public void Exercise_11_2_Create_New_Product()
            var productCode = "LUC-BAG-011";

            //Grouped our necessary resources for defining aspects of the new product
            var productResource = new Mozu.Api.Resources.Commerce.Catalog.Admin.ProductResource(_apiContext);
            var productTypeResource = new Mozu.Api.Resources.Commerce.Catalog.Admin.Attributedefinition.ProductTypeResource(_apiContext);
            var categoryResource = new Mozu.Api.Resources.Commerce.Catalog.Admin.CategoryResource(_apiContext);
            var productAttributeResource = new Mozu.Api.Resources.Commerce.Catalog.Admin.Attributedefinition.AttributeResource(_apiContext);
            //Wrap the Delete call in a try/catch in case the product doesn't exist
            catch(Exception e)

            //Retrieve the objects for later use when constructing our product
            var monogram = productAttributeResource.GetAttributeAsync("tenant~monogram").Result;
            var purseSize = productAttributeResource.GetAttributeAsync("tenant~purse-size").Result;
            var typePurse = productTypeResource.GetProductTypesAsync(filter: "Name eq 'Purse'").Result;
            var bagCategory = categoryResource.GetCategoryAsync(2).Result;


            //Define the monogram as a ProductExtra to use when defining the Product
            var monogramContract = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductExtra()
                AttributeFQN = monogram.AttributeFQN

            //The actual List<ProductExtra> object added to the Product Contract
            var productExtraList = new List<Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductExtra>()

            //Construct a List<ProductOptionValue> using the purse-size Attribute Values
            var purseSizeValuesList = new List<Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductOptionValue>();
            //Use this option to catch each Value we want to add for this Product
            var purseSizeOptionValue = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductOptionValue();
            //Include only the values specified in the if-clause within the foreach loop
            foreach(var value in purseSize.VocabularyValues)
                //If we wanted to include all sizes, we would remove this if-clause
                if (value.Content.StringValue.ToLower() == "petite" || value.Content.StringValue.ToLower() == "classic")
                    //We instantiate a new object each time to avoid reference errors
                    purseSizeOptionValue = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductOptionValue();
                    purseSizeOptionValue.AttributeVocabularyValueDetail = value;
                    purseSizeOptionValue.Value = value.Value;

            //Define the purse-size as a ProductOption to use when defining the Product -- we use the purseSizeValuesList to add Values for the ProdcutOption
            var purseSizeContract = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductOption()
                AttributeFQN = purseSize.AttributeFQN,
                Values = purseSizeValuesList

            //The actual Option object added to the Product Contract
            var productOptionList = new List<Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductOption>()

            //Construct a Product contract to submit to the API
            var product = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.Product()
                Content = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductLocalizedContent()
                    ProductName = "Api Handbag",
                    LocaleCode = "en-US"
                FulfillmentTypesSupported = new List<string>() 
                HasConfigurableOptions = true,
                IsTaxable = true,
                Extras = productExtraList,
                Options = productOptionList,
                PublishingInfo = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductPublishingInfo()
                    PublishedState = "Live"
                PackageHeight = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.Core.Measurement()
                    Unit = "in",
                    Value = 7
                PackageWidth = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.Core.Measurement()
                    Unit = "in",
                    Value = 3
                PackageLength = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.Core.Measurement()
                    Unit = "in",
                    Value = 10.25m
                PackageWeight = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.Core.Measurement()
                    Unit = "lbs",
                    Value = 2.25m
                Price = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductPrice()
                    Price = 175m,
                    SalePrice = 125m
                ProductUsage = "Configurable",
                ProductCode = productCode,
                //Add the ProductType "purse" that we retrieved earlier
                ProductTypeId = typePurse.Items.FirstOrDefault().Id,
                HasStandAloneOptions = false,
                InventoryInfo = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductInventoryInfo()
                    ManageStock = true,
                    OutOfStockBehavior = "DisplayMessage"
                MasterCatalogId = 1,
                ProductInCatalogs = new List<Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductInCatalogInfo>() 
                    new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductInCatalogInfo()
                        CatalogId = 1,
                        IsActive = true,
                        IsContentOverridden = false,
                        IsPriceOverridden = false,
                        IsseoContentOverridden = false,
                        Content = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductLocalizedContent()
                            LocaleCode = "en-US",
                            ProductName = "Api Handbag",
                        ProductCategories = new List<Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductCategory>()
                            new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductCategory()
                                //Add the product to the "bag" category using what we retrieved earlier
                                CategoryId =  bagCategory.Id.Value,


            //The API call used to add a new product
            var newProduct = productResource.AddProductAsync(product).Result;

            var variationResource = new Mozu.Api.Resources.Commerce.Catalog.Admin.Products.ProductVariationResource(_apiContext);

        public void Exercise_11_2_Create_New_Product()
            var productCode = "LUC-BAG-011";

            //Grouped our necessary resources for defining aspects of the new product
            var productResource          = new Mozu.Api.Resources.Commerce.Catalog.Admin.ProductResource(_apiContext);
            var productTypeResource      = new Mozu.Api.Resources.Commerce.Catalog.Admin.Attributedefinition.ProductTypeResource(_apiContext);
            var categoryResource         = new Mozu.Api.Resources.Commerce.Catalog.Admin.CategoryResource(_apiContext);
            var productAttributeResource = new Mozu.Api.Resources.Commerce.Catalog.Admin.Attributedefinition.AttributeResource(_apiContext);

            //Wrap the Delete call in a try/catch in case the product doesn't exist
            catch (Exception e)

            //Retrieve the objects for later use when constructing our product
            var monogram    = productAttributeResource.GetAttributeAsync("tenant~monogram").Result;
            var purseSize   = productAttributeResource.GetAttributeAsync("tenant~purse-size").Result;
            var typePurse   = productTypeResource.GetProductTypesAsync(filter: "Name eq 'Purse'").Result;
            var bagCategory = categoryResource.GetCategoryAsync(2).Result;


            //Define the monogram as a ProductExtra to use when defining the Product
            var monogramContract = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductExtra()
                AttributeFQN = monogram.AttributeFQN

            //The actual List<ProductExtra> object added to the Product Contract
            var productExtraList = new List <Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductExtra>()

            //Construct a List<ProductOptionValue> using the purse-size Attribute Values
            var purseSizeValuesList = new List <Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductOptionValue>();
            //Use this option to catch each Value we want to add for this Product
            var purseSizeOptionValue = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductOptionValue();

            //Include only the values specified in the if-clause within the foreach loop
            foreach (var value in purseSize.VocabularyValues)
                //If we wanted to include all sizes, we would remove this if-clause
                if (value.Content.StringValue.ToLower() == "petite" || value.Content.StringValue.ToLower() == "classic")
                    //We instantiate a new object each time to avoid reference errors
                    purseSizeOptionValue = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductOptionValue();
                    purseSizeOptionValue.AttributeVocabularyValueDetail = value;
                    purseSizeOptionValue.Value = value.Value;

            //Define the purse-size as a ProductOption to use when defining the Product -- we use the purseSizeValuesList to add Values for the ProdcutOption
            var purseSizeContract = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductOption()
                AttributeFQN = purseSize.AttributeFQN,
                Values       = purseSizeValuesList

            //The actual Option object added to the Product Contract
            var productOptionList = new List <Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductOption>()

            //Construct a Product contract to submit to the API
            var product = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.Product()
                Content = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductLocalizedContent()
                    ProductName = "Api Handbag",
                    LocaleCode  = "en-US"
                FulfillmentTypesSupported = new List <string>()
                HasConfigurableOptions = true,
                IsTaxable      = true,
                Extras         = productExtraList,
                Options        = productOptionList,
                PublishingInfo = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductPublishingInfo()
                    PublishedState = "Live"
                PackageHeight = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.Core.Measurement()
                    Unit  = "in",
                    Value = 7
                PackageWidth = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.Core.Measurement()
                    Unit  = "in",
                    Value = 3
                PackageLength = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.Core.Measurement()
                    Unit  = "in",
                    Value = 10.25m
                PackageWeight = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.Core.Measurement()
                    Unit  = "lbs",
                    Value = 2.25m
                Price = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductPrice()
                    Price     = 175m,
                    SalePrice = 125m
                ProductUsage = "Configurable",
                ProductCode  = productCode,
                //Add the ProductType "purse" that we retrieved earlier
                ProductTypeId        = typePurse.Items.FirstOrDefault().Id,
                HasStandAloneOptions = false,
                InventoryInfo        = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductInventoryInfo()
                    ManageStock        = true,
                    OutOfStockBehavior = "DisplayMessage"
                MasterCatalogId   = 1,
                ProductInCatalogs = new List <Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductInCatalogInfo>()
                    new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductInCatalogInfo()
                        CatalogId              = 1,
                        IsActive               = true,
                        IsContentOverridden    = false,
                        IsPriceOverridden      = false,
                        IsseoContentOverridden = false,
                        Content = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductLocalizedContent()
                            LocaleCode  = "en-US",
                            ProductName = "Api Handbag",
                        ProductCategories = new List <Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductCategory>()
                            new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.ProductCategory()
                                //Add the product to the "bag" category using what we retrieved earlier
                                CategoryId = bagCategory.Id.Value,

            //The API call used to add a new product
            var newProduct = productResource.AddProductAsync(product).Result;

            var variationResource = new Mozu.Api.Resources.Commerce.Catalog.Admin.Products.ProductVariationResource(_apiContext);
        public void Exercise_9_1_Get_Attribute()
            /* --Create a New Product Attribute Resource
             *     Resources are used to leverage the methods provided by the SDK to talk to the Mozu service
             *     via the Mozu REST API. Every resource takes an ApiContext object as a parameter.
            var productAttributeResource = new Mozu.Api.Resources.Commerce.Catalog.Admin.Attributedefinition.AttributeResource(_apiContext);
             * --Utilize the Product Attribute Resource to Get All Product Attributes Returned as an AttributeCollection
             *     Product attributes are the properties of the product with differing types based on your needs.
             *     Define your product attribute as Options, Properties, or Extras
             *     —the following properties are accessible from a Product Attribute object:
             *     productAttribute.AdminName -- string
             *     productAttribute.AttributeCode -- string
             *     productAttribute.AttributeDataTypeSequence -- int
             *     productAttribute.AttributeFQN -- string
             *     productAttribute.AttributeMetadata -- List<AttributeMetadataItem>
             *     productAttribute.AttributeSequence -- int
             *     productAttribute.AuditInfo -- AuditInfo
             *     productAttribute.Conent -- Content (This object contains the name, description, and locale code for identifying language and country.)
             *     productAttribute.DataType -- string
             *     (Types include "List", "Text box", "Text area", "Yes/No", and "Date")
             *     productAttribute.InputType -- string
             *     (Used to identify the characteristics of an attribute)
             *     productAttribute.IsExtra -- bool
             *     productAttribute.IsOption -- bool
             *     productAttribute.IsProperty -- bool
             *     productAttribute.LocalizedContent -- List<AttributeLocalizedContent>
             *     productAttribute.MasterCatalogId -- int
             *     productAttribute.Namespace -- string
             *     productAttribute.SearchSettings -- SearchSettings
             *     (Used to store properties such as max/min date, max/min numeric value, max/min string length, or a regular expression)
             *     productAttribute.Validation -- Validation
             *     productAttribute.ValueType -- string
             *     (Used to store predefined values, such as options in a List)
             *     productAttribute.VocabularyValues -- List<AttributeVocabularyValue>
             *     See the following sites for more info:
            var productAttributes = productAttributeResource.GetAttributesAsync(startIndex: 0, pageSize: 200).Result;

            //Add Your Code:
            //Write Total Count of Attributes

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Product Attributes Total Count: {0}", productAttributes.TotalCount));

            //Add Your Code:
            //Get an Attribute by Fully Qualified Name

            var individualAttribute = productAttributeResource.GetAttributeAsync("tenant~rating").Result;

            //Note: AttributeFQN (fully qualified name) follows the naming convention tenant~attributeName

            //Add Your Code:
            //Write the Attribute Data Type

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Product Attribute Data Type[{0}]: {1}", individualAttribute.AttributeCode, individualAttribute.DataType));

            //Add Your Code:
            //Write the Attribute Input Type

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Product Attribute Input Type[{0}]: {1}", individualAttribute.AttributeCode, individualAttribute.InputType));

            //Add Your Code:
            //Write the Attribute Characteristics

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Product Attribute Characteristic [{0}]: An Extra? {1}, An Option? {2}, A Property? {3}", individualAttribute.AttributeCode, individualAttribute.IsExtra, individualAttribute.IsOption, individualAttribute.IsProperty));



            //Add Your Code:
            if(individualAttribute.VocabularyValues != null)
                foreach (var value in individualAttribute.VocabularyValues)
                    //Write vocabulary values
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Product Attribute Vocabulary Values[{0}]: Value({1}) StringContent({2})", individualAttribute.AttributeCode, value.Value, value.Content.StringValue));

            //Add Your Code:
            //Get an Attribute filtered by name
            //Note: See this page for more info about filters:

            var filteredAttributes = productAttributeResource.GetAttributesAsync(filter: "adminName sw 'a'").Result;

            var singleAttributeFromFiltered = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.Attribute();

            if(filteredAttributes.TotalCount > 0)
                singleAttributeFromFiltered = filteredAttributes.Items[0];

            //Add Your Code:
            if (singleAttributeFromFiltered.AttributeCode != null)
                //Write the Attribute Data Type

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Product Attribute Data Type[{0}]: {1}", singleAttributeFromFiltered.AttributeCode, singleAttributeFromFiltered.DataType));

                //Write the Attribute Input Type

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Product Attribute Input Type[{0}]: {1}", singleAttributeFromFiltered.AttributeCode, singleAttributeFromFiltered.InputType));

                //Write the Attribute Characteristics

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Product Attribute Characteristic [{0}]: An Extra? {1}, An Option? {2}, A Property? {3}", singleAttributeFromFiltered.AttributeCode, singleAttributeFromFiltered.IsExtra, singleAttributeFromFiltered.IsOption, singleAttributeFromFiltered.IsProperty));



                if (singleAttributeFromFiltered.VocabularyValues != null)
                    foreach (var value in singleAttributeFromFiltered.VocabularyValues)
                        //Write vocabulary values
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Product Attribute Vocabulary Values[{0}]: Value({1}) StringContent({2})", singleAttributeFromFiltered.AttributeCode, value.Value, value.Content.StringValue));
        public void Exercise_9_1_Get_Attribute()
            /* --Create a New Product Attribute Resource
             *     Resources are used to leverage the methods provided by the SDK to talk to the Mozu service
             *     via the Mozu REST API. Every resource takes an ApiContext object as a parameter.
            var productAttributeResource = new Mozu.Api.Resources.Commerce.Catalog.Admin.Attributedefinition.AttributeResource(_apiContext);

             * --Utilize the Product Attribute Resource to Get All Product Attributes Returned as an AttributeCollection
             *     Product attributes are the properties of the product with differing types based on your needs.
             *     Define your product attribute as Options, Properties, or Extras
             *     —the following properties are accessible from a Product Attribute object:
             *     productAttribute.AdminName -- string
             *     productAttribute.AttributeCode -- string
             *     productAttribute.AttributeDataTypeSequence -- int
             *     productAttribute.AttributeFQN -- string
             *     productAttribute.AttributeMetadata -- List<AttributeMetadataItem>
             *     productAttribute.AttributeSequence -- int
             *     productAttribute.AuditInfo -- AuditInfo
             *     productAttribute.Conent -- Content (This object contains the name, description, and locale code for identifying language and country.)
             *     productAttribute.DataType -- string
             *     (Types include "List", "Text box", "Text area", "Yes/No", and "Date")
             *     productAttribute.InputType -- string
             *     (Used to identify the characteristics of an attribute)
             *     productAttribute.IsExtra -- bool
             *     productAttribute.IsOption -- bool
             *     productAttribute.IsProperty -- bool
             *     productAttribute.LocalizedContent -- List<AttributeLocalizedContent>
             *     productAttribute.MasterCatalogId -- int
             *     productAttribute.Namespace -- string
             *     productAttribute.SearchSettings -- SearchSettings
             *     (Used to store properties such as max/min date, max/min numeric value, max/min string length, or a regular expression)
             *     productAttribute.Validation -- Validation
             *     productAttribute.ValueType -- string
             *     (Used to store predefined values, such as options in a List)
             *     productAttribute.VocabularyValues -- List<AttributeVocabularyValue>
             *     See the following sites for more info:
            var productAttributes = productAttributeResource.GetAttributesAsync(startIndex: 0, pageSize: 200).Result;

            //Add Your Code:
            //Write Total Count of Attributes

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Product Attributes Total Count: {0}", productAttributes.TotalCount));

            //Add Your Code:
            //Get an Attribute by Fully Qualified Name

            var individualAttribute = productAttributeResource.GetAttributeAsync("tenant~rating").Result;

            //Note: AttributeFQN (fully qualified name) follows the naming convention tenant~attributeName

            //Add Your Code:
            //Write the Attribute Data Type

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Product Attribute Data Type[{0}]: {1}", individualAttribute.AttributeCode, individualAttribute.DataType));

            //Add Your Code:
            //Write the Attribute Input Type

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Product Attribute Input Type[{0}]: {1}", individualAttribute.AttributeCode, individualAttribute.InputType));

            //Add Your Code:
            //Write the Attribute Characteristics

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Product Attribute Characteristic [{0}]: An Extra? {1}, An Option? {2}, A Property? {3}", individualAttribute.AttributeCode, individualAttribute.IsExtra, individualAttribute.IsOption, individualAttribute.IsProperty));



            //Add Your Code:
            if (individualAttribute.VocabularyValues != null)
                foreach (var value in individualAttribute.VocabularyValues)
                    //Write vocabulary values
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Product Attribute Vocabulary Values[{0}]: Value({1}) StringContent({2})", individualAttribute.AttributeCode, value.Value, value.Content.StringValue));

            //Add Your Code:
            //Get an Attribute filtered by name
            //Note: See this page for more info about filters:

            var filteredAttributes = productAttributeResource.GetAttributesAsync(filter: "adminName sw 'a'").Result;

            var singleAttributeFromFiltered = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.Attribute();

            if (filteredAttributes.TotalCount > 0)
                singleAttributeFromFiltered = filteredAttributes.Items[0];

            //Add Your Code:
            if (singleAttributeFromFiltered.AttributeCode != null)
                //Write the Attribute Data Type

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Product Attribute Data Type[{0}]: {1}", singleAttributeFromFiltered.AttributeCode, singleAttributeFromFiltered.DataType));

                //Write the Attribute Input Type

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Product Attribute Input Type[{0}]: {1}", singleAttributeFromFiltered.AttributeCode, singleAttributeFromFiltered.InputType));

                //Write the Attribute Characteristics

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Product Attribute Characteristic [{0}]: An Extra? {1}, An Option? {2}, A Property? {3}", singleAttributeFromFiltered.AttributeCode, singleAttributeFromFiltered.IsExtra, singleAttributeFromFiltered.IsOption, singleAttributeFromFiltered.IsProperty));



                if (singleAttributeFromFiltered.VocabularyValues != null)
                    foreach (var value in singleAttributeFromFiltered.VocabularyValues)
                        //Write vocabulary values
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Product Attribute Vocabulary Values[{0}]: Value({1}) StringContent({2})", singleAttributeFromFiltered.AttributeCode, value.Value, value.Content.StringValue));
        public void Exercise_10_2_Update_ProductTypes()
            #region Add "Monogram" as an Extra
            //Create a new ProductType resource
            var producttypeResource = new Mozu.Api.Resources.Commerce.Catalog.Admin.Attributedefinition.ProductTypeResource(_apiContext);

            //Add Your Code:
            //Get product type filtered by name
            var typePurse = (producttypeResource.GetProductTypesAsync(filter: "name sw 'purse'").Result).Items[0];

            //Create an Attribute resource
            var productAttributeResource = new Mozu.Api.Resources.Commerce.Catalog.Admin.Attributedefinition.AttributeResource(_apiContext);

            //In case you've forgotten about Product Attributes:

            //Add Your Code:
            //Get a monogram attribute
            var attrMonogram = productAttributeResource.GetAttributeAsync("tenant~monogram").Result;

            //Add Your Code:
            //Create new object defining new extra
            var attributeInProductTypeMonogram = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.AttributeInProductType()
                AttributeDetail = attrMonogram,
                AttributeFQN    = attrMonogram.AttributeFQN,

            //Test if the Extra already exists
            if (typePurse.Extras.Find(x => x.AttributeFQN == "tenant~monogram") == null)
                //Add Your Code:
                //Update product type with new extra

                //Update product type
                var updatedTypeMonogram = producttypeResource.UpdateProductTypeAsync(typePurse, (int)typePurse.Id).Result;

            #region Add "Purse-Size" as an Option
            //Add Your Code:
            //Get a purse size attribute
            var attrSize = productAttributeResource.GetAttributeAsync("tenant~purse-size").Result;

            //Add Your Code:
            //Create new object defining new option
            var attributeInProductTypePurse = new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.AttributeInProductType()
                AttributeDetail  = attrSize,
                AttributeFQN     = attrSize.AttributeFQN,
                VocabularyValues = new List <Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.AttributeVocabularyValueInProductType>(),
                Order            = 0

            //Add Your Code:
            //Exclude "Alta" from sizes
            var doNotInclude = "Alta";

            //A variable needed for Option types to providea hierarchical order for each value
            var sortOrder = 0;

            foreach (var value in attrSize.VocabularyValues)
                if (!doNotInclude.ToLower().Contains(value.Content.StringValue.ToLower()))
                    attributeInProductTypePurse.VocabularyValues.Add(new Mozu.Api.Contracts.ProductAdmin.AttributeVocabularyValueInProductType
                        Value = value.Value,
                        VocabularyValueDetail = value,
                        Order = sortOrder++

            //Test if the Option already exists
            if (typePurse.Options.Find(x => x.AttributeFQN == "tenant~purse-size") == null)
                //update product type with new option

                //update product type
                var updatedTypePurse = producttypeResource.UpdateProductTypeAsync(typePurse, (int)typePurse.Id).Result;