public void RenderTeamToDefendAgainst( NFLWeek week )
            //  Team to beat report showing a jucy opponent for a particular defence
             var offset = -4;
             if ( week.WeekNo < 2 )
            //  do the whole of last season
            #if DEBUG
            Utility.Announce( "Looking back at the whole of last season" );
            offset = -Constants.K_WEEKS_IN_REGULAR_SEASON;
            #if DEBUG
            Utility.Announce( "Going back 4 games" );

             var ttb = new TeamLister
               Heading = string.Format( "{0}\\defense\\Team To beat-{1:0#}", week.Season, week.WeekNo ),
               SubHeading = string.Format("last {0} weeks", offset)
             ICalculate ttbCalculator =
            new DefensiveScoringCalculator( new NFLWeek( week.SeasonNo, week.WeekNo ), offset);
             FileOut = ttb.RenderTeamToBeat(ttbCalculator);
Beispiel #2
        private static string WeeklyEspnPerformance(
            string catCode, int week, string leagueId, [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional] string sPos)
            var pl = new PlayerLister {
                WeeksToGoBack = 1
            var master      = new YahooMaster("Yahoo", "YahooOutput.xml");
            var currentWeek =
                new NFLWeek(Int32.Parse(Utility.CurrentSeason()), weekIn: week, loadGames: false);
            var gs = new EspnScorer(currentWeek)
                Master = master

            pl.AllWeeks    = false;          //  just the regular saeason
            pl.Season      = currentWeek.Season;
            pl.RenderToCsv = false;
            pl.Week        = week;
            pl.Collect(catCode, sPos: sPos, fantasyLeague: leagueId);

            var targetFile = string.Format("{4}{3}//Performance//{2}-Yahoo {1} Performance upto Week {0}.htm",
                                           currentWeek.WeekNo, sPos, leagueId, pl.Season, Utility.OutputDirectory());

        public void RenderTeamToDefendAgainst(NFLWeek week)
            //  Team to beat report showing a jucy opponent for a particular defence
            var offset = -4;

            if (week.WeekNo < 2)
                //  do the whole of last season
                Utility.Announce("Looking back at the whole of last season");
                offset = -Constants.K_WEEKS_IN_REGULAR_SEASON;
                Utility.Announce("Going back 4 games");

            var ttb = new TeamLister
                Heading    = string.Format("{0}\\defense\\Team To beat-{1:0#}", week.Season, week.WeekNo),
                SubHeading = string.Format("last {0} weeks", offset)
            ICalculate ttbCalculator =
                new DefensiveScoringCalculator(new NFLWeek(week.SeasonNo, week.WeekNo), offset);
            FileOut = ttb.RenderTeamToBeat(ttbCalculator);
 public MetricsUpdateReport( IKeepTheTime timekeeper)
     Name = "Metrics Update Report";
      Season = timekeeper.CurrentSeason();
       Week = new NFLWeek( Season, timekeeper.PreviousWeek());
     Scorer = new YahooScorer(Week);
     Dao = new DbfPlayerGameMetricsDao();
 public MetricsUpdateReport(IKeepTheTime timekeeper) : base(timekeeper)
     Name   = "Metrics Update Report";
     Season = timekeeper.CurrentSeason();
     Week   = new NFLWeek(Season, timekeeper.PreviousWeek());
     Scorer = new YahooScorer(Week);
     Dao    = new DbfPlayerGameMetricsDao();
Beispiel #6
        public void TestPatriotsDefenseCalcs()
            var        week         = new NFLWeek(2010, 17);
            ICalculate myCalculator = new DefensiveScoringCalculator(week, -1);
            var        team         = new NflTeam("NE");

            team.CalculateDefensiveScoring(myCalculator, doOpponent: false);
            Assert.AreEqual(17, myCalculator.Team.FantasyPoints);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, myCalculator.Team.TotInterceptions);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, myCalculator.Team.TotSacks);
        public void TestEspnScorer()
            var week = new NFLWeek(seasonIn: 2013, weekIn: 3, loadGames: false);
            var gs   = new EspnScorer(week)
                Master = new YahooMaster("Yahoo", "YahooOutput.xml")
            var player = new NFLPlayer("VICKMI01");
            var pts    = gs.RatePlayer(player, week);

            Assert.AreEqual(11, pts, "Vick got 11 pts in week 3 of 2013");
Beispiel #8
        private static void DoRantsReport(PlayerLister pl, NFLWeek theWeek, EspnScorer gs, string leagueId, string rptPos, string cat)
            pl.StartersOnly = true;          // more thorough to do false
            pl.SetFormat("weekly");          //  as opposed to "annual" totals
            pl.AllWeeks = false;             //  just the regular season
            pl.Season   = theWeek.Season;
            pl.Collect(catCode: cat, sPos: rptPos, fantasyLeague: leagueId);
            var targetFile = string.Format("{2}{0}//Performance//{3}-Yahoo {1} Performance {0}.htm", pl.Season, rptPos, Utility.OutputDirectory(), leagueId);

            Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(pl.FileOut), string.Format("Cannot find {0}", pl.FileOut));
Beispiel #9
        public void TestEspnPerformanceReportRunningBacksWeek5()
            var pr   = new PerformanceReport(season: "2012", week: 5);
            var week = new NFLWeek(seasonIn: 2012, weekIn: 5, loadGames: false);
            var gs   = new EspnScorer(week)
                ScoresOnly = true

            pr.Scorer = gs;
            pr.Render(catCode: "2", sPos: "RB", leagueId: Constants.K_LEAGUE_Yahoo, startersOnly: true);
            Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(pr.FileOut), string.Format("Cannot find {0}", pr.FileOut));
Beispiel #10
        public void TestGsPerformanceReportRunningBacksWeek12()
            var pr   = new PerformanceReport(season: "2012", week: 12);
            var week = new NFLWeek(seasonIn: 2012, weekIn: 12, loadGames: false);
            var gs   = new GS4Scorer(week)
                ScoresOnly = true, Master = new GridStatsMaster("GridStats", "GridStats.xml")

            pr.Scorer = gs;
            pr.Render(catCode: "2", sPos: "RB", leagueId: Constants.K_LEAGUE_Gridstats_NFL1, startersOnly: true);
            Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(pr.FileOut), string.Format("Cannot find {0}", pr.FileOut));
        public void TestWeeklyProjection()
            var w      = new NFLWeek("2013", Utility.CurrentWeek());           //  looking forward
            var sut    = new PlayerProjectionGenerator();
            var nGames = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < w.GameList().Count; i++)
                var game = (NFLGame)w.GameList()[i];
            Assert.AreEqual(16, nGames);
Beispiel #12
        public void TestRantsPerformanceUptoCurrent()
            var pl      = new PlayerLister();
            var theWeek = new NFLWeek(seasonIn: 2013, weekIn: System.Int32.Parse(Utility.CurrentWeek()), loadGames: false);
            var gs      = new EspnScorer(theWeek);

            var leagueId = Constants.K_LEAGUE_Rants_n_Raves;

            DoRantsReport(pl, theWeek, gs, leagueId, "QB", Constants.K_QUARTERBACK_CAT);
            DoRantsReport(pl, theWeek, gs, leagueId, "RB", Constants.K_RUNNINGBACK_CAT);
            DoRantsReport(pl, theWeek, gs, leagueId, "WR", Constants.K_RECEIVER_CAT);
            DoRantsReport(pl, theWeek, gs, leagueId, "TE", Constants.K_RECEIVER_CAT);
            DoRantsReport(pl, theWeek, gs, leagueId, "PK", Constants.K_KICKER_CAT);
        public void RenderDefensiveScoringReport( NFLWeek week )
            var offset = -6;
             if ( week.WeekNo < 2 )
            //  do the whole of last season
            offset = - Constants.K_WEEKS_IN_REGULAR_SEASON;

             var tl = new TeamLister
               Heading = string.Format("{0}\\defense\\Defensive Scoring-{1:0#}", week.Season, week.WeekNo ),
               SubHeading = string.Format( "last {0} weeks", offset )
             ICalculate myCalculator = new DefensiveScoringCalculator( week, offset );
             FileOut = tl.RenderTeams(myCalculator);
Beispiel #14
        public override decimal GetStat( NFLWeek week )
            decimal stat = 0.0M;
            //  important stat is sacks made
            //  determine which game
            NFLGame game = week.GameFor( Team.TeamCode );

            if ( game != null )
                //  get sacks
                stat = Utility.TflWs.GetTotStats( Team.TeamCode, RosterLib.Constants.K_QUARTERBACK_SACKS,  week.Season, week.ZeroWeek(), game.GameCode );
                stat = -1.0M;
               return stat;
        public override decimal GetStat( NFLWeek week )
            int stat = 0;

            //  important stat is Tdp

            //  determine which game
            NFLGame game = week.GameFor( Team.TeamCode );

            if ( game != null )
                //  get Tdp
                stat = Utility.TflWs.GetTotTeamScoresFor( RosterLib.Constants.K_SCORE_TD_PASS, Team.TeamCode, week.Season, week.ZeroWeek(), game.GameCode );
                stat = -1;
               return stat;
Beispiel #16
        public override decimal GetStat(NFLWeek week)
            decimal stat = 0.0M;
            //  important stat is sacks made
            //  determine which game
            NFLGame game = week.GameFor(Team.TeamCode);

            if (game != null)
                //  get sacks
                stat = Utility.TflWs.GetTotStats(Team.TeamCode, RosterLib.Constants.K_QUARTERBACK_SACKS, week.Season, week.ZeroWeek(), game.GameCode);
                stat = -1.0M;
Beispiel #17
        public NFLPlayer TopDog(NflTeam team, string theWeek, DataSet gameDs)
            var game   = new NFLGame(gameDs.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
            var week   = new NFLWeek(Season, theWeek);
            var scorer = new YahooXmlScorer(week);
            List <NFLPlayer> playerList = new List <NFLPlayer>();

            if (game.IsAway(team.TeamCode))
                playerList = game.LoadAllFantasyAwayPlayers(null, PositionCategory);
                playerList = game.LoadAllFantasyHomePlayers(null, PositionCategory);
            NFLPlayer topDog = new NFLPlayer()
                Points = 0

            foreach (var p in playerList)
                if (PositionAbbr == "TE")
                    if (!p.IsTe())
                if (PositionAbbr == "QB")
                    if (!p.IsQb())
                p.Points = scorer.RatePlayer(p, week);
                if (p.Points > topDog.Points)
                    topDog = p;
        public void RenderDefensiveScoringReport(NFLWeek week)
            var offset = -4;

            if (week.WeekNo < 2)
                //  do the whole of last season
                offset = -Constants.K_WEEKS_IN_REGULAR_SEASON;

            var tl = new TeamLister
                Heading    = string.Format("{0}\\defense\\Defensive Scoring-{1:0#}", week.Season, week.WeekNo),
                SubHeading = string.Format("last {0} weeks", offset)
            ICalculate myCalculator = new DefensiveScoringCalculator(week, offset);

            FileOut = tl.RenderTeams(myCalculator);
        public override decimal GetStat( NFLWeek week )
            int stat = 0;

            //  important stat is FG

            //  determine which game
            NFLGame game = week.GameFor( Team.TeamCode );

            if ( game != null )
                //  get FG allowed
                NflTeam opp = game.OpponentTeam( Team.TeamCode );
                stat = Utility.TflWs.GetTotTeamScoresFor( RosterLib.Constants.K_SCORE_FIELD_GOAL, opp.TeamCode, week.Season, week.ZeroWeek(), game.GameCode );
                stat = -1;
               return stat;
        private NFLPlayerPicksRecord CreatePlayerPicksRecord(AspNetUser player, NFLWeek week, IEnumerable <NFLPickRecord> records, int numberOfGames)
            var nflPlayerRecord = new NFLPlayerPicksRecord();

            nflPlayerRecord.Player.LastName  = player.LastName;
            nflPlayerRecord.Player.FirstName = player.FirstName;
            nflPlayerRecord.Player.NickName  = player.NickName;
            nflPlayerRecord.NFLWeekId        = week.NFLWeekId;
            nflPlayerRecord.WinsCount        = 0;
            nflPlayerRecord.LosesCount       = numberOfGames;

            foreach (var record in records.Where(r => r.NFLWeekId == week.NFLWeekId && r.UserId == player.Id))
                nflPlayerRecord.WinsCount  = record.Wins;
                nflPlayerRecord.LosesCount = numberOfGames - record.Wins;

Beispiel #21
        public void TestYahooPerformanceUptoCurrent()
            var pl       = new PlayerLister();
            var theWeek  = new NFLWeek(seasonIn: 2013, weekIn: System.Int32.Parse(Utility.CurrentWeek()), loadGames: false);
            var gs       = new EspnScorer(theWeek);
            var leagueId = Constants.K_LEAGUE_Yahoo;
            var rptPos   = "RB";

            pl.StartersOnly = true;          // more thorough to do false
            pl.SetFormat("weekly");          //  as opposed to "annual" totals
            pl.AllWeeks = false;             //  just the regular season
            pl.Season   = theWeek.Season;
            pl.Collect(catCode: Constants.K_RUNNINGBACK_CAT, sPos: rptPos, fantasyLeague: leagueId);
            var targetFile = string.Format("{2}{0}//Performance//Yahoo {1} Performance {0}-{3}.htm", pl.Season, rptPos, Utility.OutputDirectory(), leagueId);

            Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(pl.FileOut), string.Format("Cannot find {0}", pl.FileOut));
Beispiel #22
        public override decimal GetStat(NFLWeek week)
            int stat = 0;

            //  important stat is Tdp

            //  determine which game
            NFLGame game = week.GameFor(Team.TeamCode);

            if (game != null)
                //  get Tdp
                stat = Utility.TflWs.GetTotTeamScoresFor(RosterLib.Constants.K_SCORE_TD_PASS, Team.TeamCode, week.Season, week.ZeroWeek(), game.GameCode);
                stat = -1;
Beispiel #23
        public IEnumerable <Winner> GetWinners()
            var week    = new NFLWeek(Season, Week);
            var winners = new List <Winner>();

            foreach (NFLGame g in week.GameList())
                var teamCode = g.BookieTip.WinningTeam();
                var winner   = new Winner
                    Team   = g.Team(teamCode),
                    Margin = Math.Abs(g.Spread),
                    Home   = g.IsHome(teamCode),
                    Game   = g

        public override decimal GetStat(NFLWeek week)
            int stat = 0;

            //  important stat is FG

            //  determine which game
            NFLGame game = week.GameFor(Team.TeamCode);

            if (game != null)
                //  get FG allowed
                NflTeam opp = game.OpponentTeam(Team.TeamCode);
                stat = Utility.TflWs.GetTotTeamScoresFor(RosterLib.Constants.K_SCORE_FIELD_GOAL, opp.TeamCode, week.Season, week.ZeroWeek(), game.GameCode);
                stat = -1;
Beispiel #25
        public IList <Loser> GetLosers()
            var week   = new NFLWeek(Season, Week);
            var losers = new List <Loser>();

            foreach (NFLGame g in week.GameList())
                var teamCode = g.BookieTip.LosingTeam();

                var loser = new Loser
                    PointsFor = g.BookieTip.LosingScore(),
                    Team      = g.Team(teamCode),
                    Margin    = Math.Abs(g.Spread),
                    Home      = g.IsHome(teamCode),
                    Game      = g

 public NFLUKTeamScorer()
     Name = " Scorer";
     Week = new NFLWeek(Utility.CurrentWeek(), Utility.CurrentSeason());
Beispiel #27
        private IEnumerable<Winner> GetWinners()
            var week = new NFLWeek( Season, Week );
             var winners = new List<Winner>();
             foreach ( NFLGame g in week.GameList() )
            var teamCode = g.BookieTip.WinningTeam();
            var winner = new Winner
               Team = g.Team( teamCode ),
               Margin = Math.Abs( g.Spread ),
               Home = g.IsHome( teamCode ),
               Game = g
            winners.Add( winner );

             return winners;
 public TeamMetricsUpdateReport(IKeepTheTime timekeeper) : base(timekeeper)
     Name   = "Team Metrics Update Report";
     Season = timekeeper.CurrentSeason();
     Week   = new NFLWeek(Season, timekeeper.PreviousWeek());
 public NFLUKTeamScorer()
     Name = " Scorer";
     Week = new NFLWeek(Utility.CurrentWeek(), Utility.CurrentSeason());
 public void RenderDefensiveReports(NFLWeek week)
 public TeamMetricsUpdateReport( IKeepTheTime timekeeper )
     Name = "Team Metrics Update Report";
      Season = timekeeper.CurrentSeason();
      Week = new NFLWeek( Season, timekeeper.PreviousWeek() );
 public void RenderDefensiveReports( NFLWeek week )
     RenderDefensiveScoringReport( week );
      RenderTeamToDefendAgainst( week );