// Called before start
 protected void Awake()
     // These will have to be set multiple times [allies only]
     // These will only need to be set once, since they are attached to this game object
     _sprRendRef = this.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
     if (_sprRendRef == null)
         Debug.Log("Could not find SpriteRenderer attached to " + this.name);
     _anime = this.GetComponent <Animator>();
     if (_anime == null)
         Debug.Log("Could not find Animator attached to " + this.name);
     _maRef = this.GetComponent <MoveAttack>();
     if (_maRef == null)
         Debug.Log("Could not find MoveAttack attached to " + this.name);
     _statsRef = this.GetComponent <Stats>();
     if (_statsRef == null)
         Debug.Log("Could not find Stats attached to " + this.name);
Beispiel #2
    /// <summary>
    /// When the last character in the room leaves, un trigger the room
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="collision"></param>
    private void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D collision)
        // If we collide with something that has a MoveAttack script attached, remove it from characters currently in the room
        MoveAttack mARef = collision.GetComponent <MoveAttack>();

        if (mARef == null)
        // If it was an ally
        if (mARef.WhatAmI == CharacterType.Ally)
            // If it was the last ally and that ally dead
            if (_alliesInRoom.Count == 0 && mARef.GetComponent <Health>().CurHP == 0)
        // If it was an enemy and the room is active
        else if (mARef.WhatAmI == CharacterType.Enemy && mARef.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
            // If it was the last enemy
            if (_enemiesInRoom.Count == 0)
                _clear = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds if there is an enemy in range and gives its gridPositon, if there's not, it returns an invalid gridPosition
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>Returns a Vector2Int on the grid if it finds an enemy, otherwise returns a Vector2Int off the grid</returns>
 private Vector2Int FindDesiredAttackNodePos()
     // If there is an "ally" character in range, we want that node
     // Test if the ally is in range
     // Iterate over each ally
     for (int i = 0; i < _alliesMA.Count; ++i)
         MoveAttack ally = _alliesMA[i];
         // Make sure the enemy exists
         if (ally == null)
         // Get that ally's node
         Node allyNode = _mAContRef.GetNodeByWorldPosition(ally.transform.position);
         // If that ally's node is in this enemy's move tiles, they are in range, so that is the node we want to reach
         if (_currentEnemy.AttackTiles.Contains(allyNode))
             //Debug.Log("Found ally to attack at " + allyGridPos);
     //Debug.Log("No ally in range");
     // If there is no ally in range, we don't want to attack anything with a character on it, so we return a position not on the grid
     return(new Vector2Int(_mAContRef.GridTopLeft.x - 1, 0));
Beispiel #4
    // Called before start
    protected void Awake()
        // These references are attached to this game object, so they will only need to be set once
        _mARef = this.GetComponent <MoveAttack>();
        if (_mARef == null)
            if (this.name != "DeadAllyStats")
                Debug.Log("Could not find MoveAttack attached to " + this.name);
            _mARef.MoveRange = _speed;

        _hpRef = this.GetComponent <Health>();
        if (_hpRef == null)
            if (this.name != "DeadAllyStats")
                Debug.Log("Could not find Health attached to " + this.name);
            _hpRef.MaxHP = _vitality;
            _hpRef.CurHP = _hpRef.MaxHP;
Beispiel #5
    // Called 0th
    // Set references to itself
    private void Awake()
        _mARef = this.GetComponent <MoveAttack>();
        if (_mARef == null)
            Debug.Log("WARNING - There was no MoveAttack script attached to " + this.name);
        GameObject gameContObj = GameObject.FindWithTag("GameController");

        if (gameContObj == null)
            Debug.Log("WARNING - No GameObject with the tag GameController was found");
        _skillHoldRef = gameContObj.GetComponent <SkillHolder>();
        if (_skillHoldRef == null)
            Debug.Log("WARNING - There was no SkillHolder script attached to " + gameContObj.name);

        // Initialize the list of skills
        _availableSkills = new List <Skill>();

        // Subscribe to the procedural gen event
        ProceduralGenerationController.OnFinishGenerationNoParam += Initialize;
    /// <summary>
    /// Attempts to do whatever action this enemy does.
    /// Called after the character finishes moving.
    /// Uses the character's skill on an enemy in range.
    /// </summary>
    override protected void AttemptAction()
        // Recalculate the enemy's move and attack tiles.
        // We really only want their attack tiles, but those are based on the move tiles
        // Which are currently out of place since they are what the
        Vector2Int nodeToAttack = new Vector2Int(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue);

        // Try to find an ally in range
        //Debug.Log("These are " + this.name + " at " + this.transform.position + " potential attack tiles: ");
        foreach (Node atkNode in MARef.AttackTiles)
            MoveAttack potAlly = MAContRef.GetCharacterMAByNode(atkNode);
            // If we found an ally at that tile
            if (potAlly != null && potAlly.WhatAmI == CharacterType.Ally)
                //Debug.Log("Attacking ^ That tile");
                nodeToAttack = atkNode.Position;
        // If there is no node to attack, just end the attack
        if (nodeToAttack.x == int.MaxValue && nodeToAttack.y == int.MaxValue)
        // If there is a node being attacked, start the attack
Beispiel #7
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the visual tiles for each character
    /// </summary>
    private void InitialCreateVisuals()
        // For each character create the visual tiles
        // based on their starting moveRange and attackRange.
        // Also initializes each character

        // Do this for each ally
        foreach (Transform allyTrans in _allyParent)
            MoveAttack mARef = allyTrans.GetComponent <MoveAttack>();
            if (mARef == null)
                Debug.Log(allyTrans.name + " does not have a MoveAttack script attached to it");
                // Create the visual tiles ahead of time
        // Do this for each enemy
        foreach (Transform enemyTrans in _enemyParent)
            MoveAttack mARef = enemyTrans.GetComponent <MoveAttack>();
            if (mARef == null)
                Debug.Log(enemyTrans.name + " does not have a MoveAttack script attached to it");
                // Create the visual tiles ahead of time
Beispiel #8
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 private void Start()
     // Initialize the list
     _allies = new List <GameObject>();
     // Get the initial allies
     foreach (Transform character in _tempAllyParent)
         // Try to pull a move attack script off the character, they should have one
         MoveAttack charMARef = character.GetComponent <MoveAttack>();
         // See if the character is an ally, if they aren't we just want to test the next character
         if (charMARef == null || charMARef.WhatAmI != CharacterType.Ally)
         // Add the ally to the list
     //Debug.Log("Finished initializing allies");
     // Initialize the starting floors stuff
     // Initialize the floor difficulty to 3
     _nextFloorDiff     = 4;
     _nextFloorNum      = 1;
     _shouldHaveCamfire = _nextFloorNum % _floorsUntilFire == 0;
     // Start the first floor's generation
 /// <summary>
 /// Refinds all the allies. Resets the enemy index to 0.
 /// Removes dead enemies from the list. Sets during enemy turn to false
 /// </summary>
 private void FindCharacters()
     _alliesMA   = new List <MoveAttack>();
     _enemyIndex = 0;
     // Iterate over each ally to add them to the list
     foreach (Transform allyTrans in _allyParent)
         MoveAttack mA = allyTrans.GetComponent <MoveAttack>();
         if (mA == null)
             Debug.Log("There was no MoveAttack attached to " + allyTrans.name);
     // Bring out your dead *rings bell* Bring out your dead
     // We have to go over the enemies list and remove any dead enemies
     for (int i = 0; i < _enemiesMA.Count; ++i)
         // If we find a dead enemy, get rid of them
         if (_enemiesMA[i] == null)
             // We also need to decrement i so that the list does not stop prematurely since the list now shrank by 1
     _duringEnemyTurn = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Has the current enemy move and then increments it so that the next time this is called, the next enemy will move
    /// </summary>
    private IEnumerator NextEnemy()
        // So that the this enemy can't start until the previous one is done
        while (_duringEnemyTurn)
            yield return(null);
        _duringEnemyTurn = true;

        if (_enemyIndex < _enemiesMA.Count)
            // Try to get the current enemy we should move
            _currentEnemy = _enemiesMA[_enemyIndex];
            // If the enemy does not exist, do not try to move it
            if (_currentEnemy != null)
                // Call the begin single enemy event
                if (OnBeginSingleEnemy != null)

                //Debug.Log("Begin " + _currentEnemy.name + "'s turn");
                // See if the current enemy will be active
                Node enemyNode = _mAContRef.GetNodeByWorldPosition(_currentEnemy.transform.position);
                for (int i = 0; i < _alliesMA.Count; ++i)
                    MoveAttack ally = _alliesMA[i];
                    // Make sure the enemy exists
                    if (ally == null)

                    Node allyNode = _mAContRef.GetNodeByWorldPosition(ally.transform.position);
                    if (Mathf.Abs(enemyNode.Position.x - allyNode.Position.x) + Mathf.Abs(enemyNode.Position.y - allyNode.Position.y) <= _aggroRange)
            // Have the current enemy take their turn
            // Now called from the CamFollow OnFinishEnemyPan event
            //Debug.Log("All enemies done");
            if (OnEnemyTurnEnd != null)

        _duringEnemyTurn = false;
        yield return(null);
    /// <summary>
    /// Updates the value of the side health bar
    /// </summary>
    private IEnumerator UpdateSideHealth()
        // Add the ongoing action
        // Get the target amount to work towards
        float targetAm = ((float)CurHP) / MaxHP;

        // If we are lower than the current amount
        while (_sideSlider.value < targetAm)
            _sideSlider.value += Time.deltaTime * _healthBarSpeed;
            yield return(null);
        // If we are higher than the current amount
        while (_sideSlider.value > targetAm)
            _sideSlider.value -= Time.deltaTime * _healthBarSpeed;
            yield return(null);

        // Just set it to what it is supposed to be
        _sideSlider.value = targetAm;

        // Remove the ongoing action

        yield return(null);
    /// <summary>
    /// Finds the closest ally to the current enemy
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Returns the node that the closest ally is on [0]. Also returns the closest node to attack that ally from [1]</returns>
    private Node[] FindAllyOutOfRange()
        // Get the node the current enemy is at
        Node startNode = _mAContRef.GetNodeByWorldPosition(_currentEnemy.transform.position);

        // Find the allies, and see if they are more than maxDepth grid units away anyway
        // If they are, we just return null
        Node closestAllyNode = null; // The node of the closest ally
        // The closest allies distance from the currentEnemy
        int closestAllyDist = int.MaxValue;
        // The closest ally in terms of Node.F
        int closestF = int.MaxValue;
        // Closest node to attack the closest ally from
        Node closestAttackNode = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < _alliesMA.Count; ++i)
            MoveAttack curAlly = _alliesMA[i];
            // Make sure the current ally exists
            if (curAlly == null)

            Node curAllyNode = _mAContRef.GetNodeByWorldPosition(curAlly.transform.position);
            int  curAllyDist = Mathf.Abs(startNode.Position.x - curAllyNode.Position.x) + Mathf.Abs(startNode.Position.y - curAllyNode.Position.y);
            // Quick check if ally is close to this enemy and is closer than the current closest ally
            if (curAllyDist <= _aggroRange && curAllyDist < closestAllyDist)
                // Check to make sure the enemy has a place to stand to attack and that the enemy can reach that node
                // Get the nodes the enemy can attack the ally from
                List <Node> allyAttackNodes = _mAContRef.GetNodesDistFromNode(curAllyNode, _currentEnemy.AttackRange);
                // Iterate over each of the nodes the enemy could potentially stand at to attack
                for (int j = 0; j < allyAttackNodes.Count; ++j)
                    // See if the node exists and there is no character there
                    if (allyAttackNodes[j] != null && allyAttackNodes[j].Occupying == CharacterType.None)
                        // See if there is a path to there for enemies
                        if (_mAContRef.Pathing(startNode, allyAttackNodes[j], CharacterType.Enemy))
                            // See if the F value is lower
                            if (closestF > startNode.F)
                                closestF = startNode.F;
                                closestAllyNode   = curAllyNode;
                                closestAllyDist   = curAllyDist;
                                closestAttackNode = allyAttackNodes[j];
        Node[] rtnList = { closestAllyNode, closestAttackNode };
        // Returns null if the closestAlly node was not found
    /// <summary>
    /// Called from Procedural Generation after everything is created.
    /// Gets the allies and enemies from the character parent
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="charPar">Parent of all characters</param>
    public void Initiasdalize(Transform charPar)
        // Set the transform of the character parent
        charParent = charPar;

        // Get the scripts on the characters
        allyMARefs  = new List <MoveAttack>();
        enemyMARefs = new List <MoveAttack>();
        foreach (Transform child in charParent)
            MoveAttack mARef = child.GetComponent <MoveAttack>();
            if (mARef == null)
                Debug.Log("Could not find MoveAttack attached to " + child.name);
            if (mARef.WhatAmI == CharacterType.Ally)
            else if (mARef.WhatAmI == CharacterType.Enemy)
                Debug.Log(child.name + " is having an identity crisis");
Beispiel #14
    /// <summary>
    /// Calls UpdateSkillButtons with the most recently selected character.
    /// Refreshes the skill buttons to reflect any changes
    /// </summary>
    private void RefreshSkillButtons()
        // Get the current selected allies skill controller
        MoveAttack charMA = _mAGUIContRef.RecentCharSelectedMA;

        // Also refresh the skill pop out menu
Beispiel #15
        public Bishop()
            this.HitPoints = 1;
            this._MoveBehavior.MoveType = MoveBehavior.MoveTypes.Diagonal;

            var attackBehavior = new MoveAttack(this._MoveBehavior);

            attackBehavior.Damage = 1;
            this._AttackBehavior  = attackBehavior;
Beispiel #16
        public Queen()
            this.HitPoints = 1;
            this._MoveBehavior.MoveType = MoveBehavior.MoveTypes.Diagonal | MoveBehavior.MoveTypes.Linear;

            var attackBehavior = new MoveAttack(this._MoveBehavior);

            attackBehavior.Damage = 1;
            this._AttackBehavior  = attackBehavior;
Beispiel #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Turns off all the visual tiles
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mARef">Reference to the MoveAttack script attached to the character whose visuals we are turning off</param>
 public void TurnOffVisuals(MoveAttack mARef)
     // Iterate over all the tiles and turn them off
     foreach (Transform tileParent in mARef.RangeVisualParent.transform)
         foreach (Transform tileTrans in tileParent)
Beispiel #18
        public SoldierA()
            this.HitPoints = 5;
            this._MoveBehavior.MoveType = MoveBehavior.MoveTypes.Standard;
            this.MoveDistance           = 2;

            var attackBehavior = new MoveAttack(this._MoveBehavior);

            attackBehavior.Damage = 1;

            this._AttackBehavior = attackBehavior;
Beispiel #19
        public PansyC()
            this.HitPoints = 1;
            this._MoveBehavior.MoveType = MoveBehavior.MoveTypes.Standard;
            this.MoveDistance           = 3;

            var attackBehavior = new MoveAttack(this._MoveBehavior);

            attackBehavior.Damage = 1;

            this._AttackBehavior = attackBehavior;
Beispiel #20
    /// <summary>
    /// Swaps the skill of the current selected player
    /// Called by the skill swap button.
    /// </summary>
    public void SwapSelectedPlayerSkill()
        // Get the current selected allies skill controller
        MoveAttack charMA = _mAGUIRef.RecentCharSelectedMA;

        if (charMA != null)
            // Get a refrence to the currently selected ally's skill controller
            AllySkillController curAllySkillCont = charMA.GetComponent <AllySkillController>();
            // Swap the equipped skill
Beispiel #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when the last ally in a room dies. Turns off the room
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="allyWhoExited">The enemy who just exited the room (died)</param>
 private void CalmRoom(MoveAttack allyWhoExited)
     Debug.Log("Calming the room");
     // We want to turn the room off
     _currentLightIntensity = 0f;
     // Change the intensity of this room
     // Update lighting of the adjacent rooms
     foreach (Room adjRoom in _adjacentRooms)
Beispiel #22
    /// <summary>
    /// When this object collides with the player for the first time, we trigger the room. Also adds characters to what is currently in the room
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="collision">The collider2d of the object that was collided with</param>
    private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
        // Try to get the movement script from what we collided with, and tests if it exists
        MoveAttack mARef = collision.GetComponent <MoveAttack>();

        if (mARef == null)

        // If we collide with an enemy
        if (mARef.WhatAmI == CharacterType.Enemy)
            // If they aren't already a part of the room's enemies, add them to it
            if (!_enemiesInRoom.Contains(mARef))
                _clear = false;
            // Also, if their room isn't active hide them (transition is used to test if it is the beginning of the game or not, since we don't
            // want an enemy to disappear when they walk between rooms, for which transition will always be true
            if (!_isRoomActive && mARef.Transition == false)
        // If we collide with a player
        else if (mARef.WhatAmI == CharacterType.Ally)
            // Add them to the allies in room
            // Make sure they are not already in the list
            if (!_alliesInRoom.Contains(mARef))
            // Turn on the room

            // If we haven't activated the enemies in the room yet, do that
            if (!_isRoomActive)
                _isRoomActive = true;
                // Call the room activate event
                if (OnRoomActivate != null)
Beispiel #23
    /// <summary>
    /// Turns the visuals of the character off and no longer selects them
    /// </summary>
    private void Deselect()
        if (_charSelected != null)
            _charSelected = null;

        // Call the character selected event
        if (OnCharacterDeselect != null)
Beispiel #24
    public override Attack GetCopy(Unit o)
        MoveAttack nca;

        nca = new MoveAttack(attackId, arrowId, isActiveState, armyId, o, keyFieldId, isKeyFieldTaken, targetId, arrowPosition);
        foreach (int i in activatesAttacks)
        foreach (int i in deactivatesAttacks)
Beispiel #25
    // End Grid Functions

    // Visual Tile Functions

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the visual tiles for when a character is clicked on
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="mARef">Reference to the character whose visual tiles will be created</param>
    public void CreateVisualTiles(MoveAttack mARef)
        // Make sure it exists
        if (mARef != null)
            if (mARef.RangeVisualParent == null)
            Debug.Log(mARef.name + " has no MoveAttack script attached to it");
Beispiel #26
    /// <summary>
    /// Updates the skill skill buttons to reflect the selected character's skills
    /// </summary>
    private void UpdateSkillButtons(MoveAttack selChara)
        // Get the current character's available skills
        List <Skill> availSkills = new List <Skill>();

        if (selChara != null)
            availSkills = selChara.GetComponent <CharacterSkills>().GetAvailableSkills();
        // Determine how many skills they have
        int amountSkills = availSkills.Count;

        if (amountSkills > _sideSkillObjs.Count)
            Debug.LogError("The character has too many skills. Or there are too few side skill objects");
            amountSkills = _sideSkillObjs.Count;

        // Turn on only as many side skills as needed
        for (int i = 0; i < amountSkills; ++i)
            _sideSkillIcons[i].sprite = SkillHolder.GetSkillImage(availSkills[i].GetSkillNum());
            if (availSkills[i].GetCooldownTimer() > 0)
                _skillCoolTexts[i].text = availSkills[i].GetCooldownTimer().ToString();
                _skillCoolTexts[i].text = "";
            // If the skill is the active one, make it have the active color
            if (availSkills[i] == selChara.SkillRef)
                _sideSkillIcons[i].color = _activeCol;
                _sideSkillIcons[i].color = _inactiveCol;
        // Turn off the uneeded ones
        for (int i = amountSkills; i < _sideSkillObjs.Count; ++i)
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        spriteRenderer = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <SpriteRenderer> ();
        shadow         = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>();
        gc             = GameController.Instance;
        rb             = GetComponent <Rigidbody> ();
        maxHealth      = health;

        fsm        = new FSM();
        idle       = new Idle();
        move       = new Move();
        attack     = new Attack();
        moveAttack = new MoveAttack();

        //idle:			moveVec.sqrMagnitude == 0 && shootVec.sqrMagnitude == 0
        //move:			moveVec.sqrMagnitude != 0 && shootVec.sqrMagnitude == 0
        //attack:		moveVec.sqrMagnitude == 0 && shootVec.sqrMagnitude != 0
        //moveattack:	moveVec.sqrMagnitude != 0 && shootVec.sqrMagnitude != 0

        idle.AddTransition(new Transition(move, () => moveVec.sqrMagnitude != 0 && shootVec.sqrMagnitude == 0));
        idle.AddTransition(new Transition(attack, () => moveVec.sqrMagnitude == 0 && shootVec.sqrMagnitude != 0));
        idle.AddTransition(new Transition(moveAttack, () => moveVec.sqrMagnitude != 0 && shootVec.sqrMagnitude != 0));

        move.AddTransition(new Transition(idle, () => moveVec.sqrMagnitude == 0 && shootVec.sqrMagnitude == 0));
        move.AddTransition(new Transition(attack, () => moveVec.sqrMagnitude == 0 && shootVec.sqrMagnitude != 0));
        move.AddTransition(new Transition(moveAttack, () => moveVec.sqrMagnitude != 0 && shootVec.sqrMagnitude != 0));

        //attack not moving
        attack.AddTransition(new Transition(move, () => moveVec.sqrMagnitude != 0 && shootVec.sqrMagnitude == 0 && !CurrentWeaponScript.shootDelaying));
        attack.AddTransition(new Transition(idle, () => moveVec.sqrMagnitude == 0 && shootVec.sqrMagnitude == 0 && !CurrentWeaponScript.shootDelaying));
        attack.AddTransition(new Transition(moveAttack, () => moveVec.sqrMagnitude != 0 && shootVec.sqrMagnitude != 0));

        //attack while moving
        moveAttack.AddTransition(new Transition(move, () => moveVec.sqrMagnitude != 0 && shootVec.sqrMagnitude == 0 && !CurrentWeaponScript.shootDelaying));
        moveAttack.AddTransition(new Transition(idle, () => moveVec.sqrMagnitude == 0 && shootVec.sqrMagnitude == 0 && !CurrentWeaponScript.shootDelaying));
        moveAttack.AddTransition(new Transition(attack, () => moveVec.sqrMagnitude == 0 && shootVec.sqrMagnitude != 0));


        fsm.Init(idle, Directions.Unspecified, Directions.Unspecified);
Beispiel #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a room, that is not this room, that contains the given ally
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ally">The ally coming from the room we will return</param>
 /// <returns>Room adjacent to this room where ally came from</returns>
 private Room GetAdjacentRoomByAlly(MoveAttack ally)
     // Iterate over the adjacent rooms until we get the room this ally is in
     foreach (Room adjRoom in _adjacentRooms)
         if (adjRoom._alliesInRoom.Contains(ally))
     // If we don't find it, something went wrong, or the game just started
     if (ally.Transition)
         Debug.Log("Could not find adjacent room with " + ally.name + " in it");
Beispiel #29
    // Gets character selected using the event and changes allyIndex to match the character selected character
    private void CharacterToHeal(MoveAttack charMA)
        if (charMA.WhatAmI == CharacterType.Ally && _isHolding == true)
            // reduces the charges
            PersistantController.SetPotCharges(PersistantController.GetPotCharges() - 1);

            _allyToHeal = charMA.GetComponent <AllyHealth>();
            if (_allyToHeal == null)
                Debug.LogError("No AllyHealth attached to " + _allyToHeal.name);

            _isHolding = false;
Beispiel #30
    /// <summary>
    /// Tries to start moving the selected character to the node that was just selected
    /// or tries to go to hit the enemy at the selected node
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="selNode">The node that was just selected</param>
    /// <returns>Returns true if the character will do an action, false if they just got deselected</returns>
    private bool AttemptMoveOrAttackOrInteract(Node selNode)
        MoveAttack charAtNode = _mAContRef.GetCharacterMAByNode(selNode);

        // If the current character can move there
        if (_charSelected.MoveTiles.Contains(selNode) && selNode.Occupying == CharacterType.None)
            // We want the user to be able to select after moving, so
            // when the ally finishes moving, return control
            MoveAttack.OnCharacterFinishedMoving += ReturnControlAfterMove;

            // Start moving the ally
            Node startNode = _mAContRef.GetNodeByWorldPosition(_charSelected.transform.position);
            DoMove(startNode, selNode);

        // If the current character can attack there (and wants to attack), and there is an (active) enemy there.
        // Then we want the current character to walk to the closest node to there and attack
        else if (_charSelected.AttackTiles.Contains(selNode) && !_charSelected.TargetFriendly && charAtNode != null &&
                 charAtNode.WhatAmI == CharacterType.Enemy && charAtNode.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
        // If the current character can heal/buff there (and wants to), and there is an ally there.
        // Then we want the current character to walk to the closest node to there and heal/buff
        else if (_charSelected.AttackTiles.Contains(selNode) && _charSelected.TargetFriendly && charAtNode != null &&
                 charAtNode.WhatAmI == CharacterType.Ally && charAtNode != _charSelected)
        // If the current character can interact there, and there is an interactable thing there
        else if (_charSelected.InteractTiles.Contains(selNode) && selNode.Occupying == CharacterType.Interactable)
        // If none of the above, just deselect them