public void OnMouseUp()
     _mouseDown = MouseDownOnTriangle.Nothing;
            /// <summary>
            /// This will return true if it can hangle the click.  Otherwise it returns false
            /// </summary>
            public bool OnMouseDown(MyVector mousePos)
                const double CLICKDISTANCE = 35;

                bool retVal = true;
                MyVector localPos = mousePos - this.Position;

                if (Utility3D.GetDistance3D(localPos, this.Vertex1) <= CLICKDISTANCE)
                    _mouseDown = MouseDownOnTriangle.Point1;
                    _offset = this.Triangle.Vertex1 - localPos;
                else if (Utility3D.GetDistance3D(localPos, this.Vertex2) <= CLICKDISTANCE)
                    _mouseDown = MouseDownOnTriangle.Point2;
                    _offset = this.Triangle.Vertex2 - localPos;
                else if (Utility3D.GetDistance3D(localPos, this.Vertex3) <= CLICKDISTANCE)
                    _mouseDown = MouseDownOnTriangle.Point3;
                    _offset = this.Triangle.Vertex3 - localPos;
                else if (Utility3D.GetDistance3D(localPos, this.RotateHandle) <= CLICKDISTANCE)
                    _mouseDown = MouseDownOnTriangle.Rotate;
                    _offset = this.RotateHandle - localPos;
                else if (localPos.GetMagnitudeSquared() <= this.Radius * this.Radius)		// I want to do this last
                    _mouseDown = MouseDownOnTriangle.Ball;
                    _offset = this.Position - mousePos;
                    retVal = false;

                return retVal;