private List <Plot> Plots;                      // List of 'Plot' class objects for fast slide re-loading

    // Initialising the program
    void Start()
        GameObject Camera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera");             // Fetch the Camera object which is a child of the "Player" Object.

        NBodyPlotter         = Camera.GetComponent <NBodyPlotter>();                    // Assign the NBodyPlotter.cs script attached to the Camera object to variable name "NBodyPlotter"
        NBodyPlotter.enabled = false;                                                   // NBodyPlotter.cs should be disabled anyway but just in case...

        // Set the parameters from the inspector
        NBodyPlotter.m_numBodies       = m_numBodies;
        NBodyPlotter.m_spacingScale    = m_spacingScale;
        NBodyPlotter.m_zOffset         = m_zOffset;
        NBodyPlotter.m_neighbourRadius = m_neighbourRadius;
        NBodyPlotter.m_defaultMass     = m_defaultMass;

        Plots = new List <Plot>(0);                                                     // Initialise the list as empty

        DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(Application.streamingAssetsPath);         // Obtain the Directory path of the StreamingAssets folder bundles with the game build

        ParticleData = dir.GetFiles("*.csv");                                           // Populate the FileInfo array with the files in the directory.

        NBodyPlotter.m_particleDataFile = ParticleData[currentFileIndex];               // Set the file to be loaded to the first one (currentFileIndex was initialised to 0)

        NBodyPlotter.SetPlots(Plots);                                                   // Set the variable 'Plots' in NBodyPlotter to the (empty) list held in this script.
        NBodyPlotter.enabled = true;                                                    // Launch the program!
        Plots = NBodyPlotter.ReturnPlots();                                             // Update the list of Plots with the loaded slide.
    // Public functions. These are called from Click.cs and SimpleXboxControllerInput.cs
    // Plot the next file and update the list of Plots.
    public void NextParticleData()
        NBodyPlotter.enabled = false;                                                   // Disable the plotting script so it can be re-enabled where all the plotting happens

        if (currentFileIndex == ParticleData.Length - 1)
            currentFileIndex = 0;
        }                                                                               // Cycle the index
        }                                                                               //
        NBodyPlotter.m_particleDataFile = ParticleData[currentFileIndex];               // Use the index to retrieve and set the new file.

        NBodyPlotter.SetPlots(Plots);                                                   // Set the variable 'Plots' in NBodyPlotter to the (populated) list held in this script.
        NBodyPlotter.enabled = true;                                                    // Launch the program! Again!
        Plots = NBodyPlotter.ReturnPlots();                                             // Update the list of Plots.