Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>True if a break-out to the 'high' side is detected</summary>
        private bool IsBreakOutInternal(Monic trend, List <Peak> peaks, bool high)
            // A break-out is when the latest candle is significantly above the upper trend line
            // or below the lower trend line and showing signs of going further. Also, the preceding candles
            // must be below the trend line.

            // No trend, no break-out
            if (trend == null)

            // The latest candle must be in the break-out direction
            var sign   = high ? +1 : -1;
            var latest = Instrument.Latest;

            if (latest.Sign != sign)

            // The price must be beyond the trend by a significant amount
            var price_threshold = trend.F(0.0) + sign * Instrument.MCS;

            if (Math.Sign(latest.Close - price_threshold) != sign)

            // Only the latest few candles can be beyond the trend line
            // and all must be in the direction of the break out.
            if (peaks[0].Index < -2)
                // Allow the last two candles to be part of the break out
                foreach (var c in Instrument.CandleRange(peaks[0].Index, -2))
                    // If more than half the candle is beyond the trend line, not a breakout
                    var ratio = sign * Instrument.Compare(c, trend, false);
                    if (ratio > 0)

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>Determine a measure of trend strength</summary>
        private double TrendStrength(Monic trend, List <Peak> peaks, bool high)
            if (trend == null)

            // Trend strength has to be a measure of how often price approached the trend line
            // and bounced off. Candles miles away from the trend line don't count, only consider
            // candles that span or are within a tolerance range of the trend line.
            var above = 0.0; var below = 0.0; var count = 0;
            var threshold = ConfirmTrend * Instrument.MCS;

            foreach (var c in Instrument.CandleRange(peaks.Back().Index, Instrument.IdxLast - WindowSize))
                var p = trend.F(c.Index + Instrument.IdxFirst);
                if (c.High < p - threshold)
                if (c.Low > p + threshold)
                above += Math.Max(0, c.High - p);
                below += Math.Max(0, p - c.Low);

            // There must be some candles contributing
            var total = above + below;

            if (total == 0)

            // Return the proportion of above to below
            var strength = (high ? +1 : -1) * (below - above) / total;

            // Weight the strength based on the number of candles that contribute
            var weighted_count = Maths.Sigmoid(count, 6);

            return(strength * weighted_count);
Beispiel #3
 [Test] public void FromLinearRegression()
         var pts = new v2[]
             new v2(0, 15),
             new v2(1, 13),
             new v2(2, 10),
             new v2(3, 7),
             new v2(4, 4),
             new v2(5, 1),
         var m = Monic.FromLinearRegression(pts);
         //Assert.True(Math_.FEql(m.A, 0.689393937587738));
         //Assert.True(Math_.FEql(m.B, -6.10151338577271));
         var pts = new v2[]
             new v2(0, 15),
             new v2(1, 13),
             new v2(2, 10),
             new v2(3, 7),
             new v2(4, 4),
             new v2(5, 1),
             new v2(6, 5),
             new v2(7, 8),
             new v2(8, 13),
             new v2(9, 19),
         var q = Quadratic.FromLinearRegression(pts);
         Assert.True(Math_.FEql((float)q.A, 0.689394f));
         Assert.True(Math_.FEql((float)q.B, -6.10151672f));
         Assert.True(Math_.FEql((float)q.C, 17.3090973f));
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>Return a polynomial approximation of the indicator values or null if no decent approximation could be made. 'order' is polynomial order (i.e. 1 or 2)</summary>
        public Extrapolation Extrapolate(int order, int history_count, Idx?idx_ = null, int series = 0)
            var idx = idx_ ?? IdxLast;

            // Get the points to fit too
            var range  = Instrument.IndexRange(idx - history_count, idx);
            var points = range
                         .Where(x => Maths.IsFinite(Source[series][(int)(x - IdxFirst)]))
                         .Select(x => new v2((float)x, (float)Source[series][(int)(x - IdxFirst)]))

            // Require a minimum number of points
            if (points.Length <= order)

            // Create a curve using linear regression
            var curve = (IPolynomial)null;

            switch (order)
            default: throw new Exception("Unsupported polynomial order");

            case 2: curve = Quadratic.FromLinearRegression(points); break;

            case 1: curve = Monic.FromLinearRegression(points); break;

            // Measure the confidence in the fit.
            // Map the error range to [0,+1], where > 0.5 is "good"
            var rms  = Math.Sqrt(points.Sum(x => Maths.Sqr(x.y - curve.F(x.x))));
            var conf = 1.0 - Maths.Sigmoid(rms, Instrument.MCS * 0.2);

            return(new Extrapolation(curve, conf));
Beispiel #5
        // Notes:
        //  - price is trending up if the lows are getting higher
        //  - price is trending down if the highs are getting lower
        //  - trend is unknown otherwise
        //  - Break outs can be detected by comparing two sets of price peaks

        /// <summary>Find the highs and lows of the price</summary>
        /// <param name="instr">The instrument to find peaks in</param>
        /// <param name="iend">The last candle, i.e. look backwards from here</param>
        public PricePeaks(Instrument instr, Idx iend, int window_size = 5)
            Instrument   = instr;
            WindowSize   = window_size;
            ConfirmTrend = 0.5;
            Beg          = iend;
            End          = iend;
            Highs        = new List <Peak>();
            Lows         = new List <Peak>();

            #region Find peaks
                var threshold = ConfirmTrend * Instrument.MCS;
                var corr_hi   = new Correlation();
                var corr_lo   = new Correlation();

                // The last high/low encountered
                var hi = (Peak)null;
                var lo = (Peak)null;

                var done_hi = false;
                var done_lo = false;

                // Iterate through the peaks
                foreach (var pk in FindPeaks(iend))
                    // Save the first peak as it might be a break out
                    if (FirstPeak == null)
                        FirstPeak = pk;

                    var last  = pk.High ? hi        : lo;
                    var peaks = pk.High ? Highs     : Lows;
                    var corr  = pk.High ? corr_hi   : corr_lo;
                    var trend = pk.High ? TrendHigh : TrendLow;
                    var done  = pk.High ? done_hi   : done_lo;

                    // First peak encountered?
                    if (last == null)
                        // Just save the peak
                        corr.Add(pk.Index, pk.Price);
                    // The trend has not been broken
                    else if (!done)
                        // Second peak encountered
                        if (trend == null)
                            // Form a trend line between the peaks
                            if (pk.High)
                                TrendHigh = Monic.FromPoints(pk.Index, pk.Price, last.Index, last.Price);
                                TrendLow = Monic.FromPoints(pk.Index, pk.Price, last.Index, last.Price);
                            corr.Add(pk.Index, pk.Price);
                        // 3+ peak encountered, confirm trend strength
                            // Get the predicted value from the trend line
                            var p = trend.F(pk.Index);
                            if (Math.Abs(p - pk.Price) < threshold)
                                // If within tolerance, the trend is confirmed
                                corr.Add(pk.Index, pk.Price);
                                if (pk.High)
                                    TrendHigh = corr.LinearRegression;
                                    TrendLow = corr.LinearRegression;
                                if (pk.High)
                                    done_hi = true;
                                    done_lo = true;

                                // Otherwise, if the trend does not have 3 points, it is rejected
                                if (peaks.Count < 3)
                                    if (pk.High)
                                        TrendHigh = null;
                                        TrendLow = null;

                    // Save the peak as last
                    if (pk.High)
                        hi = pk;
                        lo = pk;

                    // If the high and low trends are done, break the loop
                    if (done_hi && done_lo)