Beispiel #1
        public async Task RequestAsyncTest()
            var apiInstance = new MojiDictApi();

            string word = "君の名前";

            var result = await apiInstance.RequestAsync(word).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Assert.AreEqual(result, "君");
Beispiel #2
        // FIXME: learn new way
        // This make design view but get wrong in Real mode
        //public GameViewModel() : this(new DesignGameDataService()) { }
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the MainViewModel class.
        /// </summary>
        public GameViewModel(IGameDataService dataService)
            TextTemplateConfig = TextTemplateType.OutLineKanaBottom;

            _dataService          = dataService;
            DisplayTextCollection = _dataService.InitTextData(TextTemplateConfig);

            if (IsInDesignMode)
                // Code runs in Blend --> create design time data.
                CardInfo = new WordCardInfo()
                    Word      = "買う",
                    Ruby      = "かう",
                    IsProcess = false,
                    Hinshi    = "動詞",
                    Kaisetsu  = new ObservableCollection <string>()
                        "1. 多,多数,许多。(たくさん。多くのもの。)",
                        "2. 多半,大都。(ふつう。一般に。たいてい。)"

                MainHeight = 800;
                MainWidth  = 600;
                // Code runs "for real"
                CardInfo          = new WordCardInfo();
                _mecabHelper      = new MecabHelper();
                _mojiHelper       = new MojiDictApi();
                _baiduHelper      = new BaiduWebTranslator();
                WordSearchCommand = new RelayCommand <SingleTextItem>(WordSearch, CanWordSearch);
                PopupCloseCommand = new RelayCommand(() => Messenger.Default.Send(new NotificationMessage("CloseCard")));
                PinCommand        = new RelayCommand(() => TextPanelPin = !TextPanelPin);
                TranslateCommand  = new RelayCommand(FakeDoTranslate);
                TranslateTextList = new ObservableCollection <string>();

                Textractor.SelectedDataEvent += SelectedDataEventHandler;