//删除新闻 protected void lbtnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int role_id = Convert.ToInt32(Session[Constant.roleID].ToString()); if (role_id == 4 || role_id == 3) { String message = "对不起,您没有相应权限"; MyUtil.ShowMessage(this.Page, message); return; } else { int success = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gvwData.Rows.Count; i++) { CheckBox cbx = (CheckBox)gvwData.Rows[i].FindControl("chkbOne"); if (cbx.Checked == true) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(gvwData.DataKeys[i].Value); int source_id = news_bll.GetSourceById(id); aca_bll.ReUpdateRank(source_id); news_bll.DeleteNews(id); success++; } } bindData(); String message = "成功删除" + success + "条记录!"; MyUtil.ShowMessage(this, message); } }
protected void lbtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int content_id = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["content_id"].ToString()); YouthSpecialSubContent original_model = bll.GetListById(content_id); model.Content_id = content_id; model.Special_id = Convert.ToInt32(ddl_special.SelectedValue); model.Sub_id = Convert.ToInt32(ddl_sub.SelectedValue); model.Content_title = txtTitle.Text.ToString(); model.Content_content = txtContent.Text.ToString(); model.Content_publisher = txt_publisher.Text.ToString(); model.Content_phone = txt_phone.Text.ToString(); model.Content_email = txt_email.Text.ToString(); model.Content_publish_time = original_model.Content_publish_time; model.Content_click_times = Convert.ToInt32(txt_click.Text.ToString()); model.Content_source = Convert.ToInt32(ddl_source.SelectedValue); model.Last_updater = Session[Constant.adminName].ToString(); model.Last_update_time = DateTime.Today; model.Is_check = "N"; model.Checker = ""; model.Check_time = original_model.Check_time; model.Rechecker = ""; model.Recheck_time = original_model.Recheck_time; if (bll.UpdContent(model)) { MyUtil.ShowMessageRedirect(this.Page, "编辑成功", "spe_sub_conItemList.aspx"); } else { MyUtil.ShowMessage(this.Page, "编辑失败"); } }
// ランダムなルームの入室に失敗した場合 public override void OnJoinRandomFailed(short returnCode, string message) { logManager.WriteLog("他に探検者はいないようだ..."); // ルームがないと入室に失敗するため、その時は自分で作る。引数はルーム名 PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom(MyUtil.GetNowAbsSeconds().ToString()); }
protected void lbtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { YouthSpecialSubContent model = new YouthSpecialSubContent(); model.Special_id = Convert.ToInt32(ddl_special.SelectedValue); model.Sub_id = Convert.ToInt32(ddl_sub.SelectedValue); model.Content_title = txtTitle.Text.ToString(); model.Content_content = txt_content.Text.ToString(); model.Content_publisher = txt_publisher.Text.ToString(); model.Content_email = txt_email.Text.ToString(); model.Content_phone = txt_phone.Text.ToString(); model.Content_publish_time = DateTime.Today; model.Content_click_times = 0; model.Content_source = Convert.ToInt32(ddl_source.SelectedValue); model.Last_updater = ""; model.Last_update_time = DateTime.Today; model.Is_check = "N"; model.Checker = ""; model.Check_time = DateTime.Today; model.Rechecker = ""; model.Recheck_time = DateTime.Today; if (bll.AddContent(model)) { MyUtil.ShowMessageRedirect(this.Page, "添加成功", "spe_sub_conItemList.aspx"); } else { MyUtil.ShowMessage(this.Page, "添加失败"); } }
protected void BindData() { pageTotal = MyUtil.GetCount("tbArrange,tbSubject,tbPaper", "tbArrange.subjectid=tbSubject.id and tbArrange.paperid=tbPaper.id", GetWhereSql()); gvwData.DataSource = MyUtil.GetListByIndex(pageSize, pageIndex, "tbArrange.*,subjectname,papertitle", "tbArrange,tbSubject,tbPaper", "tbArrange.subjectid=tbSubject.id and tbArrange.paperid=tbPaper.id", GetWhereSql(), "tbArrange.id desc"); gvwData.DataKeyNames = new String[] { "id" }; gvwData.DataBind(); }
protected void btn_submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { model.Reception_name = tg_zz.Text; if (male.Checked == true) { model.Reception_sex = male.Text; } else if (female.Checked == true) { model.Reception_sex = female.Text; } model.Reception_homepage = txt_homepage.Text; model.Reception_email = tg_yx.Text; model.Reception_qq = txt_qq.Text; model.Reception_title = tg_bt.Text; model.Reception_content = tg_nr.Text; model.Reception_time = DateTime.Today; model.Is_reply = "N"; model.Reception_type_id = Convert.ToInt32(ddl_type.SelectedValue); if (bll.AddReception(model)) { MyUtil.ShowMessageRedirect(this.Page, "留言提交成功,请等待回复", "youth_meetingroom.aspx"); } else { MyUtil.ShowMessage(this.Page, "提交失败"); } }
//冻结与解冻账号 protected void lbtnOper_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LinkButton lbtn = (LinkButton)sender; int user_id = Convert.ToInt32(lbtn.CommandArgument); AUTO.Model.YouthUsers model = new Model.YouthUsers(); model = user_bll.GetUserById(user_id); if (model.User_status.Trim().ToString().Equals("Y")) { //冻结账号 model.User_id = user_id; model.User_status = "N"; if (user_bll.FrezzeUsers(model)) { //冻结成功 MyUtil.ShowMessage(this.Page, "成功冻结账号"); bindUsers(); } } else { //解冻账号 model.User_id = user_id; model.User_status = "Y"; if (user_bll.FrezzeUsers(model)) { //解冻成功 MyUtil.ShowMessage(this.Page, "成功解冻账号"); bindUsers(); } } }
protected void BindData() { pageTotal = MyUtil.GetCount("tbUser left join tbClass on tbUser.classid=tbClass.id", "1=1", GetWhereSql()); gvwData.DataSource = MyUtil.GetListByIndex3(pageSize, pageIndex, "tbUser.*,tbClass.classname", "tbUser left join tbClass on tbUser.classid=tbClass.id", "1=1", GetWhereSql(), "tbUser.id"); gvwData.DataKeyNames = new String[] { "id" }; gvwData.DataBind(); }
/// <summary> /// 删除所选 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void lbtnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int countSuccess = 0; int countFail = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gvwData.Rows.Count; i++) { CheckBox cbx = (CheckBox)gvwData.Rows[i].FindControl("chkbOne"); if (cbx.Checked == true) { int userid = Convert.ToInt32(gvwData.DataKeys[i].Values[0]); int subjectid = Convert.ToInt32(gvwData.DataKeys[i].Values[1]); bool b = this.DeleteGrant(userid, subjectid); if (b == true) { countSuccess++; } else { countFail++; } } } String message = "成功删除" + countSuccess + "条记录!"; if (countFail != 0) { message += "<br/>还存在" + countFail + "条记录删除失败!"; } MyUtil.ShowMessage(this, message); BindData(); }
/// <summary> /// テキストデータから数値の読み込み /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private int ReadNumber() { // セリフのテキストデータの先頭の数字を数値に変換 double d = 0; if (double.TryParse(this.text.Substring(0, 1), out d)) { // 数値を調整 d = Mathf.Clamp( (int)d, 0, 9 ); // セリフのテキストデータから先頭の文字を削除 this.text = this.text.Remove(0, 1); // 数値を返す return((int)d); } MyUtil.ErrorLog("データを正しく読み込めませんでした。"); return(-1); }
//设置首页banner protected void lbtnChange_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int flag = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gvwData.Rows.Count; i++) { CheckBox cbx = (CheckBox)gvwData.Rows[i].FindControl("chkbOne"); if (cbx.Checked == true) { flag++; if (flag > 1) { MyUtil.ShowMessage(this, "仅能首页显示一个banner,请重新操作"); return; } else { int id = Convert.ToInt32(gvwData.DataKeys[i].Value); model.Is_banner = "Y"; model.Special_id = id; special_bll.updIsBanner(model); } } else { continue; } } bindSpecial(); String message = "成功替换首页banner!"; MyUtil.ShowMessage(this, message); }
/// <summary> /// テキストデータからタイプの読み込み /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private Enum ReadType(Type enumType) { // セリフのテキストデータの先頭の数字を数値に変換 double d = 0; if (double.TryParse(this.text.Substring(0, 1), out d)) { // 数値を調整 d = Mathf.Clamp( (int)d, 0, Enum.GetNames(enumType).Length - 1 ); // セリフのテキストデータから先頭の文字を削除 this.text = this.text.Remove(0, 1); // 数値に対応するタイプの列挙子を返す return((Enum)Enum.ToObject(enumType, (int)d)); } MyUtil.ErrorLog("データを正しく読み込めませんでした。"); return(null); }
/// <summary> /// トリガーOFF /// /// コメントを破棄する。 /// </summary> public void TriggerOff() { // まだ発生していない、又はすでに消滅しているなら処理しない if (!triggerFlg || isFinished) { return; } // システムメッセージでないなら処理しない // if ( SPEAKER_TYPE.SYSTEM != speakerType ) { return; } // コメントが無ければ処理しない if (!comment) { MyUtil.ErrorLog("null値の変数です。"); return; } // ポーズ中なら処理しない if (PauseScreen.IsPause()) { return; } // 条件を達成したコメント(システムメッセージ)は消滅 // // キャラのセリフは自動消滅。 // if ( commentConditionsList && commentConditionsList.CheckTriggerOff(checkTriggerOffNumber) ) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return)) { // コメントの破棄 CommentCreator.Instance.DestroyComment(comment.name); } }
//添加图片 protected void lbtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (fupImage.HasFile) { string fileName = fupImage.FileName; string ext = fileName.Substring(fileName.LastIndexOf('.')); string url = "upload/HomeImg/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + GenerateSixNum() + ext; fupImage.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(url)); news_model.Photo_url = url; news_model.Is_photoNews = "Y"; } news_model.Last_update = Session[Constant.adminName].ToString(); news_model.Last_update_time = DateTime.Now; news_model.News_id = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["news_id"].ToString()); if (news_bll.updNewsImage(news_model)) { //添加成功 MyUtil.ShowMessageRedirect(this.Page, "添加成功", "youth_newslist.aspx"); } else { //添加失败,清空 MyUtil.ShowMessage(this.Page, "添加失败"); } }
/// <summary> /// コントラクトエフェクト終了によるゲームオブジェクト破棄 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected bool DestroyByFinishContractEffect() { // コントラクトエフェクトが無いなら処理しない if (!contract) { return(MyUtil.ErrorLog("null値の変数です。")); } // コントラクトエフェクトが終了したら破棄する if (contract.enabled && contract.IsFinished()) { CommentCreator.currentDepth = gameObject.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <UIWidget>().depth; Destroy(gameObject); return(true); } return(false); }
protected void BindData() { pageTotal = (int)DbHelperSQL.GetSingle("select count(A) from (select count(classid) as A from tbGrant where " + GetWhereSql() + " group by userid,subjectid) B"); gvwData.DataSource = MyUtil.GetListByIndex2(pageSize, pageIndex, "userid,subjectid,tbUser.realname,tbSubject.subjectname,count(tbGrant.classid) as classcount", "tbGrant,tbUser,tbSubject", "tbGrant.userid=tbUser.id and tbGrant.subjectid=tbSubject.id", GetWhereSql(), "tbUser.realname,tbSubject.subjectname,userid,subjectid", "(userid+subjectid)", "tbUser.realname"); gvwData.DataKeyNames = new String[] { "userid", "subjectid" }; gvwData.DataBind(); }
//反审核 protected void lbtnReCheck_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int success = 0; YouthTalkLg model; for (int i = 0; i < gvwData.Rows.Count; i++) { CheckBox cbx = (CheckBox)gvwData.Rows[i].FindControl("chkbOne"); if (cbx.Checked == true) { model = new YouthTalkLg(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(gvwData.DataKeys[i].Value); model.Talk_id = id; model.Rechecker = Session[Constant.adminName].ToString(); model.Recheck_time = DateTime.Today; model.Is_check = "N"; bll.ReCheckTalkLg(model); success++; } } bindTalkLG(); String message = "成功取消审核" + success + "条记录!"; MyUtil.ShowMessage(this, message); }
/// <summary> /// ウィジェットの設定 /// </summary> public static UIWidget SetUIWidget( UIWidget widget, Color color, UIWidget.Pivot pivot, int depth, Vector2 dimensions ) { if (!widget) { MyUtil.ErrorLog("null値の変数です。"); return(null); } widget.color = color; widget.pivot = pivot; widget.depth = depth; widget.width = (int)dimensions.x; widget.height = (int)dimensions.y; return(widget); }
/// <summary> /// ライブIDからアカウント名を取得する /// </summary> /// <param name="liveId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetAccountNameFromLiveId(ulong liveId) { string accountName = ""; string lastUpdatedAt = MyUtil.GetUnixTime(DateTime.Now).ToString() + "000"; string apiUrl = " https://api.whowatch.tv/lives/" + liveId + "?last_updated_at=" + lastUpdatedAt; string recvStr = doHttpRequest(apiUrl); try { // JSON形式からふわっちAPIオブジェクトに変換 WhoWatchApiObject whoWatchApiObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <WhoWatchApiObject>(recvStr); if (whoWatchApiObj.live != null && whoWatchApiObj.live.user != null) { // アカウント名(Note:ふわっちAPIではuser_pathにあたる. account_nameは別物) accountName = whoWatchApiObj.live.user.user_path; } } catch (Exception exception) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(exception.Message + " " + exception.StackTrace); } return(accountName); }
/// <summary> /// メニュースプライトの初期化 /// </summary> private void InitializePauseMenuSpriteByCurrentIndex() { // ポーズ中でなければ処理しない if (!isPause) { return; } if (null == pauseMenuSpriteArray) { MyUtil.ErrorLog("null値の変数です。"); return; } // 非選択メニューのカラー float colorElement = (1.0f / 255) * 70; Color grayColor = new Color(colorElement, colorElement, colorElement, 1.0f); // メニュースプライトのカラー設定 for (int i = 0; i < pauseMenuSpriteArray.Length; i++) { // 現在のメニューインデックスでなければ非選択メニューのカラーに設定 if (!currentMenuIndex.Equals(i)) { pauseMenuSpriteArray[i].color = grayColor; } // 現在のメニューインデックスなら選択メニューのカラーに設定 else { pauseMenuSpriteArray[i].color = Color.white; } } }
protected void BindData() { pageTotal = MyUtil.GetCount("tbChapter,tbSubject", "tbChapter.subjectid=tbSubject.id", GetWhereSql()); gvwData.DataSource = MyUtil.GetListByIndex(pageSize, pageIndex, "tbChapter.*,tbSubject.subjectname", "tbChapter,tbSubject", "tbChapter.subjectid=tbSubject.id", GetWhereSql(), "subjectname,chapterno"); gvwData.DataKeyNames = new String[] { "id" }; gvwData.DataBind(); }
private void BindSubject() { ddlSubject.DataSource = MyUtil.GetMySubject(); ddlSubject.DataTextField = "subjectname"; ddlSubject.DataValueField = "id"; ddlSubject.DataBind(); }
// 画面の自動回転のON, OFF public static void SetAutoRotation(bool isOn) { if (isOn) { // 自動回転をONとする Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.AutoRotation; } else { // 向きを固定する ScreenOrientation currentOrientation = MyUtil.GetScreenOrientation(); switch (currentOrientation) { // 横向き case ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft: Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft; break; case ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight: Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight; break; // 縦向き case ScreenOrientation.Portrait: Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait; break; case ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown: Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown; break; } } }
/// <summary> /// 删除所选 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void lbtnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int countSuccess = 0; int countFail = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gvwData.Rows.Count; i++) { CheckBox cbx = (CheckBox)gvwData.Rows[i].FindControl("chkbOne"); if (cbx.Checked == true) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(gvwData.DataKeys[i].Value); bool b = DbHelperSQL.Exists("select id from tbArrange where paperid=" + id); if (b == false) { //执行删除 paperBLL.Delete(id); countSuccess++; } else { countFail++; } } } BindData(); String message = "成功删除" + countSuccess + "条记录!"; if (countFail != 0) { message += "<br/>还存在" + countFail + "条记录拒绝删除!"; message += "<br/>可能原因:试卷正在使用中!"; } MyUtil.ShowMessage(this, message); }
protected void BindData() { pageTotal = MyUtil.GetCount("tbMessage,tbUser", "tbMessage.userid=tbUser.id", GetWhereSql()); gvwData.DataSource = MyUtil.GetListByIndex(pageSize, pageIndex, "tbMessage.*,tbUser.realname", "tbMessage,tbUser", "tbMessage.userid=tbUser.id", GetWhereSql(), "tbMessage.id desc"); gvwData.DataKeyNames = new String[] { "id" }; gvwData.DataBind(); }
protected void lbtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { YouthFile model = new YouthFile(); model.File_title = txtTitle.Text.Trim(); model.File_remark = txt_content.Text.ToString(); model.File_father_id = Convert.ToInt32(ddl_file_col.SelectedValue); model.Uploader = Session[Constant.adminName].ToString(); model.Upload_time = DateTime.Today; model.Click_times = 0; model.File_source = Convert.ToInt32(ddl_source.SelectedValue); model.Last_updater = Session[Constant.adminName].ToString(); model.Last_update_time = DateTime.Today; model.Is_check = "N"; model.Checker = ""; model.Check_time = DateTime.Today; model.Rechecker = ""; model.Recheck_time = DateTime.Today; AUTO.BLL.YouthFilesBLL file_dal = new AUTO.BLL.YouthFilesBLL(); if (file_dal.AddYouthFile(model)) { //添加成功 MyUtil.ShowMessageRedirect(this.Page, "添加成功", "fileUpload.aspx"); } else { //添加失败 MyUtil.ShowMessage(this.Page, "添加失败"); } }
// ----- void Start() { logManager = GameObject.FindWithTag("LogManager").GetComponent <LogManager>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PlayData.rankingName)) { // ニックネームセット (仮) PhotonNetwork.NickName = MyUtil.GetNowAbsSeconds().ToString(); } else { // ニックネームセット PhotonNetwork.NickName = PlayData.rankingName; } PhotonNetwork.OfflineMode = false; #if UNITY_EDITOR // デバッグ用オフラインモード if (offlineMode) { PhotonNetwork.OfflineMode = true; logManager.WriteLog("-- オフラインモード --", true); } else #endif { // PUNに接続 PhotonConnect(); } }
public static void Initialize(Context context) { if (!context.USUARIO.Any() && !context.PERFIL.Any() && !context.PERFIL_USUARIO.Any()) { PERFIL perfil = new PERFIL { PER_NOME = "Master" }; USUARIO user = new USUARIO { USU_NOME = "Master", USU_EMAIL = "*****@*****.**", USU_SENHA = MyUtil.ComputeSha256Hash("master") }; PERFIL_USUARIO perfil_usuario = new PERFIL_USUARIO { PERFIL = perfil, USUARIO = user }; context.Add(perfil_usuario); context.SaveChanges(); } }
protected void lbtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { news_model.News_title = txtTitle.Text.Trim().ToString(); news_model.News_content = txt_content.Text; news_model.News_father_id = Convert.ToInt32(ddlNewsCol.SelectedValue); news_model.Publisher = txt_publisher.Text.ToString(); news_model.Publisher_phone = txt_phone.Text; news_model.Publisher_mail = txt_email.Text; news_model.Publish_time = DateTime.Now; news_model.Click_times = 0; news_model.News_source = Convert.ToInt32(ddl_source.SelectedValue.ToString()); news_model.Last_update = ViewState["operate_name"].ToString(); news_model.Last_update_time = DateTime.Now; news_model.Is_check = "N"; news_model.Checker = ""; news_model.Check_time = DateTime.Now; news_model.Rechecker = ""; news_model.Recheck_time = DateTime.Now; news_model.Is_photoNews = "N"; news_model.Photo_url = ""; if (news_bll.AddYouthNews(news_model)) { //添加成功 MyUtil.ShowMessageRedirect(this.Page, "添加成功", "youth_newslist.aspx"); } else { //添加失败,清空 MyUtil.ShowMessage(this.Page, "添加失败"); } }
//取消初审核 protected void lbtnReject_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int role_id = Convert.ToInt32(Session[Constant.roleID].ToString()); if (role_id == 3 || role_id == 4 || role_id == 5) { String message = "对不起,您没有相应权限"; MyUtil.ShowMessage(this.Page, message); return; } else { for (int i = 0; i < gvwData.Rows.Count; i++) { CheckBox cbx = (CheckBox)gvwData.Rows[i].FindControl("chkbOne"); if (cbx.Checked == true) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(gvwData.DataKeys[i].Value); news_bll.RejectNews(id, ViewState["operate_name"].ToString()); } } bindData(); String message = "成功取消初审核!"; MyUtil.ShowMessage(this, message); } }