Beispiel #1
        public MyRemoteServices.manageMonthlyPricesRequest GetMonthlyPricesRequest(MonthlyPricesViewModel mpVM)
            using (var ctx = new ApplicationDbContext())
                long bookingUnitId = (long)ctx.BookingUnits.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == mpVM.BookingUnitId).MainServerId;

                double[] myMonths = new double[12];
                myMonths[0]  = mpVM.JanuaryPrice;
                myMonths[1]  = mpVM.FebruaryPrice;
                myMonths[2]  = mpVM.MarchPrice;
                myMonths[3]  = mpVM.AprilPrice;
                myMonths[4]  = mpVM.MayPrice;
                myMonths[5]  = mpVM.JunePrice;
                myMonths[6]  = mpVM.JulyPrice;
                myMonths[7]  = mpVM.AugustPrice;
                myMonths[8]  = mpVM.SeptemberPrice;
                myMonths[9]  = mpVM.OctoberPrice;
                myMonths[10] = mpVM.NovemberPrice;
                myMonths[11] = mpVM.DecemberPrice;

                MyRemoteServices.MonthlyPrices prices = new MyRemoteServices.MonthlyPrices
                    mainServerId  = bookingUnitId,
                    monthlyPrices = myMonths,
                    year          = mpVM.Year

                MyRemoteServices.manageMonthlyPricesRequest retObj = new MyRemoteServices.manageMonthlyPricesRequest
                    monthlyPrice = prices

 // GET: ManageMonthlyPrices
 public ActionResult ManageMonthlyPrices(long bookingUnitId)
     if (!Request.IsAuthenticated)
         return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account"));
         var model = new MonthlyPricesViewModel();
         model.BookingUnitId = bookingUnitId;
        public ActionResult AddMonthlyPrices(MonthlyPricesViewModel mpVM)
            if (!Request.IsAuthenticated)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account"));
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    //send a request on the main server and await for the response
                    DTOHelper dtoHlp = new DTOHelper();
                    MyRemoteServices.AgentEndpointPortClient     aepc        = new MyRemoteServices.AgentEndpointPortClient();
                    MyRemoteServices.manageMonthlyPricesRequest  ampRequest  = dtoHlp.GetMonthlyPricesRequest(mpVM);
                    MyRemoteServices.manageMonthlyPricesResponse ampResponse = aepc.manageMonthlyPrices(ampRequest);

                    bool isUpdate = false;
                    if (ampResponse.responseWrapper.sucess)
                        //save localy
                        using (var ctx = new ApplicationDbContext())
                            //see if the monthly price sheet already exists
                            var queryData = ctx.MonthlyPrices
                                            .Where(x => x.BookingUnit.Id == mpVM.BookingUnitId && x.Year == mpVM.Year)
                                            .OrderBy(x => x.Month)

                            if (queryData.Count == 0)
                                //if not, add a new one
                                BookingUnit myUnit = ctx.BookingUnits.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == mpVM.BookingUnitId);

                                //help structure for monthly prices
                                double[] myMonths = new double[12];
                                myMonths[0]  = mpVM.JanuaryPrice;
                                myMonths[1]  = mpVM.FebruaryPrice;
                                myMonths[2]  = mpVM.MarchPrice;
                                myMonths[3]  = mpVM.AprilPrice;
                                myMonths[4]  = mpVM.MayPrice;
                                myMonths[5]  = mpVM.JunePrice;
                                myMonths[6]  = mpVM.JulyPrice;
                                myMonths[7]  = mpVM.AugustPrice;
                                myMonths[8]  = mpVM.SeptemberPrice;
                                myMonths[9]  = mpVM.OctoberPrice;
                                myMonths[10] = mpVM.NovemberPrice;
                                myMonths[11] = mpVM.DecemberPrice;

                                //long[] myMainServedIds = (long[])ampResponse.responseWrapper.mainServerId;

                                for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                                    MonthlyPrices newMp = new MonthlyPrices
                                        Year         = mpVM.Year,
                                        Month        = i + 1,
                                        BookingUnit  = myUnit,
                                        Amount       = myMonths[i],
                                        MainServerId = 1
                                //if yes, edit the existing one
                                foreach (var m in queryData)
                                    if (m.Month == 1)
                                        m.Amount = mpVM.JanuaryPrice;
                                    if (m.Month == 2)
                                        m.Amount = mpVM.FebruaryPrice;
                                    if (m.Month == 3)
                                        m.Amount = mpVM.MarchPrice;
                                    if (m.Month == 4)
                                        m.Amount = mpVM.AprilPrice;
                                    if (m.Month == 5)
                                        m.Amount = mpVM.MayPrice;
                                    if (m.Month == 6)
                                        m.Amount = mpVM.JunePrice;
                                    if (m.Month == 7)
                                        m.Amount = mpVM.JulyPrice;
                                    if (m.Month == 8)
                                        m.Amount = mpVM.AugustPrice;
                                    if (m.Month == 9)
                                        m.Amount = mpVM.SeptemberPrice;
                                    if (m.Month == 10)
                                        m.Amount = mpVM.OctoberPrice;
                                    if (m.Month == 11)
                                        m.Amount = mpVM.NovemberPrice;
                                    if (m.Month == 12)
                                        m.Amount = mpVM.DecemberPrice;

                                isUpdate = true;

                            //save changes
                        //some error happened, retry
                        TempData["error"] = ampResponse.responseWrapper.message;
                        return(RedirectToAction("ManageMonhtlyPrices", "Agent", new { bookingUnitId = mpVM.BookingUnitId }));

                    TempData["success"] = "Successfully ADDED a new monthly prices sheet for the year " + mpVM.Year;
                    if (isUpdate)
                        TempData["success"] = "Successfully UPDATED the monthly prices sheet for the year " + mpVM.Year;
                    return(RedirectToAction("AgentPage", "Agent"));
                    //invalid VM exception
                    TempData["error"] = "Some form atributes are incorrect";
                    return(RedirectToAction("ManageMonhtlyPrices", "Agent", new { bookingUnitId = mpVM.BookingUnitId }));