private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { id = results.First(x => x.Title == lbResults.SelectedItem.ToString().CutToLast(' ', CutDirection.Right, true)).Id; if (id != null) DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); }
public void CreateScreeeningnodate() { CreateScreeening.Click(); MovieId.SendKeys("2"); DateTime1.SendKeys(RandomDate().ToString("dd/MM/yyyy,")); CreateButton.Click(); }
public MovieWriter(string filepath, MovieId id, bool UseExistingFile) { file = new FileInfo(filepath); if (file.Exists && UseExistingFile) { using (FileStream input = new FileStream(filepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) fs = new FrameScanner(input); if (fs.HeaderOkay) output = new FileStream(filepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite); } else { output = new FileStream(filepath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); output.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("MMDb"), 0, 4); output.WriteByte((byte)FileVersions.First.Major); output.WriteByte((byte)FileVersions.First.Minor); output.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(id.Id), 0, 4); output.Close(); using (FileStream input = new FileStream(filepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) fs = new FrameScanner(input); output = new FileStream(filepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write); } }
public TVSeriesEpisodesPage(string html, URL request, URL response, MovieId id) : base(html, request, response, id) { this.SeasonNumber = new ParsedInfo<int>(html, parseSeason); this.Episodes = new ParsedCollection<EpisodeInfo>(parseEpisodes(html)); this.episodePages = new Dictionary<int, TVEpisodeMainPage>(); }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { return((MovieId.GetHashCode() * 397) ^ Rating); } }
public string GetPrettyTitleLink() { if (Title == null) { return(MovieId.ToString()); } return(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Title.ToLower().Replace(' ', '-'))); }
public static Schedule Create(EntityId id, CinemaId cinemaId, MovieId movieId) { var schedule = new Schedule(id, cinemaId, movieId); schedule.AddDomainEvent(new ScheduleAdded(schedule)); schedule.Version = 1; return(schedule); }
public Schedule(EntityId id, CinemaId cinemaId, MovieId movieId, IEnumerable <Show> shows = null, int?version = null) : base(id) { CinemaId = cinemaId ?? throw new EmptyScheduleCinemaException(id); MovieId = movieId ?? throw new EmptyScheduleMovieException(id); _shows = shows is null ? new HashSet <Show>() : shows.ToHashSet(); Version = version ?? 1; }
private void Apply(DailyProgrammingCreated @event) { Id = @event.AggregateId; movieId = @event.MovieId; screenId = @event.ScreenId; date = @event.Date; seats = @event.Seats.ToEntity(SeatState.Free); }
public SearchResult(MovieId id, string title, int year, MediaType type, MatchType match) { = id; this.title = title; this.year = year; this.type = type; this.match = match; }
public bool Equals(BulkMoveMovie other) { if (other == null) { return(false); } return(MovieId.Equals(other.MovieId)); }
public CreateDailyProgramming(DailyProgrammingId aggregateId, MovieId movieId, ScreenId screenId, DateTime date, IEnumerable <Dtos.Seat> seats, string movieTitle, string screenName) : base(aggregateId) { MovieId = movieId; ScreenId = screenId; Date = date; Seats = seats; MovieTitle = movieTitle; ScreenName = screenName; }
public DailyProgrammingCreated(DailyProgrammingId aggregateId, MovieId movieId, ScreenId screenId, DateTime date, IEnumerable <Dtos.Seat> seats, string movieTitle, string screenName, string who = "anonymous") : base(aggregateId, who) { MovieId = movieId; ScreenId = screenId; Date = date; Seats = seats; MovieTitle = movieTitle; ScreenName = screenName; }
public async Task DeleteMovie(MovieId movieId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var filter = BuildMovieFilter(movieId); var deleteResult = await collection.DeleteOneAsync(filter, cancellationToken); if (deleteResult.DeletedCount != 1) { throw new NotFoundException($"The movie with id {movieId} was not found among movies to see (DeletedCount = {deleteResult.DeletedCount})"); } }
public TVEpisodeMainPage(string html, URL request, URL response, MovieId id, GenreCollection genreCollection) : base(html, request, response, id, genreCollection) { AirDate = new ParsedInfo<DateTime>(html, parseDate); Episode = new ParsedInfo<int>(html, parseEpisode); Season = new ParsedInfo<int>(html, parseSeason); this.EpisodeTitle = new ParsedInfo<string>(html, parseEpisodeTitle); this.SeriesTitle = new ParsedInfo<string>(html, parseSeriesTitle); seriesID = parseSeries(html); }
public void CreateScreeeningEditButton() { CreateScreeening.Click(); MovieId.SendKeys("2"); DateTime1.SendKeys(RandomDate().ToString("dd/MM/yyyy, 15:15")); CreateButton.Click(); EditCreateScreeningButton.Click(); dateTime1.Clear(); dateTime1.SendKeys(RandomDate().ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:00")); SaveButton.Click(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetMovie(string Id, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Id)) { return(BadRequest(nameof(NullReferenceException))); } var result = await _movieQueryService.GetMovieByIdAsync(MovieId.With(Guid.Parse(Id)), cancellationToken); return(new JsonResult(result)); }
public MovieReader(string filepath) { file = new FileInfo(filepath); if (file.Exists) { input = new FileStream(filepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); fs = new FrameScanner(input); = new MovieId(fs.Id); } else = new MovieId(); }
private int generateHashCode() { //THis is expensive and should be done only once since it will not be changing //TODO - use / include the "correct" id.. String key = this.GetType().Name + MovieCollectionId.ToString() + MovieId.ToString(); //Google: "disable fips mode" if the line below fails System.Security.Cryptography.MD5 md5Hasher = System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.Create(); var hashed = md5Hasher.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key)); int ivalue = BitConverter.ToInt32(hashed, 0); return(ivalue); }
private void btnPreview_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; WebClient web = new WebClient(); id = results.First(x => x.Title == lbResults.SelectedItem.ToString().CutToLast(' ', CutDirection.Right, true)).Id; IMDBBuffer buffer = new IMDBBuffer(); MainPage page = buffer.ReadMain(id); if (page.PosterURL.Succes == false) Properties.Resources.no_photo.Save("temp"); else web.DownloadFile(page.PosterURL.Data.Address, "temp"); ImagePreview preview = new ImagePreview("temp"); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; preview.ShowDialog(); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } if (obj.GetType() != GetType()) { return(false); } return(MovieId.Equals(((BulkMoveMovie)obj).MovieId)); }
public MainPage(string html, URL request, URL response, MovieId id, GenreCollection genreCollection) : base(html, request, response, id) { this.Title = new ParsedInfo<string>(html, parseTitle); this.Year = new ParsedInfo<int>(html, parseYear); this.PosterURL = new ParsedInfo<URL>(html, parsePosterURL); this.IMDbRating = new ParsedInfo<Rating>(html, parseIMDBRating); this.MetacriticRating = new ParsedInfo<Rating>(html, parseMetacriticRating); this.Tagline = new ParsedInfo<string>(html, parseTagline); this.Plot = new ParsedInfo<string>(html, parsePlot); this.Runtime = new ParsedInfo<TimeSpan>(html, parseRuntime); this.Genres = new ParsedInfo<GenreSet>(html, (input) => parseGenres(input, genreCollection)); }
public async Task MoveToMoviesToSee(MovieId movieId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { logger.LogInformation("Moving movie {MovieId} to movies to see ...", movieId); var movieToGet = await moviesToGetRepository.GetMovie(movieId, cancellationToken); var movieToSee = new MovieToSeeModel { TimestampOfAddingToSeeList = clock.Now, MovieInfo = movieToGet.MovieInfo, }; await moviesToSeeRepository.AddMovie(movieToSee, cancellationToken); await moviesToGetRepository.DeleteMovie(movieId, cancellationToken); }
public List <MovieId> AddMovie(NewMovie toAdd) { List <MovieId> addedMovies = new List <MovieId>(); for (int i = 0; i < toAdd.Qty; i++) { var addMovieStringQuery = $"INSERT INTO {DatabaseUtils.Databasename}.movieinfo(MOV_INFO_TITLE, MOV_INFO_RELEASE_YEAR, MOV_INFO_GENRE, MOV_INFO_UPC, MOV_STATUS) " + $"VALUES('{toAdd.Title}', '{toAdd.ReleaseYear}', '{toAdd.Genre}', '{toAdd.Upc}', 0)"; var addMovie = DatabaseUtils.Instance(); MovieId addedMovie = new MovieId(); addedMovie.Id = addMovie.MakeDbQuery(addMovieStringQuery, true); addedMovies.Add(addedMovie); } return(addedMovies); }
public bool Equals(MovieStat other) { //Check whether the compared object is null. if (MovieStat.ReferenceEquals(other, null)) { return(false); } //Check whether the compared object references the same data. if (MovieStat.ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } //Check whether the MovieStat' properties are equal. return(MovieId.Equals(other.MovieId)); }
public async Task DeleteMovie_MovieDoesNotExist_ThrowsNotFoundException() { // Arrange var serviceProvider = await BootstrapTests(seedData : true); var target = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IMoviesToSeeService>(); var movieId = new MovieId("5ea68c4477f3ed42b8a798da"); // Act Func <Task> call = () => target.DeleteMovie(movieId, CancellationToken.None); // Assert await call.Should().ThrowAsync <NotFoundException>(); }
public async Task <MovieToSeeModel> GetMovie(MovieId movieId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var filter = BuildMovieFilter(movieId); var options = new FindOptions <MovieToSeeDocument> { Limit = 1, }; var cursor = await collection.FindAsync(filter, options, cancellationToken); var document = await cursor.FirstOrDefaultAsync(cancellationToken); if (document == null) { throw new NotFoundException($"The movie with id {movieId} was not found among movies to see"); } return(document.ToModel()); }
public async Task <Reservation> CreateAsync(EntityId id, CinemaId cinemaId, MovieId movieId, HallId hallId, CustomerId customerId, DateTime dateTime, bool isPaymentUponArrival, IEnumerable <Seat> seats, Reservee reservee) { var areSeatsValid = await _validator.ValidateAsync(cinemaId, movieId, hallId, seats); if (!areSeatsValid) { throw new SeatsAlreadyReservedException(id); } if (!customerId.IsEmpty()) { reservee = await _provider.GetAsync(customerId); } var status = isPaymentUponArrival ? ReservationStatus.PaymentUponArrival : ReservationStatus.Pending; var reservation = Reservation.Create(id, cinemaId, movieId, hallId, dateTime, status, reservee, seats); return(reservation); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (MovieId.Length != 0) { hash ^= MovieId.GetHashCode(); } if (MovieName.Length != 0) { hash ^= MovieName.GetHashCode(); } if (MoviePrice.Length != 0) { hash ^= MoviePrice.GetHashCode(); } if (_unknownFields != null) { hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (MovieId != 0) { hash ^= MovieId.GetHashCode(); } if (Title.Length != 0) { hash ^= Title.GetHashCode(); } if (Price != 0D) { hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(Price); } if (_unknownFields != null) { hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
public MovieNotFoundException(MovieId movieId) : base($"Movie with id {movieId} was not found") { }
public SearchResult(MovieId id, string title, int year, string type, MatchType match) : this(id, title, year, ParseResultType(type.ToLower()), match) { }
public MovieInfo(MovieId id) { = id; }
public ExtraInfoPage(string html, URL request, URL response, MovieId id) : base(html, request, response, id) { this.Title = new ParsedInfo<string>(html, parseStandardTitle); }
private bool parseID(string html, out MovieId id) { html = html.CutToFirst("<div class=\"image\">", CutDirection.Left, true); html = html.CutToSection("href=\"", "\"", true); return MovieId.TryParse(html, out id); }
public async Task <MovieEntity> GetMovieByIdAsync(MovieId id, CancellationToken ctx) { var result = await _queryProcessor.ProcessAsync(new ReadModelByIdQuery <MovieReadModel>(id), ctx); return(result?.ToMovie()); }
public MovieMainPage(string html, URL request, URL response, MovieId id, GenreCollection genreCollection) : base(html, request, response, id, genreCollection) { }
//Issue movie to selected customer private void btnIssueMovie_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string CustId, MovieId, IssueDate, ReturnDate; int totalDays = 0; int temp = 0; int TotalRent = 0; CustId = DropDownSelectCustomer.SelectedValue.ToString(); MovieId = DropDownMovie.SelectedValue.ToString(); IssueDate = dtIsuue.Value.ToShortDateString(); ReturnDate = dtReturn.Value.ToShortDateString(); if (CustId == "" || CustId == "0" || CustId == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please select customer"); } else if (MovieId.Equals("") || MovieId == "0" || MovieId == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please select movie"); } else if (DateTime.Parse(IssueDate) > DateTime.Parse(ReturnDate)) { MessageBox.Show("Issue date can not be greater than retun date", "Alert"); } else if (IssueDate == ReturnDate) { totalDays = 1; temp = new Movies().CalculateMovieCost(int.Parse(MovieId)); // Getting rent amount for that movie TotalRent = totalDays * temp; // Calculate the Total Rent of issue movie } else { totalDays = new CalculateDays().GetTotalDays(IssueDate, ReturnDate); temp = new Movies().CalculateMovieCost(int.Parse(MovieId)); // Getting rent amount for that movie TotalRent = totalDays * temp; // Calculate the Total Rent of issue movie } RentedMoviesDataTbl rmdata = new RentedMoviesDataTbl(); rmdata.MovieId = int.Parse(MovieId); rmdata.CustId = int.Parse(CustId); rmdata.RentDate = IssueDate; rmdata.ReturnDate = ReturnDate; rmdata.TotalRentAmount = TotalRent; if (new RentedMOvies().InsertRentedMovie(rmdata)) { TabControlSystem.SelectedTab = TabControlSystem.TabPages["RentedMovies"]; RentedMovieGridData(); MessageBox.Show("Movie rented successfully!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Failed to rent this movie!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
protected bool Equals(DirectorAddedToMovie other) { return(MovieId.Equals(other.MovieId) && string.Equals(Director, other.Director)); }
public TagPage(string html, URL request, URL response, MovieId id) : base(html, request, response, id) { Taglines = new ParsedCollection<string>(parseTaglines(html)); }
public InfoPage(string html, URL request, URL response, MovieId id) : base(html, request, response) { = id; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------// public override int GetHashCode() { return(MovieId.GetHashCode() ^ GenreId.GetHashCode()); }
public TVSeriesMainPage(string html, URL request, URL response, MovieId id, GenreCollection genreCollection) : base(html, request, response, id, genreCollection) { LastYear = new ParsedInfo<int>(html, parseYear); }
protected bool Equals(MovieRatedByAudience other) { return(MovieId.Equals(other.MovieId) && Rating == other.Rating); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return((Id.GetHashCode() + UserId.GetHashCode() + MovieId.GetHashCode()) / 3); }
public async Task UpdateMovieAsync(MovieId movieId, string name, string director, int budget, CancellationToken ctx) { await _commandBus.PublishAsync(new UpdateMovieCommand(movieId, name, director, budget), ctx); }