// Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        Vector3 direction = Thruster.transform.forward;
        Vector3 force     = Heading.transform.position - Thruster.transform.position;

        float costheta = Vector3.Dot(direction, force) / (direction.magnitude * force.magnitude);
        float theta    = Mathf.Acos(costheta);

        if (theta > Mathf.PI)
            theta -= Mathf.PI;

        float degrees = theta * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
        float a       = Mathf.Abs(theta);
        float p       = a / Mathf.PI;
        float d       = Mathf.Clamp(1 - p, 0, 1);

        float normal = MoreMaths.NormalDistribution(0.3f, 1, d) / (1.0f + (1.0f / 3.0f));

        AngleText.text = $"{degrees} - {d} - {normal}";

        Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, direction * 10, Color.blue);
        Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, direction * 10 * d, Color.red);
        Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, direction * 10 * normal, Color.green);
Beispiel #2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        Vector3 delta = Target.position - transform.position;

        Vector3 velocity  = body.velocity;
        Vector3 maxDeltaV = Force * Time.fixedDeltaTime / body.mass;

        Vector3 acceleration;

        if (velocity.sqrMagnitude == 0)
            acceleration = Force;
            acceleration = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(MoreMaths.Divide(-MoreMaths.Square(velocity), (2 * delta)), Force.magnitude);


        text.text = $"Delta: {delta} - Velocity: {velocity} - Acceleration: {acceleration}";
Beispiel #3
    private float CalculateEmissionFactor(Vector3 v)
        Vector3 forward = transform.forward;

        // Find the angle between the target force and forward
        float costheta = Vector3.Dot(forward, v) / (forward.magnitude * v.magnitude);
        float theta    = Mathf.Acos(costheta);

        if (theta > Mathf.PI)
            theta -= Mathf.PI;

        if (theta > -Mathf.PI && theta < Mathf.PI)
            // Get the percentile between zero and PI
            float d = Mathf.Clamp(1 - (Mathf.Abs(theta) / Mathf.PI), 0, 1);

            // Normal distribution
            return(MoreMaths.NormalDistribution(0.2f, 1, d) / 2.0f);
