Beispiel #1
        // GET: api/Movies
        public List <MoviesViewModel> Getmovies()
            var listOfMovies = db.visnings.OrderBy(v =>; // Get movies and sort them in date order
            var resultList   = new List <MoviesViewModel>();     // Define the return structure

            foreach (var movie in listOfMovies)                  // For each movie in the viewings table (plus lounge information)
                    var movieFromMovieDB = MovieFetcher.GetMovie(movie.movieid); // Make a fetch to Movie DB to get information about a movie

                    // To the return list, add a View Model and add the information from both the Viewing, Lounge and MovieDB into a single object
                    resultList.Add(new MoviesViewModel
                        Id          =,
                        MovieName   = movieFromMovieDB.Title,        // Title for the Movie from the MovieDB
                        Length      = movieFromMovieDB.Runtime ?? 0, // The runtime from MovieDB
                        Adult       = movieFromMovieDB.Adult,        // If it's a adult movie, from MovieDB
                        LoungeName  = movie.salong,                  // The lounge name from Lounge entity in the database (contected using Entity Framework)
                        ViewingDate =,                    // Date of the viewing from the Viewing entity in the database
                        TotalSeats  = movie.maxseats,                // And number of seats in the Lounge
                        Picture     = movieFromMovieDB.PosterPath
                    return(new List <MoviesViewModel>());

            return(resultList); // Return the list of Movies
Beispiel #2
        // API URL POST http://localhost:52662//api/viewings
        // XXXXX - Port number
        // Desc: Returns a list of Viewing View Models, a.k.a a list of shows that will be displayed as a list of movies to be shown
        public List <ViewingViewModel> GetViewings()
            var listOfViewings = db.viewing.Include(v => v.lounge).OrderBy(v =>; // Get viewings plus the laoung and sort them in date order
            var listOfMovies   = new List <ViewingViewModel>();                          // Define the return structure

            foreach (var viewing in listOfViewings)                                      // For each movie in the viewings table (plus lounge information)
                var movie = MovieFetcher.GetMovie(viewing.moviedbid);                    // Make a fetch to Movie DB to get information about a movie

                // To the return list, add a View Model and add the information from both the Viewing, Lounge and MovieDB into a single object
                listOfMovies.Add(new ViewingViewModel
                    MovieName   = movie.Title,                 // Title for the Movie from the MovieDB
                    Length      = movie.Runtime ?? 0,          // The runtime from MovieDB
                    Adult       = movie.Adult,                 // If it's a adult movie, from MovieDB
                    LoungeName  =,         // The lounge name from Lounge entity in the database (contected using Entity Framework)
                    ViewingDate =,                // Date of the viewing from the Viewing entity in the database
                    TotalSeats  =, // And number of seats in the Lounge
                    PosterPath  = movie.PosterPath,
                    Overview    = movie.Overview,
                    Bookable    = viewing.bookable

            return(listOfMovies); // Return the list of Movies
Beispiel #3
        // GET: api/Viewings
        public List <ViewvingsViewModel> Getmovies()
            var listOfMovies = db.Viewings.Include("Salon").Include("MovieApi").OrderBy(v => v.ViewingDate);
            var resultList   = new List <ViewvingsViewModel>();

            foreach (var item in listOfMovies)
                var movieFromMovieDB = MovieFetcher.GetMovie(item.MovieApi.MovieKey);
                resultList.Add(new ViewvingsViewModel
                    Id          = item.ViewingID,
                    MovieName   = movieFromMovieDB.Title,
                    Length      = movieFromMovieDB.Runtime ?? 0,
                    Adult       = movieFromMovieDB.Adult,
                    LoungeName  = item.Salon.SalonNumber.ToString(),
                    ViewingDate = item.ViewingDate,
                    TotalSeats  = GetSeats(item.ViewingID, item.Salon.MaxSeats),
                    Poster      = movieFromMovieDB.PosterPath