private void btn_user_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String newparam = ""; Boolean separator = false; for (int i = 0; i < listParam.Length; i++) { if (listParam[i] != null) { if (separator == true) { newparam = "|" + newparam; } newparam = listParam[i] + newparam; separator = true; } } String kunci; if (in_user_pass.Text.Length > 0) { kunci = enc.encstr(in_user_name.Text + in_user_pass.Text); } else { kunci = ""; } String sql = "EXEC insertUser @name = '" + in_user_name.Text + "', @pass = '******', @perm = '" + newparam + "'"; Console.WriteLine(sql); MsSQL.kuerisql(sql, "Simpan Permission", "Simpan Data Berhasil"); MsSQL.insertLog(auth.authID, namaModul, "Menyimpan data SQL = " + sql, nett[0], nett[1], auth.LogId); loadgridUserlist(); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create Job Alias /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void MakeAlias() { try { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PacketReader Reader = new PacketReader(PacketInformation.buffer); int id = Reader.Int32(); byte type = Reader.Byte(); short nLenght = Reader.Int16(); string name = Reader.String(nLenght); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Console.WriteLine(name); MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM character_jobs WHERE job_alias='" + name + "'"); int checkjob = ms.Count(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// client.Send(Packet.MakeAlias(name, type)); if (checkjob == 0) { client.Send(Packet.MakeAlias(name, type)); MsSQL.UpdateData("UPDATE character_jobs SET job_alias='" + name + "' WHERE character_name='" + Character.Information.Name + "'"); } else if (checkjob >= 0) { client.Send(Packet.MakeAliasError(name, type)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Systems.Debugger.Write(ex); } }
public override bool alterar(ClasseBase obj) { bool erro = true; try { vsql.Append("UPDATE MODELO SET DESCRICAO='" + ((Modelo)obj).Descricao.ToUpper() + "', " + "ID_MARCA=" + ((Modelo)obj).Marca.ID.ToString() + "WHERE ID=" + ((Modelo)obj).ID); command.Connection = MsSQL.getConexao(); command.Connection.Open(); command.CommandText = vsql.ToString(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { erro = false; throw new Exception("Erro ao alterar o modelo. " + e.Message); } finally { command.Connection.Close(); } return(erro); }
void UnSummonPetLogoff(int petid) { try { //First we close the pet by calling closepet void. if (petid == Character.Grabpet.Grabpetid) { ClosePet(petid, Character.Grabpet.Details); Character.Grabpet.Active = false; Character.Grabpet.Spawned = false; Character.Grabpet.Details = null; } else if (petid == Character.Attackpet.Uniqueid) { ClosePet(petid, Character.Attackpet.Details); Character.Attackpet.Active = false; Character.Attackpet.Spawned = false; Character.Attackpet.Details = null; } //Update database information MsSQL.UpdateData("UPDATE pets SET pet_active='0' WHERE pet_unique='" + petid + "' AND playerid='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "'"); //Set active to false so the user can spawn another pet. Character.Grabpet.Active = false; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Pet despawn error: " + ex); } }
public override bool buscarID(ClasseBase obj) { SqlDataReader reader; bool erro = true; try { command.Connection = MsSQL.getConexao(); command.Connection.Open(); vsql.Append("SELECT ID,ID_VEICULO,ID_FORNECEDOR,ID_FUNCIONARIO,DATA_ABASTEC,KM,QUANTIDADE,PRECO FROM ABASTECIMENTO "); vsql.Append("WHERE ID=" + ((Abastecimento)obj).ID.ToString()); command.CommandText = command.CommandText + vsql.ToString(); reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { ((Abastecimento)obj).Veiculo.ID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ID_VEICULO"]); ((Abastecimento)obj).Fornecedor.ID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ID_FORNECEDOR"]); ((Abastecimento)obj).Funcionario.ID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ID_FUNCIONARIO"]); ((Abastecimento)obj).Dt_abastec = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["DATA_ABASTEC"]); ((Abastecimento)obj).Km = Convert.ToInt32(reader["KM"]); ((Abastecimento)obj).Quantidade = Convert.ToDouble(reader["QUANTIDADE"]); ((Abastecimento)obj).Quantidade = Convert.ToDouble(reader["PRECO"]); } else { erro = false; } } finally { command.Connection.Close(); } return(erro); }
//Void character delete void CharacterDelete() { //Wrap our function in a catcher try { //Create new packet reader PacketReader Reader = new PacketReader(PacketInformation.buffer); //Skip one not used byte Reader.Skip(1); //Get character name information string CharacterName = Reader.Text(); //Close packet reader Reader.Close(); //Update and set time + deletion state into the database MsSQL.InsertData("UPDATE character SET deletedtime=dateadd(dd,7,getdate()),deleted='1' WHERE name='" + CharacterName + "'"); //Send visual state of character on screen sit down client.Send(Packet.ScreenSuccess(3)); } //Catch bad exception errors catch (Exception ex) { //Write information to the console Console.WriteLine("Character deletion error {0}", ex); //Write information to debug logger Systems.Debugger.Write(ex); } }
public override bool alterar(ClasseBase obj) { bool erro = true; try { vsql.Append("UPDATE ABASTECIMENTO "); vsql.Append("SET ID_VEICULO = " + ((Abastecimento)obj).Funcionario.ID.ToString()); vsql.Append(",ID_FORNECEDOR = " + ((Abastecimento)obj).Fornecedor.ID.ToString()); vsql.Append(",ID_FUNCIONARIO = " + ((Abastecimento)obj).Funcionario.ID.ToString()); vsql.Append(",DATA_ABASTEC = '" + ((Abastecimento)obj).Dt_abastec.ToString()); vsql.Append("',KM = " + ((Abastecimento)obj).Km.ToString()); vsql.Append(",QUANTIDADE = " + ((Abastecimento)obj).Quantidade.ToString()); vsql.Append(",PRECO = " + ((Abastecimento)obj).Preco.ToString().Replace(',', '.')); vsql.Append(",ID_COMBUSTIVEL = " + ((Abastecimento)obj).Tipo_Combustivel.ID.ToString()); vsql.Append(" WHERE ID=" + ((Abastecimento)obj).ID); command.Connection = MsSQL.getConexao(); command.Connection.Open(); command.CommandText = vsql.ToString(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { erro = false; throw new Exception("Erro ao alterar o lançamento do abastecimento. " + e.Message); } finally { command.Connection.Close(); } return(erro); }
public static int CharacterDataInt(string charname, string toGet) { int result; result = MsSQL.GetDataInt("SELECT * FROM karakterler WHERE name='" + charname + "'", toGet); return(result); }
public override bool buscarID(ClasseBase obj) { bool erro = true; SqlDataReader reader; try { command.Connection = MsSQL.getConexao(); command.Connection.Open(); command.CommandText = "SELECT ID,NOME FROM FUNCAO " + "WHERE ID=" + ((Funcao)obj).ID.ToString(); reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { ((Funcao)obj).Nome = reader["NOME"].ToString(); } else { erro = false; } } finally { command.Connection.Close(); } return(erro); }
public static void LoadBlues(character c) { try { MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM char_items WHERE owner='"+ c.Information.CharacterID +"'"); using (SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { while (reader.Read()) { int a = 10; int b = 11; int id = reader.GetInt32(0); Global.itemblue it = new Global.itemblue(); = new ArrayList(); it.blueamount = new ArrayList(); it.totalblue = reader.GetInt32(9); for (int i = 0; i <= it.totalblue; i++) {; it.blueamount.Add(reader.GetInt32(b)); a += 2; b += 2; } Data.ItemBlue[id] = it; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Blue error: {0}",ex); } }
public override bool inserir(ClasseBase obj) { bool erro = true; try { vsql.Append("INSERT INTO USUARIO "); vsql.Append("(LOGIN,NOME,SENHA,ATIVO,ID_PERFIL) "); vsql.Append("VALUES "); vsql.Append("('" + ((Usuario)obj).Login.ToLower() + "','" + ((Usuario)obj).Nome.ToUpper() + "','" + ((Usuario)obj).Senha + "','" + ((Usuario)obj).Ativo + "'," + ((Usuario)obj).perfil.ID.ToString() + ")"); command.Connection = MsSQL.getConexao(); command.Connection.Open(); command.CommandText = vsql.ToString(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { erro = false; throw new Exception("Erro ao inserir o usuário. " + e.Message); } finally { command.Connection.Close(); } return(erro); }
public override bool buscarID(ClasseBase obj) { SqlDataReader reader; bool erro = true; try { command.Connection = MsSQL.getConexao(); command.Connection.Open(); vsql.Append("SELECT ID,ID_FUNCIONARIO,MES,ANO,QUANTIDADE FROM COTA_MENSAL"); vsql.Append(" WHERE ID=" + ((Cota_mensal)obj).ID.ToString()); command.CommandText = command.CommandText + vsql.ToString(); reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { ((Cota_mensal)obj).Funcionario.ID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ID_FUNCIONARIO"]); ((Cota_mensal)obj).Mes = Convert.ToInt32(reader["MES"]); ((Cota_mensal)obj).Ano = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ANO"]); ((Cota_mensal)obj).Qtde = Convert.ToInt32(reader["QUANTIDADE"]); } else { erro = false; } } finally { command.Connection.Close(); } return(erro); }
public bool buscarLogin(ClasseBase obj) { bool erro = true; try { SqlDataReader reader; command.Connection = MsSQL.getConexao(); command.Connection.Open(); command.CommandText = "SELECT ID,LOGIN,NOME,SENHA,ID_PERFIL,ATIVO FROM USUARIO " + "WHERE LOGIN='******'"; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { ((Usuario)obj).ID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ID"]); ((Usuario)obj).Nome = reader["NOME"].ToString(); ((Usuario)obj).Senha = reader["SENHA"].ToString(); ((Usuario)obj).perfil.ID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ID_PERFIL"]); ((Usuario)obj).Ativo = reader["ATIVO"].ToString(); ((Usuario)obj).Estado = Stateobj.stLimpo; } else { erro = false; } } finally { command.Connection.Close(); } return(erro); }
public List <Usuario> listar() { SqlDataReader reader; List <Usuario> listaUsuario = new List <Usuario>(); Int32 x = 0; try { command.Connection = MsSQL.getConexao(); command.Connection.Open(); vsql.Append("SELECT A.ID, A.LOGIN, A.NOME FROM USUARIO A "); vsql.Append("ORDER BY A.NOME "); command.CommandText = vsql.ToString(); reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { listaUsuario.Add(new Usuario()); listaUsuario[x].ID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ID"]); listaUsuario[x].Login = reader["LOGIN"].ToString(); listaUsuario[x].Nome = reader["NOME"].ToString(); x++; } return(listaUsuario); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Erro ao montar a lista de usuários. " + e.Message); } finally { command.Connection.Close(); } }
public void LoadGuildMemberIds(int guildid, ref List<int> MemberIDs) { try { //Make sure we start with a clean list if (MemberIDs != null) //If not null clear the list MemberIDs.Clear(); //Create new query to get guild member information MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM guild_members WHERE guild_id='" + guildid + "'"); //Create sql data reader to read database content using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { //While the reader is reading while (reader.Read()) { //Add member id to the list MemberIDs.Add(reader.GetInt32(2)); } } } //Catch any bad exception error catch (Exception ex) { //Write information to debug log Systems.Debugger.Write(ex); } }
public void MsSqlTest() { DbHelper dbHelper = new MsSQL("test"); using (TransactionScope transactionScope = new TransactionScope()) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.Add("Name", "lsong"); contentValues.Add("Password", "123456"); dbHelper.Insert("myTable", contentValues); } transactionScope.Complete(); } using (Cursor cursor = dbHelper.Query("myTable", null, null, null)) { while (cursor.Next()) { System.Console.Write(cursor[0] + " "); System.Console.Write(cursor[1] + " "); System.Console.Write(cursor[2]); System.Console.WriteLine(); } } System.Console.ReadKey(true); }
public override bool buscarID(ClasseBase obj) { bool erro = true; try { SqlDataReader reader; command.Connection = MsSQL.getConexao(); command.Connection.Open(); command.CommandText = "SELECT ID,DESCRICAO,ID_MARCA FROM MODELO " + "WHERE ID=" + ((Modelo)obj).ID.ToString(); reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { ((Modelo)obj).Descricao = reader["DESCRICAO"].ToString(); ((Modelo)obj).Marca.ID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ID_MARCA"]); } else { erro = false; } } finally { command.Connection.Close(); } return(erro); }
public override bool inserir(ClasseBase obj) { bool erro = true; try { vsql.Remove(0, vsql.Length); vsql.Append("INSERT INTO COTA_MENSAL "); vsql.Append("(ID_FUNCIONARIO,"); vsql.Append("MES,"); vsql.Append("ANO,"); vsql.Append("QUANTIDADE)"); vsql.Append("VALUES "); vsql.Append("(" + ((Cota_mensal)obj).Funcionario.ID.ToString() + ","); vsql.Append(((Cota_mensal)obj).Mes.ToString() + ","); vsql.Append(((Cota_mensal)obj).Ano.ToString() + ","); vsql.Append(((Cota_mensal)obj).Qtde.ToString() + ")"); command.Connection = MsSQL.getConexao(); command.Connection.Open(); command.CommandText = vsql.ToString(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { erro = false; throw new Exception("Erro ao inserir a cota mensal do funcionário. " + e.Message); } finally { command.Connection.Close(); } return(erro); }
public override bool alterar(ClasseBase obj) { bool erro = true; try { vsql.Append("UPDATE USUARIO SET LOGIN='******', NOME='" + ((Usuario)obj).Nome.ToUpper() + "', SENHA='" + ((Usuario)obj).Senha + "', ATIVO='" + ((Usuario)obj).Ativo.ToUpper() + "', ID_PERFIL=" + ((Usuario)obj).perfil.ID.ToString() + " " + "WHERE ID=" + ((Usuario)obj).ID); command.Connection = MsSQL.getConexao(); command.Connection.Open(); command.CommandText = vsql.ToString(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { erro = false; throw new Exception("Erro ao alterar o usuário. " + e.Message); } finally { command.Connection.Close(); } return(erro); }
public override bool alterar(ClasseBase obj) { bool erro = true; try { vsql.Remove(0, vsql.Length); vsql.Append("UPDATE COTA_MENSAL "); vsql.Append("SET ID_FUNCIONARIO = " + ((Cota_mensal)obj).Funcionario.ID.ToString()); vsql.Append(",MES = " + ((Cota_mensal)obj).Mes.ToString()); vsql.Append(",ANO = " + ((Cota_mensal)obj).Ano.ToString()); vsql.Append(",QUANTIDADE = " + ((Cota_mensal)obj).Qtde.ToString()); vsql.Append("WHERE ID=" + ((Cota_mensal)obj).ID); command.Connection = MsSQL.getConexao(); command.Connection.Open(); command.CommandText = vsql.ToString(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { erro = false; throw new Exception("Erro ao alterar a cota mensal do funcionário. " + e.Message); } finally { command.Connection.Close(); } return(erro); }
void CharacterRestore() { //Wrap our function in a catcher try { //Create new packet reader PacketReader Reader = new PacketReader(PacketInformation.buffer); //Skip one byte Reader.Skip(1); //Read charactername to be restored string CharacterName = Reader.Text(); Reader.Close(); //Update database information set deleted state to 0 MsSQL.InsertData("UPDATE character SET deleted='0' WHERE name='" + CharacterName + "'"); //Send state packet to client character standing up client.Send(Packet.ScreenSuccess(5)); } //Catch bad exception errors catch (Exception ex) { //Write information to the console Console.WriteLine("Character restore error {0}", ex); //Write information to the debug log Systems.Debugger.Write(ex); } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pvp Base /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void Pvpsystem() { try { byte pvptype = Character.Information.Pvptype; if (Character.Information.Pvpstate == pvptype) { return; } if (pvptype > 0) { MsSQL.UpdateData("UPDATE character SET Pvpstate='" + pvptype + "' WHERE name='" + Character.Information.Name + "'"); Character.Information.PvpWait = false; Character.Information.PvP = true; Send(Packet.PvpSystemData(Character.Information.UniqueID, pvptype)); StopPvpTimer(); } else { MsSQL.UpdateData("UPDATE character SET Pvpstate='" + pvptype + "' WHERE name='" + Character.Information.Name + "'"); Character.Information.PvpWait = false; Character.Information.PvP = false; Send(Packet.PvpSystemData(Character.Information.UniqueID, 0)); StopPvpTimer(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Systems.Debugger.Write(ex); } }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Save guide ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Save guide public void SaveGuideInfo() { //Wrap our function inside a catcher try { //Set default value for guidehex string GuideHex = ""; //For 8 repeating for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { //Num lenght for guideinfo string Numlen = String.Format("{0:X}", Character.Guideinfo.G1[i]); //If lenght is 1, we set the string to 0 + lenght if (Numlen.Length == 1) { Numlen = "0" + Numlen; } //Set total GuideHex = GuideHex + Numlen; } //Update database information MsSQL.UpdateData("update character set GuideData='" + GuideHex + "' where id='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "'"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Saving Guide error: {0}", ex); Console.WriteLine(ex); } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Player Berserk Add /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Player_Berserk_Up() { try { if (!Character.Information.Berserking) { Character.Information.BerserkBar = 0; client.Send(Packet.InfoUpdate(4, 0, Character.Information.BerserkBar)); Character.Information.Berserking = true; if (Character.Information.Title != 0) { Character.Information.BerserkOran = 230; } else { Character.Information.BerserkOran = 200; } Send(Packet.StatePack(Character.Information.UniqueID, 4, 1, false)); //20.slot bersek speed slot Character.Speed.Updateded[20] = 100; Character.Speed.RunSpeed += Character.Speed.Updateded[20]; //Player_SetNewSpeed(); Send(Packet.SetSpeed(Character.Information.UniqueID, Character.Speed.WalkSpeed, Character.Speed.RunSpeed)); MsSQL.UpdateData("update character set berserkbar='" + Character.Information.BerserkBar + "' where id='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "'"); StartBerserkerTimer(60000); } } catch (Exception ex) { Systems.Debugger.Write(ex); } }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Save position ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Save position protected void SavePlayerPosition() { //Wrap our function inside a catcher try { //Update database if (!File.FileLoad.CheckCave(Character.Position.xSec, Character.Position.ySec)) { MsSQL.UpdateData("update character set xsect='" + Character.Position.xSec + "', ysect='" + Character.Position.ySec + "', xpos='" + Math.Round(Formule.packetx(Character.Position.x, Character.Position.xSec)) + "', ypos='" + Math.Round(Formule.packety(Character.Position.y, Character.Position.ySec)) + "', zpos='" + Math.Round(Character.Position.z) + "' where id='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "'"); } else { MsSQL.UpdateData("update character set xsect='" + Character.Position.xSec + "', ysect='" + Character.Position.ySec + "', xpos='" + Math.Round(Formule.cavepacketx(Character.Position.x)) + "', ypos='" + Math.Round(Formule.cavepackety(Character.Position.y)) + "', zpos='" + Math.Round(Character.Position.z) + "' where id='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "'"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Save position error {0}", ex); Systems.Debugger.Write(ex); } }
public static bool Copy(int id) { bool copied = false; MsSQL.Prepare(conn => { DataSet ds = MsSQL.RunDataSetQuery(ref conn, "report_copy", new List <object> { id }); if (!Utils.IsDataSetValid(ds)) { return; } int resultCode = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ResultCode"]); if (resultCode == 200) { var config = Extend.GetConfig(); int newReportId = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Id"]); if (System.IO.File.Exists(config.ReportPath + "/" + id + ".frx")) { System.IO.File.Copy(config.ReportPath + "/" + id + ".frx", config.ReportPath + "/" + newReportId + ".frx"); } copied = true; } }); return(copied); }
public override bool inserir(ClasseBase obj) { bool erro = true; try { vsql.Remove(0, vsql.Length); vsql.Append("INSERT INTO FUNCAO "); vsql.Append("(NOME) "); vsql.Append("VALUES "); vsql.Append("('" + ((Funcao)obj).Nome.ToUpper() + "')"); command.Connection = MsSQL.getConexao(); command.Connection.Open(); command.CommandText = vsql.ToString(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { erro = false; throw new Exception("Erro ao inserir a função. " + e.Message); } finally { command.Connection.Close(); } return(erro); }
public Double verifAbastecido(Funcionario obj, Int32 pmes, Int32 pano) { SqlDataReader reader; Double qtde_abastecido; try { command.Connection = MsSQL.getConexao(); command.Connection.Open(); vsql.Append("SELECT SUM(QUANTIDADE) as QUANTIDADE FROM ABASTECIMENTO "); vsql.Append("WHERE ID_FUNCIONARIO= " + obj.ID.ToString()); vsql.Append(" AND MONTH(DATA_ABASTEC)=" + pmes.ToString()); vsql.Append(" AND YEAR(DATA_ABASTEC)=" + pano.ToString()); command.CommandText = command.CommandText + vsql.ToString(); reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { qtde_abastecido = Convert.ToInt32(((reader["QUANTIDADE"].ToString() == "")?0:reader["QUANTIDADE"])); } else { qtde_abastecido = 0; } } finally { command.Connection.Close(); } return(qtde_abastecido); }
public override bool alterar(ClasseBase obj) { bool erro = true; try { vsql.Remove(0, vsql.Length); vsql.Append("UPDATE FUNCAO SET NOME='" + ((Funcao)obj).Nome.ToUpper() + "' " + " WHERE ID=" + ((Funcao)obj).ID); command.Connection = MsSQL.getConexao(); command.Connection.Open(); command.CommandText = vsql.ToString(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (System.Exception e) { erro = false; throw new Exception("Erro ao alterar a função. " + e.Message); } finally { command.Connection.Close(); } return(erro); }
public override bool inserir(ClasseBase obj) { bool erro = true; try { vsql.Append("INSERT INTO MODELO "); vsql.Append("(DESCRICAO,ID_MARCA) "); vsql.Append("VALUES "); vsql.Append("('" + ((Modelo)obj).Descricao.ToUpper() + "'," + ((Modelo)obj).Marca.ID.ToString() + ")"); command.Connection = MsSQL.getConexao(); command.Connection.Open(); command.CommandText = vsql.ToString(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { erro = false; throw new Exception("Erro ao inserir o modelo. " + e.Message); } finally { command.Connection.Close(); } return(erro); }
public List <Funcao> listar() { List <Funcao> lista = new List <Funcao>(); System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet(); Int32 x = 0; try { SqlDataReader reader; command.Connection = MsSQL.getConexao(); command.Connection.Open(); vsql.Remove(0, vsql.Length); vsql.Append("SELECT ID, NOME FROM FUNCAO "); vsql.Append("ORDER BY NOME"); command.CommandText = vsql.ToString(); reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { lista.Add(new Funcao()); lista[x].ID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ID"]); lista[x].Nome = reader["NOME"].ToString(); x++; } return(lista); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Erro ao montar a lista de Funcao. " + e.Message); } finally { command.Connection.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// tcode 테이블에 데이터 존재 여부를 체크한다. /// </summary> public static void code_chk() { MsSQL sql = new MsSQL(vari.conn); string qry = string.Format("SELECT COUNT(*) CNT FROM T_CODE WHERE COMPANY_ID = 'GM' AND PROG_ID = 'TORQUE' AND CODE = 'TOOL_NAME'"); using (DataSet ds = sql.Excute_Query(qry, "cnt")) { if (Fnc.obj2int(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["cnt"]) < 1) { qry = "Insert into T_CODE (COMPANY_ID, PROG_ID, CODE, CODENAME, CODETYPE ) values ( 'GM', 'TORQUE', 'TOOL_NAME', '툴 이름', 'S')"; sql.Excute_Query(qry, ""); } } qry = string.Format("SELECT COUNT(*) CNT FROM T_CODE WHERE COMPANY_ID = 'GM' AND PROG_ID = 'TORQUE' AND CODE = 'RST_NAME'"); using (DataSet ds = sql.Excute_Query(qry, "cnt")) { if (Fnc.obj2int(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["cnt"]) < 1) { qry = "Insert into T_CODE (COMPANY_ID, PROG_ID, CODE, CODENAME, CODETYPE ) values ( 'GM', 'TORQUE', 'RST_NAME', '결과 이름', 'S')"; sql.Excute_Query(qry, ""); } } }
public List <Modelo> listar(Marca obj) { SqlDataReader reader; List <Modelo> lista = new List <Modelo>(); Int32 x = 0; try { command.Connection = MsSQL.getConexao(); command.Connection.Open(); vsql.Append("SELECT ID, DESCRICAO, ID_MARCA FROM MODELO "); vsql.Append("WHERE ID_MARCA=" + obj.ID); vsql.Append("ORDER BY DESCRICAO "); command.CommandText = vsql.ToString(); reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { lista.Add(new Modelo()); lista[x].ID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ID"]); lista[x].Descricao = reader["DESCRICAO"].ToString(); lista[x].Marca.ID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ID_MARCA"]); x++; } return(lista); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Erro ao montar a lista de modelo. " + e.Message); } finally { command.Connection.Close(); } }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Honor rank ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void HonorRank() { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MsSQL readsql = new MsSQL("SELECT TOP 50 * FROM rank_honor"); int count = readsql.Count(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (count > 0) { client.Send(Packet.HonorRank(Character)); } }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Login user ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static int LoginUser(string aID, ref string aPass, ref DarkEmu_GameServer.player aPlayer, bool localConnect) { //Console.WriteLine("Login User: {0} - {1}",aID,aPass); MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM users WHERE password='******'"); using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { if (Systems.clients.Count>=Systems.maxSlots) { ms.Close(); return 2; // crowded } while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.GetString(1).ToLower() == aID.ToLower()) // id { if (reader.GetByte(3) == 1) // online { ms.Close(); return 3; // already online } if (reader.GetInt32(5) == 1) // banned { aPass = reader.GetString(4); ms.Close(); return 4; // banned } if (aPlayer == null && localConnect) MsSQL.UpdateData("UPDATE users SET online=1 WHERE userid='" + reader.GetInt32(0) + "'"); aPlayer = new player(); aPlayer.AccountName = aID; aPlayer.Password = aPass; // Nukei: ?? whats the reason for saving password in memory ? aPlayer.ID = reader.GetInt32(0); aPlayer.pGold = reader.GetInt64(7); aPlayer.Silk = reader.GetInt32(6); aPlayer.SilkPrem = reader.GetInt32(9); aPlayer.wSlots = reader.GetByte(11); ms.Close(); //Console.WriteLine("Login..!!"); return 0; } } } ms.Close(); return 1; // not found }
void LoadGrabPet() { //Wrap our function inside a catcher try { //Query check MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM pets WHERE playerid='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "' AND pet_active='1'"); //Get active pet count int checkactive = ms.Count(); //If the player has an active grabpet if (checkactive > 0) { //Set new pet object pet_obj o = new pet_obj(); //Create new data reader for mssql using (SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { //While the sql data reader is reading while (reader.Read()) { //Get pet location inside the player inventory string slot = reader.GetString(12); //Check our slot inside the database int slotcheck = MsSQL.GetDataInt("SELECT * FROM char_items WHERE itemnumber='" + slot + "' AND owner='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "' AND storagetype='0'", "slot"); //Set slot item information (item). Global.slotItem item = GetItem((uint)Character.Information.CharacterID, Convert.ToByte(slotcheck), 0); //Set model information of the pet int model = Global.objectdata.GetItem(Data.ItemBase[item.ID].ObjectName); //Set id for the pet (First database value is always unique). Character.Grabpet.Grabpetid = item.dbID; //Set unique id o.UniqueID = Character.Grabpet.Grabpetid; //Pet object model o.Model = model; //Spawning location of the pet o.x = Character.Position.x + rnd.Next(1, 3); o.z = Character.Position.z; o.y = Character.Position.y + rnd.Next(1, 3); o.xSec = Character.Position.xSec; o.ySec = Character.Position.ySec; //Owner id information o.OwnerID = Character.Information.CharacterID; //Owner name information o.OwnerName = Character.Information.Name; //Set walking state o.Walking = Character.Position.Walking; //Set petname o.Petname = reader.GetString(3); //Set our switch case o.Named = 2; //Set speed of pet (Need to check speed on official). o.Run = Character.Speed.RunSpeed - 3; o.Walk = Character.Speed.WalkSpeed - 3; o.Zerk = Character.Speed.BerserkSpeed - 3; //Set grabpet as active so there cant be double spawns Character.Grabpet.Active = true; //Set object information to true o.Information = true; //Spawn the pet Systems.HelperObject.Add(o); //Set global information for the pet Character.Grabpet.Details = o; //Send the visual packet for details of the pet management client.Send(Packet.Pet_Information_grab(o, Convert.ToByte(slotcheck))); //Spawn o.SpawnMe(); //Update state into database MsSQL.UpdateData("UPDATE pets SET pet_active='1' WHERE pet_unique='" + Character.Grabpet.Grabpetid + "' AND playerid='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "'"); } //Close sql reader ms.Close(); } //Set state Character.Grabpet.Active = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Grab pet player load error {0}", ex); Systems.Debugger.Write(ex); } }
void LoadJobData() { //Wrap our function inside a catcher try { //Get jobtype information from database int jobtype = MsSQL.GetDataInt("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='" + Player.AccountName + "'", "jobtype"); //If we have a job so not 0 value if (jobtype > 0) { //Create our query to get all job information MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM character_jobs WHERE character_name='" + Character.Information.Name + "'"); //Open new sql data reader using (SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { //While sql data reader is reading while (reader.Read()) { //Set global job name Character.Job.Jobname = reader.GetString(2); //Set global job type Character.Job.type = reader.GetByte(3); //Set global job exp Character.Job.exp = reader.GetInt32(4); //Set global job rank Character.Job.rank = reader.GetByte(5); //Set global job state Character.Job.state = reader.GetInt32(6); //Set global job level Character.Job.level = reader.GetByte(7); } } //Close our sql data reader. ms.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Job load error {0}", ex); Systems.Debugger.Write(ex); } }
void LoadTicket(character c) { //We wrap our function inside a catcher try { //First we get our data from the database. MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM character_tickets WHERE owner ='" + c.Information.CharacterID + "' AND active='1'"); //Check if we have a active ticket int CheckActive = ms.Count(); //Now if we have one active we continue if (CheckActive == 1) { //Open new sql data reader using (SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { //While sql data reader is reading while (reader.Read()) { //Set our ticket to active so they cannot use double premium tickets Character.Premium.Active = true; //We can use Character.Information.CharacterID but on safe side we read from db to make sure. Character.Premium.OwnerID = reader.GetInt32(1); //Get the id information to calculate the % gaining and type etc etc.. Character.Premium.TicketItemID = reader.GetInt32(2); //Get unique id (incase we need it). Character.Premium.TicketID = reader.GetInt32(0); //Get the start time of the ticket Character.Premium.StartTime = reader.GetDateTime(3); } } //Close our data reader ms.Close(); //Calculate remaining time left. TimeSpan Timecheck = Convert.ToDateTime(Character.Premium.StartTime) - DateTime.Now; double TimeRemaining = Timecheck.TotalMinutes; //Finally we send our packet to the user (Icon). client.Send(Packet.PremiumTicketData(Character.Premium.TicketItemID, Convert.ToInt32(TimeRemaining))); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Premium ticket loading error {0}", ex); Systems.Debugger.Write(ex); } }
void Mastery_Skill_Up() { try { if (!Character.Action.upskilltimer) { Character.Action.upskilltimer = true; SkillUpTimer(250); PacketReader Reader = new PacketReader(PacketInformation.buffer); int skillid = Reader.Int32(); if (!(Character.Information.SkillPoint < Data.SkillBase[skillid].SkillPoint)) { Character.Information.SkillPoint -= Data.SkillBase[skillid].SkillPoint; client.Send(Packet.InfoUpdate(2, Character.Information.SkillPoint, 0)); client.Send(Packet.SkillUpdate(skillid)); client.Send(Packet.PlayerStat(Character)); SaveSkill(skillid); MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM saved_skills WHERE owner='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "'"); using (SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) Character.Stat.Skill.AmountSkill = ms.Count(); int i = 1; using (SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { while (reader.Read()) { Character.Stat.Skill.Skill[i] = reader.GetInt32(2); i++; } } ms.Close(); SkillGetOpened(skillid); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Systems.Debugger.Write(ex); } }
public void PingTimerCallBack(object e) { try { TimeSpan t = DateTime.Now - lastPing; if (client.State) Ping(); if (!client.State && Player != null) { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; MsSQL.UpdateData("UPDATE users SET online='" + 0 + "' WHERE id='" + Player.AccountName + "'"); MsSQL.UpdateData("UPDATE character SET online='0' WHERE id='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "'"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@]"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("@Evo-Debug : Srevo has debugged: {0}", Character.Information.Name); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@]"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; if (Character.Grabpet.Active) UnSummonPetLogoff(Character.Grabpet.Details.UniqueID); if (Character.Attackpet.Active) UnSummonPetLogoff(Character.Attackpet.Details.UniqueID); if (Character.Network.Party != null) { LeaveParty(); } if (Character.Network.Guild.Guildid != 0) { Character.Information.Online = 0; //Send packets to network and spawned players foreach (int member in Character.Network.Guild.Members) { //Make sure the member is there if (member != 0) { //We dont send this info to the invited user. if (member != Character.Information.CharacterID) { //If the user is not the newly invited member get player info Systems tomember = GetPlayerMainid(member); //Send guild update packet if (tomember != null) { tomember.client.Send(Packet.GuildUpdate(Character, 6, Character.Information.CharacterID, 0,0)); } } } } Character.Network.Guild.Members.Remove(Character.Information.CharacterID); Character.Network.Guild.MembersClient.Remove(this.client); } if (this.Character.Transport.Right) this.Character.Transport.Horse.DeSpawnMe(); if (this.Character.Grabpet.Active) this.Character.Grabpet.Details.DeSpawnMe(); if (this.Character.Network.Exchange.Window) this.Exchange_Close(); #region Friend list MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM friends WHERE owner='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "'"); int count = ms.Count(); if (count >= 0) { using (SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { while (reader.Read()) { int getid = reader.GetInt32(2); Systems sys = GetPlayerid(getid); if (sys != null) { sys.client.Send(Packet.FriendData(Character.Information.CharacterID, 4, Character.Information.Name, Character, true)); } } } } else { client.Send(Packet.SendFriendListstatic()); } #endregion BuffAllClose(); DeSpawnMe(); SavePlayerPosition(); SavePlayerInfo(); this.client.Close(); this.Character.Dispose(); this.Dispose(); Character.InGame = false; Disconnect("normal"); lock (Systems.clients) { Systems.clients.Remove(this); } } } catch (NullReferenceException nex) { Console.WriteLine("Timer.PingTimerCallBack: {0}", nex); PingStop(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Debug error: {0}", ex); } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Repair Items /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void HandleRepair(byte slot, int itemid) { try { //Here we use 2nd check for item durability to be sure the item repair is needed. //Check max durability on items < Need to check later for stats double checkdurability = Data.ItemBase[itemid].Defans.Durability; //Load our items MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM char_items WHERE owner='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "'"); using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { while (reader.Read()) { //Read durability from db int currentdurability = reader.GetInt32(7); //If durability is lower then item durability if (currentdurability < checkdurability) { //Send repair packet to client client.Send(Packet.RepairItems(slot, checkdurability)); //Update database information MsSQL.UpdateData("UPDATE char_items SET durability='" + checkdurability + "' WHERE id='" + itemid + "' AND owner='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "' AND storagetype='0'"); } } } ms.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Repair item error {0}", ex); Systems.Debugger.Write(ex); } }
public void PlayerDataLoad() { //Wrap our function inside a catcher try { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load Character Data ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Character Data //If Character is null we return if (Character == null) return; //Set new sql query for character information MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM character WHERE name='" + Character.Information.Name + "'"); //Open new sql data reader using (SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { //While our reader is reading the information while (reader.Read()) { // Character id information Character.Information.CharacterID = reader.GetInt32(0); Character.Ids = new Global.ID(Character.Information.CharacterID, Global.ID.IDS.Player); Character.Information.UniqueID = Character.Ids.GetUniqueID; Character.Account.ID = Player.ID; // Character model information Character.Information.Model = reader.GetInt32(3); Character.Information.Race = Data.ObjectBase[Character.Information.Model].Race; Character.Information.Volume = reader.GetByte(4); // Character base stats Character.Information.Level = reader.GetByte(5); Character.Stat.Strength = reader.GetInt16(6); Character.Stat.Intelligence = reader.GetInt16(7); Character.Information.Attributes = reader.GetInt16(8); Character.Stat.Hp = reader.GetInt32(9); Character.Stat.Mp = reader.GetInt32(10); // Character gold information Character.Information.Gold = reader.GetInt64(11); // Character Points Character.Information.XP = reader.GetInt64(12); Character.Information.SpBar = reader.GetInt32(13); Character.Information.SkillPoint = reader.GetInt32(14); // Character GM information Character.Information.GM = reader.GetByte(15); // Character Location Character.Position.xSec = reader.GetByte(16); Character.Position.ySec = reader.GetByte(17); Character.Position.x = reader.GetInt32(19); Character.Position.y = reader.GetInt32(20); Character.Position.z = reader.GetInt32(21); Character.Information.Place = reader.GetByte(40); // Character Main Stats Character.Stat.SecondHp = reader.GetInt32(22); Character.Stat.SecondMP = reader.GetInt32(23); Character.Stat.MinPhyAttack = reader.GetInt32(24); Character.Stat.MaxPhyAttack = reader.GetInt32(25); Character.Stat.MinMagAttack = reader.GetInt32(26); Character.Stat.MaxMagAttack = reader.GetInt32(27); Character.Stat.PhyDef = reader.GetInt16(28); Character.Stat.MagDef = reader.GetInt16(29); Character.Stat.Hit = reader.GetInt16(30); Character.Stat.Parry = reader.GetInt16(31); Character.Speed.WalkSpeed = reader.GetInt32(33); Character.Speed.RunSpeed = reader.GetInt32(34); Character.Speed.BerserkSpeed = reader.GetInt32(35); Character.Information.BerserkBar = reader.GetByte(36); Character.Speed.DefaultSpeed = Character.Speed.RunSpeed; Character.Stat.mag_Absorb = reader.GetInt16(38); Character.Stat.phy_Absorb = reader.GetInt16(39); // Character Other information Character.Information.Pvpstate = reader.GetByte(45); Character.Account.StorageGold = Player.pGold; Character.Account.StorageSlots = Player.wSlots; Character.Information.ExpandedStorage = reader.GetByte(53); Character.LogNum = 53; Character.Information.Slots = reader.GetInt32(44); Character.Information.Title = reader.GetByte(41); Character.Information.Online = reader.GetInt32(47); Character.Information.StallModel = reader.GetInt32(52); // Character Guide Info Character.Guideinfo.G1 = new int[8];//Main Int Array Fro Guide Packet Character.Guideinfo.Gchk = new int[8];//Main Guide Check Packet Array //Read guide information string Guideread = reader.GetString(51); int t = 0; for (int g = 0; g < 8; ++g) { Character.Guideinfo.G1[g] = int.Parse(Guideread.Substring(t, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber, null); t = t + 2; } for (int gc = 0; gc < 8; ++gc) { Character.Guideinfo.Gchk[gc] = 0; } //Get guild joinable bool information Character.Information.JoinGuildWait = Convert.ToBoolean(reader.GetByte(54)); //Get date time information and timespan information DateTime WaitTime = reader.GetDateTime(55); //Set timespan information TimeSpan Timespan = WaitTime - DateTime.Now; //If total minutes wait time is lower then 0 if (Timespan.TotalMinutes <= 0) { //Update database MsSQL.UpdateData("UPDATE character SET GuildJoining='0' WHERE name='"+ Character.Information.Name +"'"); //Set bool to false so player can join a guild again Character.Information.JoinGuildWait = false; } } } //Close our sql data reader ms.Close(); #endregion ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set Skill And Mastery Information Max ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Set Skill / Mastery Character.Stat.Skill.Mastery = new int[9]; Character.Stat.Skill.Mastery_Level = new byte[9]; Character.Stat.Skill.Skill = new int[50000]; #endregion ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load Mastery Data ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Load Mastery Data //New sql query to get mastery information ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM mastery WHERE owner='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "'"); //Open new sql data reader using (SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { //Set byte to 1 default byte c = 1; //While sql data reader is reading while (reader.Read()) { //We add the mastery information and level Character.Stat.Skill.Mastery[c] = reader.GetInt32(1); Character.Stat.Skill.Mastery_Level[c] = reader.GetByte(2); c++; } } //Close our sql data reader ms.Close(); #endregion ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load Skill Data ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Load Skill Data //Create new query to get skill data ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM saved_skills WHERE owner='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "'"); //Get skill count from reader using (SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) Character.Stat.Skill.AmountSkill = ms.Count(); //Set default i to 1 int i = 1; //Open new sql data reder using (SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { //While the reader is reading while (reader.Read()) { //Add the skill id Character.Stat.Skill.Skill[i] = reader.GetInt32(2); i++; } } //Close the sql data reader ms.Close(); #endregion ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load Remaining information ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Load Remaining Data //Update x / y UpdateXY(); //If character's current hp is lower then 1 if (Character.Stat.SecondHp < 1) { //Reset player location to return point, and fill the hp half of the max. Character.Stat.SecondHp = (Character.Stat.Hp / 2); Teleport_UpdateXYZ(Character.Information.Place); } //Set balande for player SetBalance(); //Check our file information CheckFile(); //Set stats for player SetStat(); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Player Data Load Error {0}", ex); Systems.Debugger.Write(ex); } }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get Max Slots ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public byte GetFreeSlotMax() { #region Get Max Slots Available List<byte> ListSlot = new List<byte>(Character.Information.Slots); MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM char_items WHERE owner='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "' AND slot >= '13' AND slot <= '" + Character.Information.Slots + "' AND inavatar='0'"); using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { while (reader.Read()) { ListSlot.Add(reader.GetByte(5)); } } ms.Close(); byte add = 0; for (byte i = 13; i < Character.Information.Slots; i++) { if (!GetCheckFreeSlot(ListSlot, i)) add++; } return add; #endregion }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get player inventory items (We will use this for stacking and checking). // So herer's the simple one ive made we can use to check player inventory ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static List<byte> GetPlayerItems(character c) { List<byte> items = new List<byte>(); MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM char_items WHERE owner='" + c.Information.CharacterID + "'"); using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { while (reader.Read()) { items.Add(reader.GetByte(5)); } } ms.Close(); return items; }
public static byte GetAmmoSlot(character ch) { MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM char_items WHERE owner='" + ch.Information.CharacterID + "' AND (itemid='62' OR itemid='3655' OR itemid='10376' OR itemid='10727')"); byte ammo = 0; using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { while (reader.Read()) { ammo = reader.GetByte(5); } ms.Close(); return Convert.ToByte(ammo); } }
void HandleAttackPet(byte slot, int ItemID) { try { //Check if player level is high enough to spawn. if (!CheckItemLevel(Character.Information.Level, ItemID)) { client.Send(Packet.MoveItemError(0x6C, 0x18)); } //If ok we continue to spawn the attack pet. else { //Our sql query MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM pets WHERE pet_itemid='" + ItemID + "' AND playerid='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "'"); //Create new pet object. pet_obj o = new pet_obj(); //Open our data reader using (SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { //Start reading data from the query above. while (reader.Read()) { Character.Attackpet.Uniqueid = reader.GetInt32(11); Character.Attackpet.Spawned = true; o.UniqueID = Character.Attackpet.Uniqueid; o.Model = Global.objectdata.GetItem(Data.ItemBase[ItemID].ObjectName); o.Level = reader.GetByte(13); o.exp = reader.GetInt64(14); o.x = Character.Position.x + rnd.Next(1, 3); o.z = Character.Position.z; o.y = Character.Position.y + rnd.Next(1, 3); o.xSec = Character.Position.xSec; o.ySec = Character.Position.ySec; o.OwnerID = Character.Information.CharacterID; o.OwnerName = Character.Information.Name; o.Walking = Character.Position.Walking; o.Petname = reader.GetString(3); o.Named = 3; o.Run = Character.Speed.RunSpeed; o.Walk = Character.Speed.WalkSpeed; o.Zerk = Character.Speed.BerserkSpeed; } ms.Close(); } //We set our pet active bool, so user cannot spawn multiple. Character.Attackpet.Active = true; o.Information = true; //Set all details above to definitions Character.Attackpet.Details = o; //Global spawn the pet Systems.HelperObject.Add(o); //Spawn ourselfs o.SpawnMe(); //Send then packet required (Pet information block). client.Send(Packet.AttackPetStats(o, slot)); client.Send(Packet.AttackPetHGP(o)); //Update pet status to active (For relog purposes). MsSQL.UpdateData("UPDATE pets SET pet_active='1' WHERE pet_unique='" + Character.Grabpet.Grabpetid + "' AND playerid='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "'"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Attack pet spawn error : " + ex); } }
//########################################################################################### // Reverse scrolls //########################################################################################### void HandleReverse(int itemid ,byte select, int objectlocationid) { try { //Remove loc // add loc to case 7 if (Character.Position.Walking) StopMovementTimer(); if (Character.Action.PickUping) return; if (Character.Stall.Stallactive) return; Character.Information.Scroll = true; StopTimers(); switch (select) { //Move to return point case 2: Send(Packet.StatePack(Character.Information.UniqueID, 0x0B, 0x01, false)); StartScrollTimer(1000); SavePlayerReturn(); break; //Move to last recall point case 3: MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM character_rev WHERE charname='" + Character.Information.Name + "'"); using (SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { while (reader.Read()) { byte xSec = reader.GetByte(2); byte ySec = reader.GetByte(3); float x = reader.GetInt32(4); float z = reader.GetInt32(6); float y = reader.GetInt32(5); BuffAllClose(); DeSpawnMe(); ObjectDeSpawnCheck(); client.Send(Packet.TeleportOtherStart()); //Set state this.Character.InGame = false; Character.Position.xSec = xSec; Character.Position.ySec = ySec; Character.Position.x = x; Character.Position.z = z; Character.Position.y = y; client.Send(Packet.TeleportImage(xSec, ySec)); Character.Teleport = true; Timer.Scroll = null; Character.Information.Scroll = false; } } ms.Close(); break; //Teleport to map location case 7: BuffAllClose(); ObjectDeSpawnCheck(); DeSpawnMe(); client.Send(Packet.TeleportOtherStart()); Character.Position.xSec = Data.ReverseData[objectlocationid].xSec; Character.Position.ySec = Data.ReverseData[objectlocationid].ySec; Character.Position.x = (float)Data.ReverseData[objectlocationid].x; Character.Position.z = (float)Data.ReverseData[objectlocationid].z; Character.Position.y = (float)Data.ReverseData[objectlocationid].y; //Set state this.Character.InGame = false; client.Send(Packet.TeleportImage(Data.ReverseData[objectlocationid].xSec, Data.ReverseData[objectlocationid].ySec)); Character.Teleport = true; Timer.Scroll = null; Character.Information.Scroll = false; break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Systems.Debugger.Write(ex); } }
void PrivateMessageSend() { try { //Create new packet reader for reading packet data PacketReader Reader = new PacketReader(PacketInformation.buffer); //Read lenght of charactername we send the message to short ToCharacterLen = Reader.Int16(); //Read the name of the character we send the message to string ToCharacter = Reader.String(ToCharacterLen); //Read lenght of message characters short MessageLen = Reader.Int16(); //Read message string Message = Reader.String(MessageLen); //Close packet reader Reader.Close(); //Create new mssql query for sending and checking MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM character WHERE name='" + ToCharacter + "'"); //Check if the player exists int PlayerExists = ms.Count(); //If the player exists if (PlayerExists > 0) { //First get details of the player we send the message to. Systems sys = GetPlayerName(ToCharacter); //Make sure we dont get a null error if (sys.Character != null) { //Check how many messages the player has if inbox is full or not int TargetMessageCount = MsSQL.GetRowsCount("SELECT * FROM message WHERE receiver='" + sys.Character.Information.CharacterID + "'"); //If less then 50 we continue if (TargetMessageCount < 50) { //Set temp int to character data for new message order sys.Character.Information.MessageCount = TargetMessageCount; //Insert new message into the database MsSQL.InsertData("INSERT INTO message (sender, receiver, message, status, time) VALUES ('" + Character.Information.Name + "','" + ToCharacter + "','" + Message + "','0','" + DateTime.Now + "')"); //Send packet message has been send to our client client.Send(PrivateMessageRespond(2)); //Send packet to receiver information new message has arrived sys.Send(Packet.FriendData(sys.Character.Information.UniqueID, 5, ToCharacter, Character, false)); } //If inbox is full else { //Send message to sender and receiver inbox full client.Send(PrivateMessageRespond(3)); sys.client.Send(PrivateMessageRespond(3)); } } } //If player doesn't exist else { //Send packet message failed to send to our client. client.Send(PrivateMessageRespond(1)); } } //Catch any bad exception errors catch (Exception ex) { //Write information to the console Console.WriteLine("Error sending messages : {0}" + ex); //Write info to the debug logger. Systems.Debugger.Write(ex); } }
public void LoadUnions() { try { //First clear out the guild union info (will clean this later). if (Character.Network.Guild.Unions != null) { Character.Network.Guild.Unions = null; Character.Network.Guild.UnionMembers = null; Character.Network.Guild.UnionLeader = 0; Character.Network.Guild.UniqueUnion = 0; } //Then we query the row guildid int my_union = MsSQL.GetDataInt("SELECT union_unique_id FROM guild_unions WHERE union_guildid='" + Character.Network.Guild.Guildid + "'", "union_unique_id"); //If 0 means we check if we are the union leaders if (my_union == 0) { //Check for union leader my_union = MsSQL.GetDataInt("SELECT union_unique_id FROM guild_unions WHERE union_leader='" + Character.Network.Guild.Guildid + "'", "union_unique_id"); //If we are the union leader if (my_union > 0) Character.Network.Guild.UnionLeader = Character.Network.Guild.Guildid; } //If union is active so count higher then 0 if (my_union > 0) { MsSQL unions = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM guild_unions WHERE union_unique_id='" + my_union + "'"); //Open new sql data reader using (SqlDataReader reader = unions.Read()) { //While our reader is reading the information while (reader.Read()) { //Check if we allready have main info loaded //If the union leader isnt the loading guild if (Character.Network.Guild.UnionLeader == 0) Character.Network.Guild.UnionLeader = reader.GetInt32(1); //Add union to the listening Character.Network.Guild.Unions.Add(reader.GetInt32(2)); //Set union active Character.Network.Guild.UnionActive = true; } // Repeat for each guild in our union foreach (int guild in Character.Network.Guild.Unions) { //Make sure the guild isnt 0 if (guild != 0) { //Get guildplayer details Systems unionmember = GetGuildPlayer(guild); //Make sure the player isnt null if (unionmember != null) { //Then add our character id to the member list. Character.Network.Guild.UnionMembers.Add(Character.Information.CharacterID); } } } //Close our sql reader. reader.Close(); } //Finally send packet for union listening client.Send(Packet.UnionInfo(this)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Union Load Error {0}", ex); Systems.Debugger.Write(ex); } }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get Slot Item Information ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static Global.slotItem GetItem(uint id, byte slot, int type) { #region Slot item info try { if (id != 0) { Global.slotItem slotItem = new Global.slotItem(); int row = type; MsSQL ms; if (row == 1) { ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM char_items WHERE itemnumber='item" + slot + "' AND storageacc='" + id + "' AND storagetype='" + row + "' AND slot='" + slot + "'"); } else if (row == 3) { ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM char_items WHERE itemnumber='item" + slot + "' AND storagetype='" + row + "' AND slot='" + slot + "'"); } else { ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM char_items WHERE itemnumber='item" + slot + "' AND owner='" + id + "' AND storagetype='" + row + "' AND slot='" + slot + "'"); } using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { while (reader.Read()) { slotItem.dbID = reader.GetInt32(0); slotItem.ID = reader.GetInt32(2); slotItem.PlusValue = reader.GetByte(4); slotItem.Amount = reader.GetInt16(6); slotItem.Durability = reader.GetInt32(7); slotItem.Slot = slot; LoadBluesid(slotItem.dbID); } } ms.Close(); return slotItem; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Data item load error {0}", ex); Systems.Debugger.Write(ex); } return null; #endregion }
void GetFriendsList() { //Wrap our function inside a catcher try { //Set new sql query to get friend information MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM friends WHERE owner='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "'"); //Count our friends int count = ms.Count(); //If we have a friend in the list if (count > 0) { //Send our packet client.Send(Packet.SendFriendList(Convert.ToByte(count), Character)); //Open new sql data reader using (SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { //While our sql data reader is reading while (reader.Read()) { //Get player id information of friend int getid = reader.GetInt32(2); //Get detailed information for our friend Systems sys = GetPlayerid(getid); //If the character is online if (sys != null) { //We send online state change packet sys.client.Send(Packet.FriendData(Character.Information.CharacterID, 4, Character.Information.Name, Character, false)); } } } //Close our sql reader ms.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error loading friends list {0} ", ex); Systems.Debugger.Write(ex); } }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Arrow Item Check ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool ItemCheckArrow() { #region Check Arrow MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM char_items WHERE owner='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "' AND slot >= '13' AND slot <= '" + Character.Information.Slots + "' AND inavatar='0' AND itemid='62' AND storagetype='0'"); if (ms.Count() == 0) { ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM char_items WHERE owner='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "' AND slot >= '13' AND slot <= '" + Character.Information.Slots + "' AND inavatar='0' AND itemid='3823' AND storagetype='0'"); } else if (ms.Count() == 0) { ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM char_items WHERE owner='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "' AND slot >= '13' AND slot <= '" + Character.Information.Slots + "' AND inavatar='0' AND itemid='10302' AND storagetype='0'"); } else if (ms.Count() == 0) { ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM char_items WHERE owner='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "' AND slot >= '13' AND slot <= '" + Character.Information.Slots + "' AND inavatar='0' AND itemid='10487' AND storagetype='0'"); } if (ms.Count() == 0) return false; else { Global.slotItem items = null; using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { while (reader.Read()) items = ConvertToItem(reader.GetInt32(2), reader.GetByte(5), reader.GetInt16(6), 1); } ms.Close(); MsSQL.InsertData("UPDATE char_items SET itemnumber='item" + 7 + "',slot='" + 7 + "' WHERE itemnumber='" + "item" + items.Slot + "' AND owner='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "' AND itemid='" + items.ID + "'"); client.Send(Packet.MoveItem(0, items.Slot, 7, items.Amount, 0, "MOVE_INSIDE_INVENTORY")); Character.Information.Item.sAmount = items.Amount; Character.Information.Item.sID = items.ID; ; return true; } #endregion }
public void LoadPlayerGuildInfo(bool logon) { try { MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM guild_members WHERE guild_member_id='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "'"); using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { while (reader.Read()) { Character.Network.Guild.Guildid = reader.GetInt32(1); Character.Network.Guild.GrantName = reader.GetString(5); Character.Network.Guild.FWrank = reader.GetByte(6); Character.Network.Guild.DonateGP = reader.GetInt32(4); Character.Network.Guild.LastDonate = Character.Network.Guild.DonateGP; Character.Network.Guild.joinRight = (reader.GetByte(7) == 1); Character.Network.Guild.withdrawRight = (reader.GetByte(8) == 1); Character.Network.Guild.unionRight = (reader.GetByte(9) == 1); Character.Network.Guild.guildstorageRight = (reader.GetByte(10) == 1); Character.Network.Guild.noticeeditRight = (reader.GetByte(11) == 1); } } ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM guild WHERE id='" + Character.Network.Guild.Guildid + "'"); using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader reader2 = ms.Read()) { while (reader2.Read()) { Character.Network.Guild.Name = reader2.GetString(1); Character.Network.Guild.Level = reader2.GetByte(2); Character.Network.Guild.PointsTotal = reader2.GetInt32(3); Character.Network.Guild.NewsTitle = reader2.GetString(4); Character.Network.Guild.NewsMessage = reader2.GetString(5); Character.Network.Guild.StorageSlots = reader2.GetInt32(7); Character.Network.Guild.Wargold = reader2.GetInt32(8); Character.Network.Guild.StorageGold = reader2.GetInt64(11); Character.Network.Guild.GuildOwner = reader2.GetInt32(9); } } ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM guild_members WHERE guild_id='" + Character.Network.Guild.Guildid + "'"); Character.Network.Guild.TotalMembers = Convert.ToByte(ms.Count()); ms.Close(); //Set max players allowed in guild switch (Character.Network.Guild.Level) { case 1: Character.Network.Guild.MaxMembers = 20; break; case 2: Character.Network.Guild.MaxMembers = 25; break; case 3: Character.Network.Guild.MaxMembers = 30; break; case 4: Character.Network.Guild.MaxMembers = 35; break; case 5: Character.Network.Guild.MaxMembers = 50; break; } //Only load on player login if (logon) { LoadGuildMembers(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Systems.Debugger.Write(ex); Console.WriteLine("LoadPlayerGuildInfo error {0}", ex); } }
public void Mastery_Up() { try { List<byte> Masteries = new List<byte>(); MsSQL mastery = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM mastery WHERE owner='"+Character.Information.CharacterID+"'"); using (SqlDataReader reader = mastery.Read()) { while (reader.Read()) { Masteries.Add(reader.GetByte(2)); } } int totalmastery = 0; int masterylimit = 360; bool euchar = false; if (Character.Information.Model >= 10000 && Character.Information.Model <= 16000) { masterylimit = 239; euchar = true; } for(int i = 0;i < Masteries.Count;i++) { totalmastery += Masteries[i]; } if (totalmastery <= masterylimit) { if (!Character.Action.upmasterytimer) { Character.Action.upmasterytimer = true; MasteryupTimer(150); PacketReader Reader = new PacketReader(PacketInformation.buffer); int masteryid = Reader.Int32(); byte level = Reader.Byte(); byte m_index = MasteryGet(masteryid); if (m_index == 0) { return; } if (!(Character.Information.SkillPoint < Data.MasteryBase[Character.Stat.Skill.Mastery_Level[m_index]])) { if (euchar == true) { if (Character.Stat.Skill.Mastery_Level[m_index] < Character.Information.Level) { Character.Stat.Skill.Mastery_Level[m_index]++; Character.Information.SkillPoint -= Data.MasteryBase[Character.Stat.Skill.Mastery_Level[m_index]]; client.Send(Packet.InfoUpdate(2, Character.Information.SkillPoint, 0)); client.Send(Packet.MasteryUpPacket(masteryid, Character.Stat.Skill.Mastery_Level[m_index])); SaveMaster(); } } else { if (Character.Stat.Skill.Mastery_Level[m_index] < Character.Information.Level) { if (!(Character.Stat.Skill.Mastery_Level[m_index] == 120)) { Character.Stat.Skill.Mastery_Level[m_index]++; Character.Information.SkillPoint -= Data.MasteryBase[Character.Stat.Skill.Mastery_Level[m_index]]; client.Send(Packet.InfoUpdate(2, Character.Information.SkillPoint, 0)); client.Send(Packet.MasteryUpPacket(masteryid, Character.Stat.Skill.Mastery_Level[m_index])); SaveMaster(); } } } } } } else { //client.Send(Packet.IngameMessages(SERVER_ACTIONSTATE, IngameMessages.UIIT_STT_SKILL_LEARN_MASTERY_TOTAL_LIMIT)); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load grabpet /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void HandleGrabPet(byte slot, int ItemID) { try { //Checks before we continue (Level check). if (!CheckItemLevel(Character.Information.Level, ItemID)) { client.Send(Packet.MoveItemError(0x6C, 0x18)); } //Else we continue else { //Our database query for loading pet information. MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM pets WHERE pet_itemid='" + ItemID + "' AND playerid='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "'"); //Get detailed item information. Global.slotItem item = GetItem((uint)Character.Information.CharacterID, slot, 0); //Get item model information int model = Global.objectdata.GetItem(Data.ItemBase[ItemID].ObjectName); //Create new pet object pet_obj o = new pet_obj(); //Our sql data reader using (SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { //While our reader is open we read all info below. while (reader.Read()) { int itemid = reader.GetInt32(7); Character.Grabpet.Grabpetid = item.dbID; o.UniqueID = Character.Grabpet.Grabpetid; o.Model = model; o.Slots = reader.GetByte(8); o.x = Character.Position.x + rnd.Next(1, 3); o.z = Character.Position.z; o.y = Character.Position.y + rnd.Next(1, 3); o.xSec = Character.Position.xSec; o.ySec = Character.Position.ySec; o.OwnerID = Character.Information.CharacterID; o.OwnerName = Character.Information.Name; o.Walking = Character.Position.Walking; o.Petname = reader.GetString(3); o.Named = 2; o.Run = Character.Speed.RunSpeed; o.Walk = Character.Speed.WalkSpeed; o.Zerk = Character.Speed.BerserkSpeed; } ms.Close(); } //We set our pet active bool, so user cannot spawn multiple. Character.Grabpet.Active = true; o.Information = true; //Set all details above to definitions Character.Grabpet.Details = o; //Global spawn the pet Systems.HelperObject.Add(o); //Spawn ourselfs o.SpawnMe(); //Send then packet required (Pet information block). client.Send(Packet.Pet_Information_grab(o, slot)); //Update pet status to active (For relog purposes). MsSQL.UpdateData("UPDATE pets SET pet_active='1' WHERE pet_unique='" + Character.Grabpet.Grabpetid + "' AND playerid='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "'"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Grab pet spawn error : " + ex); } }
void Player_Wait_CallBack(object e) { try { if (Character.Information.Quit) { //############################################## // checks before logout //############################################## if (Character.Position.Walking) { Character.Position.RecordedTime = 0; Timer.Movement.Dispose(); Timer.Movement = null; } //############################################## // checks before logout //############################################## if (Character.Information.CheckParty) { LeaveParty(); } //############################################## // checks before logout //############################################## if (Character.Network.Guild.Guildid != 0) { Character.Information.Online = 0; //Send packets to network and spawned players foreach (int member in Character.Network.Guild.Members) { //Make sure the member is there if (member != 0) { //We dont send this info to the invited user. if (member != Character.Information.CharacterID) { //If the user is not the newly invited member get player info Systems tomember = GetPlayerMainid(member); //Send guild update packet if (tomember != null) { tomember.client.Send(Packet.GuildUpdate(Character, 6, Character.Information.CharacterID, 0,0)); } } } } Character.Network.Guild.Members.Remove(Character.Information.CharacterID); Character.Network.Guild.MembersClient.Remove(this.client); } //############################################## // checks before logout //############################################## if (Character.Transport.Right) Character.Transport.Horse.DeSpawnMe(); if (Character.Grabpet.Active) UnSummonPetLogoff(Character.Grabpet.Details.UniqueID); if (Character.Attackpet.Active) UnSummonPetLogoff(Character.Attackpet.Details.UniqueID); if (Character.Network.Exchange.Window) Exchange_Close(); //############################################## // checks before logout //############################################## MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM friends WHERE owner='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "'"); int count = ms.Count(); if (count >= 0) { using (SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { while (reader.Read()) { int getid = reader.GetInt32(2); Systems sys = GetPlayerid(getid); if (sys != null) { sys.client.Send(Packet.FriendData(Character.Information.CharacterID, 4, Character.Information.Name, Character, true)); } } } } //############################################## // Send packet leave game //############################################## client.Send(Packet.EndLeaveGame()); //############################################## // Updated database //############################################## MsSQL.UpdateData("UPDATE character SET online='0' WHERE id='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "'"); //############################################## // Remove all remaining parts //############################################## BuffAllClose(); DeSpawnMe(); SavePlayerPosition(); SavePlayerInfo(); this.client.Close(); this.Character.Dispose(); this.Dispose(); Character.InGame = false; Disconnect("normal"); } Timer.Logout.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Logout error: {0}", ex); } }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Add items to database ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void AddItem(int itemid, short prob, byte slot, int id, int modelid) { #region Add item to db try { if (Data.ItemBase[itemid].Itemtype == Global.item_database.ItemType.BLADE || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Itemtype == Global.item_database.ItemType.CH_SHIELD || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Itemtype == Global.item_database.ItemType.EU_SHIELD || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Itemtype == Global.item_database.ItemType.BOW || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Itemtype == Global.item_database.ItemType.EU_AXE || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Itemtype == Global.item_database.ItemType.EU_CROSSBOW || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Itemtype == Global.item_database.ItemType.EU_DAGGER || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Itemtype == Global.item_database.ItemType.EU_DARKSTAFF || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Itemtype == Global.item_database.ItemType.EU_HARP || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Itemtype == Global.item_database.ItemType.EU_STAFF || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Itemtype == Global.item_database.ItemType.EU_SWORD || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Itemtype == Global.item_database.ItemType.EU_TSTAFF || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Itemtype == Global.item_database.ItemType.EU_TSWORD || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Itemtype == Global.item_database.ItemType.GLAVIE || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Itemtype == Global.item_database.ItemType.SPEAR || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Itemtype == Global.item_database.ItemType.SWORD || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Itemtype == Global.item_database.ItemType.EARRING || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Itemtype == Global.item_database.ItemType.RING || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Itemtype == Global.item_database.ItemType.NECKLACE || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Type == Global.item_database.ArmorType.ARMOR || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Type == Global.item_database.ArmorType.GARMENT || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Type == Global.item_database.ArmorType.GM || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Type == Global.item_database.ArmorType.HEAVY || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Type == Global.item_database.ArmorType.LIGHT || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Type == Global.item_database.ArmorType.PROTECTOR || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Type == Global.item_database.ArmorType.AVATAR || Data.ItemBase[itemid].Type == Global.item_database.ArmorType.ROBE) { MsSQL.UpdateData("Insert Into char_items (itemid,plusvalue,durability,owner,itemnumber,slot,storageacc,inavatar,storagetype,charbound) VALUES ('" + itemid + "','" + prob + "','" + Data.ItemBase[itemid].Defans.Durability + "','" + id + "','item" + slot + "','" + slot + "','" + Player.ID + "','0','0','" + Data.ItemBase[itemid].SoulBound + "' )"); } else if (Data.ItemBase[itemid].Pettype == Global.item_database.PetType.GRABPET) { MsSQL.UpdateData("Insert Into char_items (itemid,plusvalue,durability,owner,itemnumber,slot,storageacc,charbound) VALUES ('" + itemid + "','" + 0 + "','" + Data.ItemBase[itemid].Defans.Durability + "','" + id + "','item" + slot + "','" + slot + "','" + Player.ID + "','" + Data.ItemBase[itemid].SoulBound + "')"); MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM char_items WHERE owner='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "' ORDER BY id DESC"); using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { while (reader.Read()) { int idinfo = reader.GetInt32(0); MsSQL.UpdateData("Insert Into pets (playerid, pet_type, pet_name, pet_state, pet_itemid, pet_active, pet_check, pet_unique) VALUES ('" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "','4','No name','1','" + itemid + "','0','item" + slot + "','" + idinfo + "')"); } } ms.Close(); } else if (Data.ItemBase[itemid].Pettype == Global.item_database.PetType.ATTACKPET) { MsSQL.UpdateData("Insert Into char_items (itemid,plusvalue,durability,owner,itemnumber,slot,storageacc,charbound) VALUES ('" + itemid + "','" + 0 + "','" + Data.ItemBase[itemid].Defans.Durability + "','" + id + "','item" + slot + "','" + slot + "','" + Player.ID + "','" + Data.ItemBase[itemid].SoulBound + "')"); MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM char_items WHERE owner='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "' ORDER BY id DESC"); using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { while (reader.Read()) { int idinfo = reader.GetInt32(0); MsSQL.UpdateData("Insert Into pets (playerid, pet_type, pet_name, pet_state, pet_itemid, pet_active, pet_check, pet_unique) VALUES ('" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "','2','No name','1','" + itemid + "','0','item" + slot + "','" + idinfo + "')"); } } ms.Close(); } else if (Data.ItemBase[itemid].Etctype == Global.item_database.EtcType.STONES) { MsSQL.UpdateData("Insert Into char_items (itemid,plusvalue,durability,owner,itemnumber,slot,storageacc,inavatar,storagetype,charbound) VALUES ('" + itemid + "','" + 0 + "','" + 0 + "','" + id + "','item" + slot + "','" + slot + "','" + Player.ID + "','0','0','" + Data.ItemBase[itemid].SoulBound + "' )"); } else if (Data.ItemBase[itemid].Etctype == Global.item_database.EtcType.MONSTERMASK) { MsSQL.UpdateData("Insert Into char_items (itemid,plusvalue,durability,owner,itemnumber,slot,storageacc,modelid,charbound) VALUES ('" + itemid + "','" + 0 + "','" + 0 + "','" + id + "','item" + slot + "','" + slot + "','" + Player.ID + "','" + modelid + "','" + Data.ItemBase[itemid].SoulBound + "' )"); } else { if (prob < 2) prob = 1; MsSQL.UpdateData("Insert Into char_items (itemid,quantity,owner,itemnumber,slot,storageacc,charbound) VALUES ('" + itemid + "','" + prob + "','" + id + "','item" + slot + "','" + slot + "','" + Player.ID + "','" + Data.ItemBase[itemid].SoulBound + "' )"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("DB Item add error: ", ex); } #endregion }
void PrivateMessageDelete() { try { //Create new packet reader PacketReader Reader = new PacketReader(PacketInformation.buffer); //Read message selected id byte SelectedMessageID = Reader.Byte(); //Close packet reader Reader.Close(); //Create new integer to get message id int Messageid = -1; //Create new mssql query MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM message WHERE receiver='" + Character.Information.Name + "' ORDER BY time DESC"); //Create new sql data reader for reading column information using (SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { //While our sql data reader is reading while (reader.Read()) { //Read message content string MessageContent = reader.GetString(3); //Increase our message id integer Messageid += 1; //Check if the messageid equals to our selected message if (Messageid == SelectedMessageID) { //Create new packet writer PacketWriter Writer = new PacketWriter(); //Add opcode for deleting message Writer.Create(Systems.SERVER_PM_DELETE); //Write static byte 1 Writer.Byte(0x01); //Write byte selected message id Writer.Byte(SelectedMessageID); //Send packet to client client.Send(Writer.GetBytes()); //Update database MsSQL.DeleteData("DELETE FROM message WHERE message='" + reader.GetString(3) + "' AND receiver='"+ Character.Information.CharacterID +"'"); } } } //Close mssql ms.Close(); } //If an error happens catch (Exception ex) { //Write information to the console Console.WriteLine("Delete private message error: " + ex); //Write info to debugger Systems.Debugger.Write(ex); } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Job Ranks /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void RankList() { try { PacketReader Reader = new PacketReader(PacketInformation.buffer); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int Notneeded = Reader.Int32(); byte Type = Reader.Byte(); byte Choice = Reader.Byte(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rank Trader ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (Type == 1) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rank Trader Merchant Activity ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (Choice == 0) { try { MsSQL readsql = new MsSQL("SELECT TOP 50 * FROM rank_job_activity WHERE job_type='1'"); int begin = 0; int count = readsql.Count(); using (SqlDataReader readinfo = readsql.Read()) { while (readinfo.Read()) { for (begin = 0; begin < count; ) { begin++; if (begin.Equals(count)) { client.Send(Packet.RankListsActivityTrader()); return; } } return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Rank Trader Merchant Activity error: " + ex); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rank Trader Weekly Donation ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (Choice == 1) { try { MsSQL readsql = new MsSQL("SELECT TOP 50 * FROM rank_job_donate WHERE job_type='1'"); int begin = 0; int count = readsql.Count(); using (SqlDataReader readinfo = readsql.Read()) { while (readinfo.Read()) { for (begin = 0; begin < count; ) { begin++; if (begin.Equals(count)) { client.Send(Packet.RankListsDonateTrader()); return; } } return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Rank Trader Weekly Donation: " + ex); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rank List Thief ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (Type == 3) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rank List Thief Activity ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (Choice == 0) { try { MsSQL readsql = new MsSQL("SELECT TOP 50 * FROM rank_job_activity WHERE job_type='3'"); int begin = 0; int count = readsql.Count(); using (SqlDataReader readinfo = readsql.Read()) { while (readinfo.Read()) { for (begin = 0; begin < count; ) { begin++; if (begin.Equals(count)) { client.Send(Packet.RankListsActivityThief()); return; } } return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Thief rank activity error: " + ex); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rank List Thief Weekly Donation ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (Choice == 1) { try { MsSQL readsql = new MsSQL("SELECT TOP 50 * FROM rank_job_donate WHERE job_type='2'"); int begin = 0; int count = readsql.Count(); using (SqlDataReader readinfo = readsql.Read()) { while (readinfo.Read()) { for (begin = 0; begin < count; ) { begin++; if (begin.Equals(count)) { client.Send(Packet.RankListsDonateThief()); return; } } return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Rank List Thief Weekly Donation: " + ex); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rank List Hunter ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (Type == 2) //Type 2 = Hunter { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rank List Hunter Activity ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (Choice == 0) { try { MsSQL readsql = new MsSQL("SELECT TOP 50 * FROM rank_job_activity WHERE job_type='2'"); int begin = 0; int count = readsql.Count(); using (SqlDataReader readinfo = readsql.Read()) { while (readinfo.Read()) { for (begin = 0; begin < count; ) { begin++; if (begin.Equals(count)) { client.Send(Packet.RankListsActivityHunter()); return; } } return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Hunter rank activity error: " + ex); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rank List Hunter Weekly Contribution ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (Choice == 1) { try { MsSQL readsql = new MsSQL("SELECT TOP 50 * FROM rank_job_donate WHERE job_type='3'"); int begin = 0; int count = readsql.Count(); using (SqlDataReader readinfo = readsql.Read()) { while (readinfo.Read()) { for (begin = 0; begin < count; ) { begin++; if (begin.Equals(count)) { client.Send(Packet.RankListsDonateHunter()); return; } } return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Hunter Weekly Contribution error: " + ex); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Job rank loading error : " + ex); } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rename grab pet /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void RenamePet() { try { //Start reading packet data PacketReader Reader = new PacketReader(PacketInformation.buffer); //Pet id int petid = Reader.Int32(); //Pet name lenght short petnamel = Reader.Int16(); //Pet name string petname = Reader.String(petnamel); //Check availability for pet name. int nameavailable = MsSQL.GetRowsCount("SELECT pet_name FROM pets WHERE pet_name='" + petname + "'"); //If available (Row count is zero). if (nameavailable == 0) { //Create the query we will use MsSQL ms = new MsSQL("SELECT * FROM pets WHERE playerid='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "' AND pet_unique='" + petid + "'"); //Open our data reader using (SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { //While the reader is reading from database while (reader.Read()) { //First we check the lenght of the name. if (petnamel < 3) { client.Send(Packet.IngameMessages(SERVER_PET_RENAME_MSG, IngameMessages.UIIT_MSG_COSPETERR_PETNAME_NOTPUT)); } //Check if renamed allready. (Should not be needed just extra check) if (Character.Grabpet.Details != null) { if (petid == Character.Grabpet.Details.UniqueID) { if (Character.Grabpet.Details.Petname == "No name") { //Update name in database MsSQL.UpdateData("UPDATE pets SET pet_state='2',pet_name='" + petname + "' WHERE pet_unique='" + petid + "' AND playerid='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "'"); //Send needed packets to update name (Official sends 2 times)... client.Send(Packet.PetSpawn(petid, 2, Character.Grabpet.Details)); //Send to all currently in spawn range Send(Packet.PetSpawn(petid, 2, Character.Grabpet.Details)); } } } //Check if renamed allready. (Should not be needed just extra check) if (Character.Attackpet.Details != null) { if (petid == Character.Attackpet.Details.UniqueID) { if (Character.Attackpet.Details.Petname == "No name") { //Update name in database MsSQL.UpdateData("UPDATE pets SET pet_state='2',pet_name='" + petname + "' WHERE pet_unique='" + petid + "' AND playerid='" + Character.Information.CharacterID + "'"); //Send needed packets to update name (Official sends 2 times)... client.Send(Packet.PetSpawn(petid, 2, Character.Attackpet.Details)); //Send to all currently in spawn range Send(Packet.PetSpawn(petid, 2, Character.Attackpet.Details)); } } } } } } //If name has been taken else { //Not sure if correct msg. client.Send(Packet.IngameMessages(SERVER_PET_RENAME_MSG, IngameMessages.UIIT_MSG_COSPETERR_PETNAME_NOTPUT)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Grab pet renaming error : " + ex); } }