Beispiel #1
        public void GetProperties_Returns_PropertyHelpers()
            // Arrange
            MyProps props = new MyProps
                IntProp    = 42,
                StringProp = "abc"

            // Act
            PropertyHelper[] properties = PropertyHelper.GetProperties(props);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(2, properties.Length);
                              e =>
                Assert.Equal("IntProp", e.Name);
                Assert.Equal(42, e.GetValue(props));
                              e =>
                Assert.Equal("StringProp", e.Name);
                Assert.Equal("abc", e.GetValue(props));
Beispiel #2
        public void Setter_ThrowsArgumentNull_Instance()
            // Arrange & Act & Assert
            var mine     = new MyProps();
            var accessor = new FastPropertyAccessor <MyProps>(mine.GetType().GetProperty("StringProp"));

            ExceptionAssert.ThrowsArgumentNull(() => accessor.SetValue(null, 5), "instance");
Beispiel #3
        public void CleanUpNativeData(IntPtr pNativeData)
            // Clear() either pops an entry, or clears
            // the values for the next call.
            MyProps t = MyProps.GetTop(m_Index);

Beispiel #4
            public static MyProps AddLayer(int iIndex)
                MyProps p = new MyProps();

                p.m_Parent             = m_CurrentProps[iIndex];
                m_CurrentProps[iIndex] = p;

 void Awake()
     mNetworkManager     = (NetworkManager)FindObjectOfType(typeof(NetworkManager));
     mDialogueManager    = (DialogueManager)FindObjectOfType(typeof(DialogueManager));
     mCountdown          = (Countdown)FindObjectOfType(typeof(Countdown));
     mAvailablePropsList = (dfListbox)FindObjectOfType(typeof(dfListbox));
     mMyProps            = (MyProps)FindObjectOfType(typeof(MyProps));
     mGame = (Game)FindObjectOfType(typeof(Game));
        public void GetterWorksForReferenceType()
            // Arrange
            var mine = new MyProps();
            var accessor = new FastPropertyAccessor<MyProps>(mine.GetType().GetProperty("StringProp"));
            mine.StringProp = "*4";

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal("*4", accessor.GetValue(mine));
        public void GetterWorksForValueType()
            // Arrange
            var mine = new MyProps();
            var accessor = new FastPropertyAccessor<MyProps>(mine.GetType().GetProperty("IntProp"));
            mine.IntProp = 4;

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(4, accessor.GetValue(mine));
        public void GetterWorksForReferenceType()
            // Arrange
            var mine     = new MyProps();
            var accessor = new FastPropertyAccessor <MyProps>(mine.GetType().GetProperty("StringProp"));

            mine.StringProp = "*4";

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal("*4", accessor.GetValue(mine));
Beispiel #9
            public static void SplitLayer(int iIndex)
                MyProps t = AddLayer(iIndex);
                MyProps p = t.m_Parent;

                t.m_InProcsss = 1;
                t.m_ptr       = p.m_ptr;
                t.m_obj       = p.m_obj;

                p.m_InProcsss = 1;
        public void GetterWorksForValueType()
            // Arrange
            var mine     = new MyProps();
            var accessor = new FastPropertyAccessor <MyProps>(mine.GetType().GetProperty("IntProp"));

            mine.IntProp = 4;

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(4, accessor.GetValue(mine));
Beispiel #11
        public void Copy_ThrowsArgumentNull_FromAndTo()
            // Arrange
            var accessor = new FastPropertyAccessor <MyProps>(typeof(MyProps).GetProperty("StringProp"));

            // Act & Assert
            ExceptionAssert.ThrowsArgumentNull(() => accessor.Copy(null, null), "from");

            // Act & Assert
            MyProps mine = new MyProps();

            ExceptionAssert.ThrowsArgumentNull(() => accessor.Copy(mine, null), "to");
Beispiel #12
 public static MyProps GetTop(int iIndex)
     // If the member hasn't been initialized, do it now.  And no, we can't
     // do this in the PVMarshaler constructor, since the constructor may
     // have been called on a different thread.
     if (m_CurrentProps == null)
         m_CurrentProps = new MyProps[MaxArgs];
         for (int x = 0; x < MaxArgs; x++)
             m_CurrentProps[x] = new MyProps();
Beispiel #13
        public void ShouldCreateTreeWithProperties()
            MyProps props = null;

                props = new DependencyInjector().CreateAndInjectDependencies <MyProps>().rootBean;
            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #14
        public void CleanUpManagedData(object ManagedObj)
            // Note that if there are nested calls, one of the Cleanup*Data
            // methods will be called at the end of each pair:

            // MarshalNativeToManaged
            // MarshalManagedToNative
            // CleanUpManagedData
            // or for recursion:
            // MarshalManagedToNative 1
            // MarshalNativeToManaged 2
            // MarshalManagedToNative 2
            // CleanUpManagedData     2
            // MarshalNativeToManaged 1
            // CleanUpNativeData      1

            // Clear() either pops an entry, or clears
            // the values for the next call.
            MyProps t = MyProps.GetTop(m_Index);

 void Awake()
     mMyProps = (MyProps)FindObjectOfType(typeof(MyProps));
     uImage   = (dfTextureSprite)GetComponentInChildren(typeof(dfTextureSprite));
 void Awake()
     mNetworkManager = (NetworkManager) FindObjectOfType(typeof(NetworkManager));
     mDialogueManager = (DialogueManager) FindObjectOfType(typeof(DialogueManager));
     mCountdown = (Countdown) FindObjectOfType(typeof(Countdown));
     mAvailablePropsList = (dfListbox) FindObjectOfType(typeof(dfListbox));
     mMyProps = (MyProps) FindObjectOfType(typeof(MyProps));
     mGame = (Game) FindObjectOfType(typeof(Game));
Beispiel #17
        public object MarshalNativeToManaged(IntPtr pNativeData)
            MyProps t = MyProps.GetTop(m_Index);

            switch (t.GetStage())
            case 0:
                // We are just starting a "Unmanaged calling managed"
                // call.

                // Caller should have cleared variant before calling
                // us.  Might be acceptable for types *other* than
                // IUnknown, String, Blob and StringArray, but it is
                // still bad design.  We're checking for it, but we
                // work around it.

                // Read the 16bit VariantType.

                // Create an empty managed PropVariant without using
                // pNativeData.
                t.m_obj = new PropVariant();

                // Save the pointer for use in MarshalManagedToNative.
                t.m_ptr = pNativeData;


            case 1:
                if (t.m_ptr != pNativeData)
                    // If we get here, we have already received a call
                    // to MarshalManagedToNative where we created an
                    // IntPtr and stored it into t.m_ptr.  But the
                    // value we just got passed here isn't the same
                    // one.  Therefore instead of being the second half
                    // of a "Managed calling unmanaged" (as m_InProcsss
                    // led us to believe) this is really the first half
                    // of a nested "Unmanaged calling managed" (see
                    // Recursion in the comments at the top of this
                    // class).  Add another layer.

                    // Try this call again now that we have fixed
                    // m_CurrentProps.

                // This is (probably) the second half of "Managed
                // calling unmanaged."  However, it could be the first
                // half of a nested usage of PropVariants.  If it is a
                // nested, we'll eventually figure that out in case 2.

                // Copy the data from the native pointer into the
                // managed object that we received in
                // MarshalManagedToNative.
                Marshal.PtrToStructure(pNativeData, t.m_obj);


            case 2:
                // Apparently this is 'part 3' of a 2 part call.  Which
                // means we are doing a nested call.  Normally we would
                // catch the fact that this is a nested call with the
                // (t.m_ptr != pNativeData) check above.  However, if
                // the same PropVariant instance is being passed thru
                // again, we end up here.  So, add a layer.

                // Try this call again now that we have fixed
                // m_CurrentProps.

                Environment.FailFast("Something horrible has " +
                                     "happened, probaby due to " +
                                     "marshaling of nested " +
                                     "PropVariant calls.");

Beispiel #18
        public IntPtr MarshalManagedToNative(object managedObj)
            MyProps t = MyProps.GetTop(m_Index);

            switch (t.GetStage())
            case 0:
                // We are just starting a "Managed calling unmanaged"
                // call.

                // Cast the object back to a PropVariant and save it
                // for use in MarshalNativeToManaged.
                t.m_obj = managedObj as PropVariant;

                // This could happen if (somehow) managedObj isn't a
                // PropVariant.  During normal marshaling, the custom
                // marshaler doesn't get called if the parameter is
                // null.

                // Release any memory currently allocated in the
                // PropVariant.  In theory, the (managed) caller
                // should have done this before making the call that
                // got us here, but .Net programmers don't generally
                // think that way.  To avoid any leaks, do it for them.

                // Create an appropriately sized buffer (varies from
                // x86 to x64).
                int iSize = GetNativeDataSize();
                t.m_ptr = t.Alloc(iSize);

                // Copy in the (empty) PropVariant.  In theory we could
                // just zero out the first 2 bytes (the VariantType),
                // but since PropVariantClear wipes the whole struct,
                // that's what we do here to be safe.
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(t.m_obj, t.m_ptr, false);


            case 1:
                if (!System.Object.ReferenceEquals(t.m_obj, managedObj))
                    // If we get here, we have already received a call
                    // to MarshalNativeToManaged where we created a
                    // PropVariant and stored it into t.m_obj.  But
                    // the object we just got passed here isn't the
                    // same one.  Therefore instead of being the second
                    // half of an "Unmanaged calling managed" (as
                    // m_InProcsss led us to believe), this is really
                    // the first half of a nested "Managed calling
                    // unmanaged" (see Recursion in the comments at the
                    // top of this class).  Add another layer.

                    // Try this call again now that we have fixed
                    // m_CurrentProps.

                // This is (probably) the second half of "Unmanaged
                // calling managed."  However, it could be the first
                // half of a nested usage of PropVariants.  If it is a
                // nested, we'll eventually figure that out in case 2.

                // Copy the data from the managed object into the
                // native pointer that we received in
                // MarshalNativeToManaged.
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(t.m_obj, t.m_ptr, false);


            case 2:
                // Apparently this is 'part 3' of a 2 part call.  Which
                // means we are doing a nested call.  Normally we would
                // catch the fact that this is a nested call with the
                // ReferenceEquals check above.  However, if the same
                // PropVariant instance is being passed thru again, we
                // end up here.
                // So, add a layer.

                // Try this call again now that we have fixed
                // m_CurrentProps.

                Environment.FailFast("Something horrible has " +
                                     "happened, probaby due to " +
                                     "marshaling of nested " +
                                     "PropVariant calls.");
