internal async Task SetOutputStateAsyncInternal(MotorPort motorPort, short power, MotorModes motorMode, MotorRegulationMode motorRegulation,
			short turnRatio, MotorRunState runState, uint tachoLimit)
			await brick.SendCommandAsyncInternal(RequestTelegram.SetOutputState(motorPort, power, motorMode, motorRegulation, 
				turnRatio, runState, tachoLimit));
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a command to the motor connected to the specified port.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="motorPort">The port where the motor is connected to.</param>
        /// <param name="power">
        /// Power (also referred as speed) set point. Range: -100-100.
        /// The absolute value of <paramref name="power"/> is used as a percentage of the full power capabilities of the motor.
        /// The sign of <paramref name="power"/> specifies rotation direction. 
        /// Positive values for <paramref name="power"/> instruct the firmware to turn the motor forward, 
        /// while negative values instruct the firmware to turn the motor backward. 
        /// "Forward" and "backward" are relative to a standard orientation for a particular type of motor.
        /// Note that direction is not a meaningful concept for outputs like lamps. 
        /// Lamps are affected only by the absolute value of <paramref name="power"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="mode">Motor mode (bit-field).</param>
        /// <param name="regulation">Regulation mode.</param>
        /// <param name="turnRatio">
        /// This property specifies the proportional turning ratio for synchronized turning using two motors. Range: -100-100.
        /// <remarks>
        /// Negative <paramref name="turnRatio"/> values shift power towards the left motor, 
        /// whereas positive <paramref name="turnRatio"/> values shift power towards the right motor. 
        /// In both cases, the actual power applied is proportional to the <paramref name="power"/> set-point, 
        /// such that an absolute value of 50% for <paramref name="turnRatio"/> normally results in one motor stopping,
        /// and an absolute value of 100% for <paramref name="turnRatio"/> normally results in the two motors 
        /// turning in opposite directions at equal power.
        /// </remarks>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="runState">Motor run state.</param>
        /// <param name="tachoLimit">
        /// Tacho limit. This property specifies the rotational distance in 
        /// degrees that you want to turn the motor. Range: 0-4294967295, O: run forever.
        /// The sign of the <paramref name="power"/> property specifies the direction of rotation.
        /// </param>
        public void SetOutputState(MotorPort motorPort, sbyte power, MotorModes mode, LegoRegulationMode regulation,
			sbyte turnRatio, RunState runState, UInt32 tachoLimit )
            var data = CommandHelper.InitializeData(LegoCommandCode.SetOutputState, CommandType.DirectCommandWithoutResponse, 13);
            data[ 2 ] = (byte) motorPort;
            data[ 3 ] = (byte) power;
            data[ 4 ] = (byte) mode;
            data[ 5 ] = (byte) regulation;
            data[ 6 ] = (byte) turnRatio;
            data[ 7 ] = (byte) runState;
            data[ 8 ] = (byte) ( tachoLimit & 0xFF );   // Byte 8-12: tacho limit ULONG
            data[ 9 ] = (byte) ( tachoLimit >> 8 );
            data[ 10 ] = (byte) ( tachoLimit >> 16 );
            data[ 11 ] = (byte) ( tachoLimit >> 24 );

            Transmit( data ); // Return package: 0:0x02, 1:Command, 2:StatusByte
		SetOutputStateAsync(MotorPort motorPort, short power, MotorModes motorModes, MotorRegulationMode regulationMode,
			short turnRatio, MotorRunState runState, uint tachoLimit)
			return SetOutputStateAsyncInternal(motorPort, power, motorModes, regulationMode, turnRatio, runState, tachoLimit)