protected override NWidget CreateExampleControls()
            NStackPanel stack = new NStackPanel();

            // create the columns combo box
                stack.Add(new NLabel("Select Column:"));
                m_ColumnsComboBox = new NComboBox();
                for (int i = 0; i < m_GridView.Grid.Columns.Count; i++)
                    NColumn       column = m_GridView.Grid.Columns[i];
                    NComboBoxItem item   = new NComboBoxItem(column.Title);
                    item.Tag = column;

                m_ColumnsComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += OnColumnsComboBoxSelectedIndexChanged;

                // create the columns
                m_ColumnPropertiesHolder = new NContentHolder();
                stack.Add(new NGroupBox("Selected Column Properties", m_ColumnPropertiesHolder));

        protected override NWidget CreateExampleContent()

            m_CalculatorHost         = new NContentHolder();
            m_CalculatorHost.Content = CreateLoanCalculator();
        private void OnDragDropTextTarget(NDragEventArgs args)
            object data = args.DataObject.GetData(NDataFormat.TextFormat);

            if (data != null)
                NContentHolder contentHolder = args.CurrentTargetNode as NContentHolder;
                contentHolder.Content = new NLabel("Dropped Text:{" + (string)data + "}. Drop another text...");
        private NContentHolder CreateDemoElement(string text)
            NContentHolder element = new NContentHolder(text);

            element.Border          = NBorder.CreateFilledBorder(NColor.Black, 2, 5);
            element.BorderThickness = new NMargins(1);
            element.BackgroundFill  = new NColorFill(NColor.PapayaWhip);
            element.TextFill        = new NColorFill(NColor.Black);
            element.Padding         = new NMargins(1);
Beispiel #5
        protected override NWidget CreateExampleContent()
            NStackPanel stack = new NStackPanel();

            stack.FitMode  = ENStackFitMode.Last;
            stack.FillMode = ENStackFillMode.Last;


            m_ResponseContentHolder = new NContentHolder();
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the default docked widget for this example, that is docked to the specified area.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dockArea"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private NWidget CreateDockedWidget(ENDockArea dockArea)
            NLabel label = new NLabel(dockArea.ToString() + "(" + m_DockPanel.Count.ToString() + ")");

            label.HorizontalPlacement = ENHorizontalPlacement.Center;
            label.VerticalPlacement   = ENVerticalPlacement.Center;

            NWidget widget = new NContentHolder(label);

            widget.Border          = NBorder.CreateFilledBorder(NColor.Black);
            widget.BorderThickness = new NMargins(1);
            SetDockArea(widget, dockArea);
Beispiel #7
        private NWidget CreateBoxContent(string text, NColor borderColor)
            NLabel label = new NLabel(text);

            label.HorizontalPlacement = ENHorizontalPlacement.Center;
            label.VerticalPlacement   = ENVerticalPlacement.Center;

            NContentHolder contentElement = new NContentHolder(label);

            contentElement.Border          = NBorder.CreateFilledBorder(borderColor);
            contentElement.BorderThickness = new NMargins(1);
            contentElement.Padding         = new NMargins(2);

Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the example content, controls and description.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Initialize()
            m_SourceCodeHolder = new NContentHolder();
            NWidget content  = CreateExampleContent();
            NWidget controls = CreateExampleControls();

            NSplitter mainSplitter = new NSplitter();

            mainSplitter.Orientation = ENHVOrientation.Vertical;
            mainSplitter.SplitMode   = ENSplitterSplitMode.OffsetFromFarSide;
            mainSplitter.SplitOffset = 150;

            // create the description group, which is the master in the first split
            mainSplitter.Pane2.Content = CreateExampleDescription();

            // create the example tab control
            NTab exampleTab = new NTab();

            exampleTab.SelectedIndexChanged += OnExampleTabSelectedIndexChanged;
            m_ExampleTabPage = new NTabPage("Example", content);
            exampleTab.TabPages.Add(new NTabPage("Source", m_SourceCodeHolder));

            if (controls != null)
                // create the second split, which is the slave of the first slit
                NSplitter exampleSplitter = new NSplitter();
                exampleSplitter.SplitOffset = 300;
                exampleSplitter.SplitMode   = ENSplitterSplitMode.OffsetFromFarSide;
                mainSplitter.Pane1.Content  = exampleSplitter;

                // create the control group, which is the slave in the second split
                NGroupBox controlGroup = new NGroupBox("Controls", controls);
                exampleSplitter.Pane2.Content = controlGroup;

                // set the example tab control as the slave in the second split
                exampleSplitter.Pane1.Content = exampleTab;
                mainSplitter.Pane1.Content = exampleTab;

            Content = mainSplitter;
Beispiel #9
        protected override NWidget CreateExampleContent()
            m_Label = new NLabel("Click me with the right mouse button");
            m_Label.HorizontalPlacement = ENHorizontalPlacement.Center;
            m_Label.VerticalPlacement   = ENVerticalPlacement.Center;
            m_Label.Font     = new NFont(NFontDescriptor.DefaultSansFamilyName, 10, ENFontStyle.Regular);
            m_Label.TextFill = new NColorFill(NColor.Black);

            NContentHolder widget = new NContentHolder(m_Label);

            widget.HorizontalPlacement = ENHorizontalPlacement.Left;
            widget.VerticalPlacement   = ENVerticalPlacement.Top;
            widget.BackgroundFill      = new NColorFill(NColor.PapayaWhip);
            widget.Border          = NBorder.CreateFilledBorder(NColor.Black);
            widget.BorderThickness = new NMargins(1);
            widget.PreferredSize   = new NSize(300, 100);
            widget.MouseDown      += new Function <NMouseButtonEventArgs>(OnTargetWidgetMouseDown);

        private NWidget CreateWidget(string text, CreateMenuDelegate createMenuDelegate)
            NLabel label = new NLabel(text);

            label.HorizontalPlacement = ENHorizontalPlacement.Center;
            label.VerticalPlacement   = ENVerticalPlacement.Center;
            label.TextFill            = new NColorFill(NColor.Black);

            NContentHolder widget = new NContentHolder(label);

            widget.HorizontalPlacement = ENHorizontalPlacement.Left;
            widget.VerticalPlacement   = ENVerticalPlacement.Top;
            widget.BackgroundFill      = new NColorFill(NColor.PapayaWhip);
            widget.Border          = NBorder.CreateFilledBorder(NColor.Black);
            widget.BorderThickness = new NMargins(1);
            widget.PreferredSize   = new NSize(200, 100);
            widget.Tag             = createMenuDelegate;
            widget.MouseDown      += new Function <NMouseButtonEventArgs>(OnTargetWidgetMouseDown);

 protected override Nov.UI.NWidget CreateExampleControls()
     m_PropertyEditorHolder = new NContentHolder();
        protected override NWidget CreateExampleContent()
            // sources
            NGroupBox sourcesGroup = new NGroupBox("Drag Drop Sources");
                NStackPanel sourcesStack = new NStackPanel();
                sourcesGroup.Content = sourcesStack;

                NContentHolder textSource1 = CreateDemoElement("Drag Source Text 1");
                NDataObject    dataObject1 = new NDataObject();
                dataObject1.SetData(NDataFormat.TextFormat, "Text string 1");
                textSource1.Tag = dataObject1;
                textSource1.MouseDown += new Function <NMouseButtonEventArgs>(OnSourceMouseDown);

                NContentHolder textSource2 = CreateDemoElement("Drag Source Text 2");
                NDataObject    dataObject2 = new NDataObject();
                dataObject2.SetData(NDataFormat.TextFormat, "Text string 2");
                textSource2.Tag = dataObject2;
                textSource2.MouseDown += new Function <NMouseButtonEventArgs>(OnSourceMouseDown);

                //NContentHolder widgetSource1 = CreateDemoElement("Drag Button");
                //widgetSource1.Tag = new NContentDataObject(new NButton("Widget In Drag and Drop"));
                //widgetSource1.MouseDown += new Function<NMouseEventArgs>(OnSourceMouseDown);

                //NContentHolder compositeSource1 = CreateDemoElement("Composite Data Object");
                //compositeSource1.Tag = new NCompositeDataObject(
                //    new NContentDataObject(new NButton("Widget In Drag and Drop")),
                //    new NContentDataObject("Hello there"));
                //compositeSource1.MouseDown += new Function<NMouseEventArgs>(OnSourceMouseDown);

            // targets
            NGroupBox targetsGroup = new NGroupBox("Drop Targets");
                NStackPanel targetsStack = new NStackPanel();
                targetsGroup.Content = targetsStack;

                NContentHolder dropTextTarget = CreateDemoElement("Drop Text On Me");

                dropTextTarget.DragOver += new Function <NDragActionEventArgs>(OnDragOverTextTarget);
                dropTextTarget.DragDrop += new Function <NDragActionEventArgs>(OnDragDropTextTarget);

            // create the source and targets splitter
            NSplitter splitter = new NSplitter();

            splitter.SplitMode     = ENSplitterSplitMode.Proportional;
            splitter.SplitFactor   = 0.5d;
            splitter.Pane1.Content = sourcesGroup;
            splitter.Pane2.Content = targetsGroup;

            // create the inspector on the bottom
            NGroupBox inspectorGroup = new NGroupBox("Data Object Ispector");

            NListBox inspector = new NListBox();

            inspectorGroup.Content = inspector;

            inspector.DragEnter += new Function <NDragOverChangeEventArgs>(OnInspectorDragEnter);
            inspector.DragLeave += new Function <NDragOverChangeEventArgs>(OnInspectorDragLeave);

            NStackPanel stack = new NStackPanel();

            stack.HorizontalPlacement = ENHorizontalPlacement.Fit;
            stack.VerticalPlacement   = ENVerticalPlacement.Fit;
            stack.FillMode            = ENStackFillMode.Last;

Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the book store interface
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="activePage"></param>
        void CreateBookStore(NPage activePage)
            const double x1 = 50;
            const double x2 = x1 + 200;
            const double x3 = x2 + 50;
            const double x4 = x3 + 400;

            const double y1 = 50;
            const double y2 = y1 + 50;
            const double y3 = y2 + 50;
            const double y4 = y3 + 20;
            const double y5 = y4 + 200;
            const double y6 = y5 + 20;
            const double y7 = y6 + 50;

            // prev button
            NShape prevButtonShape = CreateButtonShape("Show Prev Book");

            SetLeftTop(prevButtonShape, new NPoint(x1, y1));
            ((NButton)prevButtonShape.Widget).Click += delegate(NEventArgs args)
                LoadBook(m_nSelectedBook - 1);

            // next button
            NShape nextButtonShape = CreateButtonShape("Show Next Book");

            SetRightTop(nextButtonShape, new NPoint(x2, y1));
            ((NButton)nextButtonShape.Widget).Click += delegate(NEventArgs args)
                LoadBook(m_nSelectedBook + 1);

            // add to cart
            NShape addToCartButton = CreateButtonShape("Add to Cart");

            SetRightTop(addToCartButton, new NPoint(x2, y6));
            ((NButton)addToCartButton.Widget).Click += delegate(NEventArgs args)
                m_ShoppingCart.AddItem(m_Books[m_nSelectedBook], this);

            // create selected book shapes
            NBasicShapeFactory basicShapes = new NBasicShapeFactory();

            // selected image
            m_SelectedBookImage = basicShapes.CreateShape(ENBasicShape.Rectangle);
            SetLeftTop(m_SelectedBookImage, new NPoint(x1, y2));
            NSize minBookSize = GetMinBookImageSize();

            m_SelectedBookImage.Width  = x2 - x1;
            m_SelectedBookImage.Height = y5 - y2;

            // selected title
            m_SelectedBookTitle = basicShapes.CreateShape(ENBasicShape.Text);
            m_SelectedBookTitle.TextBlock.FontSize = 25;
            m_SelectedBookTitle.TextBlock.Fill     = new NColorFill(NColor.DarkBlue);
            SetLeftTop(m_SelectedBookTitle, new NPoint(x3, y2));
            m_SelectedBookTitle.Width  = x4 - x3;
            m_SelectedBookTitle.Height = y3 - y2;

            // selected description
            m_SelectedBookDescription = basicShapes.CreateShape(ENBasicShape.Text);
            SetLeftTop(m_SelectedBookDescription, new NPoint(x3, y4));
            m_SelectedBookDescription.Width  = x4 - x3;
            m_SelectedBookDescription.Height = y5 - y4;

            // load the first book

            // create the shape that hosts the shopping cart widget
            NShape shoppingCartShape = new NShape();

            m_ShoppingCartWidget         = new NContentHolder();
            m_ShoppingCartWidget.Content = m_ShoppingCart.CreateWidget(this);
            shoppingCartShape.Widget     = m_ShoppingCartWidget;
            SetLeftTop(shoppingCartShape, new NPoint(x1, y7));