Beispiel #1
    void Awake()
        MapMove = GameObject.Find("AcceptBtn").GetComponent <MoveChoice>();
        num     = 0;

        smoothFollow = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent <SmoothFollow>();

        monsterHp    = 3000f;
        monsterCurHp = monsterHp;

        player = FindObjectOfType <PlayerManager>();
        animator = GetComponent <Animator>();
        myAudio  = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
        nvAgent  = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();

        //  네트워크 추가w
        pv = GetComponent <PhotonView>();
        pv.ObservedComponents[0] = this;
        pv.synchronization       = ViewSynchronization.UnreliableOnChange;
        if (!PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) //자신이 네트워크 객체가 아닐때 (마스터클라이언트가 아닐때)
        currPos = transform.position;
        currRot = transform.rotation;
Beispiel #2
        public GameResult PlayGame(Match match, MoveChoice moveChoice)
            var rules        = _rulesManager.GetRules();
            var opponentMove = _opponentManager.GetNextMove(match.Opponent.OpponentType, match.Opponent.PreviousMove);
            var result       = new GameResult {
                YourMove = moveChoice, OpponentMove = opponentMove

            if (opponentMove == moveChoice)
                result.Result = Result.Draw;

            var moveChoiceRule = rules.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.MoveChoice == moveChoice);

            if (moveChoiceRule == null)
                throw new RulesException($"Rule not found where MoveChoice is {moveChoice}");

            if (moveChoiceRule.BeatsMoveChoice == opponentMove)
                result.Result = Result.Win;

            result.Result = Result.Lose;
        /// <summary>
        /// By far the most complex method here.
        /// Uses the parameters to choose one move for a pokemon by assigning a probability value to each possible move.
        /// The higher this value is compared to all of the other moves, the more likely this move is to be chosen.
        /// (See: <see cref="GeneratorConfig"/>, <see cref="PokemonAndMoveInfo"/>)
        /// </summary>
        private bool PickOneMove(PokemonAndMoveInfo info, out int chosenMoveId)
            chosenMoveId = 0;
            var allPossibleMoves = new List <PokemonMoveSetResult>(info.AllPossibleMovesOrig);

            // Calculate probabilities
            var moveProbabilities = allPossibleMoves.Select(m =>
                var moveChoice = new MoveChoice
                    Probability = Likeliness.Full,
                    Move        = m

                // filter out all non-damaging/damaging attacks depending on the flag
                if (info.DoSomeDamageFlag && (m.Power ?? 0) <= 0)
                    moveChoice.Probability *= Likeliness.Extremely_Low;

                if (!info.DoSomeDamageFlag && (m.Power ?? 0) > 0)
                    moveChoice.Probability *= Likeliness.Extremely_Low;

                // Apply weight on damage type
                // if damage type does not mesh with the pokemon, make the likelyhood VERY unlikely
                if ((info.PreferredDamageType == DamageType.Special && (m.DamageType ?? "special").Equals("physical")) ||
                    (info.PreferredDamageType == DamageType.Physical && (m.DamageType ?? "special").Equals("special")))
                    moveChoice.Probability *= _config.Value.Configuration.DamageTypeModifier;

                // Apply weight on effect
                foreach (var key in _config.Value.Configuration.MoveEffectFilters.Keys)
                    if (m.Effect.Contains(key))
                        moveChoice.Probability *= _config.Value.Configuration.MoveEffectFilters[key];

                // Apply weight on type
                if ((info.PokeTypes?.Contains(m.Type, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ?? false) ||
                    (info.AttackTypesToFavor.Contains(m.Type, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
                    moveChoice.Probability *= _config.Value.Configuration.SameTypeModifier;

                // Apply weight on damage
                if (info.DoSomeDamageFlag)
                    moveChoice.Probability *= Likeliness.Full + (m.Power ?? 0) / _config.Value.Configuration.DamageModifier;

                // Apply special weight for paired moves
                if (info.AlreadyPicked.Any(id => _config.Value.Configuration.PairedMoves.ContainsKey(id) && _config.Value.Configuration.PairedMoves[id].Contains(m.MoveId)))
                    moveChoice.Probability = Likeliness.Full * _config.Value.Configuration.PairedModifier;

                // Filter out dependant moves which do not already have their dependency picked
                if (_config.Value.Configuration.DependantMoves.ContainsKey(m.MoveId) && !_config.Value.Configuration.DependantMoves[m.MoveId].Intersect(info.AlreadyPicked).Any())
                    moveChoice.Probability = Likeliness.None;

                // Apply weight on similar moves to already picked
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.Effect) && info.AlreadyPickedEffects.Contains(m.Effect, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    moveChoice.Probability *= _config.Value.Configuration.AlreadyPickedMoveEffectsModifier;

                // Finally, apply weight on moves already picked
                if (info.AlreadyPicked.Contains(m.MoveId))
                    moveChoice.Probability *= _config.Value.Configuration.AlreadyPickedMoveModifier;


            // Return false if we filtered out all of our choices
            if (!moveProbabilities.Any() || moveProbabilities.All(choice => choice.Probability == 0))

            // Choose with probabilities
            var chosen = _probabilityUtility.ChooseWithProbability(moveProbabilities.Cast <IChoice>().ToList());

            if (chosen != null)
                chosenMoveId = moveProbabilities[(int)chosen].Move.MoveId;