Beispiel #1
        private void PropsChangedSprtThrusters()
            if (_type != ShipTypeQual.SolidBall)
                return;  // the ball just has the thruster in the center

            MyVector thrusterSeed = new MyVector(0, _ship.Ball.Radius, 0);
            MyVector zAxis        = new MyVector(0, 0, 1);

            // Bottom Thrusters
            _thrusterOffset_BottomRight = thrusterSeed.Clone();
            _thrusterOffset_BottomRight.RotateAroundAxis(zAxis, Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(_thrusterAngle * -1));

            _thrusterOffset_BottomLeft = thrusterSeed.Clone();
            _thrusterOffset_BottomLeft.RotateAroundAxis(zAxis, Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(_thrusterAngle));

            // Top Thrusters
            thrusterSeed             = new MyVector(0, _ship.Ball.Radius * -1, 0);
            _thrusterOffset_TopRight = thrusterSeed.Clone();
            _thrusterOffset_TopRight.RotateAroundAxis(zAxis, Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(_thrusterAngle));

            _thrusterOffset_TopLeft = thrusterSeed.Clone();
            _thrusterOffset_TopLeft.RotateAroundAxis(zAxis, Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(_thrusterAngle * -1));
Beispiel #2
        private void chkIncludeShip_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            const double THRUSTERANGLE = 75;

            if (chkIncludeShip.Checked)
                if (_ship == null)
                    #region Create Ship

                    // Set up the ship
                    double    radius = MINRADIUSMASS + (_rand.NextDouble() * (MAXRADIUSMASS - MINRADIUSMASS));
                    SolidBall ship   = new SolidBall(Utility3D.GetRandomVector(_boundryLower, _boundryUpper), new DoubleVector(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), radius, GetMass(radius), GetElasticity(), 1, 1, _boundryLower, _boundryUpper);

                    // Set up the thrusters
                    MyVector thrusterSeed = new MyVector(0, ship.Radius, 0);
                    MyVector zAxis        = new MyVector(0, 0, 1);

                    // Bottom Thrusters
                    _shipThrusterOffset_BottomRight = thrusterSeed.Clone();
                    _shipThrusterOffset_BottomRight.RotateAroundAxis(zAxis, Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(THRUSTERANGLE * -1));

                    _shipThrusterOffset_BottomLeft = thrusterSeed.Clone();
                    _shipThrusterOffset_BottomLeft.RotateAroundAxis(zAxis, Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(THRUSTERANGLE));

                    // Top Thrusters
                    thrusterSeed = new MyVector(0, ship.Radius * -1, 0);
                    _shipThrusterOffset_TopRight = thrusterSeed.Clone();
                    _shipThrusterOffset_TopRight.RotateAroundAxis(zAxis, Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(THRUSTERANGLE));

                    _shipThrusterOffset_TopLeft = thrusterSeed.Clone();
                    _shipThrusterOffset_TopLeft.RotateAroundAxis(zAxis, Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(THRUSTERANGLE * -1));

                    // Add to the map
                    _ship = new BallBlip(ship, CollisionStyle.Standard, RadarBlipQual.BallUserDefined03, TokenGenerator.NextToken());

                if (_ship != null)
                    _ship = null;
Beispiel #3
        void picturebox_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            _lastMouseMove = Environment.TickCount;

            // Remember the mouse position
            if (_curMousePoint != null && _prevMousePositions != null && _picturebox != null)
                _prevMousePositions.Add(new MousePosition(_curMousePoint.Clone()));
                _curMousePoint = _picturebox.GetPositionViewToWorld(new MyVector(e.X, e.Y, 0));

            if (!_active || _isMouseDown == MouseButtonDown.None)

            if (_isMouseDown == MouseButtonDown.Left)
                #region Left

                switch (_mode)
                case SelectionMode.Rectangle:
                    // Nothing to do, when draw is called, the rectangle will correspond to the new position

                case SelectionMode.Selected:
                    // Move the objects to the new locations.  If they collide along the way, I will need to reset
                    // their positions during timer.
                    #region Set Positions

                    foreach (RadarBlip blip in _map.GetAllBlips())
                        if (_selectedObjects.Contains(blip.Token))
                            blip.Sphere.Position.StoreNewValues(_curMousePoint + _draggingPositionOffsets[blip.Token]);


                    throw new ApplicationException("Unknown SelectionMode: " + _mode);

Beispiel #4
        private void ResetFieldSprtSwirl(bool goLeft)
            // Init the grid
            _grid = new MyVector[_squaresPerSideX * _squaresPerSideY];

            // I'm going to rotate everything 90 degrees
            MyVector rotateAxis = new MyVector(0, 0, 1);
            double   radians    = Math.PI / 2d;

            if (goLeft)
                radians *= -1d;

            foreach (MyVector center in GetGridCenters())
                // Get the local position
                MyVector localPosition = center - _position;

                // Turn that into a constant length, pointing in or out
                MyVector fieldLine = localPosition.Clone();
                fieldLine.RotateAroundAxis(rotateAxis, radians);

                // Store it
                _grid[GetIndexForLocalPosition(localPosition)] = fieldLine;
Beispiel #5
        private void trackBar1_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MyVector thrusterSeed = new MyVector(0, _ship.Radius, 0);
            MyVector zAxis        = new MyVector(0, 0, 1);
            double   angle        = trackBar1.Value;

            // Bottom Thrusters
            _shipThrusterOffset_BottomRight = thrusterSeed.Clone();
            _shipThrusterOffset_BottomRight.RotateAroundAxis(zAxis, Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(angle * -1));

            _shipThrusterOffset_BottomLeft = thrusterSeed.Clone();
            _shipThrusterOffset_BottomLeft.RotateAroundAxis(zAxis, Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(angle));

            // Top Thrusters
            thrusterSeed = new MyVector(0, _ship.Radius * -1, 0);
            _shipThrusterOffset_TopRight = thrusterSeed.Clone();
            _shipThrusterOffset_TopRight.RotateAroundAxis(zAxis, Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(angle));

            _shipThrusterOffset_TopLeft = thrusterSeed.Clone();
            _shipThrusterOffset_TopLeft.RotateAroundAxis(zAxis, Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(angle * -1));
Beispiel #6
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MyVector v1 = new MyVector(3, 4, 5);

            v1.Add(1, 2, 3);


            MyVector v2 = v1.Clone();


Beispiel #7
        private void trackBar1_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _prevRadians    = _currentRadians;
            _currentRadians = Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(trackBar1.Value);

            #region Draw Current

            Graphics graphics = pictureBox2.CreateGraphics();

            DrawVector(graphics, _sphere.Position, _sphere.Position + (_sphere.DirectionFacing.Standard * 100d), Color.White);
            DrawVector(graphics, _sphere.Position, _sphere.Position + (_sphere.DirectionFacing.Orth * 100d), Color.Silver);

            MyVector rotatedOffset = _sphere.Rotation.GetRotatedVector(_offset, true);

            DrawVector(graphics, _sphere.Position, _sphere.Position + rotatedOffset, Color.Orange);
            DrawDot(graphics, _sphere.Position + rotatedOffset, 3, Color.Gold);


            double radians = _currentRadians - _prevRadians;

            if (radOffset.Checked)
                // Remember where the offset is in world coords
                MyVector offsetRotated = _sphere.Rotation.GetRotatedVector(_offset, true);
                MyVector offsetWorld   = _sphere.Position + offsetRotated;

                DrawDot(graphics, offsetWorld, 5, Color.DodgerBlue);

                // Get the opposite of the local offset
                MyVector posRelativeToOffset = offsetRotated.Clone();

                // Rotate the center of position around the center of mass
                posRelativeToOffset.RotateAroundAxis(_rotationAxis, radians);

                // Now figure out the new center of position
                _sphere.Position.X = offsetWorld.X + posRelativeToOffset.X;
                _sphere.Position.Y = offsetWorld.Y + posRelativeToOffset.Y;
                _sphere.Position.Z = offsetWorld.Z + posRelativeToOffset.Z;

            _sphere.RotateAroundAxis(_rotationAxis, radians);
Beispiel #8
        private void ResetFieldSprtInOut(double direction)
            // Init the grid
            _grid = new MyVector[_squaresPerSideX * _squaresPerSideY];

            foreach (MyVector center in GetGridCenters())
                // Get the local position
                MyVector localPosition = center - _position;

                // Turn that into a constant length, pointing in or out
                MyVector fieldLine = localPosition.Clone();
                fieldLine.Multiply(_strength * direction);

                // Store it
                _grid[GetIndexForLocalPosition(localPosition)] = fieldLine;
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// If the user clicks on a picture box, you need to run those coords through this function to figure out where they
        /// clicked in world coords
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">A point in PictureBox coords</param>
        /// <returns>The point in World Coords</returns>
        public MyVector GetPositionViewToWorld(MyVector position)
            MyVector retVal = position.Clone();

            // Figure out the world coords that the top left of the picturebox represents
            double picLeft = _centerPoint.X - ((this.Width / 2d) / _zoom);
            double picTop  = _centerPoint.Y - ((this.Height / 2d) / _zoom);

            // The point passed in is a distance from the top left of the picture box to where they clicked.  Turn this view
            // coords into world coords

            // Add these world coords to the top left of the picture box
            retVal.X += picLeft;
            retVal.Y += picTop;

            // It's now what it needs to be
Beispiel #10
        private MyVector GetSpinVelocityAtPoint(ref AngularVelocityInfo angularInfo, out MyVector dirToCenterLine, MyVector dirFacingWorld, MyVector lineBetween, MyVector blipPosition)
            // Get a line that's orthogonal to lineBetween, and always points toward the dirFacingWorld vector
            dirToCenterLine = MyVector.Cross(MyVector.Cross(lineBetween, dirFacingWorld), lineBetween);

            if (angularInfo == null)
                #region Cache Angular Velocity

                angularInfo = new AngularVelocityInfo();

                if (_ship.TorqueBall != null)
                    angularInfo.AngularVelocity = _ship.TorqueBall.AngularVelocity.GetMagnitude();

                    angularInfo.SpinDirection = MyVector.Cross(_ship.TorqueBall.AngularVelocity, _ship.TorqueBall.DirectionFacing.Standard);

                    angularInfo.CenterMass = _ship.TorqueBall.Rotation.GetRotatedVector(_ship.TorqueBall.CenterOfMass, true);
                    angularInfo.SpinDirection   = dirToCenterLine.Clone();
                    angularInfo.AngularVelocity = 0d;
                    angularInfo.CenterMass      = _ship.Ball.Position.Clone();


            // Get the line between the blip and the center of mass
            MyVector lineBetweenCM = blipPosition - angularInfo.CenterMass;

            // Figure out my velocity of spin where the blip is
            return(angularInfo.SpinDirection * (angularInfo.AngularVelocity * lineBetweenCM.GetMagnitude()));
Beispiel #11
        void picturebox_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (_mode == AddingMode.Inactive)

            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
                _isMouseDown                = true;
                _mouseDownPoint             = _picturebox.GetPositionViewToWorld(new MyVector(e.X, e.Y, 0));
                _curMousePoint              = _mouseDownPoint.Clone();
                _lastCreateTime             = Environment.TickCount;
                _createdBallDuringMouseDrag = false;
                //_diminishPercent = 1d;

                if (_newBallProps.SizeMode == BallProps.SizeModes.Draw)
                    // I need to create an object now (but don't commit it to the map), so that the user can see
                    // it while they drag the size
                    _drawingBall = BuildObject();
Beispiel #12
        private Ball BuildObject()
            double radius;

            #region Calculate Radius

            switch (_newBallProps.SizeMode)
            case BallProps.SizeModes.Draw:
                radius = .01d;                  // this function will only get called during mouse down if it's in draw mode, so I need to start with an arbitrarily small radius

            case BallProps.SizeModes.Fixed:
                radius = _newBallProps.SizeIfFixed;

            case BallProps.SizeModes.Random:
                radius = _rand.Next(Convert.ToInt32(_newBallProps.MinRandSize), Convert.ToInt32(_newBallProps.MaxRandSize));

                throw new ApplicationException("Unknown BallProps.SizeModes: " + _newBallProps.SizeMode);

            if (radius < MINRADIUS)
                radius = MINRADIUS;


            double mass = UtilityCore.GetMassForRadius(radius, 1d);

            MyVector velocity;
            #region Calculate Velocity

            if (_newBallProps.RandomVelocity)
                velocity = Utility3D.GetRandomVectorSpherical2D(_newBallProps.MaxVelocity);
                velocity = _newBallProps.Velocity;              // no need to clone it.  I won't manipulate it


            //TODO:  Listen to global props
            double elasticity      = .75d;
            double kineticFriction = .75d;
            double staticFriction  = 1d;

            Ball retVal;
            #region Build the ball

            switch (_mode)
            case AddingMode.AddBall:
                #region Create Ball

                retVal = new Ball(_curMousePoint.Clone(), new DoubleVector(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), radius, mass, elasticity, kineticFriction, staticFriction, _boundryLower, _boundryUpper);


            case AddingMode.AddSolidBall:
                #region Create Solid Ball

                retVal = new SolidBall(_curMousePoint.Clone(), new DoubleVector(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), radius, mass, elasticity, kineticFriction, staticFriction, _boundryLower, _boundryUpper);
                //StoreAngularVelocity(retVal);		// no reason to do this here.  it will be applied during commit (if I'm in draw mode, the size will change, and the angular velocity will need to be reapplied anyway)


                throw new ApplicationException("Unsupported AddingMode: " + _mode.ToString());


            // Exit Function
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>
 /// This function tells me to look at the point passed in, but keep looking at where it is now, not actively track it.
 /// I will store the clone of it, so you don't have to make a clone before you pass me the pointer to a position
 /// </summary>
 public void StaticPoint(MyVector point)
     _centerPoint = point.Clone();
Beispiel #14
 /// <summary>
 /// This function tells me to use the last known position of pclsCenterPoint, and stare at that instead of actively
 /// tracking something
 /// </summary>
 public void StaticPoint()
     _centerPoint = _centerPoint.Clone();
Beispiel #15
        void picturebox_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (!_active)

            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left || e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                _mouseDownPoint = _picturebox.GetPositionViewToWorld(new MyVector(e.X, e.Y, 0));
                _curMousePoint  = _mouseDownPoint.Clone();
                _tempStationaryObjects.Clear();         // this should be cleared by now anyway

            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
                #region Left

                _isMouseDown = MouseButtonDown.Left;

                // Get all the blips
                List <RadarBlip> remainingBlips = new List <RadarBlip>(_map.GetAllBlips());

                bool selectedPrevious = false;
                #region See if they selected one of the previously selected objects

                foreach (long token in _selectedObjects)
                    RadarBlip blip = FindAndRemove(token, remainingBlips);

                    if (blip == null)

                    if (selectedPrevious)
                        // I just wanted to remove this blip from the total list

                    if (SelectionTest(blip, _curMousePoint))
                        selectedPrevious = true;


                // Check for ctrl or shift key being pressed (if they are, don't clear the previous)
                if (!selectedPrevious && !(_isShiftPressed || _isCtrlPressed))

                bool selectedNew = false;
                #region See if they clicked on any other objects

                foreach (RadarBlip blip in remainingBlips)
                    if (SelectionTest(blip, _curMousePoint))
                        selectedNew = true;


                // Set my mode
                if (selectedPrevious || selectedNew)
                    _mode = SelectionMode.Selected;

                    #region Rebuild the offsets list (and temp stationary)

                    foreach (RadarBlip blip in _map.GetAllBlips())
                        if (_selectedObjects.Contains(blip.Token))
                            _draggingPositionOffsets.Add(blip.Token, blip.Sphere.Position - _curMousePoint);

                            if (blip.CollisionStyle == CollisionStyle.Standard)
                                blip.CollisionStyle = CollisionStyle.Stationary;

                    _mode = SelectionMode.Rectangle;

            else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                #region Right

                if (_mode == SelectionMode.Selected && _selectedObjects.Count > 0)
                    _isMouseDown = MouseButtonDown.Right;
                    // If nothing is selected, then there is nothing for me to do
                    _isMouseDown = MouseButtonDown.None;
