Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Copies color values from block to the destination image buffer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="block"></param>
        /// <param name="buffer"></param>
        /// <param name="stride"></param>
        internal static unsafe void CopyColorsTo(ref Block8x8F block, MutableSpan <byte> buffer, int stride)
            fixed(Block8x8F *p = &block)
                float *b = (float *)p;

                for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                    int y8      = y * 8;
                    int yStride = y * stride;

                    for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                        float c = b[y8 + x];

                        if (c < -128)
                            c = 0;
                        else if (c > 127)
                            c = 255;
                            c += 128;

                        buffer[yStride + x] = (byte)c;
Beispiel #2
        internal static void fDCT1Dllm_32f(MutableSpan <float> x, MutableSpan <float> y)
            float t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7;
            float c0, c1, c2, c3;

            float[] r = new float[8];

            //for(i = 0;i < 8;i++){ r[i] = (float)(cos((double)i / 16.0 * M_PI) * M_SQRT2); }
            r[0] = 1.414214f;
            r[1] = 1.387040f;
            r[2] = 1.306563f;
            r[3] = 1.175876f;
            r[4] = 1.000000f;
            r[5] = 0.785695f;
            r[6] = 0.541196f;
            r[7] = 0.275899f;

            const float invsqrt2 = 0.707107f; //(float)(1.0f / M_SQRT2);

            //const float invsqrt2h = 0.353554f; //invsqrt2*0.5f;

            c1 = x[0];
            c2 = x[7];
            t0 = c1 + c2;
            t7 = c1 - c2;
            c1 = x[1];
            c2 = x[6];
            t1 = c1 + c2;
            t6 = c1 - c2;
            c1 = x[2];
            c2 = x[5];
            t2 = c1 + c2;
            t5 = c1 - c2;
            c1 = x[3];
            c2 = x[4];
            t3 = c1 + c2;
            t4 = c1 - c2;

            c0 = t0 + t3;
            c3 = t0 - t3;
            c1 = t1 + t2;
            c2 = t1 - t2;

            y[0] = c0 + c1;
            y[4] = c0 - c1;
            y[2] = c2 * r[6] + c3 * r[2];
            y[6] = c3 * r[6] - c2 * r[2];

            c3 = t4 * r[3] + t7 * r[5];
            c0 = t7 * r[3] - t4 * r[5];
            c2 = t5 * r[1] + t6 * r[7];
            c1 = t6 * r[1] - t5 * r[7];

            y[5] = c3 - c1;
            y[3] = c0 - c2;
            c0   = (c0 + c2) * invsqrt2;
            c3   = (c3 + c1) * invsqrt2;
            y[1] = c0 + c3;
            y[7] = c0 - c3;
Beispiel #3
        public static void fDCT8x8_llm_sse(MutableSpan <float> s, MutableSpan <float> d, MutableSpan <float> temp)
            Transpose8x8(s, temp);

            fDCT2D8x4_32f(temp, d);

            fDCT2D8x4_32f(temp.Slice(4), d.Slice(4));

            Transpose8x8(d, temp);

            fDCT2D8x4_32f(temp, d);

            fDCT2D8x4_32f(temp.Slice(4), d.Slice(4));

            Vector4 c = new Vector4(0.1250f);

            _mm_store_ps(d, 0, (_mm_load_ps(d, 0) * c)); d.AddOffset(4); //0
            _mm_store_ps(d, 0, (_mm_load_ps(d, 0) * c)); d.AddOffset(4); //1
            _mm_store_ps(d, 0, (_mm_load_ps(d, 0) * c)); d.AddOffset(4); //2
            _mm_store_ps(d, 0, (_mm_load_ps(d, 0) * c)); d.AddOffset(4); //3
            _mm_store_ps(d, 0, (_mm_load_ps(d, 0) * c)); d.AddOffset(4); //4
            _mm_store_ps(d, 0, (_mm_load_ps(d, 0) * c)); d.AddOffset(4); //5
            _mm_store_ps(d, 0, (_mm_load_ps(d, 0) * c)); d.AddOffset(4); //6
            _mm_store_ps(d, 0, (_mm_load_ps(d, 0) * c)); d.AddOffset(4); //7
            _mm_store_ps(d, 0, (_mm_load_ps(d, 0) * c)); d.AddOffset(4); //8
            _mm_store_ps(d, 0, (_mm_load_ps(d, 0) * c)); d.AddOffset(4); //9
            _mm_store_ps(d, 0, (_mm_load_ps(d, 0) * c)); d.AddOffset(4); //10
            _mm_store_ps(d, 0, (_mm_load_ps(d, 0) * c)); d.AddOffset(4); //11
            _mm_store_ps(d, 0, (_mm_load_ps(d, 0) * c)); d.AddOffset(4); //12
            _mm_store_ps(d, 0, (_mm_load_ps(d, 0) * c)); d.AddOffset(4); //13
            _mm_store_ps(d, 0, (_mm_load_ps(d, 0) * c)); d.AddOffset(4); //14
            _mm_store_ps(d, 0, (_mm_load_ps(d, 0) * c)); d.AddOffset(4); //15
Beispiel #4
        internal static void fDCT2D_llm(
            MutableSpan <float> s,
            MutableSpan <float> d,
            MutableSpan <float> temp,
            bool downscaleBy8         = false,
            bool offsetSourceByNeg128 = false)
            MutableSpan <float> sWorker = offsetSourceByNeg128 ? s.AddScalarToAllValues(-128f) : s;

            for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                fDCT1Dllm_32f(sWorker.Slice(j * 8), temp.Slice(j * 8));

            Transpose8x8(temp, d);

            for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                fDCT1Dllm_32f(d.Slice(j * 8), temp.Slice(j * 8));

            Transpose8x8(temp, d);

            if (downscaleBy8)
                for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++)
                    d[j] *= 0.125f;
Beispiel #5
        public void TransformIDCT(int seed)
            MutableSpan <float> sourceArray = Create8x8RandomFloatData(-200, 200, seed);

            float[] expectedDestArray = new float[64];
            float[] tempArray         = new float[64];

            ReferenceImplementations.iDCT2D_llm(sourceArray, expectedDestArray, tempArray);

            // ReferenceImplementations.iDCT8x8_llm_sse(sourceArray, expectedDestArray, tempArray);
            Block8x8F source = new Block8x8F();


            Block8x8F dest       = new Block8x8F();
            Block8x8F tempBuffer = new Block8x8F();

            DCT.TransformIDCT(ref source, ref dest, ref tempBuffer);

            float[] actualDestArray = new float[64];

            Assert.Equal(expectedDestArray, actualDestArray, new ApproximateFloatComparer(1f));
            Assert.Equal(expectedDestArray, actualDestArray, new ApproximateFloatComparer(1f));
Beispiel #6
 private static void _mm_store_ps(MutableSpan <float> dest, int offset, Vector4 src)
     dest    = dest.Slice(offset);
     dest[0] = src.X;
     dest[1] = src.Y;
     dest[2] = src.Z;
     dest[3] = src.W;
Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Transpose 8x8 block stored linearly in a span
 /// </summary>
 internal static void Transpose8x8(MutableSpan <float> src, MutableSpan <float> dest)
     for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
         int i8 = i * 8;
         for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
             dest[j * 8 + i] = src[i8 + j];
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Transpose 8x8 block stored linearly in a span (inplace)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 internal static void Transpose8x8(MutableSpan <float> data)
     for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++)
         int i8 = i * 8;
         for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
             float tmp = data[i8 + j];
             data[i8 + j]    = data[j * 8 + i];
             data[j * 8 + i] = tmp;
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="y"></param>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        private static void iDCT1Dllm_32f(MutableSpan <float> y, MutableSpan <float> x)
            float a0, a1, a2, a3, b0, b1, b2, b3;
            float z0, z1, z2, z3, z4;

            //float r0 = 1.414214f;
            float r1 = 1.387040f;
            float r2 = 1.306563f;
            float r3 = 1.175876f;
            //float r4 = 1.000000f;
            float r5 = 0.785695f;
            float r6 = 0.541196f;
            float r7 = 0.275899f;

            z0 = y[1] + y[7];
            z1 = y[3] + y[5];
            z2 = y[3] + y[7];
            z3 = y[1] + y[5];
            z4 = (z0 + z1) * r3;

            z0 = z0 * (-r3 + r7);
            z1 = z1 * (-r3 - r1);
            z2 = z2 * (-r3 - r5) + z4;
            z3 = z3 * (-r3 + r5) + z4;

            b3 = y[7] * (-r1 + r3 + r5 - r7) + z0 + z2;
            b2 = y[5] * (r1 + r3 - r5 + r7) + z1 + z3;
            b1 = y[3] * (r1 + r3 + r5 - r7) + z1 + z2;
            b0 = y[1] * (r1 + r3 - r5 - r7) + z0 + z3;

            z4 = (y[2] + y[6]) * r6;
            z0 = y[0] + y[4];
            z1 = y[0] - y[4];
            z2 = z4 - y[6] * (r2 + r6);
            z3 = z4 + y[2] * (r2 - r6);
            a0 = z0 + z3;
            a3 = z0 - z3;
            a1 = z1 + z2;
            a2 = z1 - z2;

            x[0] = a0 + b0;
            x[7] = a0 - b0;
            x[1] = a1 + b1;
            x[6] = a1 - b1;
            x[2] = a2 + b2;
            x[5] = a2 - b2;
            x[3] = a3 + b3;
            x[4] = a3 - b3;
Beispiel #10
        internal void PrintLinearData <T>(MutableSpan <T> data, int count = -1)
            if (count < 0)
                count = data.TotalCount;

            StringBuilder bld = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                bld.Append($"{data[i],3} ");
        public void FloatingPointDCT_ReferenceImplementation_ForwardThenInverse(int seed, int startAt)
            var data = Create8x8RandomIntData(-200, 200, seed);
            MutableSpan <float> src  = new MutableSpan <int>(data).ConvertToFloat32MutableSpan();
            MutableSpan <float> dest = new MutableSpan <float>(64);
            MutableSpan <float> temp = new MutableSpan <float>(64);

            ReferenceImplementations.fDCT2D_llm(src, dest, temp, true);
            ReferenceImplementations.iDCT2D_llm(dest, src, temp);

            for (int i = startAt; i < 64; i++)
                float expected = data[i];
                float actual   = (float)src[i];

                Assert.Equal(expected, actual, new ApproximateFloatComparer(2f));
        public void Idct_FloatingPointReferenceImplementation_IsEquivalentToIntegerImplementation(int seed)
            MutableSpan <int>   intData  = Create8x8RandomIntData(-200, 200, seed);
            MutableSpan <float> floatSrc = intData.ConvertToFloat32MutableSpan();


            MutableSpan <float> dest = new MutableSpan <float>(64);
            MutableSpan <float> temp = new MutableSpan <float>(64);

            ReferenceImplementations.iDCT2D_llm(floatSrc, dest, temp);

            for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                float expected = intData[i];
                float actual   = dest[i];

                Assert.Equal(expected, actual, new ApproximateFloatComparer(1f));
Beispiel #13
        public void FDCT8x4_RightPart(int seed)
            var src      = Create8x8RandomFloatData(-200, 200, seed);
            var srcBlock = new Block8x8F();


            var destBlock = new Block8x8F();

            var expectedDest = new MutableSpan <float>(64);

            ReferenceImplementations.fDCT2D8x4_32f(src.Slice(4), expectedDest.Slice(4));
            DCT.FDCT8x4_RightPart(ref srcBlock, ref destBlock);

            var actualDest = new MutableSpan <float>(64);


            Assert.Equal(actualDest.Data, expectedDest.Data, new ApproximateFloatComparer(1f));
Beispiel #14
        public void TransformFDCT(int seed)
            var src      = Create8x8RandomFloatData(-200, 200, seed);
            var srcBlock = new Block8x8F();


            var destBlock = new Block8x8F();

            var expectedDest = new MutableSpan <float>(64);
            var temp1        = new MutableSpan <float>(64);
            var temp2        = new Block8x8F();

            ReferenceImplementations.fDCT2D_llm(src, expectedDest, temp1, downscaleBy8: true);
            DCT.TransformFDCT(ref srcBlock, ref destBlock, ref temp2, false);

            var actualDest = new MutableSpan <float>(64);


            Assert.Equal(actualDest.Data, expectedDest.Data, new ApproximateFloatComparer(1f));
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Original:
        /// Applyies IDCT transformation on "s" copying transformed values to "d", using temporal block "temp"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <param name="d"></param>
        /// <param name="temp"></param>
        internal static void iDCT2D_llm(MutableSpan <float> s, MutableSpan <float> d, MutableSpan <float> temp)
            int j;

            for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                iDCT1Dllm_32f(s.Slice(j * 8), temp.Slice(j * 8));

            Transpose8x8(temp, d);

            for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                iDCT1Dllm_32f(d.Slice(j * 8), temp.Slice(j * 8));

            Transpose8x8(temp, d);

            for (j = 0; j < 64; j++)
                d[j] *= 0.125f;
        public void IntegerDCT_ForwardThenInverse(int seed, int startAt)
            MutableSpan <int> original = Create8x8RandomIntData(-200, 200, seed);

            var block = original.AddScalarToAllValues(128);


            for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                block[i] /= 8;


            for (int i = startAt; i < 64; i++)
                float expected = original[i];
                float actual   = (float)block[i];

                Assert.Equal(expected, actual, new ApproximateFloatComparer(3f));
Beispiel #17
        public void iDCT2D8x4_RightPart()
            MutableSpan <float> sourceArray       = Create8x8FloatData();
            MutableSpan <float> expectedDestArray = new float[64];

            ReferenceImplementations.iDCT2D8x4_32f(sourceArray.Slice(4), expectedDestArray.Slice(4));

            Block8x8F source = new Block8x8F();


            Block8x8F dest = new Block8x8F();

            DCT.IDCT8x4_RightPart(ref source, ref dest);

            float[] actualDestArray = new float[64];


            Assert.Equal(expectedDestArray.Data, actualDestArray);
Beispiel #18
            private const int r2 = 181; // 256/sqrt(2)

            /// <summary>
            /// Performs a 2-D Inverse Discrete Cosine Transformation.
            /// <para>
            /// The input coefficients should already have been multiplied by the
            /// appropriate quantization table. We use fixed-point computation, with the
            /// number of bits for the fractional component varying over the intermediate
            /// stages.
            /// </para>
            /// For more on the actual algorithm, see Z. Wang, "Fast algorithms for the
            /// discrete W transform and for the discrete Fourier transform", IEEE Trans. on
            /// ASSP, Vol. ASSP- 32, pp. 803-816, Aug. 1984.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="src">The source block of coefficients</param>
            public static void TransformIDCTInplace(MutableSpan <int> src)
                // Horizontal 1-D IDCT.
                for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                    int y8 = y * 8;

                    // If all the AC components are zero, then the IDCT is trivial.
                    if (src[y8 + 1] == 0 && src[y8 + 2] == 0 && src[y8 + 3] == 0 &&
                        src[y8 + 4] == 0 && src[y8 + 5] == 0 && src[y8 + 6] == 0 && src[y8 + 7] == 0)
                        int dc = src[y8 + 0] << 3;
                        src[y8 + 0] = dc;
                        src[y8 + 1] = dc;
                        src[y8 + 2] = dc;
                        src[y8 + 3] = dc;
                        src[y8 + 4] = dc;
                        src[y8 + 5] = dc;
                        src[y8 + 6] = dc;
                        src[y8 + 7] = dc;

                    // Prescale.
                    int x0 = (src[y8 + 0] << 11) + 128;
                    int x1 = src[y8 + 4] << 11;
                    int x2 = src[y8 + 6];
                    int x3 = src[y8 + 2];
                    int x4 = src[y8 + 1];
                    int x5 = src[y8 + 7];
                    int x6 = src[y8 + 5];
                    int x7 = src[y8 + 3];

                    // Stage 1.
                    int x8 = w7 * (x4 + x5);
                    x4 = x8 + (w1mw7 * x4);
                    x5 = x8 - (w1pw7 * x5);
                    x8 = w3 * (x6 + x7);
                    x6 = x8 - (w3mw5 * x6);
                    x7 = x8 - (w3pw5 * x7);

                    // Stage 2.
                    x8  = x0 + x1;
                    x0 -= x1;
                    x1  = w6 * (x3 + x2);
                    x2  = x1 - (w2pw6 * x2);
                    x3  = x1 + (w2mw6 * x3);
                    x1  = x4 + x6;
                    x4 -= x6;
                    x6  = x5 + x7;
                    x5 -= x7;

                    // Stage 3.
                    x7  = x8 + x3;
                    x8 -= x3;
                    x3  = x0 + x2;
                    x0 -= x2;
                    x2  = ((r2 * (x4 + x5)) + 128) >> 8;
                    x4  = ((r2 * (x4 - x5)) + 128) >> 8;

                    // Stage 4.
                    src[y8 + 0] = (x7 + x1) >> 8;
                    src[y8 + 1] = (x3 + x2) >> 8;
                    src[y8 + 2] = (x0 + x4) >> 8;
                    src[y8 + 3] = (x8 + x6) >> 8;
                    src[y8 + 4] = (x8 - x6) >> 8;
                    src[y8 + 5] = (x0 - x4) >> 8;
                    src[y8 + 6] = (x3 - x2) >> 8;
                    src[y8 + 7] = (x7 - x1) >> 8;

                // Vertical 1-D IDCT.
                for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                    // Similar to the horizontal 1-D IDCT case, if all the AC components are zero, then the IDCT is trivial.
                    // However, after performing the horizontal 1-D IDCT, there are typically non-zero AC components, so
                    // we do not bother to check for the all-zero case.

                    // Prescale.
                    int y0 = (src[x] << 8) + 8192;
                    int y1 = src[32 + x] << 8;
                    int y2 = src[48 + x];
                    int y3 = src[16 + x];
                    int y4 = src[8 + x];
                    int y5 = src[56 + x];
                    int y6 = src[40 + x];
                    int y7 = src[24 + x];

                    // Stage 1.
                    int y8 = (w7 * (y4 + y5)) + 4;
                    y4 = (y8 + (w1mw7 * y4)) >> 3;
                    y5 = (y8 - (w1pw7 * y5)) >> 3;
                    y8 = (w3 * (y6 + y7)) + 4;
                    y6 = (y8 - (w3mw5 * y6)) >> 3;
                    y7 = (y8 - (w3pw5 * y7)) >> 3;

                    // Stage 2.
                    y8  = y0 + y1;
                    y0 -= y1;
                    y1  = (w6 * (y3 + y2)) + 4;
                    y2  = (y1 - (w2pw6 * y2)) >> 3;
                    y3  = (y1 + (w2mw6 * y3)) >> 3;
                    y1  = y4 + y6;
                    y4 -= y6;
                    y6  = y5 + y7;
                    y5 -= y7;

                    // Stage 3.
                    y7  = y8 + y3;
                    y8 -= y3;
                    y3  = y0 + y2;
                    y0 -= y2;
                    y2  = ((r2 * (y4 + y5)) + 128) >> 8;
                    y4  = ((r2 * (y4 - y5)) + 128) >> 8;

                    // Stage 4.
                    src[x]      = (y7 + y1) >> 14;
                    src[8 + x]  = (y3 + y2) >> 14;
                    src[16 + x] = (y0 + y4) >> 14;
                    src[24 + x] = (y8 + y6) >> 14;
                    src[32 + x] = (y8 - y6) >> 14;
                    src[40 + x] = (y0 - y4) >> 14;
                    src[48 + x] = (y3 - y2) >> 14;
                    src[56 + x] = (y7 - y1) >> 14;
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Original:
        /// <see>
        ///     <cref></cref>
        /// </see>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">Source</param>
        /// <param name="d">Destination</param>
        public static void fDCT2D8x4_32f(MutableSpan <float> s, MutableSpan <float> d)
            Vector4 c0 = _mm_load_ps(s, 0);
            Vector4 c1 = _mm_load_ps(s, 56);
            Vector4 t0 = (c0 + c1);
            Vector4 t7 = (c0 - c1);

            c1 = _mm_load_ps(s, 48);
            c0 = _mm_load_ps(s, 8);
            Vector4 t1 = (c0 + c1);
            Vector4 t6 = (c0 - c1);

            c1 = _mm_load_ps(s, 40);
            c0 = _mm_load_ps(s, 16);
            Vector4 t2 = (c0 + c1);
            Vector4 t5 = (c0 - c1);

            c0 = _mm_load_ps(s, 24);
            c1 = _mm_load_ps(s, 32);
            Vector4 t3 = (c0 + c1);
            Vector4 t4 = (c0 - c1);

             * c1 = x[0]; c2 = x[7]; t0 = c1 + c2; t7 = c1 - c2;
             * c1 = x[1]; c2 = x[6]; t1 = c1 + c2; t6 = c1 - c2;
             * c1 = x[2]; c2 = x[5]; t2 = c1 + c2; t5 = c1 - c2;
             * c1 = x[3]; c2 = x[4]; t3 = c1 + c2; t4 = c1 - c2;

            c0 = (t0 + t3);
            Vector4 c3 = (t0 - t3);

            c1 = (t1 + t2);
            Vector4 c2 = (t1 - t2);

             *  c0 = t0 + t3; c3 = t0 - t3;
             *  c1 = t1 + t2; c2 = t1 - t2;

            _mm_store_ps(d, 0, (c0 + c1));

            _mm_store_ps(d, 32, (c0 - c1));

            /*y[0] = c0 + c1;
            *  y[4] = c0 - c1;*/

            Vector4 w0 = new Vector4(0.541196f);
            Vector4 w1 = new Vector4(1.306563f);

            _mm_store_ps(d, 16, ((w0 * c2) + (w1 * c3)));

            _mm_store_ps(d, 48, ((w0 * c3) - (w1 * c2)));

             * y[2] = c2 * r[6] + c3 * r[2];
             * y[6] = c3 * r[6] - c2 * r[2];

            w0 = new Vector4(1.175876f);
            w1 = new Vector4(0.785695f);
            c3 = ((w0 * t4) + (w1 * t7));
            c0 = ((w0 * t7) - (w1 * t4));

             * c3 = t4 * r[3] + t7 * r[5];
             * c0 = t7 * r[3] - t4 * r[5];

            w0 = new Vector4(1.387040f);
            w1 = new Vector4(0.275899f);
            c2 = ((w0 * t5) + (w1 * t6));
            c1 = ((w0 * t6) - (w1 * t5));

             *  c2 = t5 * r[1] + t6 * r[7];
             *  c1 = t6 * r[1] - t5 * r[7];

            _mm_store_ps(d, 24, (c0 - c2));

            _mm_store_ps(d, 40, (c3 - c1));
            //y[5] = c3 - c1; y[3] = c0 - c2;

            Vector4 invsqrt2 = new Vector4(0.707107f);

            c0 = ((c0 + c2) * invsqrt2);
            c3 = ((c3 + c1) * invsqrt2);
            //c0 = (c0 + c2) * invsqrt2;
            //c3 = (c3 + c1) * invsqrt2;

            _mm_store_ps(d, 8, (c0 + c3));

            _mm_store_ps(d, 56, (c0 - c3));
            //y[1] = c0 + c3; y[7] = c0 - c3;

            /*for(i = 0;i < 8;i++)
             * {
             * y[i] *= invsqrt2h;
             * }*/
Beispiel #20
 private static Vector4 _mm_load_ps(MutableSpan <float> src, int offset)
     src = src.Slice(offset);
     return(new Vector4(src[0], src[1], src[2], src[3]));
Beispiel #21
 internal void Print8x8Data <T>(MutableSpan <T> data) => this.Print8x8Data(data.Data);
Beispiel #22
            /// <summary>
            /// Performs a forward DCT on an 8x8 block of coefficients, including a level shift.
            /// Leave results scaled up by an overall factor of 8.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="block">The block of coefficients.</param>
            public static void TransformFDCTInplace(MutableSpan <int> block)
                // Pass 1: process rows.
                for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                    int y8 = y * 8;

                    int x0 = block[y8];
                    int x1 = block[y8 + 1];
                    int x2 = block[y8 + 2];
                    int x3 = block[y8 + 3];
                    int x4 = block[y8 + 4];
                    int x5 = block[y8 + 5];
                    int x6 = block[y8 + 6];
                    int x7 = block[y8 + 7];

                    int tmp0 = x0 + x7;
                    int tmp1 = x1 + x6;
                    int tmp2 = x2 + x5;
                    int tmp3 = x3 + x4;

                    int tmp10 = tmp0 + tmp3;
                    int tmp12 = tmp0 - tmp3;
                    int tmp11 = tmp1 + tmp2;
                    int tmp13 = tmp1 - tmp2;

                    tmp0 = x0 - x7;
                    tmp1 = x1 - x6;
                    tmp2 = x2 - x5;
                    tmp3 = x3 - x4;

                    block[y8]     = (tmp10 + tmp11 - (8 * CenterJSample)) << Pass1Bits;
                    block[y8 + 4] = (tmp10 - tmp11) << Pass1Bits;
                    int z1 = (tmp12 + tmp13) * fix_0_541196100;
                    z1           += 1 << (Bits - Pass1Bits - 1);
                    block[y8 + 2] = (z1 + (tmp12 * fix_0_765366865)) >> (Bits - Pass1Bits);
                    block[y8 + 6] = (z1 - (tmp13 * fix_1_847759065)) >> (Bits - Pass1Bits);

                    tmp10 = tmp0 + tmp3;
                    tmp11 = tmp1 + tmp2;
                    tmp12 = tmp0 + tmp2;
                    tmp13 = tmp1 + tmp3;
                    z1    = (tmp12 + tmp13) * fix_1_175875602;
                    z1   += 1 << (Bits - Pass1Bits - 1);
                    tmp0  = tmp0 * fix_1_501321110;
                    tmp1  = tmp1 * fix_3_072711026;
                    tmp2  = tmp2 * fix_2_053119869;
                    tmp3  = tmp3 * fix_0_298631336;
                    tmp10 = tmp10 * -fix_0_899976223;
                    tmp11 = tmp11 * -fix_2_562915447;
                    tmp12 = tmp12 * -fix_0_390180644;
                    tmp13 = tmp13 * -fix_1_961570560;

                    tmp12        += z1;
                    tmp13        += z1;
                    block[y8 + 1] = (tmp0 + tmp10 + tmp12) >> (Bits - Pass1Bits);
                    block[y8 + 3] = (tmp1 + tmp11 + tmp13) >> (Bits - Pass1Bits);
                    block[y8 + 5] = (tmp2 + tmp11 + tmp12) >> (Bits - Pass1Bits);
                    block[y8 + 7] = (tmp3 + tmp10 + tmp13) >> (Bits - Pass1Bits);

                // Pass 2: process columns.
                // We remove pass1Bits scaling, but leave results scaled up by an overall factor of 8.
                for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                    int tmp0 = block[x] + block[56 + x];
                    int tmp1 = block[8 + x] + block[48 + x];
                    int tmp2 = block[16 + x] + block[40 + x];
                    int tmp3 = block[24 + x] + block[32 + x];

                    int tmp10 = tmp0 + tmp3 + (1 << (Pass1Bits - 1));
                    int tmp12 = tmp0 - tmp3;
                    int tmp11 = tmp1 + tmp2;
                    int tmp13 = tmp1 - tmp2;

                    tmp0 = block[x] - block[56 + x];
                    tmp1 = block[8 + x] - block[48 + x];
                    tmp2 = block[16 + x] - block[40 + x];
                    tmp3 = block[24 + x] - block[32 + x];

                    block[x]      = (tmp10 + tmp11) >> Pass1Bits;
                    block[32 + x] = (tmp10 - tmp11) >> Pass1Bits;

                    int z1 = (tmp12 + tmp13) * fix_0_541196100;
                    z1           += 1 << (Bits + Pass1Bits - 1);
                    block[16 + x] = (z1 + (tmp12 * fix_0_765366865)) >> (Bits + Pass1Bits);
                    block[48 + x] = (z1 - (tmp13 * fix_1_847759065)) >> (Bits + Pass1Bits);

                    tmp10 = tmp0 + tmp3;
                    tmp11 = tmp1 + tmp2;
                    tmp12 = tmp0 + tmp2;
                    tmp13 = tmp1 + tmp3;
                    z1    = (tmp12 + tmp13) * fix_1_175875602;
                    z1   += 1 << (Bits + Pass1Bits - 1);
                    tmp0  = tmp0 * fix_1_501321110;
                    tmp1  = tmp1 * fix_3_072711026;
                    tmp2  = tmp2 * fix_2_053119869;
                    tmp3  = tmp3 * fix_0_298631336;
                    tmp10 = tmp10 * -fix_0_899976223;
                    tmp11 = tmp11 * -fix_2_562915447;
                    tmp12 = tmp12 * -fix_0_390180644;
                    tmp13 = tmp13 * -fix_1_961570560;

                    tmp12        += z1;
                    tmp13        += z1;
                    block[8 + x]  = (tmp0 + tmp10 + tmp12) >> (Bits + Pass1Bits);
                    block[24 + x] = (tmp1 + tmp11 + tmp13) >> (Bits + Pass1Bits);
                    block[40 + x] = (tmp2 + tmp11 + tmp12) >> (Bits + Pass1Bits);
                    block[56 + x] = (tmp3 + tmp10 + tmp13) >> (Bits + Pass1Bits);
Beispiel #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Original:
        /// Does a part of the IDCT job on the given parts of the blocks
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="y"></param>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        internal static void iDCT2D8x4_32f(MutableSpan <float> y, MutableSpan <float> x)
             *  float a0,a1,a2,a3,b0,b1,b2,b3; float z0,z1,z2,z3,z4; float r[8]; int i;
             *  for(i = 0;i < 8;i++){ r[i] = (float)(cos((double)i / 16.0 * M_PI) * M_SQRT2); }
             *  0: 1.414214
             *  1: 1.387040
             *  2: 1.306563
             *  3:
             *  4: 1.000000
             *  5: 0.785695
             *  6:
             *  7: 0.275899

            Vector4 my1 = _mm_load_ps(y, 8);
            Vector4 my7 = _mm_load_ps(y, 56);
            Vector4 mz0 = my1 + my7;

            Vector4 my3 = _mm_load_ps(y, 24);
            Vector4 mz2 = my3 + my7;
            Vector4 my5 = _mm_load_ps(y, 40);
            Vector4 mz1 = my3 + my5;
            Vector4 mz3 = my1 + my5;

            Vector4 mz4 = ((mz0 + mz1) * _1_175876);

            //z0 = y[1] + y[7]; z1 = y[3] + y[5]; z2 = y[3] + y[7]; z3 = y[1] + y[5];
            //z4 = (z0 + z1) * r[3];

            mz2 = mz2 * _1_961571 + mz4;
            mz3 = mz3 * _0_390181 + mz4;
            mz0 = mz0 * _0_899976;
            mz1 = mz1 * _2_562915;

             * -0.899976
             * -2.562915
             * -1.961571
             * -0.390181
             * z0 = z0 * (-r[3] + r[7]);
             * z1 = z1 * (-r[3] - r[1]);
             * z2 = z2 * (-r[3] - r[5]) + z4;
             * z3 = z3 * (-r[3] + r[5]) + z4;*/

            Vector4 mb3 = my7 * _0_298631 + mz0 + mz2;
            Vector4 mb2 = my5 * _2_053120 + mz1 + mz3;
            Vector4 mb1 = my3 * _3_072711 + mz1 + mz2;
            Vector4 mb0 = my1 * _1_501321 + mz0 + mz3;

             * 0.298631
             * 2.053120
             * 3.072711
             * 1.501321
             * b3 = y[7] * (-r[1] + r[3] + r[5] - r[7]) + z0 + z2;
             * b2 = y[5] * ( r[1] + r[3] - r[5] + r[7]) + z1 + z3;
             * b1 = y[3] * ( r[1] + r[3] + r[5] - r[7]) + z1 + z2;
             * b0 = y[1] * ( r[1] + r[3] - r[5] - r[7]) + z0 + z3;

            Vector4 my2 = _mm_load_ps(y, 16);
            Vector4 my6 = _mm_load_ps(y, 48);

            mz4 = (my2 + my6) * _0_541196;
            Vector4 my0 = _mm_load_ps(y, 0);
            Vector4 my4 = _mm_load_ps(y, 32);

            mz0 = my0 + my4;
            mz1 = my0 - my4;

            mz2 = mz4 + my6 * _1_847759;
            mz3 = mz4 + my2 * _0_765367;

            my0 = mz0 + mz3;
            my3 = mz0 - mz3;
            my1 = mz1 + mz2;
            my2 = mz1 - mz2;

             *  1.847759
             *  0.765367
             *  z4 = (y[2] + y[6]) * r[6];
             *  z0 = y[0] + y[4]; z1 = y[0] - y[4];
             *  z2 = z4 - y[6] * (r[2] + r[6]);
             *  z3 = z4 + y[2] * (r[2] - r[6]);
             *  a0 = z0 + z3; a3 = z0 - z3;
             *  a1 = z1 + z2; a2 = z1 - z2;

            _mm_store_ps(x, 0, my0 + mb0);

            _mm_store_ps(x, 56, my0 - mb0);

            _mm_store_ps(x, 8, my1 + mb1);

            _mm_store_ps(x, 48, my1 - mb1);

            _mm_store_ps(x, 16, my2 + mb2);

            _mm_store_ps(x, 40, my2 - mb2);

            _mm_store_ps(x, 24, my3 + mb3);

            _mm_store_ps(x, 32, my3 - mb3);

             * x[0] = a0 + b0; x[7] = a0 - b0;
             * x[1] = a1 + b1; x[6] = a1 - b1;
             * x[2] = a2 + b2; x[5] = a2 - b2;
             * x[3] = a3 + b3; x[4] = a3 - b3;
             * for(i = 0;i < 8;i++){ x[i] *= 0.353554f; }