private void WriteHeader()
     Array.Copy(Constants.PACK_SIGNATURE, 0, _buf, 0, 4);
     NB.encodeInt32(_buf, 4, PackVersionGenerated);
     NB.encodeInt32(_buf, 8, getObjectsNumber());
     _pos.Write(_buf, 0, 12);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pIdx"></param>
        /// <param name="when">
        /// New cached modification date of the file, in milliseconds.
        /// </param>
        private void EncodeTimestamp(int pIdx, long when)
            int @base = _infoOffset + pIdx;

            NB.encodeInt32(_info, @base, (int)(when / 1000));
            NB.encodeInt32(_info, @base + 4, ((int)(when % 1000)) * 1000000);
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Copy this ObjectId to a byte array.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="buf">the buffer to copy to.</param>
 /// <param name="off">the offset within b to write at.</param>
 public void copyRawTo(byte[] buf, int off)
     NB.encodeInt32(buf, 0 + off, W1);
     NB.encodeInt32(buf, 4 + off, W2);
     NB.encodeInt32(buf, 8 + off, W3);
     NB.encodeInt32(buf, 12 + off, W4);
     NB.encodeInt32(buf, 16 + off, W5);
 private void WriteCRCs()
     foreach (PackedObjectInfo oe in entries)
         NB.encodeInt32(tmp, 0, oe.CRC);
         _stream.BaseStream.Write(tmp, 0, 4);
Beispiel #5
        private void WriteTo(Stream os)
            MessageDigest foot = Constants.newMessageDigest();
            var           dos  = new DigestOutputStream(os, foot);

            // Write the header.
            var tmp = new byte[128];

            Array.Copy(SigDirc, 0, tmp, 0, SigDirc.Length);
            NB.encodeInt32(tmp, 4, /* version */ 2);
            NB.encodeInt32(tmp, 8, _entryCnt);
            dos.Write(tmp, 0, 12);

            // Write the individual file entries.
            if (_lastModified <= 0)
                // Write a new index, as no entries require smudging.
                for (int i = 0; i < _entryCnt; i++)
                int smudge_s  = (int)(_lastModified / 1000);
                int smudge_ns = ((int)(_lastModified % 1000)) * 1000000;
                for (int i = 0; i < _entryCnt; i++)
                    DirCacheEntry e = _sortedEntries[i];
                    if (e.mightBeRacilyClean(smudge_s, smudge_ns))

            if (_cacheTree != null)
                var bb = new LocalFileBuffer();
                _cacheTree.write(tmp, bb);

                NB.encodeInt32(tmp, 0, ExtTree);
                NB.encodeInt32(tmp, 4, (int)bb.Length);
                dos.Write(tmp, 0, 8);
                bb.writeTo(dos, null);
            var hash = foot.Digest();

            os.Write(hash, 0, hash.Length);
Beispiel #6
        private void WriteTo(Stream os)
            MessageDigest foot = Constants.newMessageDigest();
            var           dos  = new DigestOutputStream(os, foot);

            // Write the header.
            var tmp = new byte[128];

            Array.Copy(SigDirc, 0, tmp, 0, SigDirc.Length);
            NB.encodeInt32(tmp, 4, /* version */ 2);
            NB.encodeInt32(tmp, 8, _entryCnt);
            dos.Write(tmp, 0, 12);

            // Write the individual file entries.
            if (_lastModified == DateTime.MinValue)
                // Write a new index, as no entries require smudging.
                for (int i = 0; i < _entryCnt; i++)
                var smudge_s  = _lastModified.ToUnixTime();
                var smudge_ns = _lastModified.Millisecond * 1000000;                 // [henon] <--- this could be done with much more precision in C# since DateTime has 100 nanosec ticks
                for (int i = 0; i < _entryCnt; i++)
                    DirCacheEntry e = _sortedEntries[i];
                    if (e.mightBeRacilyClean(smudge_s, smudge_ns))

            if (_cacheTree != null)
                var bb = new TemporaryBuffer();
                _cacheTree.write(tmp, bb);

                NB.encodeInt32(tmp, 0, ExtTree);
                NB.encodeInt32(tmp, 4, (int)bb.Length);
                dos.Write(tmp, 0, 8);
                bb.writeTo(dos, null);
            var hash = foot.Digest();

            os.Write(hash, 0, hash.Length);
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy this ObjectId to an output writer in hex format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">the stream to copy to.</param>
        public void copyRawTo(Stream s)
            var buf = new byte[20];

            NB.encodeInt32(buf, 0, W1);
            NB.encodeInt32(buf, 4, W2);
            NB.encodeInt32(buf, 8, W3);
            NB.encodeInt32(buf, 12, W4);
            NB.encodeInt32(buf, 16, W5);
            s.Write(buf, 0, 20);
Beispiel #8
        ///	<summary>
        /// Set the file mode for this entry.
        ///	</summary>
        ///	<param name="mode"> The new mode constant. </param>
        public void setFileMode(FileMode mode)
            switch (mode.Bits & FileMode.TYPE_MASK)
            case FileMode.TYPE_MISSING:
            case FileMode.TYPE_TREE:
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid mode " + mode.Bits
                                            + " for path " + getPathString());

            NB.encodeInt32(_info, _infoOffset + PMode, mode.Bits);
Beispiel #9
        public void testEncodeInt32()
            var @out = new byte[16];

            NB.encodeInt32(@out, 0, 0);
            AssertOutput(b(0, 0, 0, 0), @out, 0);

            NB.encodeInt32(@out, 3, 0);
            AssertOutput(b(0, 0, 0, 0), @out, 3);

            NB.encodeInt32(@out, 0, 3);
            AssertOutput(b(0, 0, 0, 3), @out, 0);

            NB.encodeInt32(@out, 3, 3);
            AssertOutput(b(0, 0, 0, 3), @out, 3);

            NB.encodeInt32(@out, 0, 0xdeac);
            AssertOutput(b(0, 0, 0xde, 0xac), @out, 0);

            NB.encodeInt32(@out, 3, 0xdeac);
            AssertOutput(b(0, 0, 0xde, 0xac), @out, 3);

                NB.encodeInt32(@out, 0, (int)0xdeac9853);
            AssertOutput(b(0xde, 0xac, 0x98, 0x53), @out, 0);

                NB.encodeInt32(@out, 3, (int)0xdeac9853);
            AssertOutput(b(0xde, 0xac, 0x98, 0x53), @out, 3);

            NB.encodeInt32(@out, 3, -1);
            AssertOutput(b(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff), @out, 3);
        internal override void WriteInternal()

            foreach (PackedObjectInfo oe in entries)
                if (!CanStore(oe))
                    throw new IOException("Pack too large for index version 1");

                NB.encodeInt32(tmp, 0, (int)oe.Offset);
                oe.copyRawTo(tmp, 4);
                _stream.Write(tmp, 0, tmp.Length);

        private void WriteOffset32()
            int o64 = 0;

            foreach (PackedObjectInfo oe in entries)
                long o = oe.Offset;
                if (o < int.MaxValue)
                    NB.encodeInt32(tmp, 0, (int)o);
                    NB.encodeInt32(tmp, 0, (1 << 31) | o64++);
                _stream.BaseStream.Write(tmp, 0, 4);
        /// <summary>
        /// utput the standard 256 entry first-level fan-out table.
        /// <para />
        /// The fan-out table is 4 KB in size, holding 256 32-bit unsigned integer
        /// counts. Each count represents the number of objects within this index
        /// whose <see cref="AnyObjectId.GetFirstByte()"/> matches the count's position in the
        /// fan-out table.
        /// </summary>
        internal void WriteFanOutTable()
            int[] fanout = new int[256];
            foreach (PackedObjectInfo po in entries)
                fanout[po.GetFirstByte() & 0xff]++;

            for (int i = 1; i < 256; i++)
                fanout[i] += fanout[i - 1];

            foreach (int n in fanout)
                NB.encodeInt32(tmp, 0, n);
                _stream.Write(tmp, 0, 4);
 /// <summary>
 /// Output the version 2 (and later) TOC header, with version number.
 /// <para />
 /// Post version 1 all index files start with a TOC header that makes the
 /// file an invalid version 1 file, and then includes the version number.
 /// This header is necessary to recognize a version 1 from a version 2
 /// formatted index.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="version">Version number of this index format being written.</param>
 internal void WriteTOC(int version)
     NB.encodeInt32(tmp, 0, version);
     _stream.Write(tmp, 0, 4);
Beispiel #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the cached size (in bytes) of this file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sz">new cached size of the file, as bytes.</param>
 public void setLength(int sz)
     NB.encodeInt32(_info, _infoOffset + PSize, sz);
Beispiel #15
        private void FixHeaderFooter(IEnumerable <byte> origcsum, IEnumerable <byte> tailcsum)
            MessageDigest origDigest    = Constants.newMessageDigest();
            MessageDigest tailDigest    = Constants.newMessageDigest();
            long          origRemaining = _originalEof;

            _packOut.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            _bAvail  = 0;
            _bOffset = 0;

                var origCnt = (int)Math.Min(_bAvail, origRemaining);
                origDigest.Update(_buffer, 0, origCnt);
                origRemaining -= origCnt;
                if (origRemaining == 0)
                    tailDigest.Update(_buffer, origCnt, _bAvail - origCnt);

            NB.encodeInt32(_buffer, 8, _entryCount);
            _packOut.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            _packOut.Write(_buffer, 0, 12);
            _packOut.Seek(_bAvail, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            _packDigest.Update(_buffer, 0, _bAvail);

            while (true)
                int n = _packOut.Read(_buffer, 0, _buffer.Length);
                if (n <= 0)

                if (origRemaining != 0)
                    var origCnt = (int)Math.Min(n, origRemaining);
                    origDigest.Update(_buffer, 0, origCnt);
                    origRemaining -= origCnt;
                    if (origRemaining == 0)
                        tailDigest.Update(_buffer, origCnt, n - origCnt);
                    tailDigest.Update(_buffer, 0, n);

                _packDigest.Update(_buffer, 0, n);

            if (!origDigest.Digest().SequenceEqual(origcsum) || !tailDigest.Digest().SequenceEqual(tailcsum))
                throw new IOException("Pack corrupted while writing to filesystem");

            _packcsum = _packDigest.Digest();
            _packOut.Write(_packcsum, 0, _packcsum.Length);
Beispiel #16
 ///	<summary>
 /// Set the file mode for this entry.
 ///	</summary>
 ///	<param name="mode"> The new mode constant. </param>
 public void setFileMode(FileMode mode)
     NB.encodeInt32(_info, _infoOffset + PMode, mode.Bits);