async Task IMiscDataNM.MiscDataReceived(string status, string content)
            switch (status) //can't do switch because we don't know what the cases are ahead of time.
            case "goout":
                MultiplayerOut thisOut = await js.DeserializeObjectAsync <MultiplayerOut>(content);

                WasGuarantee   = thisOut.WasGuaranteed;
                CardForDiscard = _gameContainer.DeckList !.GetSpecificItem(thisOut.Deck);
                await GoOutAsync();


                throw new BasicBlankException($"Nothing for status {status}  with the message of {content}");
        public async Task GoOutAsync()
            if (_mainGame !.CanGoOut() == false)
                await UIPlatform.ShowMessageAsync("Sorry; you cannot go out");

            if (_mainGame.BasicData !.MultiPlayer == true)
                MultiplayerOut thisOut = new MultiplayerOut();
                thisOut.Deck          = _mainGame.CardForDiscard !.Deck;
                thisOut.WasGuaranteed = _mainGame.WasGuarantee;
                await _mainGame.Network !.SendAllAsync("goout", thisOut);
            await _mainGame.GoOutAsync();