            lineADX.UseXValues = true;
            ADXTextBox.Text    = calc.Expression;
Beispiel #7
        private void UpdateTimeSpan()
            DateTime startDate = StartDateCalendar.SelectedDate;
            DateTime endDate   = EndDateCalendar.SelectedDate;

            if (startDate > endDate)
                DateTime temp = startDate;

                startDate = endDate;
                endDate   = temp;

            // Get the line series from the chart
            NLineSeries line = (NLineSeries)m_Chart.Series[0];

            TimeSpan span = endDate - startDate;

            span = new TimeSpan(span.Ticks / 30);


            if (span.Ticks > 0)
                while (startDate < endDate)
                    startDate += span;

        private NLineSeries CreateLineSeries(NColor lightColor, NColor color, int begin, int end)
            // Add a line series
            NLineSeries line = new NLineSeries();

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                line.DataPoints.Add(new NLineDataPoint(m_Random.Next(begin, end)));

            line.Stroke = new NStroke(2, color);

            NDataLabelStyle dataLabelStyle = new NDataLabelStyle();

            dataLabelStyle.Format = "<value>";
            dataLabelStyle.TextStyle.Background.Visible = false;
            dataLabelStyle.ArrowStroke.Width            = 0;
            dataLabelStyle.ArrowLength    = 10;
            dataLabelStyle.TextStyle.Font = new NFont("Arial", 8);
            dataLabelStyle.TextStyle.Background.Visible = true;

            line.DataLabelStyle = dataLabelStyle;

            NMarkerStyle markerStyle = new NMarkerStyle();

            markerStyle.Visible = true;
            markerStyle.Border  = new NStroke(color);
            markerStyle.Fill    = new NColorFill(lightColor);
            markerStyle.Shape   = ENPointShape.Ellipse;
            markerStyle.Size    = new NSize(5, 5);

            line.MarkerStyle = markerStyle;

Beispiel #9
        public override void Initialize()

            // set a chart title
            NLabel title = nChartControl1.Labels.AddHeader("Series Marker Attribute");

            title.TextStyle.FontStyle = new NFontStyle("Times New Roman", 18, FontStyle.Italic);
            title.ContentAlignment    = ContentAlignment.BottomCenter;
            title.Location            = new NPointL(new NLength(50, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage), new NLength(2, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage));

            // setup chart
            NChart chart = nChartControl1.Charts[0];

            chart.Enable3D = true;

            // add interlaced stripe to the Y axis
            NScaleStripStyle stripStyle = new NScaleStripStyle(new NColorFillStyle(Color.Beige), null, true, 0, 0, 1, 1);

            stripStyle.SetShowAtWall(ChartWallType.Back, true);
            stripStyle.SetShowAtWall(ChartWallType.Left, true);
            stripStyle.Interlaced = true;

            chart.Axis(StandardAxis.Depth).Visible = false;

            m_Line = (NLineSeries)chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.Line);
            m_Line.LineSegmentShape = LineSegmentShape.Tape;
            m_Line.InflateMargins   = true;
            m_Line.DepthPercent     = 50;
            m_Line.Legend.Mode      = SeriesLegendMode.DataPoints;
            m_Line.Name             = "Line Series";
            m_Line.Values.FillRandom(Random, 6);
            m_Line.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;
            m_Line.ShadowStyle.Type       = ShadowType.GaussianBlur;
            m_Line.ShadowStyle.Offset     = new NPointL(2, 2);
            m_Line.ShadowStyle.Color      = Color.FromArgb(88, 0, 0, 0);
            m_Line.ShadowStyle.FadeLength = new NLength(5);
            m_Line.MarkerStyle.Visible    = true;

            NMarkerStyle marker = new NMarkerStyle();

            marker.FillStyle       = new NColorFillStyle(Color.Red);
            marker.PointShape      = PointShape.Cylinder;
            marker.Visible         = true;
            m_Line.MarkerStyles[3] = marker;

            // apply layout
            ConfigureStandardLayout(chart, title, nChartControl1.Legends[0]);


            SelectMarkerCombo.Items.Add("Edit Default Marker");
            SelectMarkerCombo.Items.Add("Edit Marker #3");
            SelectMarkerCombo.SelectedIndex = 0;

            VisibleCheck.Checked = true;
            public void OnAutoUpdate(NAspNetThinWebControl control)
                NThinChartControl chartControl = (NThinChartControl)control;
                NLineSeries       line         = (NLineSeries)chartControl.Charts[0].Series[0];

                if (line == null)

                if (line.Values.Count == 0)

                double dPrev = (double)line.Values[line.Values.Count - 1];

                double yValue = GenerateDataPoint(dPrev, new NRange1DD(50, 350));



Beispiel #11
        private NLineSeries SetupIndicatorChart(NCartesianChart chart)
            NLinearScaleConfigurator scaleY = new NLinearScaleConfigurator();

            scaleY.MajorGridStyle.ShowAtWalls = new ChartWallType[] { ChartWallType.Back };
            scaleY.InnerMajorTickStyle.Length = new NLength(0);

            NCartesianAxisCollection axes = (NCartesianAxisCollection)chart.Axes;
            NAxis axisY = axes.AddCustomAxis(AxisOrientation.Vertical, AxisDockZone.FrontLeft);

            axisY.Anchor            = new NDockAxisAnchor(AxisDockZone.FrontLeft, false, 0, 20);
            axisY.ScaleConfigurator = scaleY;
            axisY.Visible           = true;

            // Add line series for function
            NLineSeries line = (NLineSeries)chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.Line);

            line.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;
            line.BorderStyle.Color      = Color.Blue;
            line.DisplayOnAxis(StandardAxis.PrimaryY, false);
            line.DisplayOnAxis(axisY.AxisId, true);
            line.UseXValues = true;

Beispiel #12
        private void LineStyleCombo_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            NLineSeries line        = (NLineSeries)nChartControl1.Charts[0].Series[0];
            bool        bSimpleLine = (LineStyleCombo.SelectedIndex == 0);

            switch (LineStyleCombo.SelectedIndex)
            case 0:                     // simple line
                line.LineSegmentShape = LineSegmentShape.Line;
                line.DepthPercent     = 0;

            case 1:                     // tape
                line.LineSegmentShape = LineSegmentShape.Tape;
                line.DepthPercent     = 50;

            case 2:                     // tube
                line.LineSegmentShape = LineSegmentShape.Tube;
                line.DepthPercent     = 10;

            case 3:                     // ellipsoid
                line.LineSegmentShape = LineSegmentShape.Ellipsoid;
                line.DepthPercent     = 10;

            LineFillColorButton.Enabled = !bSimpleLine;

        private void GenerateData(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            DateTime startDate = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime endDate   = DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan(30, 0, 0, 0, 0));

            if (startDate > endDate)
                DateTime temp = startDate;

                startDate = endDate;
                endDate   = temp;

            // Get the line series from the chart
            NLineSeries line = (NLineSeries)m_Chart.Series[0];

            TimeSpan span = endDate - startDate;

            span = new TimeSpan(span.Ticks / 30);


            if (span.Ticks > 0)
                while (startDate < endDate)
                    startDate += span;

        void OnGenerateRandomDataButtonClick(NEventArgs arg)
            DateTime startDate = m_StartDateTimeBox.SelectedDate;
            DateTime endDate   = m_EndDateTimeBox.SelectedDate;

            if (startDate > endDate)
                DateTime temp = startDate;

                startDate = endDate;
                endDate   = temp;

            // Get the line series from the chart
            NLineSeries line = (NLineSeries)m_Chart.Series[0];

            TimeSpan span = endDate - startDate;

            span = new TimeSpan(span.Ticks / 30);


            if (span.Ticks > 0)
                Random random = new Random();
                while (startDate < endDate)
                    line.DataPoints.Add(new NLineDataPoint(NDateTimeHelpers.ToOADate(startDate), random.Next(100)));

                    startDate += span;
        public override void Initialize()

            // set a chart title
            NLabel title = nChartControl1.Labels.AddHeader("Average, Median, Min, Max");

            title.TextStyle.FontStyle = new NFontStyle("Times New Roman", 18, FontStyle.Italic);
            title.ContentAlignment    = ContentAlignment.BottomCenter;
            title.Location            = new NPointL(new NLength(50, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage), new NLength(2, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage));

            // setup chart
            m_Chart            = nChartControl1.Charts[0];
            m_Chart.BoundsMode = BoundsMode.Stretch;

            m_Chart.Location = new NPointL(new NLength(10, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage), new NLength(15, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage));
            m_Chart.Size     = new NSizeL(new NLength(80, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage), new NLength(75, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage));

            // add a line series for the function
            m_Line = (NLineSeries)m_Chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.Line);
            m_Line.MarkerStyle.Visible           = true;
            m_Line.MarkerStyle.BorderStyle.Width = new NLength(0, NGraphicsUnit.Pixel);
            m_Line.MarkerStyle.FillStyle         = new NColorFillStyle(Color.Crimson);
            m_Line.BorderStyle.Color             = Color.Red;
            m_Line.BorderStyle.Width             = new NLength(2, NGraphicsUnit.Pixel);
            m_Line.Legend.Mode           = SeriesLegendMode.None;
            m_Line.Values.ValueFormatter = new NNumericValueFormatter("0.00");
            m_Line.DisplayOnAxis(StandardAxis.PrimaryX, false);
            m_Line.DisplayOnAxis(StandardAxis.SecondaryX, true);

            // add the bar series
            m_Bar                        = (NBarSeries)m_Chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.Bar);
            m_Bar.Name                   = "Bar1";
            m_Bar.Values.Name            = "values";
            m_Bar.Values.ValueFormatter  = new NNumericValueFormatter("0.00");
            m_Bar.MultiBarMode           = MultiBarMode.Series;
            m_Bar.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;
            m_Bar.Legend.Mode            = SeriesLegendMode.DataPoints;
            m_Bar.BarShape               = BarShape.Cylinder;
            m_Bar.BorderStyle.Width      = new NLength(0, NGraphicsUnit.Pixel);
            m_Bar.FillStyle              = new NGradientFillStyle(GradientStyle.Vertical, GradientVariant.Variant1, Color.LightSteelBlue, Color.MidnightBlue);
            m_Bar.Values.FillRandomRange(Random, 12, 0, 50);

            // form controls
            m_bSkipUpdate = true;
            m_FunctionCombo.SelectedIndex = 0;

            m_GroupingCombo.Items.Add("Do not group");
            m_GroupingCombo.Items.Add("Group by every 2 values");
            m_GroupingCombo.Items.Add("Group by every 3 values");
            m_GroupingCombo.Items.Add("Group by every 4 values");
            m_GroupingCombo.SelectedIndex = 0;
            m_bSkipUpdate = false;

            m_FunctionCombo_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null);
        private void GenerateNewData()
            NLineSeries line = (NLineSeries)nChartControl1.Charts[0].Series[0];

            GenerateDateTimeData(line, 100);
            public override void OnAsyncRefresh(string webControlId, System.Web.HttpContext context, NStateObject state, EventArgs args)
                NChartSessionStateObject chartState = state as NChartSessionStateObject;
                NRootPanel  rootPanel = chartState.Document.RootPanel;
                NLineSeries line      = (NLineSeries)chartState.Document.RootPanel.Charts[0].Series[0];

                if (line == null)

                if (line.Values.Count == 0)

                double dPrev = (double)line.Values[line.Values.Count - 1];

                double value;

                GenerateDataPoint(dPrev, new NRange1DD(50, 350), out value);


                int nLast = (line.XValues.Count > 0 ? line.XValues.Count - 1 : 0);

                double dLastValue = (double)line.XValues[nLast];

        public override void Initialize(NThinChartControl control)
            control.BackgroundStyle.FrameStyle.Visible = false;
            control.Width  = 600;
            control.Height = 300;
            NStandardFrameStyle frame = control.BackgroundStyle.FrameStyle as NStandardFrameStyle;

            frame.InnerBorderWidth = new NLength(0);

            // set a chart title
            // set a chart title
            NLabel title = control.Labels.AddHeader("Auto Update");

            title.TextStyle.FontStyle        = new NFontStyle("Times New Roman", 14, FontStyle.Italic);
            title.TextStyle.ShadowStyle.Type = ShadowType.LinearBlur;

            // setup Line chart
            NCartesianChart chart = new NCartesianChart();

            NRangeTimelineScaleConfigurator rangeTimeline = new NRangeTimelineScaleConfigurator();

            rangeTimeline.FirstRow.MinTickDistance = new NLength(40);
            chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryX).ScaleConfigurator = rangeTimeline;

            // setup Y axis
            NLinearScaleConfigurator scaleY = (NLinearScaleConfigurator)chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryY).ScaleConfigurator;

            scaleY.MajorGridStyle.LineStyle.Pattern = LinePattern.Dot;

            // add interlace stripe
            NScaleStripStyle stripStyle = new NScaleStripStyle(new NColorFillStyle(Color.Beige), null, true, 0, 0, 1, 1);

            stripStyle.Interlaced = true;
            stripStyle.SetShowAtWall(ChartWallType.Back, true);
            stripStyle.SetShowAtWall(ChartWallType.Left, true);

            NLineSeries line = new NLineSeries();

            line.UseXValues             = true;
            line.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;
            line.BorderStyle.Color      = Color.DarkOrange;
            line.BorderStyle.Width      = new NLength(2);

            // generate some data

            ApplyLayoutTemplate(0, control, chart, title, null);

            // set auto update Callback
            control.AutoUpdateCallback = new NAutoUpdateCallback();

            // enable auto update
            control.ServerSettings.AutoUpdateInterval = 200;
            control.ServerSettings.EnableAutoUpdate   = true;
        public override void Initialize()


            // set a chart title
            NLabel title = nChartControl1.Labels.AddHeader("Real Time Line");

            title.TextStyle.FontStyle = new NFontStyle("Times New Roman", 18, FontStyle.Italic);
            title.ContentAlignment    = ContentAlignment.BottomCenter;
            title.Location            = new NPointL(new NLength(50, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage), new NLength(2, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage));

            // setup chart
            NCartesianChart chart = new NCartesianChart();

            chart.BoundsMode = BoundsMode.Stretch;

            // apply style sheet
            NStyleSheet styleSheet = NStyleSheet.CreatePredefinedStyleSheet(PredefinedStyleSheet.Black);
//			styleSheet.Apply(nChartControl1.Document);

            NAxis axis1 = chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryY);

            ConfigureAxis(axis1, 0, 30, "Signal 1");

            NAxis axis2 = chart.Axis(StandardAxis.SecondaryY);

            ConfigureAxis(axis2, 35, 65, "Signal 2");

            NAxis axis3 = ((NCartesianAxisCollection)chart.Axes).AddCustomAxis(AxisOrientation.Vertical, AxisDockZone.FrontRight);

            ConfigureAxis(axis3, 70, 100, "Signal 3");

            m_Line1 = CreateLineSeries();

            m_Line2 = CreateLineSeries();
            m_Line2.DisplayOnAxis(StandardAxis.PrimaryY, false);
            m_Line2.DisplayOnAxis(StandardAxis.SecondaryY, true);

            m_Line3 = CreateLineSeries();
            m_Line3.DisplayOnAxis(StandardAxis.PrimaryY, false);
            m_Line3.DisplayOnAxis(axis3.AxisId, true);

            m_ValueArray1 = new double[m_NewDataPointsPerTick];
            m_ValueArray2 = new double[m_NewDataPointsPerTick];
            m_ValueArray3 = new double[m_NewDataPointsPerTick];

            ConfigureStandardLayout(chart, title, null);

            UseHardwareAccelerationCheckBox.Checked = true;
Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Called to initialize the example
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chartControl"></param>
        public override void Create()
            // set a chart title
            NLabel title = nChartControl1.Labels.AddHeader("3D Line Chart");

            title.TextStyle.FontStyle = new NFontStyle("Times New Roman", 18, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic);

            // no legend

            // configure the chart
            NChart chart = nChartControl1.Charts[0];

            chart.Enable3D = true;
            chart.Width    = 65;
            chart.Height   = 40;
            chart.Axis(StandardAxis.Depth).Visible = false;

            // add interlaced stripe to the Y axis
            NScaleStripStyle stripStyle = new NScaleStripStyle(new NColorFillStyle(Color.Beige), null, true, 0, 0, 1, 1);

            stripStyle.SetShowAtWall(ChartWallType.Back, true);
            stripStyle.SetShowAtWall(ChartWallType.Left, true);
            stripStyle.Interlaced = true;

            // add a line series
            NLineSeries line = (NLineSeries)chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.Line);

            line.Name                   = "Line Series";
            line.InflateMargins         = true;
            line.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;
            line.MarkerStyle.Visible    = true;
            line.MarkerStyle.PointShape = PointShape.Cylinder;
            line.MarkerStyle.Width      = new NLength(1.5f, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage);
            line.MarkerStyle.Height     = new NLength(1.5f, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage);
            line.Values.FillRandom(new Random(), 8);

            // apply layout
            ConfigureStandardLayout(chart, title, null);

            // apply style sheet
            NStyleSheet styleSheet = NStyleSheet.CreatePredefinedStyleSheet(PredefinedStyleSheet.Fresh);


            nChartControl1.Controller.Tools.Add(new NPanelSelectorTool());
            nChartControl1.Controller.Tools.Add(new NTrackballTool());

            NExampleHelpers.FillComboWithEnumValues(LineStyleComboBox, typeof(LineSegmentShape));
            LineStyleComboBox.SelectedIndex = (int)line.LineSegmentShape;

            AxisRoundToTickCheckBox.IsChecked = true;
            InflateMarginsCheckBox.IsChecked  = true;
        public override void Initialize()

            // set a chart title
            NLabel title = nChartControl1.Labels.AddHeader("Series Marker Attribute");

            title.TextStyle.FontStyle = new NFontStyle("Times New Roman", 18, FontStyle.Italic);
            title.ContentAlignment    = ContentAlignment.BottomCenter;
            title.Location            = new NPointL(new NLength(50, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage), new NLength(2, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage));

            // setup chart
            NChart chart = nChartControl1.Charts[0];

            chart.BoundsMode = BoundsMode.Stretch;

            // add interlaced stripe to the Y axis
            NScaleStripStyle stripStyle = new NScaleStripStyle(new NColorFillStyle(Color.Beige), null, true, 0, 0, 1, 1);

            stripStyle.SetShowAtWall(ChartWallType.Back, true);
            stripStyle.SetShowAtWall(ChartWallType.Left, true);
            stripStyle.Interlaced = true;

            chart.Axis(StandardAxis.Depth).Visible = false;

            NLineSeries line = (NLineSeries)chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.Line);

            line.LineSegmentShape = LineSegmentShape.Tape;
            line.InflateMargins   = true;
            line.DepthPercent     = 50;
            line.Legend.Mode      = SeriesLegendMode.DataPoints;
            line.Name             = "Line Series";
            line.Values.FillRandom(Random, 6);
            line.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;
            line.ShadowStyle.Type       = ShadowType.GaussianBlur;
            line.ShadowStyle.Offset     = new NPointL(2, 2);
            line.ShadowStyle.Color      = Color.FromArgb(88, 0, 0, 0);
            line.ShadowStyle.FadeLength = new NLength(5);
            line.MarkerStyle.Visible    = true;

            NMarkerStyle marker = new NMarkerStyle();

            marker.FillStyle  = new NColorFillStyle(Color.Red);
            marker.PointShape = PointShape.Custom;

            // Create a custom shape for this marker
            N2DSmartShapeFactory factory = new N2DSmartShapeFactory(new NColorFillStyle(Color.Red), new NStrokeStyle(1.0f, Color.Black), null);

            marker.CustomShape   = factory.CreateShape(SmartShape2D.Trapezoid);
            marker.Visible       = true;
            line.MarkerStyles[3] = marker;

            // apply layout
            ConfigureStandardLayout(chart, title, nChartControl1.Legends[0]);
Beispiel #22
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            nChartControl1.BackgroundStyle.FrameStyle.Visible = false;

            // set a chart title
            NLabel header = nChartControl1.Labels.AddFooter("Volume Indicators");

            header.TextStyle.FontStyle        = new NFontStyle("Times New Roman", 14, FontStyle.Italic);
            header.TextStyle.ShadowStyle.Type = ShadowType.LinearBlur;
            header.ContentAlignment           = ContentAlignment.BottomRight;
            header.Location = new NPointL(
                new NLength(2, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage),
                new NLength(2, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage));

            // setup charts
            NCartesianChart chart = (NCartesianChart)nChartControl1.Charts[0];

            chart.BoundsMode = BoundsMode.Stretch;
            chart.Location   = new NPointL(new NLength(5, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage), new NLength(15, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage));
            chart.Size       = new NSizeL(new NLength(90, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage), new NLength(80, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage));

            NStockSeries stock  = SetupStockChart(chart);
            NAreaSeries  volume = SetupVolumeChart(chart);
            NLineSeries  line   = SetupIndicatorChart(chart);

            // form controls
            if (!IsPostBack)
                FunctionDropDownList.Items.Add("Accumulation Distribution");
                FunctionDropDownList.Items.Add("Chaikin Oscillator");
                FunctionDropDownList.Items.Add("Ease of Movement");
                FunctionDropDownList.Items.Add("Money Flow Index");
                FunctionDropDownList.Items.Add("Negative Volume Index");
                FunctionDropDownList.Items.Add("On Balance Volume");
                FunctionDropDownList.Items.Add("Positive Volume Index");
                FunctionDropDownList.Items.Add("Price and Volume Trend");

                FunctionDropDownList.SelectedIndex = 0;

                WebExamplesUtilities.FillComboWithValues(ParameterDropDownList, 0, 100, 10);
                ParameterDropDownList.SelectedIndex = 1;

            NFunctionCalculator function = new NFunctionCalculator();

            // generate data
            GenerateData(stock, volume, line);
            GenerateVolumeData(volume, prevVolumeValue, numDataPoits);

            UpdateFunction(stock, volume, line, function);

            line.Values    = function.Calculate();
            line.XValues   = (NDataSeriesDouble)stock.XValues.Clone();
            volume.XValues = (NDataSeriesDouble)stock.XValues.Clone();
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            nChartControl1.BackgroundStyle.FrameStyle.Visible = false;
            nChartControl1.Settings.JitterMode = JitterMode.Enabled;

            // set a chart title
            NLabel title = nChartControl1.Labels.AddHeader("Series Markers");

            title.TextStyle.FontStyle        = new NFontStyle("Times New Roman", 14, FontStyle.Italic);
            title.TextStyle.ShadowStyle.Type = ShadowType.LinearBlur;

            // setup chart
            NChart chart = nChartControl1.Charts[0];

            chart.BoundsMode = BoundsMode.Stretch;

            // add interlaced stripe to the Y axis
            NScaleStripStyle stripStyle = new NScaleStripStyle(new NColorFillStyle(Color.Beige), null, true, 0, 0, 1, 1);

            stripStyle.SetShowAtWall(ChartWallType.Back, true);
            stripStyle.SetShowAtWall(ChartWallType.Left, true);
            stripStyle.Interlaced = true;

            chart.Axis(StandardAxis.Depth).Visible = false;

            NLineSeries line = (NLineSeries)chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.Line);

            line.LineSegmentShape = LineSegmentShape.Tape;
            line.InflateMargins   = true;
            line.DepthPercent     = 50;
            line.Legend.Mode      = SeriesLegendMode.DataPoints;
            line.Name             = "Line Series";
            line.Values.FillRandom(Random, 6);
            line.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;
            line.ShadowStyle.Type       = ShadowType.GaussianBlur;
            line.ShadowStyle.Offset     = new NPointL(2, 2);
            line.ShadowStyle.Color      = Color.FromArgb(88, 0, 0, 0);
            line.ShadowStyle.FadeLength = new NLength(5);
            line.MarkerStyle.Visible    = true;

            NMarkerStyle marker = new NMarkerStyle();

            marker.FillStyle  = new NColorFillStyle(Color.Red);
            marker.PointShape = PointShape.Custom;

            // Create a custom shape for this marker
            N2DSmartShapeFactory factory = new N2DSmartShapeFactory(new NColorFillStyle(Color.Red), new NStrokeStyle(1.0f, Color.Black), null);

            marker.CustomShape   = factory.CreateShape(SmartShape2D.Trapezoid);
            marker.Visible       = true;
            line.MarkerStyles[3] = marker;

            // apply layout
            ApplyLayoutTemplate(0, nChartControl1, chart, title, nChartControl1.Legends[0]);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!NThinChartControl1.Initialized)
                NThinChartControl1.BackgroundStyle.FrameStyle.Visible = false;
                NStandardFrameStyle frame = NThinChartControl1.BackgroundStyle.FrameStyle as NStandardFrameStyle;
                frame.InnerBorderWidth = new NLength(0);

                // set a chart title
                // set a chart title
                NLabel title = NThinChartControl1.Labels.AddHeader("Auto Update");
                title.TextStyle.FontStyle        = new NFontStyle("Times New Roman", 14, FontStyle.Italic);
                title.TextStyle.ShadowStyle.Type = ShadowType.LinearBlur;

                // setup Line chart
                NCartesianChart chart = new NCartesianChart();
                NRangeTimelineScaleConfigurator rangeTimeline = new NRangeTimelineScaleConfigurator();
                rangeTimeline.FirstRow.MinTickDistance = new NLength(40);
                chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryX).ScaleConfigurator = rangeTimeline;

                // setup Y axis
                NLinearScaleConfigurator scaleY = (NLinearScaleConfigurator)chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryY).ScaleConfigurator;
                scaleY.MajorGridStyle.LineStyle.Pattern = LinePattern.Dot;

                // add interlace stripe
                NScaleStripStyle stripStyle = new NScaleStripStyle(new NColorFillStyle(Color.Beige), null, true, 0, 0, 1, 1);
                stripStyle.Interlaced = true;
                stripStyle.SetShowAtWall(ChartWallType.Back, true);
                stripStyle.SetShowAtWall(ChartWallType.Left, true);

                NLineSeries line = new NLineSeries();
                line.UseXValues             = true;
                line.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;
                line.BorderStyle.Color      = Color.DarkOrange;
                line.BorderStyle.Width      = new NLength(2);

                // generate some data

                NThinChartControl1.AutoUpdateCallback = new NAutoUpdateCallback();
                ApplyLayoutTemplate(0, NThinChartControl1, chart, title, null);

                NThinChartControl1.ServerSettings.EnableTiledZoom    = true;
                NThinChartControl1.ServerSettings.AutoUpdateInterval = 200;
                NThinChartControl1.ServerSettings.EnableAutoUpdate   = true;

            if (!IsPostBack)
                AutoUpdateIntervalTextBox.Text = NThinChartControl1.ServerSettings.AutoUpdateInterval.ToString();
Beispiel #25
        public override void Initialize()

            // set a chart title
            NLabel title = nChartControl1.Labels.AddHeader("2D Line Chart");

            title.TextStyle.FontStyle = new NFontStyle("Times New Roman", 18, FontStyle.Italic);
            title.ContentAlignment    = ContentAlignment.BottomCenter;
            title.Location            = new NPointL(new NLength(50, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage), new NLength(2, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage));

            // no legend

            // configure the chart
            NChart chart = nChartControl1.Charts[0];

            chart.Axis(StandardAxis.Depth).Visible = false;

            // add interlaced stripe to the Y axis
            NScaleStripStyle stripStyle = new NScaleStripStyle(new NColorFillStyle(Color.Beige), null, true, 0, 0, 1, 1);

            stripStyle.SetShowAtWall(ChartWallType.Back, true);
            stripStyle.SetShowAtWall(ChartWallType.Left, true);
            stripStyle.Interlaced = true;

            NLineSeries line = (NLineSeries)chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.Line);

            line.Name                   = "Line Series";
            line.InflateMargins         = true;
            line.DataLabelStyle.Format  = "<value>";
            line.MarkerStyle.Visible    = true;
            line.MarkerStyle.PointShape = PointShape.Cylinder;
            line.MarkerStyle.Width      = new NLength(1.5f, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage);
            line.MarkerStyle.Height     = new NLength(1.5f, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage);
            line.ShadowStyle.Type       = ShadowType.GaussianBlur;
            line.ShadowStyle.Offset     = new NPointL(3, 3);
            line.ShadowStyle.FadeLength = new NLength(5);
            line.ShadowStyle.Color      = Color.FromArgb(55, 0, 0, 0);
            line.Values.FillRandom(Random, 8);

            // apply layout
            ConfigureStandardLayout(chart, title, null);

            // apply style sheet
            NStyleSheet styleSheet = NStyleSheet.CreatePredefinedStyleSheet(PredefinedStyleSheet.Fresh);


            // init form controls
            LineStyleCombo.SelectedIndex = 0;
            RoundToTickCheck.Checked     = true;
            InflateMarginsCheck.Checked  = true;
Beispiel #26
        private void GenerateXYZData(NLineSeries line)
            int numberOfTurns        = NumberOfTurnsDropDownList.SelectedIndex + 3;
            int numberOfPointsInTurn = (NumberOfPointsInTurnDropDownList.SelectedIndex + 1) * 10000;

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTurns; i++)
                AddTurn(line, numberOfPointsInTurn);
Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Called to initialize the example
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chartControl"></param>
        public override void Create()
            // set a chart title
            NLabel title = nChartControl1.Labels.AddHeader("3D Sampled Line Chart");

            title.TextStyle.FontStyle = new NFontStyle("Times New Roman", 18, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic);

            // no legend

            // configure the chart
            NChart chart = nChartControl1.Charts[0];

            chart.Enable3D = true;
            chart.Width    = 70;
            chart.Height   = 70;
            chart.Depth    = 70;
            chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryX).ScaleConfigurator = new NLinearScaleConfigurator();
            chart.Axis(StandardAxis.Depth).ScaleConfigurator    = new NLinearScaleConfigurator();

            // add interlaced stripe to the Y axis
            NScaleStripStyle stripStyle = new NScaleStripStyle(new NColorFillStyle(Color.Beige), null, true, 0, 0, 1, 1);

            stripStyle.SetShowAtWall(ChartWallType.Back, true);
            stripStyle.SetShowAtWall(ChartWallType.Left, true);
            stripStyle.Interlaced = true;

            // add a line series
            m_Line                        = (NLineSeries)chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.Line);
            m_Line.Name                   = "Line Series";
            m_Line.InflateMargins         = true;
            m_Line.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;
            m_Line.MarkerStyle.Visible    = false;
            m_Line.UseXValues             = true;
            m_Line.UseZValues             = true;
            m_Line.SamplingMode           = SeriesSamplingMode.Enabled;

            SampleDistanceScrollBar.Value = (int)m_Line.SampleDistance.Value;

            // apply layout
            ConfigureStandardLayout(chart, title, null);

            // apply style sheet
            NStyleSheet styleSheet = NStyleSheet.CreatePredefinedStyleSheet(PredefinedStyleSheet.Fresh);


            nChartControl1.Controller.Tools.Add(new NPanelSelectorTool());
            nChartControl1.Controller.Tools.Add(new NTrackballTool());

            Add40KDataButton_Click(null, null);
        public override void Initialize()

            // create a title
            NLabel title = new NLabel("Hit Testing Scale Elements");

            title.TextStyle.FontStyle = new NFontStyle("Times New Roman", 18, FontStyle.Italic);

            // hide the legend
            nChartControl1.Legends[0].Visible = false;

            // configure chart
            NChart chart = nChartControl1.Charts[0];

            chart.Axis(StandardAxis.Depth).Visible = false;

            // add interlace stripe
            NLinearScaleConfigurator scaleY = chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryY).ScaleConfigurator as NLinearScaleConfigurator;

            scaleY.Title.Text = "Y Axis Title";
            NScaleStripStyle stripStyle = new NScaleStripStyle(new NColorFillStyle(Color.Beige), null, true, 0, 0, 1, 1);

            stripStyle.Interlaced = true;
            stripStyle.SetShowAtWall(ChartWallType.Back, true);
            stripStyle.SetShowAtWall(ChartWallType.Left, true);

            // add the line
            NLineSeries line = (NLineSeries)chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.Line);

            line.LineSegmentShape       = LineSegmentShape.Line;
            line.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;
            line.Legend.Mode            = SeriesLegendMode.DataPoints;
            line.InflateMargins         = true;
            line.MarkerStyle.Visible    = true;
            line.MarkerStyle.PointShape = PointShape.Cylinder;
            line.MarkerStyle.Width      = new NLength(1.5f, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage);
            line.MarkerStyle.Height     = new NLength(1.5f, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage);
            line.Name       = "Line Series";
            line.UseXValues = true;

            // add xy values
            line.AddDataPoint(new NDataPoint(15, 10));
            line.AddDataPoint(new NDataPoint(25, 23));
            line.AddDataPoint(new NDataPoint(45, 12));


            // apply layout
            ConfigureStandardLayout(chart, title, nChartControl1.Legends[0]);

            nChartControl1.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(nChartControl1_MouseMove);
        private void CreateSampleChart()
            // set a chart title
            NLabel title = nChartControl1.Labels.AddHeader("Tracking Mouse Events");

            title.TextStyle.FontStyle = new NFontStyle("Times New Roman", 18, FontStyle.Italic);
            title.ContentAlignment    = ContentAlignment.BottomCenter;
            title.Location            = new NPointL(new NLength(50, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage), new NLength(2, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage));

            NChart chart = nChartControl1.Charts[0];

            // add interlace stripe
            NLinearScaleConfigurator linearScale = chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryY).ScaleConfigurator as NLinearScaleConfigurator;
            NScaleStripStyle         stripStyle  = new NScaleStripStyle(new NColorFillStyle(Color.Beige), null, true, 0, 0, 1, 1);

            stripStyle.Interlaced = true;
            stripStyle.SetShowAtWall(ChartWallType.Back, true);
            stripStyle.SetShowAtWall(ChartWallType.Left, true);

            // apply lighting and projection
            chart.Enable3D = true;

            // add line series
            NLineSeries line = (NLineSeries)chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.Line);

            line.Name                   = "Line";
            line.LineSegmentShape       = LineSegmentShape.Tape;
            line.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;
            line.Values.FillRandomRange(Random, 10, 10, 30);

            // add bar series
            NBarSeries bar = (NBarSeries)chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.Bar);

            bar.Name = "Bar";
            bar.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;
            bar.Values.FillRandomRange(Random, 10, 40, 60);

            // add area series
            NAreaSeries area = (NAreaSeries)chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.Area);

            area.Name = "Area";
            area.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;
            area.Values.FillRandomRange(Random, 10, 60, 100);

            // apply style sheet
            NStyleSheet styleSheet = NStyleSheet.CreatePredefinedStyleSheet(PredefinedStyleSheet.Fresh);


Beispiel #30
        private void ConfigureChart()
            // set a chart title
            NLabel title = nChartControl1.Labels.AddHeader("Annotations");

            title.TextStyle.FontStyle  = new NFontStyle("Times New Roman", 18, FontStyle.Italic);
            title.TextStyle.FillStyle  = new NColorFillStyle(GreyBlue);
            title.TextStyle.TextFormat = TextFormat.XML;
            title.ContentAlignment     = ContentAlignment.BottomCenter;
            title.Location             = new NPointL(new NLength(50, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage), new NLength(2, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage));

            m_Legend = nChartControl1.Legends[0];

            m_Chart          = nChartControl1.Charts[0];
            m_Chart.Enable3D = true;
            m_Chart.Axis(StandardAxis.Depth).Visible = false;

            // add the line series
            m_Line      = (NLineSeries)m_Chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.Line);
            m_Line.Name = "Cumulative";
            m_Line.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;
            m_Line.MarkerStyle.Visible    = true;
            m_Line.MarkerStyle.PointShape = PointShape.Cylinder;
            m_Line.MarkerStyle.FillStyle  = new NColorFillStyle(Color.LimeGreen);
            m_Line.MarkerStyle.Width      = new NLength(1.5f, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage);
            m_Line.MarkerStyle.Height     = new NLength(1.5f, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage);
            m_Line.ShadowStyle.Type       = ShadowType.GaussianBlur;
            m_Line.ShadowStyle.Color      = Color.FromArgb(80, 0, 0, 0);
            m_Line.ShadowStyle.Offset     = new NPointL(2, 2);
            m_Line.ShadowStyle.FadeLength = new NLength(4);

            // add the bar series
            m_Bar      = (NBarSeries)m_Chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.Bar);
            m_Bar.Name = "Bar Series";
            m_Bar.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;
            m_Bar.BorderStyle.Width      = new NLength(0, NGraphicsUnit.Pixel);
            m_Bar.FillStyle              = new NGradientFillStyle(GradientStyle.Vertical, GradientVariant.Variant2, Color.DarkBlue, Color.CornflowerBlue);
            m_Bar.ShadowStyle.Type       = ShadowType.GaussianBlur;
            m_Bar.ShadowStyle.Color      = Color.FromArgb(80, 0, 0, 0);
            m_Bar.ShadowStyle.Offset     = new NPointL(3, 3);
            m_Bar.ShadowStyle.FadeLength = new NLength(4);

            // fill with random data and sort in descending order
            m_Bar.Values.FillRandom(Random, 10);

            // generate a data series cumulative sum of the bar values
            NFunctionCalculator fc = new NFunctionCalculator();

            fc.Expression = "CUMSUM(Value)";
            m_Line.Values = fc.Calculate();
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the attribute chart
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attributes">statistics for an attribute chart</param>
        private void BuildChart(IAttributeChartStats stats)
            int nppoints = stats.Statistic.Length;
            double xstart = stats.TimeStart;
            double xincrement = stats.TimeSampleInterval;


            // Set up chart title.
            NLabel title = new NLabel();
            title.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
            title.Padding = new NMarginsL(5, 8, 5, 4);
            title.Text = stats.ChartTitle;
            title.TextStyle.FontStyle = new NFontStyle("Verdana", 12, FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic);
            title.TextStyle.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.FromArgb(68, 90, 108));

            // Set up the chart
            NChart chart = new NCartesianChart();
            chart.BoundsMode = BoundsMode.Stretch;
            chart.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
            chart.Wall(ChartWallType.Back).FillStyle = new NGradientFillStyle(GradientStyle.Horizontal, GradientVariant.Variant2, Color.White, Color.FromArgb(233, 233, 255));
            chart.Padding = new NMarginsL(
                    new NLength(6, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage),
                    new NLength(6, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage),
                    new NLength(6, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage),
                    new NLength(6, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage));

            SetupChartAxes(chart, stats);

            // First set up a point series for the outliers so it's on-top in z-order.
            NPointSeries outlierPoints = new NPointSeries();

            // Name the series
            outlierPoints.Name = "Control Limit Violations";

            // Tell the series to regard the X values
            outlierPoints.UseXValues = true;

            // Points must fit in the chart area
            outlierPoints.InflateMargins = true;

            // No data labels
            outlierPoints.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;

            // Set the point appearance properties
            outlierPoints.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.Red);
            outlierPoints.BorderStyle = new NStrokeStyle(1.0f, Color.Black);
            outlierPoints.PointShape = PointShape.Cross;
            outlierPoints.Size = new NLength(6.0f);

            // Add the statistic
            for (int i = 0; i < nppoints; i++)
                double statValue = stats.Statistic[i];

                // Do not display a marker if the point is an outlier
                if ((statValue > stats.UCL[i]) || (statValue < stats.LCL[i]))
                    outlierPoints.XValues.Add(xstart + xincrement * i);

            // Set up the statistic line series
            NLineSeries line = new NLineSeries();
            line.Name = "Statistic";
            line.UseXValues = true;
            line.InflateMargins = true;
            line.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;
            line.BorderStyle = new NStrokeStyle(1.6f, Color.Tomato);

            // Set up the marker style for the regular points
            line.MarkerStyle.Visible = true;
            line.MarkerStyle.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.SkyBlue);
            line.MarkerStyle.BorderStyle = new NStrokeStyle(1.0f, Color.Tomato);
            line.MarkerStyle.PointShape = PointShape.Sphere;
            line.MarkerStyle.Width = new NLength(4.0f);
            line.MarkerStyle.Height = new NLength(4.0f);

            // Add the statistic
            for (int i = 0; i < nppoints; i++)
                line.XValues.Add(xstart + xincrement * i);

                double statValue = stats.Statistic[i];

                // Do not display a marker if the point is an outlier
                if ((statValue > stats.UCL[i]) || (statValue < stats.LCL[i]))
                    NMarkerStyle outlierMarker = new NMarkerStyle();
                    outlierMarker.Visible = false;
                    line.MarkerStyles[i] = outlierMarker;


            // Set up the UCL and LCL lines
            if (stats.ConstControlLimits)
                bool showLCL = (stats.LCL.Length > 0);
                bool showUCL = (stats.UCL.Length > 0);

                if (showLCL)
                    double lclValue = stats.LCL[0];

                    // Set up the LCL const line
                    NAxisConstLine lcl = new NAxisConstLine();
                    lcl.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(1.0f, Color.Gray, LinePattern.Dash);
                    lcl.Value = lclValue;
                    lcl.ShowAtWalls = new ChartWallType[] { ChartWallType.Back };

                    // Show LCL label
                    SetValueLabel(chart, lclValue, "LCL", true);

                if (showUCL)
                    double uclValue = stats.UCL[0];

                    // Set up the UCL const line
                    NAxisConstLine ucl = new NAxisConstLine();
                    ucl.Value = uclValue;
                    ucl.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(1.0f, Color.Gray, LinePattern.Dash);
                    ucl.ShowAtWalls = new ChartWallType[] { ChartWallType.Back };

                    // Show UCL label
                    SetValueLabel(chart, uclValue, "UCL", true);

                // Ensure that the UCL and LCL values are visible
                NRange1DD clRange = new NRange1DD();

                if (showLCL && showUCL)
                    clRange.Begin = stats.LCL[0];
                    clRange.End = stats.UCL[0];
                else if (showLCL)
                    clRange.End = clRange.Begin = stats.LCL[0];
                else if (showUCL)
                    clRange.End = clRange.Begin = stats.UCL[0];


                chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryY).SynchronizeScaleWithConfigurator = false;

                // custom tick inflator
                NCustomRangeInflator inflator = new NCustomRangeInflator(new NRange1DD[] { clRange });
                inflator.InflateBegin = true;
                inflator.InflateEnd = true;
                // Set up the UCL line series
                AddStepLineSeries(chart, "UCL", stats.UCL, xstart, xincrement);

                // Set up the LCL line series
                AddStepLineSeries(chart, "LCL", stats.LCL, xstart, xincrement);

                // Show UCL label
                if (stats.UCL.Length > 0)
                    int lastIndexUCL = stats.UCL.Length - 1;
                    SetValueLabel(chart, stats.UCL[lastIndexUCL], "UCL", false);

                // Show LCL label
                if (stats.LCL.Length > 0)
                    int lastIndexLCL = stats.LCL.Length - 1;
                    SetValueLabel(chart, stats.LCL[lastIndexLCL], "LCL", false);

            // Set up the center line
            NAxisConstLine cl1 = new NAxisConstLine();
            cl1.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(1.0f, Color.DodgerBlue, LinePattern.Dot);
            cl1.Value = stats.CenterLine;
            cl1.ShowAtWalls = new ChartWallType[] { ChartWallType.Back };

            // Show CL label
            SetValueLabel(chart, stats.CenterLine, "CL", true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Demonstrates the use of Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter.
        /// </summary>
        void DataSmoothing()
            // Set up example description
            nRichDescription.Text = "Smoothing discrete data with random normal noise using a 5th degree Savitzky-Golay filter. \n\nWhen using the Savitzky-Golay filter class, both the degree of the fitting polynomial and the filter width can be easily controlled.  Good defaults are available.";

            // Create an interesting noisy sampled signal to smooth.
            DoubleVector xs = new DoubleVector(50, 0, Math.PI / 25);
            RandomNumberGenerator rand = new RandGenNormal(0.0, noiselevel_);
            DoubleVector raw_data = 10.0 * NMathFunctions.Tanh(NMathFunctions.Sin(xs)) + 0.2 * new DoubleVector(xs.Length, rand);

            // Create the filter and smooth the data
            MovingWindowFilter filter = new MovingWindowFilter(10, 10, MovingWindowFilter.SavitzkyGolayCoefficients(10, 10, 5));
            DoubleVector smoothed_data = filter.Filter(raw_data, MovingWindowFilter.BoundaryOption.PadWithZeros);

            SetupChartLayout("Data Smoothing");

            NChart chart = nChartControl1.Charts[0];


            // Create a point series to display the raw data
            NPointSeries point = new NPointSeries();

            // Tell the series to regard the X values
            point.UseXValues = true;

            // Points must fit in the chart area
            point.InflateMargins = true;

            // No data labels
            point.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;

            // Set up the data look and feel
            point.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.SkyBlue);
            point.BorderStyle = new NStrokeStyle(1.0f, Color.DarkGray);
            point.PointShape = PointShape.Ellipse;
            point.Size = new NLength(4.0f);

            // Name points
            point.Name = "Observations";

            // Load data into points collection

            // Create a line series to display the smoothed data
            NLineSeries smoothline = new NLineSeries();
            smoothline.UseXValues = true;
            smoothline.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;
            smoothline.BorderStyle = new NStrokeStyle(2.0f, Color.Tomato);

            // Name smooth line
            smoothline.Name = "Savitzky-Golay Smoothed Data";

            // Load the smoothed data into the line series

        /// <summary>
        /// Demonstrates linear reression in two dimensions.
        /// </summary>
        void LinearRegression()
            // Set up example description
            nRichDescription.Text = "A linear regression model is computed from the sample data containing random normal noise. \n\nA point is then predicted from the model with a 95% confidence interval - meaning the predicted point is expected to lie within the confidence interval 95% of the time.";

            // First read in the independent (or predictor) values. This is a matrix
            // with one column and a row for each amounts measurement.
            DoubleVector raw_data = new DoubleVector(25, 0, 1);
            DoubleMatrix measurements = new DoubleMatrix(raw_data);

            // Next, read in the responses
            // Build a linear polynomial and add noise for interest
            RandomNumberGenerator rand = new RandGenNormal(0, noiselevel_);
            Polynomial poly = new Polynomial(new DoubleVector("0, 1"));
            DoubleVector responses = poly.Evaluate(raw_data) + new DoubleVector(raw_data.Length, rand); ;

            // Construct a linear regression. If we want our regression to calculate a
            // y-intercept we must send in true for the "addIntercept" parameter (the
            // third paramameter in the constructor).
            LinearRegression regression = new LinearRegression(measurements, responses, true);
            DoubleVector residues = regression.Residuals;

            // Use the linear regression class to make a prediction according to the model
            DoubleVector xvalues = new DoubleVector("30"); // Use the model to predict the observation at 30.
            Interval pi = regression.PredictionInterval(xvalues, 0.95);

            // Build some data points along the regression line for display
            DoubleMatrix abcissae = new DoubleMatrix(new DoubleVector(raw_data));
            DoubleVector predicted_ys = regression.PredictedObservations(abcissae);

            // Build the chart
            SetupChartLayout("Linear Regression");

            NChart chart = nChartControl1.Charts[0];


            // Set up the line series
            NLineSeries line = new NLineSeries();

            // tell the series to regard the X values
            line.UseXValues = true;

            // no data labels
            line.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;

            // Set the line color
            line.BorderStyle = new NStrokeStyle(2.0f, Color.Tomato);

            // name data set
            line.Name = "Linear Regression";

            // Add the the Linear Regression line data to the line series

            // Draw the raw data points
            NPointSeries point = new NPointSeries();

            point.UseXValues = true;
            point.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;

            // Set the point appearance properties
            point.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.SkyBlue);
            point.BorderStyle = new NStrokeStyle(1.0f,Color.DarkGray);
            point.PointShape = PointShape.Cross;
            point.Size = new NLength(6.0f);

            // Points must fit in the chart area
            point.InflateMargins = true;

            // Name point set
            point.Name = "Observations";

            // set the point data

            double m = (pi.Min + pi.Max) / 2.0;

            // Display the predicted value with an error bar series
            NErrorBarSeries predicted_points = new NErrorBarSeries();
            predicted_points.Name = "Predicted Point";
            predicted_points.UseXValues = true;
            predicted_points.InflateMargins = true;
            predicted_points.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.Crimson);
            predicted_points.BorderStyle = new NStrokeStyle(1.0f, Color.DarkGray);
            predicted_points.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;
            predicted_points.MarkerStyle.Visible = true;
            predicted_points.MarkerStyle.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.Crimson);
            predicted_points.MarkerStyle.BorderStyle = new NStrokeStyle(1.0f, Color.DarkGray);
            predicted_points.MarkerStyle.PointShape = PointShape.Bar;
            predicted_points.MarkerStyle.Width = new NLength(5);
            predicted_points.MarkerStyle.Height = new NLength(5);
            predicted_points.SizeY = new NLength(5);

            // Fill the data for the predicted point
            predicted_points.UpperErrorsY.Add(pi.Max - m);
            predicted_points.LowerErrorsY.Add(m - pi.Min);

            // Create a label to display the predicted value
            NLabel label = new NLabel();
            label.BoundsMode = BoundsMode.None;
            label.ContentAlignment = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft;
            label.Location = new NPointL(
                new NLength(87, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage),
                new NLength(3, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage));

            label.TextStyle.TextFormat = TextFormat.XML;
            label.TextStyle.FontStyle = new NFontStyle("Arial", 9);
            label.TextStyle.StringFormatStyle.HorzAlign = Nevron.HorzAlign.Right;
            label.TextStyle.BackplaneStyle.Visible = true;
            label.TextStyle.BackplaneStyle.FillStyle = new NGradientFillStyle(GradientStyle.Horizontal, GradientVariant.Variant1, Color.FromArgb(130, 255, 255, 255), Color.FromArgb(130, 233, 233, 255));
            label.TextStyle.BackplaneStyle.Shape = BackplaneShape.SmoothEdgeRectangle;
            label.TextStyle.BackplaneStyle.StandardFrameStyle.InnerBorderColor = Color.White;
            label.Text = "<font color = 'crimson'>" + m.ToString("0.###") + "</font> - predicted value with 95% confidence interval";


        /// <summary>
        /// Demonstrates polynomial least squares curve fitting
        /// </summary>
        void CurveFitting()
            // Set up example description
            nRichDescription.Text = "A 4th degree polynomial is fitted to the noisy sampled data.  \n\nFitting a polynomial of any degree is accomplished in one line of code specifing the polynomial degree, and arrays of the x and y values. ";

            // Build the data sets using some random normal noise
            DoubleVector x = new DoubleVector("[0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5]");
            DoubleVector y = new DoubleVector("[0 0.112462916018285 0.222702589210478 0.328626759459127 0.428392355046668 0.520499877813047 0.603856090847926 0.677801193837419 0.742100964707661 0.796908212422832 0.842700792949715 0.880205069574082 0.910313978229635 0.934007944940652 0.952285119762649 0.966105146475311 0.976348383344644 0.983790458590775 0.989090501635731 0.992790429235257 0.995322265018953 0.997020533343667 0.998137153702018 0.998856823402643 0.999311486103355 0.999593047982555]");

            RandomNumberGenerator rand = new RandGenNormal(0.0, noiselevel_);
            y = y + 0.025 * (new DoubleVector(y.Length, rand));

            // Build the least squares polynomial fit and make readable display label
            int polynomialdeg = 4;
            PolynomialLeastSquares pls = new PolynomialLeastSquares(polynomialdeg, x, y);

            // Build fitted polynomial
            DoubleVector xs = new DoubleVector(100, 0, 0.025);
            DoubleVector ys = pls.FittedPolynomial.Evaluate(xs);

            // Build the chart
            SetupChartLayout("Curve Fitting");

            NChart chart = nChartControl1.Charts[0];


            // Draw the raw data points
            NPointSeries point = new NPointSeries();
            point.UseXValues = true;
            point.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;

            // set some appearance properties
            point.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.SkyBlue);
            point.BorderStyle = new NStrokeStyle(1.0f, Color.DarkGray);
            point.PointShape = PointShape.Star;
            point.Size = new NLength(6.0f);

            // Points must fit in the chart area
            point.InflateMargins = true;

            // Name points data set
            point.Name = "Observations";

            // Add data points from the NMath DoubleVectors to the point series

            // Build polynomial line series and style it
            NLineSeries polyline = new NLineSeries();
            polyline.UseXValues = true;
            polyline.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;
            polyline.BorderStyle = new NStrokeStyle(2.0f, Color.Tomato);

            // Name polynomial fit
            polyline.Name = polynomialdeg.ToString() + "th Degree Polynomial";

            // Load the polynomial data into the line series

            // Create a label to display the polynomial
            NLabel label = new NLabel();
            label.BoundsMode = BoundsMode.None;
            label.ContentAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
            label.Location = new NPointL(
                new NLength(92, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage),
                new NLength(70, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage));

            label.TextStyle.TextFormat = TextFormat.XML;
            label.TextStyle.FontStyle = new NFontStyle("Arial", 9);
            label.TextStyle.StringFormatStyle.HorzAlign = Nevron.HorzAlign.Center;
            label.TextStyle.BackplaneStyle.Visible = true;
            label.TextStyle.BackplaneStyle.FillStyle = new NGradientFillStyle(GradientStyle.Horizontal, GradientVariant.Variant1, Color.FromArgb(180, 255, 255, 255), Color.FromArgb(180, 233, 233, 255));
            label.TextStyle.BackplaneStyle.Shape = BackplaneShape.Rectangle;
            label.TextStyle.BackplaneStyle.StandardFrameStyle.InnerBorderColor = Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 255);

            label.Text = "Equation for fitted polynomial:<br /><font size='10' color = 'tomato'><b>";
            label.Text += FormatPolymonial(pls.FittedPolynomial.Coeff.ToArray());
            label.Text += "</b></font>";


Beispiel #35
        private void callPersonalGraph(string projectName, string ScenarioName, int idx)

            //rData.getRData()[0].taskName 이런식으로 인덱스 줘서 사용하면 될 듯
            m_FuncCalculator = new NFunctionCalculator();


            // set a chart title
            NLabel title = nChartControl1.Labels.AddHeader("Task x 소요 시간");
            //title.TextStyle.FontStyle = new NFontStyle("Times New Roman", 18, FontStyle.Regular);
            title.TextStyle.FontStyle = new NFontStyle(pfc.Families[0].ToString(), 18, FontStyle.Regular);
            title.ContentAlignment = ContentAlignment.BottomCenter;
            title.Location = new NPointL(new NLength(50, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage), new NLength(2, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage));

            // setup chart
            m_Chart = nChartControl1.Charts[0];
            m_Chart.BoundsMode = BoundsMode.Stretch;
            m_Chart.Location = new NPointL(new NLength(10, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage), new NLength(15, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage));
            m_Chart.Size = new NSizeL(new NLength(80, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage), new NLength(75, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage));

            //m_Chart.Axis(StandardAxis.Depth).Visible = false;

            // add a line series for the function
            m_Line = (NLineSeries)m_Chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.Line);
            m_Line.MarkerStyle.Visible = true;
            m_Line.MarkerStyle.BorderStyle.Color = Color.DarkGreen;
            m_Line.MarkerStyle.BorderStyle.Width = new NLength(2, NGraphicsUnit.Pixel);
            m_Line.MarkerStyle.Width = new NLength(1.2f, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage);
            m_Line.MarkerStyle.Height = new NLength(1.2f, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage);
            m_Line.MarkerStyle.PointShape = PointShape.Cylinder;
            m_Line.MarkerStyle.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.Gold);
            m_Line.BorderStyle.Color = Color.DarkGreen;
            m_Line.BorderStyle.Width = new NLength(2, NGraphicsUnit.Pixel);
            m_Line.Legend.Mode = SeriesLegendMode.None;
            m_Line.DataLabelStyle.Format = "<value>";
            m_Line.Values.ValueFormatter = new NNumericValueFormatter("0.0");
            m_Line.ShadowStyle.Type = ShadowType.GaussianBlur;
            m_Line.ShadowStyle.Offset = new NPointL(2, 2);
            m_Line.ShadowStyle.Color = Color.FromArgb(120, 0, 0, 0);
            m_Line.ShadowStyle.FadeLength = new NLength(5);

            // add the bar series
            m_Bar = (NBarSeries)m_Chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.Bar);
            m_Bar.Name = "Bar1";
            m_Bar.Values.Name = "values";
            m_Bar.Values.ValueFormatter = new NNumericValueFormatter("0.0");
            m_Bar.MultiBarMode = MultiBarMode.Stacked;
            m_Bar.DataLabelStyle.Visible = true; // 바에 보이는 값
            //m_Bar.Legend.Mode = SeriesLegendMode.None; // 범례 안보이게 하는 거
            m_Bar.BarShape = BarShape.Cylinder;
            m_Bar.BorderStyle.Width = new NLength(0, NGraphicsUnit.Pixel);
            m_Bar.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.DarkKhaki);
            m_Bar.ShadowStyle.Type = ShadowType.Solid;
            m_Bar.ShadowStyle.Offset = new NPointL(2, 2);
            m_Bar.ShadowStyle.Color = Color.FromArgb(80, 0, 0, 0);
            //m_Bar.Values.FillRandomRange(new Random(), 14, 0, 100);

            NLinearScaleConfigurator linearScale = new NLinearScaleConfigurator();
            //m_Chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryX).ScaleConfigurator = linearScale;
            m_Chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryX).ScrollBar.ResetButton.Visible = false;

            NNumericAxisPagingView numericPagingView = new NNumericAxisPagingView(new NRange1DD(0, 10));
            m_Chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryX).PagingView = numericPagingView;
            m_Chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryX).ScrollBar.Visible = true;
            nChartControl1.Controller.Tools.Add(new NAxisScrollTool());

            NStandardScaleConfigurator scaleConfiguratorX = (NStandardScaleConfigurator)m_Chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryX).ScaleConfigurator;
            scaleConfiguratorX.MajorTickMode = MajorTickMode.AutoMaxCount;

            scaleConfiguratorX.AutoLabels = false;

            foreach (ResultData.ResultInfo temp in rData.getRData())
                // 현재 찾고자 하는 프로젝트와 시나리오랑 같으면
                if (temp.projectName == projectName && temp.taskName == ScenarioName)
                    if (idx == -1 /*&& temp.isMin == true*/) // ***************************************************************************************************************** check

                        // 해당 시나리오 값에서 이동한 path 이미지들 값 가져오기
                        foreach (ResultData.ImgTime imgTemp in temp.pathInfo)
                            bool inList = false;

                            float timeValue = System.Convert.ToSingle(imgTemp.timeImg);

                            // 리스트 내에 같은 값 찾기

                            if (ImgAverageInfo.Count != 0)
                                foreach (ImgAverageTime inListImg in ImgAverageInfo)
                                    // 같은게 있다면
                                    if (inListImg.imgName == imgTemp.imgName)
                                        inListImg.count += 1;
                                        inListImg.imgTime += timeValue;
                                        inList = true;

                            // 리스트 내에 없다면
                            if (inList == false)
                                ImgAverageInfo.Add(new ImgAverageTime() { imgName = imgTemp.imgName, imgTime = timeValue, count = 1 });
                    // Idx랑 같으면
                    else if (temp.idx == idx)
                        // 해당 시나리오 값에서 이동한 path 이미지들 값 가져오기
                        foreach (ResultData.ImgTime imgTemp in temp.pathInfo)

            if (idx == -1)
                foreach (ImgAverageTime listImg in ImgAverageInfo)
                    m_Bar.Values.Add(listImg.imgTime / listImg.count);

            m_FuncCalculator.Expression = "CUMSUM(values)";
            m_Line.Values = m_FuncCalculator.Calculate();

            m_Line.Values.ValueFormatter = new NNumericValueFormatter("0.0");

            // form controls
            m_FunctionCombo.Items.Add("Exponential Average");
            m_FunctionCombo.SelectedIndex = 0;*/
