public void TestCache(int matrixSize, int blockSize, int blockCount)
            var             cacheProcess            = new MyCommandGenerator(_cts);
            Action <string> cacheSimMessageCallback = s => LogFilteredSimOutput(matrixSize, s);

            // TODO: Run the cache sim once for all the test...
            var generatorTask = cacheProcess.RunGenerator(
                Path.Combine(GeneratorTestsBase <object> .ToolsPath, GeneratorName),
                string.Format("{0} {1}", blockSize, blockCount),
                true, false);

            int swapCount = 0;

            Action <string> matrixOutputHandler = s =>

            Matrix <int> m = new Matrix <int>(matrixOutputHandler, matrixSize, matrixSize);

            cacheProcess.Process.WriteLineToStdIn("\0"); // Terminate the program

            swapCount -= 2;                              // There were two more logs -- N and E
            Assert.AreEqual(swapCount, (matrixSize * matrixSize - matrixSize) / 2);

            generatorTask.Wait(20000, _cts.Token); // Wait for 20 sec
        public GeneratorTestsBase(string logFolderName, string logFileName, int consumerCount)
            _logFolderName = logFolderName ?? @"Log";
            _logFileName   = logFileName;

            CancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
            CancellationTokenSource.Token.Register(() => Log("Cancellation requested."));
            Buffer = new AsyncBuffer <TWorkItem>(CancellationTokenSource.Token);

            Generator = new MyCommandGenerator(CancellationTokenSource);
            Consumers = Enumerable
                        .Range(0, consumerCount)
                        .Select(n => new MyCommandConsumer <TWorkItem>(Buffer, CancellationTokenSource))