Beispiel #1
        private static IPopulation GetIntPopulation()
            var minValue = -10;
            var maxValue = 90;

            const int parametersSize = 8;

            var list = new List <IChromosome> {

            for (int i = 0; i < parametersSize; i++)
                list.Add(new DecimalChromosome(minValue, maxValue, 4));

            var chromosome = new MultipleChromosome(list);

            return(new Population(minSize: 13, maxSize: 150, adamChromosome: chromosome));
        public void Evolve_CompareToSingleChromosome_Evolved()
            int numberOfCities = 30;
            var selection      = new EliteSelection();
            var crossover      = new UniformCrossover();
            var mutation       = new TworsMutation();

            // Given enough generations, the Multiple Chromosome should start exhibiting convergence
            // we compare TSP /25 gen with 3*TSP / 500 gen

            IChromosome chromosome = new TspChromosome(numberOfCities);
            IFitness    fitness    = new TspFitness(numberOfCities, 0, 1000, 0, 1000);
            var         population = new Population(30, 30, chromosome);
            var         ga         = new GeneticAlgorithm(population, fitness, selection, crossover, mutation)
                Termination = new GenerationNumberTermination(26)

            var simpleChromosomeDistance = ((TspChromosome)ga.Population.BestChromosome).Distance;

            chromosome = new MultipleChromosome((i) => new TspChromosome(numberOfCities), 3);
            //MultiChromosome should create 3 TSP chromosomes and store them in the corresponding property
            Assert.AreEqual(((MultipleChromosome)chromosome).Chromosomes.Count, 3);
            var tempMultiFitness = ((MultipleChromosome)chromosome).Chromosomes.Sum(c => fitness.Evaluate(c));

            fitness = new MultipleFitness(fitness);
            //Multi fitness should sum over the fitnesses of individual chromosomes
            Assert.AreEqual(tempMultiFitness, fitness.Evaluate(chromosome));
            population = new Population(30, 30, chromosome);
            ga         = new GeneticAlgorithm(population, fitness, selection, crossover, mutation)
                Termination = new GenerationNumberTermination(501)
            var bestTSPChromosome = (TspChromosome)((MultipleChromosome)ga.Population.BestChromosome).Chromosomes
                                    .OrderByDescending(c => c.Fitness).First();
            var multiChromosomesDistance = bestTSPChromosome.Distance;

            Assert.Less(multiChromosomesDistance, simpleChromosomeDistance);