override public IDbCommand CreateCommand()
            MySQLConnection sc = InternalConnection as MySQLConnection;

            if (null == sc)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("InvalidConnType00" + InternalConnection.GetType().FullName);

Beispiel #2
        public MySQLDataReader GetDataReader(string commandStr)

            MySQLCommand cmdTemp = (MySQLCommand)connection.CreateCommand();

            cmdTemp.CommandText = "set names gbk";

            command             = (MySQLCommand)connection.CreateCommand();
            command.CommandText = commandStr;
            dataReader          = (MySQLDataReader)command.ExecuteReader();

Beispiel #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Connect to MySql");

            using (connection)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Koneksi: " + connection.State.Tostring() + Enviroment.NewLine);

                    MySqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
                    command.CommandText = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
                    command.CommandText = "Select * from guitar";

                    MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                    var             data   = "[type]\t[brand]\t[bodytype]\t[price]\n";

                    if (reader.Hashrow)
                        while (reader.Read())
                            data += reader.GetString(0) + reader.Getstring(1) + reader.GetString(2) + reader.GetInt(3); +Environment.NewLine;
                        Console.WriteLine("Data Unknown")

                    System.Console.WriteLine("Koneksi: " + connection.State.Tostring() + Enviroment.NewLine);
                } catch (My.Sql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException ex) {
                    System.Console.WriteLine("eror " + ex.Message.Tostring());
                } finally{
        // X:\jsc.svn\examples\java\hybrid\Test\TestJVMCLRAsync\TestJVMCLRAsync\Program.cs
        // can we send in the caller IButtonProxy ?
        // as long the interface is async, one way we could do it.
        // if it allows a continuation we would have
        // to reinit our state
        // this would be possible only if we encrypt and sign
        // our state
        // as we cannot trust the other device to not change our expected state

        static ApplicationWebService()
            // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\LINQ\test\auto\TestSelect\TestAppEngineOrderByThenGroupBy\ApplicationWebService.cs
            // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/backlog/knowledge-base/2014/201409/20140908

            // jsc should not try to do cctor on client side
            // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\Test\TestWebServiceStaticConstructor\TestWebServiceStaticConstructor\ApplicationWebService.cs

            #region MySQLConnection

            // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\LINQ\test\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\ApplicationWebService.cs

            // the safe way to hint we need to talk PHP dialect
            QueryExpressionBuilder.Dialect = QueryExpressionBuilderDialect.MySQL;
            QueryExpressionBuilder.WithConnection =
                y =>
                Console.WriteLine("enter WithConnection");

                //var DataSource = "file:xApplicationPerformance.xlsx.sqlite";
                var cc0 = new MySQLConnection(

                    new System.Data.MySQL.MySQLConnectionStringBuilder
                    //Database = 

                    UserID = "root",
                    Server = "",

                    //SslMode = MySQLSslMode.VerifyFull

                    //ConnectionTimeout = 3000

                //new MySQLConnectionStringBuilder { DataSource = "file:PerformanceResourceTimingData2.xlsx.sqlite" }.ToString()

                // Additional information: Authentication to host '' for user '' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message: Access denied for user ''@'asus7' (using password: NO)
                // Additional information: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.

                #region use db
                    //var a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName();

                    // SkipUntilIfAny ???
                    //var QDataSource = a.Name + ":" + DataSource.SkipUntilIfAny("file:").TakeUntilIfAny(".xlsx.sqlite");
                    var QDataSource = "TestAppEngineOrderByThenGroupBy";

                    // QDataSource.Length = 76
                    var QLengthb = QDataSource.Length;

                    // Database	64
                    cc0.CreateCommand("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `" + QDataSource + "`").ExecuteScalar();
                    cc0.CreateCommand("use `" + QDataSource + "`").ExecuteScalar();


                // jsc java does the wrong thing here
                Console.WriteLine("exit WithConnection");
    static void Main(string[] args)
        #region MySQLConnection

        // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\LINQ\test\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\ApplicationWebService.cs

        // the idea is to test MySQL as we have LINQ to SQL also running in chrome now
        //var mysqld = @"C:\util\xampp-win32-1.8.0-VC9\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe";
        //// --standalone --console

        //var mysqldp = Process.Start(mysqld, " --standalone --console");

        // Additional information: WaitForInputIdle failed.  This could be because the process does not have a graphical interface.

        // the safe way to hint we need to talk PHP dialect
        QueryExpressionBuilder.Dialect = QueryExpressionBuilderDialect.MySQL;
        QueryExpressionBuilder.WithConnection =
            y =>
                var DataSource = "file:xApplicationPerformance.xlsx.sqlite";
                var cc0 = new MySQLConnection(

                    new System.Data.MySQL.MySQLConnectionStringBuilder

                    UserID = "tssl",
                    Server = "",
                    // password is useless if client cert is to be used
                    Password = "******",
                    SslMode = MySQLSslMode.Required,

                    // private key
                    CertificateFile = @"X:\Monese\network\certs\local_devsql1\local_sql_client.pfx",
                    //ConnectionTimeout = 3000

                //new MySQLConnectionStringBuilder { DataSource = "file:PerformanceResourceTimingData2.xlsx.sqlite" }.ToString()

                // Additional information: Authentication to host '' for user '' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message: Access denied for user ''@'asus7' (using password: NO)
                // Additional information: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.

                #region use db
                    var a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName();

                    // SkipUntilIfAny ???
                    var QDataSource = a.Name + ":" + DataSource.SkipUntilIfAny("file:").TakeUntilIfAny(".xlsx.sqlite");

                    // QDataSource.Length = 76
                    var QLengthb = QDataSource.Length;

                    // Database	64
                    cc0.CreateCommand("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `" + QDataSource + "`").ExecuteScalar();
                    cc0.CreateCommand("use `" + QDataSource + "`").ExecuteScalar();



        new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance().Delete();

        new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance().Insert(
            new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformanceRow
            connectEnd = 9,
            connectStart = 5,
            Tag = "first insert"

            new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformanceRow
            connectStart = 5,
            connectEnd = 111,
            Tag = "middle insert"

            new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformanceRow
            connectStart = 5,
            connectEnd = 11,
            Tag = "Last insert, selected by group by"

        // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=369239&can=5&colspec=ID%20Pri%20M%20Iteration%20ReleaseBlock%20Cr%20Status%20Owner%20Summary%20OS%20Modified

        var f = (
            from x in new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance()
                //orderby x.Key ascending
                // MYSQL and SQLITE seem to behave differently? in reverse actually!
            orderby x.connectEnd descending
            // { f = { c = 3, Tag = first insert } }

            //orderby x.Key ascending
            // { f = { c = 3, Tag = Last insert, selected by group by } }
            // { f = { c = 3, Tag = first insert } }
            group x by x.connectStart into gg
            select new
                c = gg.Count(),
                // need orderby x.Key descending !


            new { f }


Beispiel #6
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\LINQ\test\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\ApplicationWebService.cs

        #region MySQLConnection

        // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\LINQ\test\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\ApplicationWebService.cs

        // the idea is to test MySQL as we have LINQ to SQL also running in chrome now
        //var mysqld = @"C:\util\xampp-win32-1.8.0-VC9\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe";
        var mysqld = @"X:\util\xampp-win32-1.8.3-5-VC11\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe";

        // --standalone --console

        var mysqldp = Process.Start(mysqld, " --standalone --console");

        // C:\util\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe --defaults-file=C:\util\xampp-win32-1.8.0-VC9\xampp\mysql\bin\my.ini mysql
        // already running as a service?

        //151019 12:23:06  InnoDB: Operating system error number 32 in a file operation.
        //InnoDB: The error means that another program is using InnoDB's files.
        //InnoDB: This might be a backup or antivirus software or another instance
        //InnoDB: of MySQL. Please close it to get rid of this error.

        // Additional information: WaitForInputIdle failed.  This could be because the process does not have a graphical interface.

        // the safe way to hint we need to talk PHP dialect
        QueryExpressionBuilder.Dialect        = QueryExpressionBuilderDialect.MySQL;
        QueryExpressionBuilder.WithConnection =
            y =>
            var DataSource = "file:xApplicationPerformance.xlsx.sqlite";
            var cc0        = new MySQLConnection(

                new System.Data.MySQL.MySQLConnectionStringBuilder
                UserID = "root",
                Server = "",

                //SslMode = MySQLSslMode.VerifyFull

                //ConnectionTimeout = 3000
                //new MySQLConnectionStringBuilder { DataSource = "file:PerformanceResourceTimingData2.xlsx.sqlite" }.ToString()

            // Additional information: Authentication to host '' for user '' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message: Access denied for user ''@'asus7' (using password: NO)
            // Additional information: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.

            // Additional information: Authentication to host '' for user 'root' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
            // https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html

            #region use db
                var a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName();

                // SkipUntilIfAny ???
                var QDataSource = a.Name + ":" + DataSource.SkipUntilIfAny("file:").TakeUntilIfAny(".xlsx.sqlite");

                // QDataSource.Length = 76
                var QLengthb = QDataSource.Length;

                // Database	64
                cc0.CreateCommand("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `" + QDataSource + "`").ExecuteNonQuery();
                cc0.CreateCommand("use `" + QDataSource + "`").ExecuteNonQuery();



        var n = new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance();

        var rid = n.Insert(
            new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformanceRow
            connectStart = 5,
            connectEnd   = 13,
            EventTime    = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-0),

            z = new XElement("goo", "foo")
        // { LastInsertRowId = 2 }

        var c = new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance().Count();

        Console.WriteLine(new { c, rid });


        // +		$exception	{"Process has exited, so the requested information is not available."}	System.Exception {System.InvalidOperationException}
        // X:\jsc.svn\examples\java\hybrid\Test\TestJVMCLRAsync\TestJVMCLRAsync\Program.cs
        // can we send in the caller IButtonProxy ?
        // as long the interface is async, one way we could do it.
        // if it allows a continuation we would have
        // to reinit our state
        // this would be possible only if we encrypt and sign
        // our state
        // as we cannot trust the other device to not change our expected state

        static ApplicationWebService()
            // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\LINQ\test\auto\TestSelect\TestAppEngineOrderByThenGroupBy\ApplicationWebService.cs
            // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/backlog/knowledge-base/2014/201409/20140908

            // jsc should not try to do cctor on client side
            // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\Test\TestWebServiceStaticConstructor\TestWebServiceStaticConstructor\ApplicationWebService.cs

            #region MySQLConnection

            // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\LINQ\test\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\ApplicationWebService.cs

            // the safe way to hint we need to talk PHP dialect
            QueryExpressionBuilder.Dialect        = QueryExpressionBuilderDialect.MySQL;
            QueryExpressionBuilder.WithConnection =
                y =>
                Console.WriteLine("enter WithConnection");

                //var DataSource = "file:xApplicationPerformance.xlsx.sqlite";
                var cc0 = new MySQLConnection(

                    new System.Data.MySQL.MySQLConnectionStringBuilder
                    //Database =

                    UserID = "root",
                    Server = "",

                    //SslMode = MySQLSslMode.VerifyFull

                    //ConnectionTimeout = 3000
                    //new MySQLConnectionStringBuilder { DataSource = "file:PerformanceResourceTimingData2.xlsx.sqlite" }.ToString()

                // Additional information: Authentication to host '' for user '' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message: Access denied for user ''@'asus7' (using password: NO)
                // Additional information: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.

                #region use db
                    //var a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName();

                    // SkipUntilIfAny ???
                    //var QDataSource = a.Name + ":" + DataSource.SkipUntilIfAny("file:").TakeUntilIfAny(".xlsx.sqlite");
                    var QDataSource = "TestAppEngineOrderByThenGroupBy";

                    // QDataSource.Length = 76
                    var QLengthb = QDataSource.Length;

                    // Database	64
                    cc0.CreateCommand("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `" + QDataSource + "`").ExecuteScalar();
                    cc0.CreateCommand("use `" + QDataSource + "`").ExecuteScalar();


                // jsc java does the wrong thing here
                Console.WriteLine("exit WithConnection");
Beispiel #8
    static void Main(string[] args)
        #region MySQLConnection

        // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\LINQ\test\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\ApplicationWebService.cs

        // the idea is to test MySQL as we have LINQ to SQL also running in chrome now
        var mysqld = @"C:\util\xampp-win32-1.8.0-VC9\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe";
        // --standalone --console

        var mysqldp = Process.Start(mysqld, " --standalone --console");

        // Additional information: WaitForInputIdle failed.  This could be because the process does not have a graphical interface.

        // the safe way to hint we need to talk PHP dialect
        QueryExpressionBuilder.Dialect        = QueryExpressionBuilderDialect.MySQL;
        QueryExpressionBuilder.WithConnection =
            y =>
            var DataSource = "file:xApplicationPerformance.xlsx.sqlite";
            var cc0        = new MySQLConnection(

                new System.Data.MySQL.MySQLConnectionStringBuilder
                UserID = "root",
                Server = "",

                //SslMode = MySQLSslMode.VerifyFull

                //ConnectionTimeout = 3000
                //new MySQLConnectionStringBuilder { DataSource = "file:PerformanceResourceTimingData2.xlsx.sqlite" }.ToString()

            // Additional information: Authentication to host '' for user '' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message: Access denied for user ''@'asus7' (using password: NO)
            // Additional information: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.

            #region use db
                var a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName();

                // SkipUntilIfAny ???
                var QDataSource = a.Name + ":" + DataSource.SkipUntilIfAny("file:").TakeUntilIfAny(".xlsx.sqlite");

                // QDataSource.Length = 76
                var QLengthb = QDataSource.Length;

                // Database	64
                cc0.CreateCommand("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `" + QDataSource + "`").ExecuteScalar();
                cc0.CreateCommand("use `" + QDataSource + "`").ExecuteScalar();



        new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance().Delete();

        new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance().Insert(
            new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformanceRow
            connectEnd   = 9,
            connectStart = 5,
            Tag          = "first insert"

            new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformanceRow
            connectStart = 5,
            connectEnd   = 111,
            Tag          = "middle insert"

            new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformanceRow
            connectStart = 5,
            connectEnd   = 11,
            Tag          = "Last insert, selected by group by"

        // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=369239&can=5&colspec=ID%20Pri%20M%20Iteration%20ReleaseBlock%20Cr%20Status%20Owner%20Summary%20OS%20Modified

        var f = (
            from x in new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance()
            //orderby x.Key ascending
            // MYSQL and SQLITE seem to behave differently? in reverse actually!
            orderby x.connectEnd ascending
            // { f = { c = 3, Tag = first insert } }

            group x by x.connectStart into gg
            select new
            c = gg.Count(),
            // need orderby x.Key descending !


            new { f }

    static void Main(string[] args)
        // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\LINQ\test\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\ApplicationWebService.cs

        // the idea is to test MySQL as we have LINQ to SQL also running in chrome now
        var mysqld = @"C:\util\xampp-win32-1.8.0-VC9\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe";
        // --standalone --console

        var mysqldp = Process.Start(mysqld, " --standalone --console");

        // Additional information: WaitForInputIdle failed.  This could be because the process does not have a graphical interface.

        #region MySQLConnection
        // the safe way to hint we need to talk PHP dialect
        QueryExpressionBuilder.Dialect = QueryExpressionBuilderDialect.MySQL;
        QueryExpressionBuilder.WithConnection =
            y =>
                var DataSource = "file:xApplicationPerformance.xlsx.sqlite";
                var cc0 = new MySQLConnection(

                    new System.Data.MySQL.MySQLConnectionStringBuilder

                    UserID = "root",
                    Server = "",

                //new MySQLConnectionStringBuilder { DataSource = "file:PerformanceResourceTimingData2.xlsx.sqlite" }.ToString()

                // Additional information: Authentication to host '' for user '' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message: Access denied for user ''@'asus7' (using password: NO)
                // Additional information: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.

                #region use db
                    var a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName();

                    // SkipUntilIfAny ???
                    var QDataSource = a.Name + ":" + DataSource.SkipUntilIfAny("file:").TakeUntilIfAny(".xlsx.sqlite");

                    // QDataSource.Length = 76
                    var QLengthb = QDataSource.Length;

                    // Database	64
                    cc0.CreateCommand("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `" + QDataSource + "`").ExecuteScalar();
                    cc0.CreateCommand("use `" + QDataSource + "`").ExecuteScalar();



        //'TestXMySQL.PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformanceRow' cannot be used for delegate parameter of type 'System.Object'

        // ThreadLocal SynchronizationContext aware ConnectionPool?
        var n = new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance();


        // wont return? jsc broke xMySQL async? no there was an sql error
        //var count = n.CountAsync(cc0).Result;
        var count = n.Count();

        // ScriptCoreLib.Async
           new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformanceRow
            connectStart = 5,
            connectEnd = 13,
            EventTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-0)

       // if you do not wait you wont get the id damn it

        // should be based on QueryExpressionBuilder.Dialect, and wait for the last async?
        //var id = cc0.GetLastInsertRowId();

        // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5440168/c-sharp-mysql-there-is-already-an-open-datareader-associated-with-this-connectio

        var q = from x in new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance()
                orderby x.Timestamp descending
                select new

        //var f = q.FirstOrDefaultAsync().Result;
        var f = q.FirstOrDefault();

        Console.WriteLine(new { f });

        //new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance().Where(x => x.Key == f.Key).Delete();
        //new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance().Delete(x => x.Key == f.Key);
        new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance().Delete(f.Key);



        // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/backlog/knowledge-base/2015/201510/20151006/xlsx
        // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/work/knowledge-base/15-dualvr/20150911/mysql

        //Implementation not found for type import :
        //type: System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand
        //method: Void .ctor(System.String, System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection)
        //Did you forget to add the [Script] attribute?
        //Please double check the signature!

        //assembly: W:\XSLXAssetWithXElement.ApplicationWebService.exe
        //type: XSLXAssetWithXElement.Data.Book1+Sheet1+Queries, XSLXAssetWithXElement.ApplicationWebService, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
        //offset: 0x0006
        // method:System.Threading.Tasks.Task Create(System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection)

        static ApplicationWebService()
            // ex = {"Could not load file or assembly 'ScriptCoreLib.Ultra, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.":"ScriptCoreLib.Ultra, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"}

            //{ var r = typeof(ScriptCoreLib.Shared.Data.Diagnostics.WithConnectionLambda); }
            { var r = typeof(System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection); }
            { var r = typeof(ScriptCoreLib.Library.StringConversions); }

            #region QueryExpressionBuilder.WithConnection
            QueryExpressionBuilder.WithConnection =
                y =>
                    // jsc should imply it?

                    var cc = new SQLiteConnection(
                        new SQLiteConnectionStringBuilder
                            // "Z:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\appengine\XSLXAssetWithXElement\XSLXAssetWithXElement\bin\Debug\staging\XSLXAssetWithXElement.ApplicationWebService\staging.net.debug\Book1.xlsx.sqlite"
                            DataSource = "file:Book1.xlsx.sqlite"


            #region MySQLConnection

            // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\LINQ\test\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\ApplicationWebService.cs

            // the safe way to hint we need to talk PHP dialect
            QueryExpressionBuilder.Dialect = QueryExpressionBuilderDialect.MySQL;
            QueryExpressionBuilder.WithConnection =
                y =>
                    Console.WriteLine("enter WithConnection");

                    //var DataSource = "file:xApplicationPerformance.xlsx.sqlite";
                    var cc0 = new MySQLConnection(

                        new System.Data.MySQL.MySQLConnectionStringBuilder
                            //Database = 

                            UserID = "root",
                            Server = "",

                            //SslMode = MySQLSslMode.VerifyFull

                            //ConnectionTimeout = 3000

                        //new MySQLConnectionStringBuilder { DataSource = "file:PerformanceResourceTimingData2.xlsx.sqlite" }.ToString()

                    // Additional information: Authentication to host '' for user '' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message: Access denied for user ''@'asus7' (using password: NO)
                    // Additional information: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.

                    #region use db
                        //var a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName();

                        // SkipUntilIfAny ???
                        //var QDataSource = a.Name + ":" + DataSource.SkipUntilIfAny("file:").TakeUntilIfAny(".xlsx.sqlite");
                        var QDataSource = "XSLXAssetWithXElement";

                        // QDataSource.Length = 76
                        var QLengthb = QDataSource.Length;

                        // Database	64
                        cc0.CreateCommand("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `" + QDataSource + "`").ExecuteScalar();
                        cc0.CreateCommand("use `" + QDataSource + "`").ExecuteScalar();


                    // jsc java does the wrong thing here
                    Console.WriteLine("exit WithConnection");

Beispiel #11
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\LINQ\test\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\ApplicationWebService.cs

        #region MySQLConnection

        // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\LINQ\test\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\ApplicationWebService.cs

        // the idea is to test MySQL as we have LINQ to SQL also running in chrome now
        //var mysqld = @"C:\util\xampp-win32-1.8.0-VC9\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe";
        var mysqld = @"X:\util\xampp-win32-1.8.3-5-VC11\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe";

        // --standalone --console

        var mysqldp = Process.Start(mysqld, " --standalone --console");

        // C:\util\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe --defaults-file=C:\util\xampp-win32-1.8.0-VC9\xampp\mysql\bin\my.ini mysql
        // already running as a service?

        //151019 12:23:06  InnoDB: Operating system error number 32 in a file operation.
        //InnoDB: The error means that another program is using InnoDB's files.
        //InnoDB: This might be a backup or antivirus software or another instance
        //InnoDB: of MySQL. Please close it to get rid of this error.

        // Additional information: WaitForInputIdle failed.  This could be because the process does not have a graphical interface.

        // the safe way to hint we need to talk PHP dialect
        QueryExpressionBuilder.Dialect = QueryExpressionBuilderDialect.MySQL;
        QueryExpressionBuilder.WithConnection =
            y =>
                var DataSource = "file:xApplicationPerformance.xlsx.sqlite";
                var cc0 = new MySQLConnection(

                    new System.Data.MySQL.MySQLConnectionStringBuilder

                    UserID = "root",
                    Server = "",

                    //SslMode = MySQLSslMode.VerifyFull

                    //ConnectionTimeout = 3000

                    //new MySQLConnectionStringBuilder { DataSource = "file:PerformanceResourceTimingData2.xlsx.sqlite" }.ToString()

                // Additional information: Authentication to host '' for user '' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message: Access denied for user ''@'asus7' (using password: NO)
                // Additional information: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.

                // Additional information: Authentication to host '' for user 'root' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
                // https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html

                #region use db
                    var a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName();

                    // SkipUntilIfAny ???
                    var QDataSource = a.Name + ":" + DataSource.SkipUntilIfAny("file:").TakeUntilIfAny(".xlsx.sqlite");

                    // QDataSource.Length = 76
                    var QLengthb = QDataSource.Length;

                    // Database	64
                    cc0.CreateCommand("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `" + QDataSource + "`").ExecuteNonQuery();
                    cc0.CreateCommand("use `" + QDataSource + "`").ExecuteNonQuery();



        var n = new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance();

        var rid = n.Insert(
             new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformanceRow
            connectStart = 5,
            connectEnd = 13,
            EventTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-0),

            z = new XElement("goo", "foo")
        // { LastInsertRowId = 2 }

        var c = new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance().Count();

        Console.WriteLine(new { c, rid });


        // +		$exception	{"Process has exited, so the requested information is not available."}	System.Exception {System.InvalidOperationException}

Beispiel #12
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\LINQ\test\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\ApplicationWebService.cs

        // the idea is to test MySQL as we have LINQ to SQL also running in chrome now
        var mysqld = @"C:\util\xampp-win32-1.8.0-VC9\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe";
        // --standalone --console

        var mysqldp = Process.Start(mysqld, " --standalone --console");

        // Additional information: WaitForInputIdle failed.  This could be because the process does not have a graphical interface.

        #region MySQLConnection
        // the safe way to hint we need to talk PHP dialect
        QueryExpressionBuilder.Dialect        = QueryExpressionBuilderDialect.MySQL;
        QueryExpressionBuilder.WithConnection =
            y =>
            var DataSource = "file:xApplicationPerformance.xlsx.sqlite";
            var cc0        = new MySQLConnection(

                new System.Data.MySQL.MySQLConnectionStringBuilder
                UserID = "root",
                Server = "",
                //new MySQLConnectionStringBuilder { DataSource = "file:PerformanceResourceTimingData2.xlsx.sqlite" }.ToString()

            // Additional information: Authentication to host '' for user '' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message: Access denied for user ''@'asus7' (using password: NO)
            // Additional information: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.

            #region use db
                var a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName();

                // SkipUntilIfAny ???
                var QDataSource = a.Name + ":" + DataSource.SkipUntilIfAny("file:").TakeUntilIfAny(".xlsx.sqlite");

                // QDataSource.Length = 76
                var QLengthb = QDataSource.Length;

                // Database	64
                cc0.CreateCommand("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `" + QDataSource + "`").ExecuteScalar();
                cc0.CreateCommand("use `" + QDataSource + "`").ExecuteScalar();



        //'TestXMySQL.PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformanceRow' cannot be used for delegate parameter of type 'System.Object'

        // ThreadLocal SynchronizationContext aware ConnectionPool?
        var n = new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance();


        // wont return? jsc broke xMySQL async? no there was an sql error
        //var count = n.CountAsync(cc0).Result;
        var count = n.Count();

        // ScriptCoreLib.Async
            new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformanceRow
            connectStart = 5,
            connectEnd   = 13,
            EventTime    = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-0)

            // if you do not wait you wont get the id damn it

        // should be based on QueryExpressionBuilder.Dialect, and wait for the last async?
        //var id = cc0.GetLastInsertRowId();

        // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5440168/c-sharp-mysql-there-is-already-an-open-datareader-associated-with-this-connectio

        var q = from x in new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance()
                orderby x.Timestamp descending
                select new

        //var f = q.FirstOrDefaultAsync().Result;
        var f = q.FirstOrDefault();

        Console.WriteLine(new { f });

        //new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance().Where(x => x.Key == f.Key).Delete();
        //new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance().Delete(x => x.Key == f.Key);
        new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance().Delete(f.Key);


Beispiel #13
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\LINQ\test\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\ApplicationWebService.cs
        #region MySQLConnection

        // the idea is to test MySQL as we have LINQ to SQL also running in chrome now
        var mysqld = @"C:\util\xampp-win32-1.8.0-VC9\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe";
        // --standalone --console

        var mysqldp = Process.Start(mysqld, " --standalone --console");

        // Additional information: WaitForInputIdle failed.  This could be because the process does not have a graphical interface.

        // the safe way to hint we need to talk PHP dialect
        QueryExpressionBuilder.Dialect        = QueryExpressionBuilderDialect.MySQL;
        QueryExpressionBuilder.WithConnection =
            y =>
            var DataSource = "file:xApplicationPerformance.xlsx.sqlite";
            var cc0        = new MySQLConnection(

                new System.Data.MySQL.MySQLConnectionStringBuilder
                UserID = "root",
                Server = "",
                //new MySQLConnectionStringBuilder { DataSource = "file:PerformanceResourceTimingData2.xlsx.sqlite" }.ToString()

            // Additional information: Authentication to host '' for user '' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message: Access denied for user ''@'asus7' (using password: NO)
            // Additional information: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.
            var st = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            while (true)

                    if (st.ElapsedMilliseconds > 6000)
                        // give up

            #region use db
                var a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName();

                // SkipUntilIfAny ???
                var QDataSource = a.Name + ":" + DataSource.SkipUntilIfAny("file:").TakeUntilIfAny(".xlsx.sqlite");

                // QDataSource.Length = 76
                var QLengthb = QDataSource.Length;

                // Database	64
                cc0.CreateCommand("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `" + QDataSource + "`").ExecuteScalar();
                cc0.CreateCommand("use `" + QDataSource + "`").ExecuteScalar();



        new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance().Insert(
            new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformanceRow
            connectStart = 5,
            Tag          = "first insert"

        new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationResourcePerformance().Insert(
            new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationResourcePerformanceRow
            connectStart = 5,
            Tag          = "first insert"

        // Additional information: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '== `y`.`connectStart`
        var q = (
            from x in new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance()
            join y in new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationResourcePerformance() on x.connectStart equals y.connectStart
            select new
            field1 = x.connectStart,
            field2 = y.connectStart,
            field3 = y.connectStart,


        var f = q.FirstOrDefault();

        Console.WriteLine(new { f });
        // { f = { field1 = 5, field2 = 5, field3 = 5 } }


Beispiel #14
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\LINQ\test\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\TestSelectGroupByAndConstant\ApplicationWebService.cs
        #region MySQLConnection

        // the idea is to test MySQL as we have LINQ to SQL also running in chrome now
        var mysqld = @"C:\util\xampp-win32-1.8.0-VC9\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe";
        // --standalone --console

        var mysqldp = Process.Start(mysqld, " --standalone --console");

        // Additional information: WaitForInputIdle failed.  This could be because the process does not have a graphical interface.

        // the safe way to hint we need to talk PHP dialect
        QueryExpressionBuilder.Dialect = QueryExpressionBuilderDialect.MySQL;
        QueryExpressionBuilder.WithConnection =
            y =>
                var DataSource = "file:xApplicationPerformance.xlsx.sqlite";
                var cc0 = new MySQLConnection(

                    new System.Data.MySQL.MySQLConnectionStringBuilder

                    UserID = "root",
                    Server = "",

                //new MySQLConnectionStringBuilder { DataSource = "file:PerformanceResourceTimingData2.xlsx.sqlite" }.ToString()

                // Additional information: Authentication to host '' for user '' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message: Access denied for user ''@'asus7' (using password: NO)
                // Additional information: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.
                var st = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                while (true)

                        if (st.ElapsedMilliseconds > 6000)
                            // give up

                #region use db
                    var a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName();

                    // SkipUntilIfAny ???
                    var QDataSource = a.Name + ":" + DataSource.SkipUntilIfAny("file:").TakeUntilIfAny(".xlsx.sqlite");

                    // QDataSource.Length = 76
                    var QLengthb = QDataSource.Length;

                    // Database	64
                    cc0.CreateCommand("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `" + QDataSource + "`").ExecuteScalar();
                    cc0.CreateCommand("use `" + QDataSource + "`").ExecuteScalar();



        new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance().Insert(
           new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformanceRow
            connectStart = 5,
            Tag = "first insert"

        new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationResourcePerformance().Insert(
             new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationResourcePerformanceRow
            connectStart = 5,
            Tag = "first insert"

        // Additional information: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '== `y`.`connectStart`
        var q = (
            from x in new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationPerformance()
            join y in new PerformanceResourceTimingData2ApplicationResourcePerformance() on x.connectStart equals y.connectStart
            select new
                field1 = x.connectStart,
                field2 = y.connectStart,
                field3 = y.connectStart,


        var f = q.FirstOrDefault();

        Console.WriteLine(new { f });
        // { f = { field1 = 5, field2 = 5, field3 = 5 } }


