Beispiel #1
    //function used to perform backpropagation of the MCTS cycle
    private void Backpropogation(MonteCarloNode _nodeToExplore, int _winningPlayerNo)
        //creates a backup node, setting the values to that of node to expore as passed through
        MonteCarloNode _backupNode = _nodeToExplore;

        //loops while the backup node is not null
        while (_backupNode != null)
            //increments the visit count of the backup node's state

            //checks if the winner of the simulation was the enemy
            if (_winningPlayerNo == MonteCarloBoard._enemyVal)
                //increases the backup node's state's score by 10

            //checks if the winner of the simulation was the player
            else if (_winningPlayerNo == MonteCarloBoard._playerVal)
                //decreases the backup node's state's score by 10

            //sets the backup node to it's parent node
            _backupNode = _backupNode.GetParent();
    //Finds max visit value within child nodes of referenced Node
    public static MonteCarloNode findBestUCTNode(MonteCarloNode _node)
        //creates a new int parent visit, setting the value to that of the referenced node's state's visit count
        int _parentVisit = _node.GetState().GetVisits();

        //creates variables used to assist in finding the best UCT node
        int _childIndex = 0;

        double _uctValue;

        double _prevUctValue = int.MinValue;

        //loops which iterates for the number of children in the referenced node, finding the best child node with UCT
        for (int i = 0; i < _node.GetChildren().Count; i++)
            //finds the UCT value of the current child node
            _uctValue = UCTValue(_parentVisit, _node.GetChildren()[i].GetState().GetScore(), _node.GetChildren()[i].GetState().GetVisits());

            //checks if the current UCT value is greater than that of the previous UCT value
            if (_uctValue > _prevUctValue)
                //sets the child index to the index of the current child node
                _childIndex = i;

            //sets the previous UCT value to the current UCT value
            _prevUctValue = _uctValue;

        //returns the child node at the index which produced the best UCT value
Beispiel #3
    //function used to perform the MCTS Cycle
    public void MCTSCycle(MonteCarloNode _rootNode)
        // Phase 1 - Selection
        //finds best node from root node using UCT (Upper Confidence Bound for Trees)
        MonteCarloNode _selectionNode = Selection(_rootNode);

        // Phase 2 - Expansion
        //Checks if the selected node produces a win state, otherwise expanding on the selected node
        if (_selectionNode.GetState().GetBoard().CheckStatus() == MonteCarloBoard._inProgress)
            //Performs expansion on the seleted node

        // Phase 3 - Simulation
        //sets the node to explore to the selected node
        MonteCarloNode _nodeToExplore = _selectionNode;

        //checks if the node to explore contains any children
        if (_selectionNode.GetChildren().Count > 0)
            //sets the node to explore to a random child node if any are available
            _nodeToExplore = _selectionNode.GetRandomChild();

        //simulates the node to explore and produces the number of the winner of the simulation, storing the result
        int _simulationWinner = Simulation(_nodeToExplore);

        // Phase 4 - Update
        //backpropagates up the tree, updating node scores from the node to explore to root based upon the winner of the simulation
        Backpropogation(_nodeToExplore, _simulationWinner);
Beispiel #4
    //function used to perform MCTS and return the best node's board
    public MonteCarloBoard findNextMove(MonteCarloBoard _board)
        //gathers a start and end time, limiting the amount of MCTS cycles for the enemy to a timer
        float _start = Time.realtimeSinceStartup * 100;

        float _end = _start + 5;

        //gets the root of the tree
        MonteCarloNode _rootNode = _tree.getRoot();

        //sets the root node to the current board

        //checks whether learning phase has been carried out
        if (!_tree.learningPhase)
            //performs 1000 iterations of MCTS
            for (int l = 0; l < 1000; l++)
                //function used to perform MCTS

            //sets learning phase as true so that it does not occur again
            _tree.learningPhase = true;
            //performs the MCTS for the limited amount of time, terminating on the last cycle once the time is reached.
            while (Time.realtimeSinceStartup * 100 < _end)
                //function used to perform MCTS

        //finds the best child node of the root node
        MonteCarloNode _optimalNode = _rootNode.GetMaxChild();

        //sets the root node to the new winner node

        //returns the board of the root's best child node
Beispiel #5
    public MonteCarloNode(MonteCarloNode _newNode)
        this._children = new List <MonteCarloNode>();

        this._state = new MonteCarloState(_newNode.GetState());

        if (_newNode.GetParent() != null)
            this._parent = _newNode.GetParent();

        List <MonteCarloNode> _nodeChildren = _newNode.GetChildren();

        foreach (MonteCarloNode _child in _nodeChildren)
            this._children.Add(new MonteCarloNode(_child));
Beispiel #6
    //function used to perform expansion of the MCTS cycle
    private void Expansion(MonteCarloNode _nodeToExpand)
        //finds all legal states for the current node
        List <MonteCarloState> _legalStates = _nodeToExpand.GetState().GetLegalStates();

        //loops through each legal state found
        foreach (MonteCarloState _state in _legalStates)
            //creates a new node, setting it's state to a legal state found
            MonteCarloNode _newNode = new MonteCarloNode(_state);

            //sets the parent as the node to expand as passed through

            //adds the new node to the child array of the node to expand
Beispiel #7
    //function used to perform simulation of the MCTS cycle
    private int Simulation(MonteCarloNode _nodeToSimulate)
        //sets the turn number to the enemy value, so that the simulation begins within the right turn
        int _turn = MonteCarloBoard._enemyVal;

        //creates a temporary node, setting the values to that of the node to simulate
        MonteCarloNode _tempNode = new MonteCarloNode(_nodeToSimulate);

        //creates a tempporary state, setting the values to that of the temporary node's state
        MonteCarloState _tempState = _tempNode.GetState();

        //checks for the current board status of the temporary node
        int _boardStatus = _tempState.GetBoard().CheckStatus();

        //checks if the current board state produces a win for the player
        if (_boardStatus == MonteCarloBoard._playerVal)
            //sets the score of the temp node's parent's state to the minimum integer value

            //returns the board status value

        //loops while the board state is in progress
        while (_boardStatus == MonteCarloBoard._inProgress)
            //changes the turn between the player and the enemy
            _turn = 3 - _turn;

            //performs a random play from the current tempstate

            //sets the board status to the current board state of the temp state board
            _boardStatus = _tempState.GetBoard().CheckStatus();

        //returns the board status value