Beispiel #1
        public void Init2WayTest()
            using (Init2WayMockMessagingService twoWayTarget = new Init2WayMockMessagingService
                StepName = "Init 2-Way mock service",
                ServiceURI = "http://*****:*****@"BizWTF.Testing.Sample.Messages.Mock-Demo-ServiceResponse.xml",
                // Add as many resolution setting as needed

                /// OPTIONAL : if you need to fire some custom code when a message is received
                //MockServiceEventHub.ResetMessageReceivedEventHandler(); // Optional, if you need to flush all event handlers
                MockServiceEventHub.OnMessageReceived += this.messageReceived;

                /// OPTIONAL : if you need to fire some custom code when a message is resolved
                //MockServiceEventHub.ResetMessageResolvedEventHandler(); // Optional, if you need to flush all event handlers
                MockServiceEventHub.OnMessageResolved += (string uri, MultipartMessageDefinition message) =>
                    if (uri == twoWayTarget.ServiceURI)
                        // Do something

                /// Following code must complete (this is were we start the mock service)
                /// In case of any error, the user that runs the test may need som additional right to reserve the URL.
                /// If so, consider using the following command : netsh http add urlacl url=... user=...
                if (!twoWayTarget.ExecuteStep())

                /// Add the rest of your test here
                // Do something
                SubmitMockMessage2WayStep sendStep = new SubmitMockMessage2WayStep("Mock submission test"); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
                sendStep.DestURI                = "http://*****:*****@"BizWTF.Testing.Sample.Messages.Mock-Demo-2WayMockService.xml";
                sendStep.SourceResourceAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName;
                sendStep.TargetContextProperty  = "Init2WayTest_Response";

                if (!sendStep.ExecuteStep())

                Assert.AreEqual(twoWayTarget.ReceivedMessages.Count, 1);
        private void btnGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //string targetDirectory = new FileInfo(this._project.FullName).DirectoryName;

            BizTalkOperations operations = new BizTalkOperations(this.txtDTAServerName.Text, this.txtMgmtDBName.Text);
            TrackingDatabase  dta        = new TrackingDatabase(this.txtDTAServerName.Text,

            if (this.dgMessages.SelectedRows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataGridViewRow row in this.dgMessages.SelectedRows)
                    IBaseMessage btsMessage            = operations.GetTrackedMessage((Guid)row.Cells["InstanceID"].Value, dta);
                    MultipartMessageDefinition tempMsg = MultipartMessageManager.GenerateFromMessage(btsMessage);

                    string destPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(this._targetFolder,

                    if (this._project != null)
                        EnvDTE.ProjectItem item = this._project.ProjectItems.AddFromFile(destPath);

                        EnvDTE.Property prop = item.Properties.Item("BuildAction");
                        prop.Value = 2;
                MessageBox.Show("Please select one or more messages to generate.", "No message selected", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
Beispiel #3
        public override bool ExecuteStep()
            MultipartMessageDefinition tempMsg = null;
            XmlTextReader xmlBodyReader        = null;

            this.AppendResultDescription(0, "Executing step {0} ({1}):", this.StepName, this.StepType);

            if (!File.Exists(this.SourceFile) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.SourceResource))
                this.AppendResultDescription(1, "File {0} does not exist.", this.SourceFile);
                this.Result = StepResult.Error;
            else if (File.Exists(this.SourceFile))
                //xmlBodyReader = new XmlTextReader(this.SourceFile);
                tempMsg = MultipartMessageSerializer.RetrieveDocument(this.SourceFile);
                Assembly asmb = Assembly.Load(this.SourceResourceAssembly);
                //xmlBodyReader = new XmlTextReader(asmb.GetManifestResourceStream(this.SourceResource));
                tempMsg = MultipartMessageSerializer.RetrieveDocument(this.SourceResource, asmb);

            if (this.Result != StepResult.Error)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.TestID))
                    List <ContextProperty> props = tempMsg.PropertyBag.ToList <ContextProperty>();
                    props.Add(new ContextProperty
                        Name      = BTSProperties.testID.Name.Name,
                        Namespace = BTSProperties.testID.Name.Namespace,
                        Promoted  = false,
                        Value     = this.TestID
                    tempMsg.PropertyBag = props.ToArray();
                XmlDocument doc = MultipartMessageSerializer.Serialize(tempMsg);
                xmlBodyReader = new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(doc.OuterXml));

                BizTalk2WayReference.TwoWayAsyncClient client = new BizTalk2WayReference.TwoWayAsyncClient();
                    client.Endpoint.Address = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(this.DestURI);

                    Message request = Message.CreateMessage(MessageVersion.Soap11, "Get2WayMultipartMessage", xmlBodyReader);

                    Message response = client.BizTalkSubmit(request);
                    this.AppendResultDescription(1, "[OK] Send file {0}, received response from {1}", this.SourceFile, DestURI);

                    HttpResponseMessageProperty httpResponse = (HttpResponseMessageProperty)response.Properties["httpResponse"];
                    if (httpResponse.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)
                        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                        XmlWriter    xw = XmlWriter.Create(ms, new XmlWriterSettings {
                            Indent = true, IndentChars = "  ", OmitXmlDeclaration = true
                        XmlDictionaryReader bodyReader = response.GetReaderAtBodyContents();

                        while (bodyReader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement && bodyReader.LocalName != "Body" && bodyReader.NamespaceURI != "")
                            if (bodyReader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Whitespace)
                                xw.WriteNode(bodyReader, true);
                                bodyReader.Read(); // ignore whitespace; maintain if you want

                        XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MultipartMessageDefinition));
                        ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        BTSTestContext.AddParam(this.TargetContextProperty, serializer.Deserialize(ms));
                        MessageFault fault       = MessageFault.CreateFault(response, 10000000);
                        string       faultString = fault.Reason.ToString();

                        //XmlDocument faultDoc = new XmlDocument();

                        this.AppendResultDescription(1, "[KO] Error when sending file {0} to {1} : {2}", this.SourceFile, DestURI, faultString);
                        this.Result = StepResult.Error;
                catch (Exception exc)
                    this.AppendResultDescription(1, "[KO] Error when sending file {0} to {1} : {2}", this.SourceFile, DestURI, exc.Message);
                    this.Result = StepResult.Error;
                    if (client != null)
                        if (client.State == System.ServiceModel.CommunicationState.Opened)
            if (this.Result == StepResult.Working)
                this.Result = StepResult.OK;

            return(this.Result != StepResult.Error);
        public void SendDemoMsg()
            using (Init1WayMockMessagingService oneWayTarget = new Init1WayMockMessagingService
                StepName = "Init 1-Way mock service",
                ServiceURI = "http://*****:*****@"<Resource name>",
                    // Add as many resolution setting as needed

                    /// OPTIONAL : if you need to fire some custom code when a message is received
                    //MockServiceEventHub.ResetMessageReceivedEventHandler(); // Optional, if you need to flush all event handlers
                    MockServiceEventHub.OnMessageReceived += (string uri, MultipartMessageDefinition message) =>
                        if (uri == twoWayTarget.ServiceURI)
                            // Do something

                    /// OPTIONAL : if you need to fire some custom code when a message is resolved
                    //MockServiceEventHub.ResetMessageResolvedEventHandler(); // Optional, if you need to flush all event handlers
                    MockServiceEventHub.OnMessageResolved += (string uri, MultipartMessageDefinition message) =>
                        if (uri == twoWayTarget.ServiceURI)
                            // Do something

                    /// Following code must complete (this is were we start the mock service)
                    /// In case of any error, the user that runs the test may need som additional right to reserve the URL.
                    /// If so, consider using the following command : netsh http add urlacl url=... user=...
                    if (!twoWayTarget.ExecuteStep())

                    /// Add the rest of your test here
                    // Do something
        public override bool ExecuteStep()
            MultipartMessageDefinition tempMsg = null;
            XmlTextReader xmlBodyReader        = null;

            this.AppendResultDescription(0, "Executing step {0} ({1}):", this.StepName, this.StepType);

            if (!File.Exists(this.SourceFile) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.SourceResource))
                this.AppendResultDescription(1, "File {0} does not exist.", this.SourceFile);
                this.Result = StepResult.Error;
            else if (File.Exists(this.SourceFile))
                //xmlBodyReader = new XmlTextReader(this.SourceFile);
                tempMsg = MultipartMessageSerializer.RetrieveDocument(this.SourceFile);
                Assembly asmb = Assembly.Load(this.SourceResourceAssembly);
                //xmlBodyReader = new XmlTextReader(asmb.GetManifestResourceStream(this.SourceResource));
                tempMsg = MultipartMessageSerializer.RetrieveDocument(this.SourceResource, asmb);

            if (this.Result != StepResult.Error)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.TestID))
                    List <ContextProperty> props = tempMsg.PropertyBag.ToList <ContextProperty>();
                    props.Add(new ContextProperty
                        Name      = BTSProperties.testID.Name.Name,
                        Namespace = BTSProperties.testID.Name.Namespace,
                        Promoted  = false,
                        Value     = this.TestID
                    tempMsg.PropertyBag = props.ToArray();
                XmlDocument doc = MultipartMessageSerializer.Serialize(tempMsg);
                xmlBodyReader = new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(doc.OuterXml));
                xmlBodyReader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.All;


                BizTalk1WayReference.TwoWayAsyncVoidClient client = new BizTalk1WayReference.TwoWayAsyncVoidClient();
                    client.Endpoint.Address = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(this.DestURI);

                    Message request = Message.CreateMessage(MessageVersion.Soap11, "Get1WayMultipartMessage", xmlBodyReader);
                catch (Exception exc)
                    this.AppendResultDescription(1, "[KO] Error when sending file {0} to {1} : {2}", this.SourceFile, DestURI, exc.Message);
                    this.Result = StepResult.Error;
                    if (client != null)
                        if (client.State == System.ServiceModel.CommunicationState.Opened)

                this.AppendResultDescription(1, "[OK] Sent file {0} to {1}", this.SourceFile, DestURI);

            if (this.Result == StepResult.Working)
                this.Result = StepResult.OK;

            return(this.Result == StepResult.OK);
Beispiel #6
        public void Call2WayMock()
            using (Init2WayMockMessagingService twoWayTarget = new Init2WayMockMessagingService
                StepName = "Init 2-Way mock service",
                ServiceURI = "http://*****:*****@"BizWTF.Testing.Sample.Messages.Mock-Demo-2WayMockService-Response.xml",
                // Add as many resolution setting as needed

                /// OPTIONAL : if you need to fire some custom code when a message is received
                //MockServiceEventHub.ResetMessageReceivedEventHandler(); // Optional, if you need to flush all event handlers
                MockServiceEventHub.OnMessageReceived += (string uri, MultipartMessageDefinition message) =>
                    if (uri == twoWayTarget.ServiceURI)
                        // Do something

                /// OPTIONAL : if you need to fire some custom code when a message is resolved
                //MockServiceEventHub.ResetMessageResolvedEventHandler(); // Optional, if you need to flush all event handlers
                MockServiceEventHub.OnMessageResolved += (string uri, MultipartMessageDefinition message) =>
                    if (uri == twoWayTarget.ServiceURI)
                        // Do something

                /// Following code must complete (this is were we start the mock service)
                /// In case of any error, the user that runs the test may need som additional right to reserve the URL.
                /// If so, consider using the following command : netsh http add urlacl url=... user=...
                if (!twoWayTarget.ExecuteStep())

                /// Add the rest of your test here
                // Do something
                SubmitMockMessage2WayStep send2WayMsgStep = new SubmitMockMessage2WayStep("Submit 2Way Message");
                send2WayMsgStep.DestURI                = "http://*****:*****@"BizWTF.Testing.Sample.Messages.Mock-Demo-1WayMockService.xml";
                send2WayMsgStep.SourceResourceAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName; // In this case, the resource is embedded in the current assembly
                send2WayMsgStep.TestID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();                                                  // NOTE : you can provide a test ID, wich will be attached as a message property. This facilitates instance tracking.
                send2WayMsgStep.TargetContextProperty = "send2WayMsgStep_Response";

                /// NOTE : the folowwing code actually sends the message.
                /// Nevertheless, it is recommended to first initialize all the steps of the test before executing any of them.
                if (!send2WayMsgStep.ExecuteStep())

                /// Once the step has executed successfully, do whatever test you need to do.
                /// The following code : BTSTestContext.GetParam(send2WayMsgStep.TargetContextProperty)
                /// retrieves the response received.