Beispiel #1
         * Determines the maximim position at which this modifier can occur.
         * @param modifier
         *            the modifier to be checked.
         * @return the maximum position for this modifier.
        private static int getMaxPos(NLGElement modifier)
            int position = NOUN_POSITION;

            if (modifier.isA(new LexicalCategory(LexicalCategory.LexicalCategoryEnum.ADJECTIVE)) || modifier.isA(new PhraseCategory(PhraseCategory.PhraseCategoryEnum.ADJECTIVE_PHRASE)))
                WordElement adjective = getHeadWordElement(modifier);

                if (adjective.getFeatureAsBoolean(LexicalFeature.CLASSIFYING))
                    position = CLASSIFYING_POSITION;
                else if (adjective.getFeatureAsBoolean(LexicalFeature.COLOUR))
                    position = COLOUR_POSITION;
                else if (adjective.getFeatureAsBoolean(LexicalFeature.QUALITATIVE))
                    position = QUALITATIVE_POSITION;
                    position = CLASSIFYING_POSITION;
 // get string for head of constituent
 private string getBaseForm(NLGElement constituent)
     if (constituent == null)
     else if (constituent is StringElement)
     else if (constituent is WordElement)
     else if (constituent is InflectedWordElement)
     else if (constituent is PhraseElement)
        public virtual void testFutureTense()
            SPhraseSpec test = phraseFactory.createClause();

            NPPhraseSpec subj = phraseFactory.createNounPhrase("I");

            VPPhraseSpec verb = phraseFactory.createVerbPhrase("go");

            AdvPhraseSpec adverb = phraseFactory.createAdverbPhrase("tomorrow");

            test.VerbPhrase = verb;
            test.setFeature(Feature.TENSE, Tense.FUTURE);
            string sentence = realiser.realiseSentence(test);

            Assert.AreEqual("I will go tomorrow.", sentence);

            SPhraseSpec test2 = phraseFactory.createClause();
            NLGElement  vb    =
                phraseFactory.createWord("go", new LexicalCategory(LexicalCategory.LexicalCategoryEnum.VERB));

            test2.setFeature(Feature.TENSE, Tense.FUTURE);
            string sentence2 = realiser.realiseSentence(test);

            Assert.AreEqual("I will go tomorrow.", sentence2);
Beispiel #4
  * Utility method to set the discourse function for phrase components,
  * unless set by user
  * @param function
  *            the function
  * @param phrase
  *            the phrase
 private void checkFunction(DiscourseFunction function, NLGElement phrase)
     if (!phrase.hasFeature(InternalFeature.DISCOURSE_FUNCTION))
         phrase.setFeature(InternalFeature.DISCOURSE_FUNCTION, function);
        public virtual void testForwardConjReduction()
            NLGElement aggregated = fcr.apply(s2, s3);

            Assert.AreEqual("the woman kicks the dog on the rock and kicks the dog behind the curtain",
                            realiser.realise(aggregated).Realisation); //$NON-NLS-1$
        public override IList <NLGElement> realise(IList <NLGElement> elements)
            IList <NLGElement> realisedList     = new List <NLGElement>();
            NLGElement         childRealisation = null;

            if (elements != null)
                foreach (NLGElement eachElement in elements)
                    if (eachElement != null)
                        childRealisation = realise(eachElement);
                        if (childRealisation != null)
                            if (childRealisation is ListElement)
                                ((List <NLGElement>)realisedList).AddRange(((ListElement)childRealisation).Children);
         * Collect a list of pairs of constituents with the same syntactic function
         * from the right periphery of two sentences. The right periphery
         * encompasses the complements of the main verb, and its postmodifiers.
         * @param sentences
         *            the list of sentences
         * @return a list of pairs of constituents with the same function, if any
         *         are found
        public static IList <PhraseSet> rightPeriphery(params NLGElement[] sentences)
            IList <PhraseSet> funcsets = new List <PhraseSet>();
            PhraseSet         comps    = new PhraseSet(DiscourseFunction.OBJECT);
            // new PhraseSet(DiscourseFunction.INDIRECT_OBJECT);
            PhraseSet pmods = new PhraseSet(DiscourseFunction.POST_MODIFIER);

            foreach (NLGElement s in sentences)
                NLGElement vp = s.getFeatureAsElement(InternalFeature.VERB_PHRASE);

                if (vp != null)
                    if (vp.hasFeature(InternalFeature.COMPLEMENTS))

                    if (vp.hasFeature(InternalFeature.POSTMODIFIERS))

                if (s.hasFeature(InternalFeature.POSTMODIFIERS))

Beispiel #8
         * Realises a list of elements appending the result to the on-going
         * realisation.
         * @param realisation
         *            the <code>StringBuffer<code> containing the current
         *            realisation of the sentence.
         * @param components
         *            the <code>List</code> of <code>NLGElement</code>s representing
         *            the components that make up the sentence.
         * @param listSeparator
         *            the string to use to separate elements of the list, empty if
         *            no separator needed
        private void realiseList(StringBuilder realisation, IList <NLGElement> components, string listSeparator)
            NLGElement realisedChild = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < components.Count; i++)
                NLGElement thisElement = components[i];
                realisedChild = realise(thisElement);
                string childRealisation = realisedChild.Realisation;

                // check that the child realisation is non-empty
                if (!ReferenceEquals(childRealisation, null) && childRealisation.Length > 0 && !Regex.IsMatch(childRealisation, "^[\\s\\n]+$"))

                    if (components.Count > 1 && i < components.Count - 1)

                    realisation.Append(' ');

            if (realisation.Length > 0)
                realisation.Length = realisation.Length - 1;
Beispiel #9
         * Iterates through a <code>List</code> of <code>NLGElement</code>s
         * realisation each element and adding it to the on-going realisation of
         * this clause.
         * @param parent
         *            the parent <code>SyntaxProcessor</code> that will do the
         *            realisation of the complementiser.
         * @param realisedElement
         *            the current realisation of the clause.
         * @param elementList
         *            the <code>List</code> of <code>NLGElement</code>s to be
         *            realised.
         * @param function
         *            the <code>DiscourseFunction</code> each element in the list is
         *            to take. If this is <code>null</code> then the function is not
         *            set and any existing discourse function is kept.
        internal static void realiseList(SyntaxProcessor parent, ListElement realisedElement, IList <NLGElement> elementList, DiscourseFunction function)
            // AG: Change here: the original list structure is kept, i.e. rather
            // than taking the elements of the list and putting them in the realised
            // element, we now add the realised elements to a new list and put that
            // in the realised element list. This preserves constituency for
            // orthography and morphology processing later.
            ListElement realisedList   = new ListElement();
            NLGElement  currentElement = null;

            foreach (NLGElement eachElement in elementList)
                currentElement = parent.realise(eachElement);

                if (currentElement != null)
                    currentElement.setFeature(InternalFeature.DISCOURSE_FUNCTION, function);

                    if (eachElement.getFeatureAsBoolean(Feature.APPOSITIVE))
                        currentElement.setFeature(Feature.APPOSITIVE, true);

                    // realisedElement.addComponent(currentElement);

            if (realisedList.Children.Any())
         * Checks to see if the base form of the word is copular, i.e. <em>be</em>.
         * @param element
         *            the element to be checked
         * @return <code>true</code> if the element is copular.
        public static bool isCopular(NLGElement element)
            bool copular = false;

            if (element is InflectedWordElement)
                copular = "be".Equals(((InflectedWordElement)element).BaseForm, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);                  //$NON-NLS-1$
            else if (element is WordElement)
                copular = "be".Equals(((WordElement)element).BaseForm, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);                  //$NON-NLS-1$
            else if (element is PhraseElement)
                // get the head and check if it's "be"
                NLGElement head = element is SPhraseSpec ? ((SPhraseSpec)element).getVerb() : ((PhraseElement)element).getHead();

                if (head != null)
                    copular = (head is WordElement && "be".Equals(((WordElement)head).BaseForm));

         * Determines the number agreement for the phrase ensuring that any number
         * agreement on the parent element is inherited by the phrase.
         * @param parent
         *            the parent element of the phrase.
         * @param phrase
         *            the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this noun phrase.
         * @return the <code>NumberAgreement</code> to be used for the phrase.
        private static NumberAgreement?determineNumber(NLGElement parent, PhraseElement phrase)
            object          numberValue = phrase.getFeature(Feature.NUMBER);
            NumberAgreement?number      = null;

            if (numberValue != null && numberValue is NumberAgreement)
                number = (NumberAgreement)numberValue;
                number = NumberAgreement.SINGULAR;

            // Ehud Reiter = modified below to force number from VP for WHAT_SUBJECT
            // and WHO_SUBJECT interrogatuves
            if (parent is PhraseElement)
                if (parent.isA(new PhraseCategory(PhraseCategory.PhraseCategoryEnum.CLAUSE)) && (PhraseHelper.isExpletiveSubject((PhraseElement)parent) || InterrogativeType.WHO_SUBJECT.Equals(parent.getFeature(Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE)) || InterrogativeType.WHAT_SUBJECT.Equals(parent.getFeature(Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE))) && isCopular(phrase.getHead()))
                    if (hasPluralComplement(phrase.getFeatureAsElementList(InternalFeature.COMPLEMENTS)))
                        number = NumberAgreement.PLURAL;
                        number = NumberAgreement.SINGULAR;
         * Grabs the head verb of the verb phrase and sets it to future tense if the
         * phrase is future tense. It also turns off negation if the group has a
         * modal.
         * @param phrase
         *            the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this noun phrase.
         * @param tenseValue
         *            the <code>Tense</code> of the phrase.
         * @param hasModal
         *            <code>true</code> if the verb phrase has a modal.
         * @return the modified head element
        private static NLGElement grabHeadVerb(PhraseElement phrase, Tense?tenseValue, bool hasModal)
            NLGElement frontVG = phrase.getHead();

            if (frontVG != null)
                if (frontVG is WordElement)
                    frontVG = new InflectedWordElement((WordElement)frontVG);

                // AG: tense value should always be set on frontVG
                if (tenseValue != null)
                    frontVG.setFeature(Feature.TENSE, tenseValue);

                // if (Tense.FUTURE.equals(tenseValue) && frontVG != null) {
                // frontVG.setFeature(Feature.TENSE, Tense.FUTURE);
                // }

                if (hasModal)
                    frontVG.setFeature(Feature.NEGATED, false);

Beispiel #13
         * Sort the list of premodifiers for this noun phrase using adjective
         * ordering (ie, "big" comes before "red")
         * @param originalModifiers
         *            the original listing of the premodifiers.
         * @return the sorted <code>List</code> of premodifiers.
        private static IList <NLGElement> sortNPPreModifiers(IList <NLGElement> originalModifiers)
            IList <NLGElement> orderedModifiers = null;

            if (originalModifiers == null || originalModifiers.Count <= 1)
                orderedModifiers = originalModifiers;
                orderedModifiers = new List <NLGElement>(originalModifiers);
                bool changesMade = false;
                    changesMade = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < orderedModifiers.Count - 1; i++)
                        if (getMinPos(orderedModifiers[i]) > getMaxPos(orderedModifiers[i + 1]))
                            NLGElement temp = orderedModifiers[i];
                            orderedModifiers[i]     = orderedModifiers[i + 1];
                            orderedModifiers[i + 1] = temp;
                            changesMade             = true;
                } while (changesMade == true);
        public virtual void testBackwardConjunctionReduction()
            NLGElement aggregated = bcr.apply(s3, s6);

            Assert.AreEqual("the woman kicks and the woman kisses the dog behind the curtain",
Beispiel #15
        public virtual void testProgressiveComplementiserFeatures_PastTense()
            phraseFactory.Lexicon = lexicon;

            NLGElement sandwich =
                phraseFactory.createNounPhrase(new LexicalCategory(LexicalCategory.LexicalCategoryEnum.NOUN),

            sandwich.Plural = true;

            PhraseElement first = phraseFactory.createClause("I", "make", sandwich);

            first.setFeature(Feature.TENSE, Tense.PAST);
            first.setFeature(Feature.PROGRESSIVE, true);
            first.Plural = false;

            PhraseElement second = phraseFactory.createClause("the mayonnaise", "run out");

            second.setFeature(Feature.TENSE, Tense.PAST);

            second.setFeature(Feature.COMPLEMENTISER, "when");


            DocumentElement sentence = docFactory.createSentence(first);
            NLGElement      realised = realiser.realise(sentence);

            // Retrieve the realisation and dump it to the console
            Assert.AreEqual("I was making sandwiches when the mayonnaise ran out.", realised.Realisation);
Beispiel #16
         * Set the verb of a clause
         * @param verb
        public virtual void setVerb(object verb)
            // get verb phrase element (create if necessary)
            NLGElement verbPhraseElement = VerbPhrase;

            // set head of VP to verb (if this is VPPhraseSpec, and not a coord)
            if (verbPhraseElement != null && verbPhraseElement is VPPhraseSpec)

             * // WARNING - I don't understand verb phrase, so this may not work!!
             * NLGElement verbElement = getFactory().createWord(verb,
             * LexicalCategory.VERB);
             * // get verb phrase element (create if necessary) NLGElement
             * verbPhraseElement = getVerbPhrase();
             * // set head of VP to verb (if this is VPPhraseSpec, and not a coord)
             * if (verbPhraseElement != null && verbPhraseElement instanceof
             * VPPhraseSpec) ((VPPhraseSpec)
             * verbPhraseElement).setHead(verbElement);
Beispiel #17
        public virtual void testComplementiserFeatureInACoordinatePhrase_PastTense()
            phraseFactory.Lexicon = lexicon;

            NLGElement dave = phraseFactory.createWord("Dave Bus",
                                                       new LexicalCategory(LexicalCategory.LexicalCategoryEnum.NOUN));
            NLGElement albert =
                phraseFactory.createWord("Albert", new LexicalCategory(LexicalCategory.LexicalCategoryEnum.NOUN));

            CoordinatedPhraseElement coord1 = new CoordinatedPhraseElement(dave, albert);

            PhraseElement born = phraseFactory.createClause(coord1, "be", "born");

            born.setFeature(Feature.TENSE, Tense.PAST);
            born.setFeature(Feature.COMPLEMENTISER, "which");

            PhraseElement theHouse = phraseFactory.createNounPhrase("the", "house");


            PhraseElement clause = phraseFactory.createClause(theHouse, "be",
                                                              phraseFactory.createPrepositionPhrase("in", "Edinburgh"));
            DocumentElement sentence = docFactory.createSentence(clause);

            NLGElement realised = realiser.realise(sentence);

            // Retrieve the realisation and dump it to the console
            Assert.AreEqual("The house which Dave Bus and Albert were born in is in Edinburgh.", realised.Realisation);
Beispiel #18
        public virtual void testComplementiserPassivePerfectFeatures_PastTense()
            realiser.Lexicon = lexicon;

            PhraseElement inner = phraseFactory.createClause("I", "play", "poker");

            inner.setFeature(Feature.TENSE, Tense.PAST);
            inner.setFeature(Feature.COMPLEMENTISER, "where");

            PhraseElement house = phraseFactory.createNounPhrase("the", "house");


            SPhraseSpec outer = phraseFactory.createClause(null, "abandon", house);

            outer.addPostModifier("since 1986");

            outer.setFeature(Feature.PASSIVE, true);
            outer.setFeature(Feature.PERFECT, true);

            DocumentElement sentence = docFactory.createSentence(outer);
            NLGElement      realised = realiser.realise(sentence);

            // Retrieve the realisation and dump it to the console
            Assert.AreEqual("The house where I played poker has been abandoned since 1986.", realised.Realisation);
Beispiel #19
         * Perform aggregation on a single phrase. This method only works on a
         * {@link simplenlg.framework.CoordinatedPhraseElement}, in which case it
         * calls {@link #apply(List)} on the children of the coordinated phrase,
         * returning a coordinated phrase whose children are the result.
         * @param phrase
         * @return aggregated result
        public virtual NLGElement apply(NLGElement phrase)
            NLGElement result = null;

            if (phrase is CoordinatedPhraseElement)
                IList <NLGElement> children   = ((CoordinatedPhraseElement)phrase).Children;
                IList <NLGElement> aggregated = apply(children);

                if (aggregated.Count == 1)
                    result = aggregated[0];
                    result = factory.createCoordinatedPhrase();

                    foreach (NLGElement agg in aggregated)

            if (result != null)
                foreach (string feature in phrase.AllFeatureNames)
                    result.setFeature(feature, phrase.getFeature(feature));

Beispiel #20
	     * Realise.
	     * @param wt
	     *            the wt
	     * @return the string
	     * @throws XMLRealiserException
	     *             the xML realiser exception
		public static string realise(wrapper.XmlDocumentElement wt)
			string output = "";
			if (wt != null)
					if (lexicon == null)
						lexicon = Lexicon.DefaultLexicon;
					UnWrapper w = new UnWrapper(lexicon);
					DocumentElement t = w.UnwrapDocumentElement(wt);
					if (t != null)
						Realiser r = new Realiser(lexicon);

						NLGElement tr = r.realise(t);

						output = tr.Realisation;

				catch (Exception e)
					throw new XMLRealiserException("NLG XMLRealiser Error", e);

			return output;
Beispiel #21
  * Ensures that the verb inherits the features from the clause.
  * @param phrase
  *            the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this clause.
  * @param verbElement
  *            the <code>NLGElement</code> representing the verb phrase for
  *            this clause.
 private static void setVerbFeatures(PhraseElement phrase, NLGElement verbElement)
     // this routine copies features from the clause to the VP.
     // it is disabled, as this copying is now done automatically
     // when features are set in SPhraseSpec
     // if (verbElement != null) {
     // verbElement.setFeature(Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE, phrase
     // .getFeature(Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE));
     // verbElement.setFeature(InternalFeature.COMPLEMENTS, phrase
     // .getFeature(InternalFeature.COMPLEMENTS));
     // verbElement.setFeature(InternalFeature.PREMODIFIERS, phrase
     // .getFeature(InternalFeature.PREMODIFIERS));
     // verbElement.setFeature(Feature.FORM, phrase
     // .getFeature(Feature.FORM));
     // verbElement.setFeature(Feature.MODAL, phrase
     // .getFeature(Feature.MODAL));
     // verbElement.setNegated(phrase.isNegated());
     // verbElement.setFeature(Feature.PASSIVE, phrase
     // .getFeature(Feature.PASSIVE));
     // verbElement.setFeature(Feature.PERFECT, phrase
     // .getFeature(Feature.PERFECT));
     // verbElement.setFeature(Feature.PROGRESSIVE, phrase
     // .getFeature(Feature.PROGRESSIVE));
     // verbElement.setTense(phrase.getTense());
     // verbElement.setFeature(Feature.FORM, phrase
     // .getFeature(Feature.FORM));
     // verbElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.GENDER, phrase
     // .getFeature(LexicalFeature.GENDER));
     // }
Beispiel #22
         * Realises the subjects of a passive clause.
         * @param phrase
         *            the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this clause.
         * @param parent
         *            the parent <code>SyntaxProcessor</code> that will do the
         *            realisation of the complementiser.
         * @param realisedElement
         *            the current realisation of the clause.
         * @param phraseFactory
         *            the phrase factory to be used.
        private static void addPassiveSubjects(PhraseElement phrase, SyntaxProcessor parent, ListElement realisedElement, NLGFactory phraseFactory)
            NLGElement currentElement = null;

            if (phrase.getFeatureAsBoolean(Feature.PASSIVE))
                IList <NLGElement> allSubjects = phrase.getFeatureAsElementList(InternalFeature.SUBJECTS);

                if (allSubjects.Any() || phrase.hasFeature(Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE))
                    realisedElement.addComponent(parent.realise(phraseFactory.createPrepositionPhrase("by")));                     //$NON-NLS-1$

                foreach (NLGElement subject in allSubjects)
                    subject.setFeature(Feature.PASSIVE, true);
                    if (subject.isA(new PhraseCategory(PhraseCategory.PhraseCategoryEnum.NOUN_PHRASE)) || subject is CoordinatedPhraseElement)
                        currentElement = parent.realise(subject);
                        if (currentElement != null)
                            currentElement.setFeature(InternalFeature.DISCOURSE_FUNCTION, DiscourseFunction.SUBJECT);
  * Checks to see if the phrase is in imperative, infinitive or bare
  * infinitive form. If it is then no morphology is done on the main verb.
  * @param formValue
  *            the <code>Form</code> of the phrase.
  * @param frontVG
  *            the first verb in the verb group.
 private static void checkImperativeInfinitive(object formValue, NLGElement frontVG)
     if ((Form.IMPERATIVE.Equals(formValue) || Form.INFINITIVE.Equals(formValue) || Form.BARE_INFINITIVE.Equals(formValue)) && frontVG != null)
         frontVG.setFeature(InternalFeature.NON_MORPH, true);
         * Applies aggregation to two NLGElements e1 and e2, succeeding only if they
         * are clauses (that is, e1.getCategory() == e2.getCategory ==
         * {@link simplenlg.framework.PhraseCategory#CLAUSE}).
        public override NLGElement apply(NLGElement previous, NLGElement next)
            NLGElement aggregated = null;

            if (previous.Category == PhraseCategory.PhraseCategoryEnum.CLAUSE && next.Category == PhraseCategory.PhraseCategoryEnum.CLAUSE && PhraseChecker.nonePassive(previous, next) && !PhraseChecker.expletiveSubjects(previous, next))
                if (PhraseChecker.sameSentences(previous, next))
                {                 // case 1: identical sentences: remove the current
                    aggregated = previous;
                else if (PhraseChecker.sameFrontMods(previous, next) && PhraseChecker.sameSubjects(previous, next) && PhraseChecker.samePostMods(previous, next))
                {                 // case 2: subjects identical: coordinate VPs
                    aggregated = factory.createClause();
                    aggregated.setFeature(InternalFeature.SUBJECTS, previous.getFeatureAsElementList(InternalFeature.SUBJECTS));
                    aggregated.setFeature(InternalFeature.FRONT_MODIFIERS, previous.getFeatureAsElement(InternalFeature.FRONT_MODIFIERS));
                    aggregated.setFeature(Feature.CUE_PHRASE, previous.getFeatureAsElement(Feature.CUE_PHRASE));
                    aggregated.setFeature(InternalFeature.POSTMODIFIERS, previous.getFeatureAsElementList(InternalFeature.POSTMODIFIERS));
                    NLGElement vp;

                    if (!PhraseChecker.sameVPArgs(previous, next) && PhraseChecker.sameVPHead(previous, next) && PhraseChecker.sameVPModifiers(previous, next))
                    {                     // case 2.1: VPs have different arguments but same head & mods
                        NLGElement vp1 = previous.getFeatureAsElement(InternalFeature.VERB_PHRASE);
                        vp = factory.createVerbPhrase();
                        vp.setFeature(InternalFeature.HEAD, vp1.getFeatureAsElement(InternalFeature.HEAD));
                        vp.setFeature(InternalFeature.COMPLEMENTS, vp1.getFeatureAsElementList(InternalFeature.COMPLEMENTS));
                        vp.setFeature(InternalFeature.PREMODIFIERS, vp1.getFeatureAsElementList(InternalFeature.PREMODIFIERS));
                        vp.setFeature(InternalFeature.POSTMODIFIERS, vp1.getFeatureAsElementList(InternalFeature.POSTMODIFIERS));
                    {                     // case 2.2: just create a coordinate vP
                        NLGElement vp1 = previous.getFeatureAsElement(InternalFeature.VERB_PHRASE);
                        NLGElement vp2 = next.getFeatureAsElement(InternalFeature.VERB_PHRASE);
                        vp = factory.createCoordinatedPhrase(vp1, vp2);
                    // case 2.3: expletive subjects
                    aggregated.setFeature(InternalFeature.VERB_PHRASE, vp);
                else if (PhraseChecker.sameFrontMods(previous, next) && PhraseChecker.sameVP(previous, next) && PhraseChecker.samePostMods(previous, next))
                {                 // case 3: identical VPs: conjoin subjects and front modifiers
                    aggregated = factory.createClause();
                    aggregated.setFeature(InternalFeature.FRONT_MODIFIERS, previous.getFeatureAsElementList(InternalFeature.FRONT_MODIFIERS));
                    CoordinatedPhraseElement subjects = factory.createCoordinatedPhrase();
                    subjects.Category = new PhraseCategory(PhraseCategory.PhraseCategoryEnum.NOUN_PHRASE);
                    IList <NLGElement> allSubjects = previous.getFeatureAsElementList(InternalFeature.SUBJECTS);
                    ((List <NLGElement>)allSubjects).AddRange(next.getFeatureAsElementList(InternalFeature.SUBJECTS));

                    foreach (NLGElement subj in allSubjects)

                    aggregated.setFeature(InternalFeature.SUBJECTS, subjects);
                    aggregated.setFeature(InternalFeature.POSTMODIFIERS, previous.getFeatureAsElementList(InternalFeature.POSTMODIFIERS));
                    aggregated.setFeature(InternalFeature.VERB_PHRASE, previous.getFeature(InternalFeature.VERB_PHRASE));

Beispiel #25
        public virtual void testPronounArguments()
            // the subject of s2 should have been cast into a pronominal NP
            NLGElement subj = s2.getFeatureAsElementList(InternalFeature.SUBJECTS)[0];

            Assert.IsTrue(subj.isA(new PhraseCategory(PhraseCategory.PhraseCategoryEnum.NOUN_PHRASE)));
            // Assert.assertTrue(LexicalCategory.PRONOUN.equals(((PhraseElement) subj).getCategory()));
Beispiel #26
  * Adds <em>to</em> to the end of interrogatives concerning indirect
  * objects. For example, <em>who did John give the flower <b>to</b></em>.
  * @param phrase
  *            the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this clause.
  * @param parent
  *            the parent <code>SyntaxProcessor</code> that will do the
  *            realisation of the complementiser.
  * @param realisedElement
  *            the current realisation of the clause.
  * @param phraseFactory
  *            the phrase factory to be used.
 private static void addEndingTo(PhraseElement phrase, SyntaxProcessor parent, ListElement realisedElement, NLGFactory phraseFactory)
     if (InterrogativeType.WHO_INDIRECT_OBJECT.Equals(phrase.getFeature(Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE)))
         NLGElement word = phraseFactory.createWord("to", new LexicalCategory(LexicalCategory.LexicalCategoryEnum.PREPOSITION));                 //$NON-NLS-1$
        public override NLGElement realise(NLGElement element)
            NLGElement realisedElement = null;

            if (element is InflectedWordElement)
                realisedElement = doMorphology((InflectedWordElement)element);
            else if (element is StringElement)
                realisedElement = element;
            else if (element is WordElement)
                // AG: now retrieves the default spelling variant, not the baseform
                // String baseForm = ((WordElement) element).getBaseForm();
                string defaultSpell = ((WordElement)element).DefaultSpellingVariant;

                if (!ReferenceEquals(defaultSpell, null))
                    realisedElement = new StringElement(defaultSpell);
            else if (element is DocumentElement)
                IList <NLGElement> children = element.Children;
                ((DocumentElement)element).Components = realise(children);
                realisedElement = element;
            else if (element is ListElement)
                realisedElement = new ListElement();
            else if (element is CoordinatedPhraseElement)
                IList <NLGElement> children = element.Children;

                if (children != null && children.Any())

                    for (int index = 1; index < children.Count; index++)

                    realisedElement = element;
            else if (element != null)
                realisedElement = element;

  * Adds the <em>be</em> verb to the front of the group.
  * @param frontVG
  *            the first verb in the verb group.
  * @param vgComponents
  *            the stack of verb components in the verb group.
  * @param frontForm
  *            the form the current front verb is to take.
  * @return the new element for the front of the group.
 private static NLGElement addBe(NLGElement frontVG, Stack <NLGElement> vgComponents, Form frontForm)
     if (frontVG != null)
         frontVG.setFeature(Feature.FORM, frontForm);
     return(new InflectedWordElement("be", new LexicalCategory(LexicalCategory.LexicalCategoryEnum.VERB)));            //$NON-NLS-1$
        public virtual void nullAndEmptyStringElementTest()
            NLGElement nullStringElement  = phraseFactory.createStringElement(null);
            NLGElement emptyStringElement = phraseFactory.createStringElement("");
            NLGElement beautiful          = phraseFactory.createStringElement("beautiful");
            NLGElement horseLike          = phraseFactory.createStringElement("horse-like");
            NLGElement creature           = phraseFactory.createStringElement("creature");

            // Test1: null or empty at beginning
            SPhraseSpec test1 = phraseFactory.createClause("a unicorn", "be", "regarded as a");

            Assert.AreEqual("A unicorn is regarded as a beautiful horse-like creature.",

            // Test2: empty or null at end
            SPhraseSpec test2 = phraseFactory.createClause("a unicorn", "be", "regarded as a");

            Assert.AreEqual("A unicorn is regarded as a beautiful horse-like creature.",

            // Test3: empty or null in the middle
            SPhraseSpec test3 = phraseFactory.createClause("a unicorn", "be", "regarded as a");

            Assert.AreEqual("A unicorn is regarded as a beautiful horse-like creature.",

            // Test4: empty or null in the middle with empty or null at beginning
            SPhraseSpec test4 = phraseFactory.createClause("a unicorn", "be", "regarded as a");

            Assert.AreEqual("A unicorn is regarded as a beautiful horse-like creature.",
        public virtual void data2TextTest()
            SPhraseSpec p = phraseFactory.createClause("the dog", "weigh", "12");

            Assert.AreEqual("The dog weighes 12.", realiser.realiseSentence(p));

            NLGElement dataDropout2 = phraseFactory.createNLGElement("data dropouts");

            dataDropout2.Plural = true;
            SPhraseSpec sentence2 = phraseFactory.createClause();

            Assert.AreEqual("There are data dropouts.", realiser.realiseSentence(sentence2));

            SPhraseSpec weather1 = phraseFactory.createClause("SE 10-15", "veer", "S 15-20");

            weather1.setFeature(Feature.FORM, Form.GERUND);
            Assert.AreEqual("SE 10-15 veering S 15-20.", realiser.realiseSentence(weather1));

            SPhraseSpec weather2 = phraseFactory.createClause("cloudy and misty", "be", "XXX");

            weather2.VerbPhrase.setFeature(Feature.ELIDED, true);
            Assert.AreEqual("Cloudy and misty.", realiser.realiseSentence(weather2));

            SPhraseSpec weather3 = phraseFactory.createClause("S 15-20", "increase", "20-25");

            weather3.setFeature(Feature.FORM, Form.GERUND);
            weather3.getSubject().setFeature(Feature.ELIDED, true);
            Assert.AreEqual("Increasing 20-25.", realiser.realiseSentence(weather3));

            SPhraseSpec weather4 = phraseFactory.createClause("S 20-25", "back", "SSE");

            weather4.setFeature(Feature.FORM, Form.GERUND);
            weather4.getSubject().setFeature(Feature.ELIDED, true);

            CoordinatedPhraseElement coord = new CoordinatedPhraseElement();

            coord.Conjunction = "then";
            Assert.AreEqual("SE 10-15 veering S 15-20, increasing 20-25 then backing SSE.",

            SPhraseSpec weather5 = phraseFactory.createClause("rain", null, "likely");

            Assert.AreEqual("Rain likely.", realiser.realiseSentence(weather5));