Beispiel #1
        private void OnViewResponseHeadersButtonClick(NEventArgs args)
            // get the response form the button tag (see UpdateRequestListBoxItem) and display its headers
            object[] array = (object[])args.TargetNode.Tag;

            NHttpRequest  request  = (NHttpRequest)array[0];
            NHttpResponse response = (NHttpResponse)array[1];

            // create a top level window, setup as a dialog
            NTopLevelWindow window = NApplication.CreateTopLevelWindow();

            window.SetupDialogWindow(request.Uri.ToString(), true);

            // create a list box for the headers
            NListBox listBox = new NListBox();

            window.Content = listBox;

            // fill with header fields
            INIterator <NHttpHeaderField> it = response.HeaderFields.GetIterator();

            while (it.MoveNext())
                listBox.Items.Add(new NListBoxItem(it.Current.ToString()));

            // open the window
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a request has been completed. Updates the item for the request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        private void UpdateRequestListBoxItem(NHttpRequest request, NHttpResponse response)
            // first clear the boder of all items
            for (int i = 0; i < m_RequestsListBox.Items.Count; i++)
                m_RequestsListBox.Items[i].Border = null;

            // highlight the completed item in red
            NListBoxItem item = m_Request2ListBoxItem[request];

            item.Border = NBorder.CreateFilledBorder(NColor.LightCoral);

            // update the group box header
            NGroupBox groupBox    = (NGroupBox)item.Content;
            NLabel    headerLabel = (NLabel)groupBox.Header.Content;

            headerLabel.Text += " Response Status: " + response.Status.ToString() + ", Received In: " + (response.ReceivedAt - request.SentAt).TotalSeconds.ToString() + " seconds";

            // Disable the Abort button (the first button of the item (first descentant of type button))
            NButton abortButton = (NButton)item.GetFirstDescendant(NIsFilter <NNode, NButton> .Instance);

            abortButton.Enabled = false;

            // Enable the Headers Button (the last button of the item)
            NButton headersButton = (NButton)item.GetLastDescendant(NIsFilter <NNode, NButton> .Instance);

            headersButton.Tag     = new object[] { request, response };
            headersButton.Enabled = true;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by a NHttpRequest when it has been completed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response"></param>
        private void OnRequestCompleted(NUriRequest request, NUriResponse response)
            NHttpRequest  httpRequest  = (NHttpRequest)request;
            NHttpResponse httpResponse = (NHttpResponse)response;

            // update the list box item
            UpdateRequestListBoxItem(httpRequest, httpResponse);

            // update the response content holder
            switch (response.Status)
            case ENAsyncResponseStatus.Aborted:
                // request has been aborted by the user -> do nothing.

            case ENAsyncResponseStatus.Failed:
                // request has failed -> fill content with an error message
                m_ResponseContentHolder.Content = new NLabel("Request for URI: " + request.Uri.ToString() + " failed. Error was: " + response.ErrorException.ToString());

            case ENAsyncResponseStatus.Succeeded:
                // request succeded -> fill content with the response content
                    // get the Content-Type Http Header field, and split it to portions
                    // NOTE: the Content-Type is a multi value field. Values are seperated with the ';' char
                    string   contentType  = httpResponse.HeaderFields[NHttpHeaderFieldName.ContentType];
                    string[] contentTypes = contentType.Split(new char[] { ';' });

                    // normalize content type values (trim and make lower case)
                    for (int i = 0; i < contentTypes.Length; i++)
                        contentTypes[i] = contentTypes[i].Trim();
                        contentTypes[i] = contentTypes[i].ToLower();

                    // the first part of the content type is the mime type of the content
                    switch (contentTypes[0])
                    case "image/png":
                    case "image/jpeg":
                    case "image/bmp":
                        NImage    image    = new NImage(new NBytesImageSource(response.Data));
                        NImageBox imageBox = new NImageBox(image);
                        m_ResponseContentHolder.Content = new NScrollContent(imageBox);

                    case "text/html":
                    case "application/json":
                        string charSet = (contentTypes.Length >= 1? contentTypes[1]: "charset=utf-8");
                        string html    = "";
                        switch (charSet)
                        case "charset=utf-8":
                            html = Nevron.Nov.Text.NEncoding.UTF8.GetString(response.Data);

                            html = Nevron.Nov.Text.NEncoding.UTF8.GetString(response.Data);

                        NTextBox textBox = new NTextBox();
                        textBox.Text = html;
                        m_ResponseContentHolder.Content = textBox;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    m_ResponseContentHolder.Content = new NLabel("Request for URI: " + request.Uri.ToString() + " decoding failed. Error was: " + ex.Message.ToString());