public async Task EnumerateParallel(MyVector2 areaSizing, Action <MyColor[][], int, int, int> action, CancellationToken ct)
     await Task.Run(() => Parallel.For(0, _sprites.Length, (index, loopState) =>
         if (ct.IsCancellationRequested)
         EnumerateThroughSprite(areaSizing, index, action);
        private MyVector2 Compute2D(MyVector3 point)
            if (this.glProjector == null)
            MyVector2 pt2 = this.glProjector.Project(point).ToMyVector2();

            pt2.y = this.view.Height - pt2.y;
 public bool isExist(MyVector2 position, List <MyVector2> collections)
     foreach (MyVector2 data in collections)
         if (data.x == position.x && data.y == position.y)
Beispiel #4
        //Help method to calculate the average normal of two line segments
        private static MyVector2 GetAverageNormal(MyVector2 a, MyVector2 b, MyVector2 c)
            MyVector2 normal_1 = GetNormal(a, b);
            MyVector2 normal_2 = GetNormal(b, c);

            MyVector2 averageNormal = (normal_1 + normal_2) * 0.5f;

            averageNormal = MyVector2.Normalize(averageNormal);

        private MyVector2 GetCurvePointTagent(int i, double t)
            MyVector2 b0 = inputPoints[i];
            MyVector2 b1 = 2 * B[i] / 3.0 + B[i + 1] / 3.0;
            MyVector2 b2 = B[i] / 3.0 + 2 * B[i + 1] / 3.0;;
            MyVector2 b3 = inputPoints[i + 1];
            double    dt = 1.0 - t;
            double    t0 = -dt * dt * 3, t1 = 3 * (-2 * dt * t + dt * dt), t2 = 3 * (-t * t + 2 * t * dt), t3 = 3 * t * t;

            return(t0 * b0 + t1 * b1 + t2 * b2 + t3 * b3);
    private void CenterOfCircle(MyVector2 a, MyVector2 b, MyVector2 c)
        MyVector2 center = _Geometry.CalculateCircleCenter(a, b, c);
        //MyVector2 center = _Geometry.CalculateCircleCenter_Alternative2(a, b, c);

        //Debug.Log(center.x + " " + center.y);

        float radius = Vector3.Magnitude(a.ToVector3() - center.ToVector3());

        Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(center.ToVector3(), radius);
        private MyVector2 GetCurvePoint(int i, double t)
            MyVector2 b0 = inputPoints[i];
            MyVector2 b1 = 2 * B[i] / 3.0 + B[i + 1] / 3.0;
            MyVector2 b2 = B[i] / 3.0 + 2 * B[i + 1] / 3.0;
            MyVector2 b3 = inputPoints[i + 1];
            double    dt = 1.0 - t;
            double    t0 = dt * dt * dt, t1 = 3 * dt * dt * t, t2 = 3 * dt * t * t, t3 = t * t * t;

            return(t0 * b0 + t1 * b1 + t2 * b2 + t3 * b3);
    //Is a point intersecting with a circle?
    private void PointCircle()
        MyVector2 testPoint = pointTrans.position.ToMyVector2();

        MyVector2 circlePointA = t1_p1_trans.position.ToMyVector2();
        MyVector2 circlePointB = t1_p2_trans.position.ToMyVector2();
        MyVector2 circlePointC = t1_p3_trans.position.ToMyVector2();

        //Is a point in a circle determines by three other points
        IntersectionCases intersectionCases = _Intersections.PointCircle(circlePointA, circlePointB, circlePointC, testPoint);


        //Display the circle
        //if (intersectionCases == IntersectionCases.NoIntersection)
        //    Gizmos.color = Color.white;
        //if (intersectionCases == IntersectionCases.IsInside)
        //    Gizmos.color =;
        //if (intersectionCases == IntersectionCases.IsOnEdge)
        //    Gizmos.color =;

        MyVector2 centerOfCicle = _Geometry.CalculateCircleCenter(circlePointA, circlePointB, circlePointC);

        float radius = MyVector2.Distance(centerOfCicle, circlePointA);

        //Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(centerOfCicle.ToVector3(), radius);

        ////Display the points
        //float pointRadius = 0.2f;

        //Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(pointTrans.position, pointRadius);

        //Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(t1_p1_trans.position, pointRadius);
        //Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(t1_p2_trans.position, pointRadius);
        //Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(t1_p3_trans.position, pointRadius);

        //With mesh
        //Big circle
        TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayCircleMesh(centerOfCicle, radius, 60, Color.white);

        //Small circle
        Color circleColor = (intersectionCases == IntersectionCases.IsInside) ? : Color.white;

        TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayCircleMesh(testPoint, 1f, 20, circleColor);
Beispiel #9
        /*** calculate the distance from a given point to the line ***/
        public double GetDistance(MyVector2 point)
            double x0 = point.x;
            double y0 = point.y;

            double d = Math.Abs(a * x0 + b * y0 + c);

            d = d / (Math.Sqrt(a * a + b * b));

Beispiel #10
         *      Get point location, using windows coordinate system:
         *      y-axes points down.
         *      Return Value:
         *      -1:point at the left of the line (or above the line if the line is horizontal)
         *       0: point in the line segment or in the line segment 's extension
         *       1: point at right of the line (or below the line if the line is horizontal)
        public int GetPointLocation(MyVector2 point)
            double Ax, Ay, Bx, By, Cx, Cy;

            Bx = m_endPoint.x;
            By = m_endPoint.y;

            Ax = m_startPoint.x;
            Ay = m_startPoint.y;

            Cx = point.x;
            Cy = point.y;

            if (this.HorizontalLine())
                if (Math.Abs(Ay - Cy) < CPolygon.thresh)                 //equal
                else if (Ay > Cy)
                    return(-1);      //y Axis points down, point is above the line
                else                 //Ay<Cy
                    return(1);       //y Axis points down, point is below the line
            else             //Not a horizontal line
                //make the line direction bottom->up
                if (m_endPoint.y > m_startPoint.y)

                double L = this.GetLineSegmentLength();
                double s = ((Ay - Cy) * (Bx - Ax) - (Ax - Cx) * (By - Ay)) / (L * L);

                //Note: the y axis is pointing down:
                if (Math.Abs(s - 0) < CPolygon.thresh) //s=0
                    return(0);                         //point is in the line or line extension
                else if (s > 0)
                    return(-1);      //point is left of line or above the horizontal line
                else                 //s<0
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a matrix that is scaling from a specified center.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">Scaling factor that is applied along the x-axis.</param>
        /// <param name="y">Scaling factor that is applied along the y-axis.</param>
        /// <param name="center">The center of the scaling.</param>
        /// <param name="result">The created scaling matrix.</param>
        public static void Scaling(float x, float y, ref MyVector2 center, out MyMatrix3x2 result)
            MyMatrix3x2 localResult;

            localResult.M11 = x;     localResult.M12 = 0.0f;
            localResult.M21 = 0.0f;  localResult.M22 = y;

            localResult.M31 = center.X - (x * center.X);
            localResult.M32 = center.Y - (y * center.Y);

            result = localResult;
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a matrix that is scaling from a specified center.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">Scaling factor that is applied along the x-axis.</param>
        /// <param name="y">Scaling factor that is applied along the y-axis.</param>
        /// <param name="center">The center of the scaling.</param>
        /// <returns>The created scaling matrix.</returns>
        public static MyMatrix3x2 Scaling(float x, float y, MyVector2 center)
            MyMatrix3x2 result;

            result.M11 = x;     result.M12 = 0.0f;
            result.M21 = 0.0f;  result.M22 = y;

            result.M31 = center.X - (x * center.X);
            result.M32 = center.Y - (y * center.Y);

 public static void DrawCross2D(MyVector2 p, float size, Color c)
     GL.Color3(c.R, c.G, c.B);
     GL.Vertex2(p.x - size, p.y - size);
     GL.Vertex2(p.x + size, p.y + size);
     GL.Vertex2(p.x + size, p.y - size);
     GL.Vertex2(p.x - size, p.y + size);
         * To check whether a given point is a CPolygon Vertex
        public bool PolygonVertex(MyVector2 point)
            bool bVertex = false;
            int  nIndex  = VertexIndex(point);

            if ((nIndex >= 0) && (nIndex <= m_aVertices.Length - 1))
                bVertex = true;

    public void EnumerateCopy(MyVector2 areaDimensions, Action <MyColor[][], int, int, int> action)
        var copy = CopyArrayOf(_sprites);

        for (int i = 0; i < copy.Length; i++)
            enumerateThroughSprite(areaDimensions, copy[i], i, action);
        //for (int x = 0; x < copy[i].Length; x++)
        //    for (int y = 0; y < copy[i][x].Length; y++)
        //        action(copy[i], x, y);
    //Calculate the angle between Vector a and b both originating from c
    private void AngeBetweenVectors(MyVector2 a, MyVector2 b, MyVector2 c)
        Gizmos.DrawLine(pointCTrans.position, pointATrans.position);
        Gizmos.DrawLine(pointCTrans.position, pointBTrans.position);

        MyVector2 from = a - c;
        MyVector2 to   = b - c;

        float angle = MathUtility.AngleFromToCCW(from, to);

        Debug.Log(angle * Mathf.Rad2Deg);
        public void ViewingMouseWheel(MyVector2 mousepos, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            this.arcBall.Click(mousepos / scaleRatio, Trackball.MotionType.Scale);
            mousepos += mousepos * 0.6 * e.Delta;
            this.arcBall.Drag(mousepos / scaleRatio);
            MyMatrix4d ms = this.arcBall.GetMatrix();

            this.modelTransformation = ms * this.modelTransformation;
    //Generate circle meshes for delaunay based in 3 points in a triangle, where d is the opposite vertex
    public void GenerateDelaunayCircleMeshes(MyVector2 a, MyVector2 b, MyVector2 c, MyVector2 d)
        //Remove all old meshes

        //Unnormalize the points
        a = HelpMethods.UnNormalize(a, normalizingBox, dMax);
        b = HelpMethods.UnNormalize(b, normalizingBox, dMax);
        c = HelpMethods.UnNormalize(c, normalizingBox, dMax);
        d = HelpMethods.UnNormalize(d, normalizingBox, dMax);

        //Generate the triangles

        //Big circle
        MyVector2 center = Geometry.CalculateCircleCenter(a, b, c);

        float radius = MyVector2.Distance(center, a);

        HashSet <Triangle2> allTriangles = GenerateMesh.CircleHollow(center, radius, 100, 0.1f);

        //Circles showing the 4 points
        float circleMeshRadius = 0.3f;

        HashSet <Triangle2> circle_a = GenerateMesh.Circle(a, circleMeshRadius, 10);
        HashSet <Triangle2> circle_b = GenerateMesh.Circle(b, circleMeshRadius, 10);
        HashSet <Triangle2> circle_c = GenerateMesh.Circle(c, circleMeshRadius, 10);
        HashSet <Triangle2> circle_d = GenerateMesh.Circle(d, circleMeshRadius, 10);

        //Similar to List's add range

        //Active edge is a-c
        HashSet <Triangle2> activeEdgeMesh = GenerateMesh.LineSegment(a, c, 0.2f);


        //Generate meshes
        foreach (Triangle2 t in allTriangles)
            Mesh triangleMesh = Triangle2ToMesh(t, 0.1f);

        public void SamplePoints(double dis_thres)
            // get sample points w.r.t. the distance threshold
            // a ||s_i-s_i+1|| < dis_thres is required
            this.sampledPoints_         = new List <MyVector2>();
            this.sampledPointsTangents_ = new List <MyVector2>();

            for (int i = 0; i < this.numOfPoints - 1; ++i)
                double len = (this.inputPoints[i + 1] - this.inputPoints[i]).Length();
                int    npointsPerSegment = (int)(len / dis_thres);
                bool   stop = false;
                while (!stop)
                    stop = true;

                    List <MyVector2> points       = new List <MyVector2>();
                    List <MyVector2> pointsTagent = new List <MyVector2>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < npointsPerSegment; ++j)
                        double    t1 = (double)j / npointsPerSegment;
                        double    t2 = (double)(j + 1) / npointsPerSegment;
                        MyVector2 p1 = this.GetCurvePoint(i, t1);
                        MyVector2 p2 = this.GetCurvePoint(i, t2);

                        if ((p2 - p1).Length() > dis_thres)
                            stop = false;

                        MyVector2 pt1 = this.GetCurvePointTagent(i, t1);

                    if (stop == true)

            // end point
            this.sampledPoints_.Add(this.GetCurvePoint(this.numOfPoints - 2, 1));
            this.sampledPointsTangents_.Add(this.GetCurvePointTagent(this.numOfPoints - 2, 1));

            // get normals
Beispiel #20
        // Arrow
        public static HashSet <Triangle2> Arrow(MyVector2 p1, MyVector2 p2, float lineWidth, float arrowSize)
            HashSet <Triangle2> arrowTriangles = new HashSet <Triangle2>();

            //An arrow consists of two parts: the pointy part and the rectangular part

            //First we have to see if we can fit the parts
            MyVector2 lineDir = p2 - p1;

            float lineLength = MyVector2.Magnitude(lineDir);

            if (lineLength < arrowSize)
                Debug.Log("Cant make arrow because line is too short");


            //Make the arrow tip
            MyVector2 lineDirNormalized = MyVector2.Normalize(lineDir);

            MyVector2 arrowBottom = p2 - lineDirNormalized * arrowSize;

            MyVector2 lineNormal = MyVector2.Normalize(new MyVector2(lineDirNormalized.y, -lineDirNormalized.x));

            MyVector2 arrowBottom_R = arrowBottom + lineNormal * arrowSize * 0.5f;
            MyVector2 arrowBottom_L = arrowBottom - lineNormal * arrowSize * 0.5f;

            Triangle2 arrowTipTriangle = new Triangle2(p2, arrowBottom_R, arrowBottom_L);


            //Make the arrow rectangle
            float halfWidth = lineWidth * 0.5f;

            MyVector2 p1_T = p1 + lineNormal * halfWidth;
            MyVector2 p1_B = p1 - lineNormal * halfWidth;

            MyVector2 p2_T = arrowBottom + lineNormal * halfWidth;
            MyVector2 p2_B = arrowBottom - lineNormal * halfWidth;

            HashSet <Triangle2> rectangle = LineSegment(p1_T, p1_B, p2_T, p2_B);

            foreach (Triangle2 t in rectangle)

    //Is a plane intersecting with a plane
    private void PlanePlane()
        Vector3 planeNormal_1 = planeTrans.forward;

        Vector3 planePos_1 = planeTrans.position;

        Vector3 planeNormal_2 = rayTrans.forward;

        Vector3 planePos_2 = rayTrans.position;

        //3d to 2d
        MyVector2 normal_1 = planeNormal_1.ToMyVector2();
        MyVector2 normal_2 = planeNormal_2.ToMyVector2();

        MyVector2 pos1 = planePos_1.ToMyVector2();
        MyVector2 pos2 = planePos_2.ToMyVector2();

        Plane2 plane_1 = new Plane2(pos1, normal_1);
        Plane2 plane_2 = new Plane2(pos2, normal_2);

        bool isIntersecting = _Intersections.PlanePlane(plane_1, plane_2);

        Debug.Log("Are planes intersecting: " + isIntersecting);

        //if (isIntersecting)
        //    MyVector2 intersectionPoint = Intersections.GetPlanePlaneIntersectionPoint(pos1, normal_1, pos2, normal_2);

        //    Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(intersectionPoint.ToVector3(), 0.2f);

        //Color planeColor = isIntersecting ? : Color.white;

        //TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DrawPlane(pos1, normal_1, planeColor);
        //TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DrawPlane(pos2, normal_2, planeColor);

        //Display with mesh
        TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayPlaneMesh(pos1, normal_1, 0.5f,;
        TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayPlaneMesh(pos2, normal_2, 0.5f,;

        if (isIntersecting)
            MyVector2 intersectionPoint = _Intersections.GetPlanePlaneIntersectionPoint(plane_1, plane_2);

            TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayCircleMesh(intersectionPoint, 1f, 20,;
Beispiel #22
 MyVector2 Get_B(MyVector2[] p, int n, float t)
     if (n == 1)
     MyVector2[] backup = new MyVector2[n - 1];
     for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
         backup[i] = (1 - t) * p[i] + t * p[i + 1];
     return(Get_B(backup, n - 1, t));
Beispiel #23
        //Generate two triangles if we know the corners of the rectangle
        public static HashSet <Triangle2> LineSegment(MyVector2 p1_T, MyVector2 p1_B, MyVector2 p2_T, MyVector2 p2_B)
            HashSet <Triangle2> lineTriangles = new HashSet <Triangle2>();

            //Create the triangles
            Triangle2 t1 = new Triangle2(p1_T, p1_B, p2_T);
            Triangle2 t2 = new Triangle2(p1_B, p2_B, p2_T);


Beispiel #24
        private MyVector2 GetMarkCenter2dPixel(List <MyVector2> bPoints, double CircleDistance)
            offset = 1.0 / (Compute2D(new MyVector3(1, 0, CircleDistance)) - Compute2D(new MyVector3(0, 0, CircleDistance))).x;
            MyVector2 pic_c = Compute2D(new MyVector3(0, 0, CircleDistance));
            MyVector2 c     = new MyVector2(0, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < bPoints.Count; i++)
                c += bPoints[i];
            c = c / bPoints.Count;
Beispiel #25
        //Help method to calculate the intersection point between two planes offset in normal direction by a width
        private static MyVector2 GetIntersectionPoint(MyVector2 a, MyVector2 b, MyVector2 c, float halfWidth, bool isTopPoint)
            //Direction of the lines going to and from point b
            MyVector2 beforeDir = MyVector2.Normalize(b - a);

            MyVector2 afterDir = MyVector2.Normalize(c - b);

            MyVector2 beforeNormal = GetNormal(a, b);

            MyVector2 afterNormal = GetNormal(b, c);

            //Compare the normals!

            //normalDirFactor is used to determine if we want to top point (same direction as normal)
            float normalDirFactor = isTopPoint ? 1f : -1f;

            //If they are the same it means we have a straight line and thus we cant do plane-plane intersection
            //if (beforeNormal.Equals(afterNormal))
            //When comparing the normals, we cant use the regular small value because then
            //the line width goes to infinity when doing plane-plane intersection
            float dot = MyVector2.Dot(beforeNormal, afterNormal);

            //Dot is 1 if the point in the same dir and -1 if the point in the opposite dir
            float one = 1f - 0.01f;

            if (dot > one || dot < -one)
                MyVector2 averageNormal = MyVector2.Normalize((afterNormal + beforeNormal) * 0.5f);

                MyVector2 intersectionPoint = b + averageNormal * halfWidth * normalDirFactor;

                //Now we can calculate where the plane starts
                MyVector2 beforePlanePos = b + beforeNormal * halfWidth * normalDirFactor;

                MyVector2 afterPlanePos = b + afterNormal * halfWidth * normalDirFactor;

                Plane2 planeBefore = new Plane2(beforePlanePos, beforeNormal);

                Plane2 planeAfter = new Plane2(afterPlanePos, afterNormal);

                //Calculate the intersection point
                //We know they are intersecting, so we don't need to test that
                MyVector2 intersectionPoint = _Intersections.GetPlanePlaneIntersectionPoint(planeBefore, planeAfter);

Beispiel #26
    //Generate list of meshes from the Triangle2 data structure
    public List <Mesh> GenerateTriangulationMesh(HashSet <Triangle2> triangleData, bool shouldUnNormalize)
        HashSet <Triangle2> triangles_2d = new HashSet <Triangle2>();

        if (shouldUnNormalize)
            foreach (Triangle2 t in triangleData)
                //Each face has in this case three edges
                MyVector2 p1 = t.p1;
                MyVector2 p2 = t.p2;
                MyVector2 p3 = t.p3;

                //Unnormalize the point
                p1 = normalizer.UnNormalize(p1);
                p2 = normalizer.UnNormalize(p2);
                p3 = normalizer.UnNormalize(p3);

                Triangle2 t_unnormalized = new Triangle2(p1, p2, p3);

            triangles_2d = triangleData;

        //Make sure the triangles have the correct orientation
        //triangles_2d = HelpMethods.OrientTrianglesClockwise(triangles_2d);

        //From 2d to mesh in one step if we want one single mesh
        //Mesh displayMesh = _TransformBetweenDataStructures.Triangles2ToMesh(triangles_2d, useCompressedMesh: false);

        //Generate the meshes from triangles
        List <Mesh> meshes = new List <Mesh>();

        foreach (Triangle2 t in triangles_2d)
            Mesh triangleMesh = Triangle2ToMesh(t);


    //Find all triangles opposite of vertex p
    //But we will find all edges opposite to p, and from these edges we can find the triangles
    private static void AddTrianglesOppositePToStack(MyVector2 p, Stack <HalfEdge2> trianglesOppositeP, HalfEdgeData2 triangulationData)
        //Find a vertex at position p and then rotate around it, triangle-by-triangle, to find all opposite edges
        HalfEdgeVertex2 rotateAroundThis = null;

        foreach (HalfEdgeVertex2 v in triangulationData.vertices)
            if (v.position.Equals(p))
                rotateAroundThis = v;

        //Which triangle is this vertex a part of, so we know when we have rotated all the way around
        HalfEdgeFace2 tStart = rotateAroundThis.edge.face;

        HalfEdgeFace2 tCurrent = null;

        int safety = 0;

        while (tCurrent != tStart)
            safety += 1;

            if (safety > 10000)
                Debug.Log("Stuck in endless loop when finding opposite edges in Delaunay Sloan");


            //The edge opposite to p
            HalfEdge2 edgeOppositeRotateVertex = rotateAroundThis.edge.nextEdge.oppositeEdge;

            //Try to add the edge to the list iof triangles we are interested in
            //Null might happen if we are at the border
            //A stack might include duplicates so we have to check for that as well
            if (edgeOppositeRotateVertex != null && !trianglesOppositeP.Contains(edgeOppositeRotateVertex))

            //Rotate left - this assumes we can always rotate left so no holes are allowed
            //and neither can we investigate one of the vertices thats a part of the supertriangle
            //which we dont need to worry about because p is never a part of the supertriangle
            rotateAroundThis = rotateAroundThis.edge.oppositeEdge.v;

            //In which triangle are we now?
            tCurrent = rotateAroundThis.edge.face;
        public static void DrawRectFill(MyVector2 start, MyVector2 end, Color c)

            GL.PolygonMode(MaterialFace.FrontAndBack, PolygonMode.Fill);

            GL.Color3(c.R, c.G, c.B);
            GL.Rect(start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y);

            GL.PolygonMode(MaterialFace.FrontAndBack, PolygonMode.Fill);

        public static void DrawCross2DPlus(MyVector2 p, float size, Color c, float linewidth = 2.0f)
            GL.Color3(c.R, c.G, c.B);
            GL.Vertex2(p.x - size, p.y);
            GL.Vertex2(p.x + size, p.y);
            GL.Vertex2(p.x, p.y - size);
            GL.Vertex2(p.x, p.y + size);

            DrawRect(p - new MyVector2(size, size), p + new MyVector2(size, size), Color.Gray);
Beispiel #30
    public static void DisplayTriangleMesh(MyVector2 a, MyVector2 b, MyVector2 c, Color color)
        Triangle2 t = new Triangle2(a, b, c);

        HashSet <Triangle2> triangles = new HashSet <Triangle2>();


        triangles = HelpMethods.OrientTrianglesClockwise(triangles);

        Mesh mesh = _TransformBetweenDataStructures.Triangles2ToMesh(triangles, false);

        TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayMesh(mesh, color);
Beispiel #31
 public void setPathSquare(int row, int column, int adjustX, int adjustY, Direction a)
     sequence = new MyVector2(row, column);
     nextSequence = new MyVector2(row + adjustX, column + adjustY);
     direction = a;