public async Task ExpenditurePostTest_InvalidModelState()
            string id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            this._controller.RouteData.Values.Add("id", id);
            this._controller.ModelState.AddModelError("testing", "testing");
            this._portalSettings.Features.EnablePartialSave = true;

            ExpendituresVm       vm                 = new ExpendituresVm();
            IncomeAndExpenditure iAndE              = new IncomeAndExpenditure();
            MonthlyIncome        monthlyIncome      = new MonthlyIncome();
            MonthlyIncomeVm      monthlyIncomeVm    = new MonthlyIncomeVm();
            MonthlyOutgoings     monthlyOutgoings   = new MonthlyOutgoings();
            MonthlyOutgoingsVm   monthlyOutgoingsVm = new MonthlyOutgoingsVm();

            this._sessionState.Setup(x => x.CheckSessionStatus(id));
            this._sessionState.Setup(x => x.GetIncomeAndExpenditure(Guid.Parse(id))).Returns(iAndE);
            this._mapper.Setup(x => x.Map(vm, iAndE)).Returns(iAndE);
            this._sessionState.Setup(x => x.SaveIncomeAndExpenditure(iAndE, Guid.Parse(id)));

            this._calculatorService.Setup(x => x.CalculateMonthlyIncome(iAndE)).Returns(monthlyIncome);
            this._calculatorService.Setup(x => x.CalculateMonthlyOutgoings(iAndE)).Returns(monthlyOutgoings);
            this._mapper.Setup(x => x.Map <MonthlyIncome, MonthlyIncomeVm>(monthlyIncome))
            this._mapper.Setup(x => x.Map <MonthlyOutgoings, MonthlyOutgoingsVm>(monthlyOutgoings))

            ViewResult result = (ViewResult)await this._controller.ExpenditurePost(vm, "testing");

            Assert.AreEqual("Expenditure", result.ViewName);
            Assert.AreEqual(vm, result.Model);
            Assert.AreEqual(vm.IncomeVmSummary, monthlyIncomeVm);
            Assert.AreEqual(vm.OutgoingsVmSummary, monthlyOutgoingsVm);
        public void ConvertTest_SourceNull()
            IncomeAndExpenditure source      = null;
            ExpendituresVm       destination = Utilities.CreateDefaultTestExpendituresVm();
            ExpendituresVm       expected    = Utilities.DeepCopy(destination);

            MonthlyIncome   monthlyIncome   = new MonthlyIncome();
            MonthlyIncomeVm monthlyIncomeVm = new MonthlyIncomeVm()
                Benefits = 100,
                Other    = 200,
                Pension  = 300,
                Salary   = 400,
                Total    = 1000

            MonthlyOutgoings   monthlyOutgoings   = new MonthlyOutgoings();
            MonthlyOutgoingsVm monthlyOutgoingsVm = new MonthlyOutgoingsVm()
                Expenditures   = 1000,
                HouseholdBills = 2000,
                Total          = 3000

            _calculatorService.Setup(x => x.CalculateMonthlyIncome(It.IsAny <IncomeAndExpenditure>()))
            _mapper.Setup(x => x.Map <MonthlyIncomeVm>(monthlyIncome)).Returns(monthlyIncomeVm);
            _calculatorService.Setup(x => x.CalculateMonthlyOutgoings(It.IsAny <IncomeAndExpenditure>()))
            _mapper.Setup(x => x.Map <MonthlyOutgoingsVm>(monthlyOutgoings)).Returns(monthlyOutgoingsVm);

            expected.CareAndHealthCosts.Amount          = 0;
            expected.CareAndHealthCosts.Frequency       = null;
            expected.CommunicationsAndLeisure.Amount    = 0;
            expected.CommunicationsAndLeisure.Frequency = null;
            expected.FoodAndHouseKeeping.Amount         = 0;
            expected.FoodAndHouseKeeping.Frequency      = null;
            expected.IncomeVmSummary                = monthlyIncomeVm;
            expected.Other.Amount                   = 0;
            expected.Other.Frequency                = null;
            expected.OutgoingsVmSummary             = monthlyOutgoingsVm;
            expected.PensionsAndInsurance.Amount    = 0;
            expected.PensionsAndInsurance.Frequency = null;
            expected.PersonalCosts.Amount           = 0;
            expected.PersonalCosts.Frequency        = null;
            expected.Professional.Amount            = 0;
            expected.Professional.Frequency         = null;
            expected.Savings.Amount                 = 0;
            expected.Savings.Frequency              = null;
            expected.SchoolCosts.Amount             = 0;
            expected.SchoolCosts.Frequency          = null;
            expected.TravelAndTransport.Amount      = 0;
            expected.TravelAndTransport.Frequency   = null;

            ExpendituresVm result = _converter.Convert(source, destination, null);

            //Check result is as expected
            Assert.IsTrue(Utilities.DeepCompare(expected, result));
Beispiel #3
        public void ConvertTest_DestinationNull()
            IncomeAndExpenditure source = new IncomeAndExpenditure()
                Mortgage             = 100,
                MortgageArrears      = 10,
                MortgageFrequency    = "monthly",
                Rental               = 150,
                RentalArrears        = 0,
                RentalFrequency      = "weekly",
                Electricity          = 200,
                ElectricityArrears   = 20,
                ElectricityFrequency = "fortnightly",
                CCJs                      = 250,
                CCJsArrears               = 0,
                CCJsFrequency             = "monthly",
                ChildMaintenance          = 300,
                ChildMaintenanceArrears   = 30,
                ChildMaintenanceFrequency = "weekly",
                CouncilTax                = 350,
                CouncilTaxArrears         = 0,
                CouncilTaxFrequency       = "fortnightly",
                CourtFines                = 400,
                CourtFinesArrears         = 40,
                CourtFinesFrequency       = "monthly",
                Gas                           = 450,
                GasArrears                    = 0,
                GasFrequency                  = "weekly",
                OtherUtilities                = 500,
                OtherUtilitiesArrears         = 50,
                OtherUtilitiesFrequency       = "fortnightly",
                Rent                          = 550,
                RentArrears                   = 0,
                RentFrequency                 = "monthly",
                SecuredLoans                  = 600,
                SecuredloansArrears           = 60,
                SecuredLoansFrequency         = "weekly",
                TvLicence                     = 650,
                TvLicenceArrears              = 0,
                TvLicenceFrequency            = "fortnightly",
                Water                         = 700,
                WaterArrears                  = 70,
                WaterFrequency                = "monthly",
                AdultsInHousehold             = 1,
                ChildrenUnder16               = 2,
                Children16to18                = 3,
                HasArrears                    = true,
                UtilitiesTotal                = 750,
                UtilitiesTotalArrears         = 0,
                UtilitiesTotalFrequency       = "weekly",
                User                          = "******",
                Created                       = DateTime.Now.Date,
                Healthcare                    = 800,
                HealthcareFrequency           = "fortnightly",
                HomeContents                  = 850,
                HomeContentsArrears           = 0,
                HomeContentsFrequency         = "monthly",
                EmploymentStatus              = "student",
                Housekeeping                  = 900,
                HousekeepingFrequency         = "monthly",
                HousingStatus                 = "homeowner",
                DisposableIncome              = 999.99M,
                BenefitsTotal                 = 888.88M,
                BenefitsTotalFrequency        = "monthly",
                Leisure                       = 50,
                LeisureFrequency              = "weekly",
                OtherDebts                    = new List <SaveOtherDebts>(),
                OtherExpenditure              = 60,
                OtherExpenditureFrequency     = "fortnightly",
                OtherIncome                   = 500,
                OtherincomeFrequency          = "monthly",
                LowellReference               = "123456789",
                EarningsTotal                 = 10000,
                EarningsTotalFrequency        = "monthly",
                PersonalCosts                 = 225,
                PersonalCostsFrequency        = "monthly",
                Pension                       = 400,
                PensionFrequency              = "monthly",
                Salary                        = 9999,
                SalaryFrequency               = "monthly",
                SavingsContributions          = 55,
                SavingsContributionsFrequency = "weekly",
                SchoolCosts                   = 5,
                SchoolCostsFrequency          = "weekly",
                Travel                        = 45,
                TravelFrequency               = "fortnightly",
                ProfessionalCosts             = 123,
                ProfessionalCostsFrequency    = "monthly",
                IncomeTotal                   = 1234.56M,
                PensionInsurance              = 75,
                PensionInsuranceFrequency     = "monthly",
                ExpenditureTotal              = 1000

            //Create a copy of source for later
            IncomeAndExpenditure sourceCopy = Utilities.DeepCopy(source);

            MonthlyIncome   monthlyIncome   = new MonthlyIncome();
            MonthlyIncomeVm monthlyIncomeVm = new MonthlyIncomeVm()
                Benefits = 100,
                Other    = 200,
                Pension  = 300,
                Salary   = 400,
                Total    = 1000

            MonthlyOutgoings   monthlyOutgoings   = new MonthlyOutgoings();
            MonthlyOutgoingsVm monthlyOutgoingsVm = new MonthlyOutgoingsVm()
                Expenditures   = 123,
                HouseholdBills = 456,
                Total          = 789

            BillsAndOutgoingsVm destination = null;
            BillsAndOutgoingsVm expected    = new BillsAndOutgoingsVm();

            expected.Mortgage = new OutgoingSourceVm()
                Amount = 100, ArrearsAmount = 10, Frequency = "monthly", InArrears = true
            expected.ApplianceOrFurnitureRental = new OutgoingSourceVm()
                Amount = 150, ArrearsAmount = 0, Frequency = "weekly", InArrears = false
            expected.Electric = new OutgoingSourceVm()
                Amount = 200, ArrearsAmount = 20, Frequency = "fortnightly", InArrears = true
            expected.Ccjs = new OutgoingSourceVm()
                Amount = 250, ArrearsAmount = 0, Frequency = "monthly", InArrears = false
            expected.ChildMaintenance = new OutgoingSourceVm()
                Amount = 300, ArrearsAmount = 30, Frequency = "weekly", InArrears = true
            expected.CouncilTax = new OutgoingSourceVm()
                Amount = 350, ArrearsAmount = 0, Frequency = "fortnightly", InArrears = false
            expected.CourtFines = new OutgoingSourceVm()
                Amount = 400, ArrearsAmount = 40, Frequency = "monthly", InArrears = true
            expected.Gas = new OutgoingSourceVm()
                Amount = 450, ArrearsAmount = 0, Frequency = "weekly", InArrears = false
            expected.OtherFuel = new OutgoingSourceVm()
                Amount = 500, ArrearsAmount = 50, Frequency = "fortnightly", InArrears = true
            expected.Rent = new OutgoingSourceVm()
                Amount = 550, ArrearsAmount = 0, Frequency = "monthly", InArrears = false
            expected.SecuredLoan = new OutgoingSourceVm()
                Amount = 600, ArrearsAmount = 60, Frequency = "weekly", InArrears = true
            expected.TvLicense = new OutgoingSourceVm()
                Amount = 650, ArrearsAmount = 0, Frequency = "fortnightly", InArrears = false
            expected.Water = new OutgoingSourceVm()
                Amount = 700, ArrearsAmount = 70, Frequency = "monthly", InArrears = true
            expected.IncomeSummary   = monthlyIncomeVm;
            expected.OutgoingSummary = monthlyOutgoingsVm;

            _calculatorService.Setup(x => x.CalculateMonthlyIncome(source)).Returns(monthlyIncome);
            _calculatorService.Setup(x => x.CalculateMonthlyOutgoings(source)).Returns(monthlyOutgoings);
            _mapper.Setup(x => x.Map <MonthlyIncomeVm>(monthlyIncome)).Returns(monthlyIncomeVm);
            _mapper.Setup(x => x.Map <MonthlyOutgoingsVm>(monthlyOutgoings)).Returns(monthlyOutgoingsVm);

            BillsAndOutgoingsVm result = _converter.Convert(source, destination, null);

            //Check that the result is as expected
            Assert.IsTrue(Utilities.DeepCompare(expected, result));

            //Check that source hasn't been modified
            Assert.IsTrue(Utilities.DeepCompare(source, sourceCopy));
Beispiel #4
        public void ConvertTest_SourceNull()
            IncomeAndExpenditure source      = null;
            BillsAndOutgoingsVm  destination = Utilities.CreateDefaultTestBillsAndOutgoingsVm();
            BillsAndOutgoingsVm  expected    = Utilities.DeepCopy(destination);

            MonthlyIncome   monthlyIncome   = new MonthlyIncome();
            MonthlyIncomeVm monthlyIncomeVm = new MonthlyIncomeVm()
                Benefits = 100,
                Other    = 200,
                Salary   = 300,
                Pension  = 400,
                Total    = 1000

            MonthlyOutgoings   monthlyOutgoings   = new MonthlyOutgoings();
            MonthlyOutgoingsVm monthlyOutgoingsVm = new MonthlyOutgoingsVm()
                Expenditures   = 1000,
                HouseholdBills = 2000,
                Total          = 3000

            _calculatorService.Setup(x => x.CalculateMonthlyIncome(It.IsAny <IncomeAndExpenditure>()))
            _mapper.Setup(x => x.Map <MonthlyIncomeVm>(monthlyIncome)).Returns(monthlyIncomeVm);
            _calculatorService.Setup(x => x.CalculateMonthlyOutgoings(It.IsAny <IncomeAndExpenditure>()))
            _mapper.Setup(x => x.Map <MonthlyOutgoingsVm>(monthlyOutgoings)).Returns(monthlyOutgoingsVm);

            expected.ApplianceOrFurnitureRental.Amount        = 0;
            expected.ApplianceOrFurnitureRental.ArrearsAmount = 0;
            expected.ApplianceOrFurnitureRental.Frequency     = null;
            expected.ApplianceOrFurnitureRental.InArrears     = false;

            expected.Ccjs.Amount        = 0;
            expected.Ccjs.ArrearsAmount = 0;
            expected.Ccjs.Frequency     = null;
            expected.Ccjs.InArrears     = false;

            expected.ChildMaintenance.Amount        = 0;
            expected.ChildMaintenance.ArrearsAmount = 0;
            expected.ChildMaintenance.Frequency     = null;
            expected.ChildMaintenance.InArrears     = false;

            expected.CouncilTax.Amount        = 0;
            expected.CouncilTax.ArrearsAmount = 0;
            expected.CouncilTax.Frequency     = null;
            expected.CouncilTax.InArrears     = false;

            expected.CourtFines.Amount        = 0;
            expected.CourtFines.ArrearsAmount = 0;
            expected.CourtFines.Frequency     = null;
            expected.CourtFines.InArrears     = false;

            expected.Electric.Amount        = 0;
            expected.Electric.ArrearsAmount = 0;
            expected.Electric.Frequency     = null;
            expected.Electric.InArrears     = false;

            expected.Gas.Amount        = 0;
            expected.Gas.ArrearsAmount = 0;
            expected.Gas.Frequency     = null;
            expected.Gas.InArrears     = false;

            expected.IncomeSummary   = monthlyIncomeVm;
            expected.OutgoingSummary = monthlyOutgoingsVm;

            expected.Mortgage.Amount        = 0;
            expected.Mortgage.ArrearsAmount = 0;
            expected.Mortgage.Frequency     = null;
            expected.Mortgage.InArrears     = false;

            expected.OtherFuel.Amount        = 0;
            expected.OtherFuel.ArrearsAmount = 0;
            expected.OtherFuel.Frequency     = null;
            expected.OtherFuel.InArrears     = false;

            expected.Rent.Amount        = 0;
            expected.Rent.ArrearsAmount = 0;
            expected.Rent.Frequency     = null;
            expected.Rent.InArrears     = false;

            expected.SecuredLoan.Amount        = 0;
            expected.SecuredLoan.ArrearsAmount = 0;
            expected.SecuredLoan.Frequency     = null;
            expected.SecuredLoan.InArrears     = false;

            expected.TvLicense.Amount        = 0;
            expected.TvLicense.ArrearsAmount = 0;
            expected.TvLicense.Frequency     = null;
            expected.TvLicense.InArrears     = false;

            expected.Water.Amount        = 0;
            expected.Water.ArrearsAmount = 0;
            expected.Water.Frequency     = null;
            expected.Water.InArrears     = false;

            BillsAndOutgoingsVm result = _converter.Convert(source, destination, null);

            //Check result is as expected
            Assert.IsTrue(Utilities.DeepCompare(expected, result));