Beispiel #1
 public static extern uint NCryptDeriveKey(SafeNCryptSecretHandle hSharedSecret,
                                           string kdf,
                                           NCryptBufferDesc parameterList,
                                           byte[] derivedKey,
                                           uint derivedKeyByteSize,
                                           out uint result,
                                           uint flags);
        private static unsafe byte[] DeriveKeyMaterial(SafeNCryptSecretHandle secretAgreement, string kdf, NCryptBuffer[] parameters, SecretAgreementFlags flags)
            fixed(NCryptBuffer *bufferRef = parameters)
                NCryptBufferDesc pParameterList = new NCryptBufferDesc {
                    ulVersion = 0,
                    cBuffers  = parameters.Length,
                    pBuffers  = new IntPtr((void *)bufferRef)
                int       pcbResult = 0;
                ErrorCode code      = UnsafeNativeMethods.NCryptDeriveKey(secretAgreement, kdf, ref pParameterList, null, 0, out pcbResult, flags);

                if ((code != ErrorCode.Success) && (code != ErrorCode.BufferTooSmall))
                    throw new CryptographicException((int)code);
                byte[] pbDerivedKey = new byte[pcbResult];
                code = UnsafeNativeMethods.NCryptDeriveKey(secretAgreement, kdf, ref pParameterList, pbDerivedKey, pbDerivedKey.Length, out pcbResult, flags);
                if (code != ErrorCode.Success)
                    throw new CryptographicException((int)code);
Beispiel #3
 public static extern uint NCryptDeriveKey(SafeNCryptSecretHandle hSharedSecret,
                                           string kdf,
                                           NCryptBufferDesc parameterList,
                                           byte[] derivedKey,
                                           uint derivedKeyByteSize,
                                           out uint result,
                                           uint flags);
 private static extern ErrorCode NCryptDeriveKey(
     SafeNCryptSecretHandle hSharedSecret,
     string pwszKDF,
     [In] ref NCryptBufferDesc pParameterList,
     [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[]?pbDerivedKey,
     int cbDerivedKey,
     [Out] out int pcbResult,
     SecretAgreementFlags dwFlags);
Beispiel #5
 public static extern ErrorCode NCryptDeriveKey(
     SafeNCryptSecretHandle hSharedSecret,
     [In] string pwszKDF,
     [In] ref NCryptBufferDesc pParameterList,
     [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray), In, Out] byte[] pbDerivedKey,
     int cbDerivedKey,
     [Out] out int pcbResult,
     int dwFlags);
Beispiel #6
 public static extern int NCryptExportKey(
     SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey,
     IntPtr hExportKey,
     string pszBlobType,
     ref NCryptBufferDesc pParameterList,
     byte[] pbOutput,
     int cbOutput,
     [Out] out int pcbResult,
     int dwFlags);
Beispiel #7
 public static extern int NCryptImportKey(
     SafeNCryptProviderHandle hProvider,
     IntPtr hImportKey,
     string pszBlobType,
     ref NCryptBufferDesc pParameterList,
     out SafeNCryptKeyHandle phKey,
     IntPtr pbData,
     int cbData,
     NCryptImportFlags dwFlags);
 internal static extern int NCryptImportKey(
     SafeNCryptProviderHandle hProvider,
     IntPtr hImportKey, // NCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE
     string pszBlobType,
     ref NCryptBufferDesc pParameterList,
     [Out] out SafeNCryptKeyHandle phKey,
     [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] pbData,
     int cbData,
     int dwFlags);
        private static unsafe byte[] DeriveKeyMaterial(
            SafeNCryptSecretHandle secretAgreement,
            string kdf,
            ReadOnlySpan <NCryptBuffer> parameters,
            SecretAgreementFlags flags)
            fixed(NCryptBuffer *pParameters = &MemoryMarshal.GetReference(parameters))
                NCryptBufferDesc parameterDesc = default;

                parameterDesc.ulVersion = 0;
                parameterDesc.cBuffers  = parameters.Length;
                parameterDesc.pBuffers  = new IntPtr(pParameters);

                // Figure out how big the key material is
                ErrorCode error = NCryptDeriveKey(
                    ref parameterDesc,
                    out int keySize,

                if (error != ErrorCode.ERROR_SUCCESS && error != ErrorCode.NTE_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL)
                    throw error.ToCryptographicException();

                // Allocate memory for the key material and generate it
                byte[] keyMaterial = new byte[keySize];

                error = NCryptDeriveKey(
                    ref parameterDesc,
                    out keySize,

                if (error != ErrorCode.ERROR_SUCCESS)
                    throw error.ToCryptographicException();

                // Just in case it shrank the answer once it had a buffer.
                Array.Resize(ref keyMaterial, Math.Min(keySize, keyMaterial.Length));
Beispiel #10
 public static extern unsafe SECURITY_STATUS NCryptExportKey(
     SafeKeyHandle hKey,
     SafeKeyHandle hExportKey,
     string pszBlobType,
     NCryptBufferDesc* pParameterList,
     byte[] pbOutput,
     int cbOutput,
     out int pcbResult,
     NCryptExportKeyFlags dwFlags = NCryptExportKeyFlags.None);
Beispiel #11
 internal static extern ErrorCode NCryptExportKey(SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, IntPtr hExportKey, string pszBlobType, ref NCryptBufferDesc pParameterList, ref byte pbOutput, int cbOutput, [Out] out int pcbResult, int dwFlags);
Beispiel #12
 internal static extern ErrorCode NCryptImportKey(SafeNCryptProviderHandle hProvider, IntPtr hImportKey, string pszBlobType, ref NCryptBufferDesc pParameterList, [Out] out SafeNCryptKeyHandle phKey, ref byte pbData, int cbData, int dwFlags);
Beispiel #13
 public static extern unsafe SECURITY_STATUS NCryptImportKey(
     SafeProviderHandle hProvider,
     SafeKeyHandle hImportKey,
     string pszBlobType,
     NCryptBufferDesc* pParameterList,
     out SafeKeyHandle phKey,
     byte* pbData,
     int cbData,
     NCryptExportKeyFlags dwFlags = NCryptExportKeyFlags.None);
Beispiel #14
 public static extern unsafe SECURITY_STATUS NCryptDeriveKey(
     SafeSecretHandle hSharedSecret,
     string pwszKDF,
     NCryptBufferDesc* pParameterList,
     byte* pbDerivedKey,
     int cbDerivedKey,
     out int pcbResult,
     NCryptDeriveKeyFlags dwFlags = NCryptDeriveKeyFlags.None);
Beispiel #15
 public static extern unsafe SECURITY_STATUS NCryptKeyDerivation(
     SafeKeyHandle hKey,
     NCryptBufferDesc* pParameterList,
     byte* pbDerivedKey,
     int cbDerivedKey,
     out int pcbResult,
     NCryptKeyDerivationFlags dwFlags = NCryptKeyDerivationFlags.None);