Beispiel #1
        public void AuthenticatedStringProperty()
            ProfileBase profile = ProfileBase.Create("foo", true);

            ResetAppId(profile.Providers["MySqlProfileProvider"] as MySQLProfileProvider);
            profile["Name"] = "Fred Flintstone";

            SettingsPropertyCollection getProps = new SettingsPropertyCollection();
            SettingsProperty           getProp1 = new SettingsProperty("Name");

            getProp1.PropertyType = typeof(String);

            MySQLProfileProvider provider = InitProfileProvider();
            SettingsContext      ctx      = new SettingsContext();

            ctx.Add("IsAuthenticated", true);
            ctx.Add("UserName", "foo");

            SettingsPropertyValueCollection getValues = provider.GetPropertyValues(ctx, getProps);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, getValues.Count);
            SettingsPropertyValue getValue1 = getValues["Name"];

            Assert.AreEqual("Fred Flintstone", getValue1.PropertyValue);
Beispiel #2
        public void AnonymousUserSettingNonAnonymousProperties()
            MySQLProfileProvider provider = InitProfileProvider();
            SettingsContext      ctx      = new SettingsContext();

            ctx.Add("IsAuthenticated", false);
            ctx.Add("UserName", "user1");

            SettingsPropertyValueCollection values = new SettingsPropertyValueCollection();
            SettingsProperty property1             = new SettingsProperty("color");

            property1.PropertyType = typeof(string);
            property1.Attributes["AllowAnonymous"] = false;
            SettingsPropertyValue value = new SettingsPropertyValue(property1);

            value.PropertyValue = "blue";

            provider.SetPropertyValues(ctx, values);

            DataTable dt = FillTable("SELECT * FROM my_aspnet_Applications");

            Assert.AreEqual(0, dt.Rows.Count);
            dt = FillTable("SELECT * FROM my_aspnet_Users");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, dt.Rows.Count);
            dt = FillTable("SELECT * FROM my_aspnet_Profiles");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, dt.Rows.Count);
Beispiel #3
        public void GetAllProfiles()
            ProfileBase profile = ProfileBase.Create("foo", true);

            ResetAppId(profile.Providers["MySqlProfileProvider"] as MySQLProfileProvider);
            profile["Name"] = "Fred Flintstone";

            SettingsPropertyCollection getProps = new SettingsPropertyCollection();
            SettingsProperty           getProp1 = new SettingsProperty("Name");

            getProp1.PropertyType = typeof(String);

            MySQLProfileProvider provider = InitProfileProvider();
            SettingsContext      ctx      = new SettingsContext();

            ctx.Add("IsAuthenticated", true);
            ctx.Add("UserName", "foo");

            int total;
            ProfileInfoCollection profiles = provider.GetAllProfiles(
                ProfileAuthenticationOption.All, 0, 10, out total);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, total);
Beispiel #4
        public void AuthenticatedDateTime()
            ProfileBase profile = ProfileBase.Create("foo", true);

            ResetAppId(profile.Providers["MySqlProfileProvider"] as MySQLProfileProvider);
            DateTime date = DateTime.Now;

            profile["BirthDate"] = date;

            SettingsPropertyCollection getProps = new SettingsPropertyCollection();
            SettingsProperty           getProp1 = new SettingsProperty("BirthDate");

            getProp1.PropertyType = typeof(DateTime);
            getProp1.SerializeAs  = SettingsSerializeAs.Xml;

            MySQLProfileProvider provider = InitProfileProvider();
            SettingsContext      ctx      = new SettingsContext();

            ctx.Add("IsAuthenticated", true);
            ctx.Add("UserName", "foo");

            SettingsPropertyValueCollection getValues = provider.GetPropertyValues(ctx, getProps);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, getValues.Count);
            SettingsPropertyValue getValue1 = getValues["BirthDate"];

            Assert.AreEqual(date, getValue1.PropertyValue);
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// We have to manually reset the app id because our profile provider is loaded from
        /// previous tests but we are destroying our database between tests.  This means that
        /// our provider thinks we have an application in our database when we really don't.
        /// Doing this will force the provider to generate a new app id.
        /// Note that this is not really a problem in a normal app that is not destroying
        /// the database behind the back of the provider.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        private void ResetAppId(MySQLProfileProvider p)
            Type      t  = p.GetType();
            FieldInfo fi = t.GetField("applicationId",
                                      BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.GetField);

            fi.SetValue(p, -1);
Beispiel #6
        private MySQLProfileProvider InitProfileProvider()
            MySQLProfileProvider p      = new MySQLProfileProvider();
            NameValueCollection  config = new NameValueCollection();

            config.Add("connectionStringName", "LocalMySqlServer");
            config.Add("applicationName", "/");
            p.Initialize(null, config);
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// We have to manually reset the app id because our profile provider is loaded from
        /// previous tests but we are destroying our database between tests.  This means that
        /// our provider thinks we have an application in our database when we really don't.
        /// Doing this will force the provider to generate a new app id.
        /// Note that this is not really a problem in a normal app that is not destroying
        /// the database behind the back of the provider.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        private void ResetAppId(MySQLProfileProvider p)
            Type      t  = p.GetType();
            FieldInfo fi = t.GetField("app",
                                      BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.GetField);
            object       appObject = fi.GetValue(p);
            Type         appType   = appObject.GetType();
            PropertyInfo pi        = appType.GetProperty("Id");

            pi.SetValue(appObject, -1, null);
Beispiel #8
        public void StringCollectionAsProperty()
            ProfileBase profile = ProfileBase.Create("foo", true);

            ResetAppId(profile.Providers["MySqlProfileProvider"] as MySQLProfileProvider);
            StringCollection colors = new StringCollection();

            profile["FavoriteColors"] = colors;

            DataTable dt = FillTable("SELECT * FROM my_aspnet_Applications");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, dt.Rows.Count);
            dt = FillTable("SELECT * FROM my_aspnet_Users");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, dt.Rows.Count);
            dt = FillTable("SELECT * FROM my_aspnet_Profiles");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, dt.Rows.Count);

            // now retrieve them
            SettingsPropertyCollection getProps = new SettingsPropertyCollection();
            SettingsProperty           getProp1 = new SettingsProperty("FavoriteColors");

            getProp1.PropertyType = typeof(StringCollection);
            getProp1.SerializeAs  = SettingsSerializeAs.Xml;

            MySQLProfileProvider provider = InitProfileProvider();
            SettingsContext      ctx      = new SettingsContext();

            ctx.Add("IsAuthenticated", true);
            ctx.Add("UserName", "foo");
            SettingsPropertyValueCollection getValues = provider.GetPropertyValues(ctx, getProps);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, getValues.Count);
            SettingsPropertyValue getValue1 = getValues["FavoriteColors"];
            StringCollection      outValue  = (StringCollection)getValue1.PropertyValue;

            Assert.AreEqual(3, outValue.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("red", outValue[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual("green", outValue[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual("blue", outValue[2]);
        public void SettingValuesCreatesAnAppAndUserId()
            MySQLProfileProvider provider = InitProfileProvider();
            SettingsContext      ctx      = new SettingsContext();

            ctx.Add("IsAuthenticated", false);
            ctx.Add("UserName", "user1");

            SettingsPropertyValueCollection values = new SettingsPropertyValueCollection();
            SettingsProperty property1             = new SettingsProperty("color");

            property1.PropertyType = typeof(string);
            property1.Attributes["AllowAnonymous"] = true;
            SettingsPropertyValue value = new SettingsPropertyValue(property1);

            value.PropertyValue = "blue";

            provider.SetPropertyValues(ctx, values);

            DataTable dt = FillTable("SELECT * FROM my_aspnet_applications");

            Assert.True(1 == dt.Rows.Count, "Rows count on table my_aspnet_applications is not 1");

            dt = FillTable("SELECT * FROM my_aspnet_users");
            Assert.True(1 == dt.Rows.Count, "Rows count on table my_aspnet_users is not 1");

            dt = FillTable("SELECT * FROM my_aspnet_profiles");
            Assert.True(1 == dt.Rows.Count, "Rows count on table my_aspnet_profiles is not 1");

            values["color"].PropertyValue = "green";
            provider.SetPropertyValues(ctx, values);

            dt = FillTable("SELECT * FROM my_aspnet_applications");
            Assert.True(1 == dt.Rows.Count, "Rows count on table my_aspnet_applications is not 1 after setting property");

            dt = FillTable("SELECT * FROM my_aspnet_users");
            Assert.True(1 == dt.Rows.Count, "Rows count on table my_aspnet_users is not 1 after setting property");

            dt = FillTable("SELECT * FROM my_aspnet_profiles");
            Assert.True(1 == dt.Rows.Count, "Rows count on table my_aspnet_profiles is not 1 after setting property");