Beispiel #1
        public void New(bool startEmpty, bool randomSettings)
            FlyingBeanOptions beanOptions = new FlyingBeanOptions();
            ItemOptions       itemOptions = new ItemOptions();

            if (randomSettings)
                double newBeanProb   = beanOptions.NewBeanProbOfWinner;
                double scanFrequency = beanOptions.TrackingScanFrequencySeconds;

                beanOptions = MutateUtility.MutateSettingsObject(beanOptions, new MutateUtility.MuateArgs(.5d));

                beanOptions.NewBeanProbOfWinner          = newBeanProb; // leave these one alone
                beanOptions.TrackingScanFrequencySeconds = scanFrequency;

                itemOptions = MutateUtility.MutateSettingsObject(itemOptions, new MutateUtility.MuateArgs(.5d));

            FinishLoad(new FlyingBeanSession(), beanOptions, itemOptions, null, null, startEmpty);
        public static ThrusterMap Mutate(ThrusterMap map, MutateUtility.MuateArgs args, bool shouldNormalize = true)
            var flattened = map.Flattened.ToArray();        // ensure it's a clone

            int changeCount = args.GetChangeCount(flattened.Length);
            if (changeCount == 0 && flattened.Length > 0)
                changeCount = 1;

            foreach (int index in UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, flattened.Length, changeCount))
                // Mutate the value
                double newValue = MutateUtility.Mutate(flattened[index].Item3, args.DefaultFactor);

                // Cap it
                if (newValue < 0)
                    newValue = 0;
                else if (newValue > 1)
                    newValue = 1;

                // Store the mutated value
                flattened[index] = Tuple.Create(flattened[index].Item1, flattened[index].Item2, newValue);

            if (shouldNormalize)
                flattened = Normalize(flattened);

            return new ThrusterMap(flattened, map.AllThrusters, map.BotToken);
Beispiel #3
        private void Timer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
            const double LIFESPAN = 45;     // seconds
            const double MINSCORE = .5;
            const int    LEVEL    = 1;

            lock (_lock)
                if (_isDisposed)

                foreach (TrackedBot tracked in _trackedBots)
                    switch (tracked.State)
                    case BotState.Adding:
                    case BotState.Removing:

                    case BotState.None:
                        #region None

                        // Create a bot

                        BotDNA dna        = null;
                        BotDNA winningBot = _winningBot;
                        if (winningBot == null)
                            dna = GetRandomDNA(_itemOptions, _shellColors).Item1;
                            // Create a mutated copy of the winning design
                            dna          = UtilityCore.Clone(winningBot);
                            dna.UniqueID = Guid.NewGuid();

                            if (dna.Parts != null)
                                MutateUtility.Mutate(dna.Parts, _mutateArgs);

                        tracked.State = BotState.Adding;

                        tracked.Lifespan = StaticRandom.NextPercent(LIFESPAN, .1);          // randomizing the lifespan a bit to stagger when bots get killed/created

                        Point3D position = Math3D.GetRandomVector_Circular(HOMINGRADIUS / 4d).ToPoint();
                        _dreamWorld.Add(new OfflineWorld.AddBotArgs(position, null, tracked.BotAdded, dna, LEVEL, new Point3D(0, 0, 0), HOMINGRADIUS, this.WeaponDNA));


                    case BotState.Added:
                        #region Added

                        // See if this should die
                        double age = (DateTime.UtcNow - tracked.Bot.CreationTime).TotalSeconds;
                        if (age > tracked.Lifespan)
                            FitnessTracker rules = tracked.Rules;
                            tracked.Rules = null;          // set it to null as soon as possible so that the rules tick doesn't do unnecessary work

                            double score = rules.Score / age;

                            if (score > MINSCORE && score > _winningScore)
                                BotDNA winningDNA = tracked.Bot.DNAFinal;

                                if (winningDNA != null)         // it should be non null long before this point, but just make sure
                                    _winningScore = score;
                                    _winningBot   = winningDNA;

                            // Kill it
                            tracked.State = BotState.Removing;
                            _dreamWorld.Remove(new OfflineWorld.RemoveArgs(tracked.Bot.Token, tracked.BotRemoved));

